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Former Member

Jagdeo should not have invoked Dr Jagan’s way of life

STABROEK NEWS, MARCH 19 --- Former President Bharrat Jagdeo should stick to the old adage: if you don’t have anything good to say, keep quiet. Whether well intended as justification for the new dispensation of lifestyles for some of the ruling class or not, Mr Jagdeo should not invoke Dr Cheddi Jagan’s way of life. To compare Dr Jagan’s simple life and his home in Bel Air to what obtains today is absurd. Dr Jagan and Mrs Janet Jagan were way above reproach when it comes to modesty in both public and private life.

There’s no need to reiterate what Mr Ralph Ramkarran and Ms Nadira Jagan-Brancier said, however some things with regard to Mrs Jagan will clarify how both the Jagans lived and led by example.

There’s a funny story about Cheddi’s legendary frugality. Apparently the roof of the house leaked and Janet would use the pots and pans to catch the drips. It was only when she ran out of drip pans that Cheddi reluctantly agreed to have the roof fixed.

I worked with Mrs Jagan for almost 10 years and never once could the label ‘fancy lifestyle’ apply. As president, Mrs Jagan chose to live at Bel Air instead of State House. The presidential guards complained that their assigned space was inadequate. She loathed the use of outriders and sirens when she travelled. Mrs Jagan was a security nightmare for those responsible for that assignment. She frequently made unscheduled stops to go to the market, visit a sick person, etc.

Mrs Jagan and I took a few overseas vacations. We always stayed at moderately priced hotels with kitchenette-style facilities. No Marriott for us and all expenses were split equally. Mrs Jagan’s only extravagance was the purchase of local art. It got to the point where ‘starving artists’ would leave their pieces at the Office of the President (OP) for her to buy. Desmond Alli was one such artist.

When she resigned from the presidency, Mrs Jagan didn’t want to inconvenience the staff of OP as it was a Sunday, and she did it from the enclosed stairwell of her house. I remember scrambling to organize the small space to hold the podium, national flag and other equipment. Such was her modesty.

One can criticize Dr and Mrs Jagan for their political views and their tenure as presidents but when it came to humility, simplicity and integrity with the public purse, only the unconscionable among us can cast even a pebble. Mr Jagdeo’s comparison is chalk to cheese.


Sadie Amin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?


Mrs. Jagan's Personal assistant is the who should keep quiet.

Jagdeo is a member of the PPP's central committee and has a lot of influence on the President.  Jagdeo was asked to help out with the afros to gain their confidence. Mrs. Jagan is no longer here and does not have a saying even from the grave. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

All those people u mentioned are living much better than the days of CBJ. And those people wealth started to increase as soon as they got into office. I keep saying, there were massive corruptions right under the Jagans noses.


Perhaps, Guyana is in this quagmire of dishonesty-of opinions, of history, truths and dare to see things clearly.


Bharrat Jagdeo is honored in a different way than CBJ. CBJ was a communists and his followers gravitated to him for favor-and the stupid ones did that. And today, the same stupid ones was shown the light by Bharrat Jagdeo. And the became wealthy. 


Suh, my dear Comrade Gilbaka, who do you think those people respect? One who wants to keep them and country poor or the one who opens the door to prosperity-personal prosperity.


This is one time Bharrat Jagdeo should cuss up all those Jagn ass lickers. 


AND HE MIGHT JUST DO IT-if provoke enough. I would suspect Jagdeo has enough information who the Jagans permitted to be corruptible.



Perhaps, the time has come to really free Guyana of the Jagans. Maybe all this talk is the beginning of truth and re-conciliation.


If Roger Luncheon can turn against CBJ then imagine. U must know by all that that something was revealed to those Jaganites.


Siggy, I didn't want to come out straight with the reason. Indeed, those names I mentioned benefited magnificently from PPP corruption. Five years ago a comrade shocked me by revealing what happened at the Chandarpal's house-warming ceremony in Pradoville 1. I had not known that Mrs Jagan walked out in disgust because she calculated that the Chandarpals couldn't build and equip that mansion with their salaries only.

Now, with the recent revelation that the PPP paid $116 million in 2012-13 for Navin Chandarpal's medical bills, one cannot expect Indra Chandarpal to defend the woman who actually fostered and nurtured her political career, Janet Jagan.

Martin Carter says it best: the mouth is silenced by the hands that feed it. To hell with principles and values.

I never regretted leaving the PPP five months before they won the 1992 elections. Seeing how my comrades were behaving, I had sensed that the promise of power had already intoxicated their brains.

While the Jagans took seriously the PPP campaign slogan FOR LEAN AND CLEAN GOVERNMENT, some apparatchiks were already building castles in the air and dreaming of wealth.


Last edited by Former Member

Has any one bother to check the veracity of the statement that Jagdeo made. Or or we doing what GHK Lall did with the ex president speech at Babu John.Now everyone is out of the woodwork to get an ounce of flesh and get their 10 seconds of fame. Jagdeo is an astute economic entrepreneur. The old man did his thin and we must face reality that we end up with 28 years of what? Jagdeo's economic policies is lifting all ships even ones with holes. His is not the canal types.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

JACKASS  KP, we who left Guyana did it by honest means. The PPP elites made it thru corruption. Your moral compass is out focus, dunce.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.




I am firm PPP supporter but some of the excesses are in our faces. 


I have been blessed due to my hard work to be successful and I agree that envy plays a part in those who are not successful but if we are to be fair then we must condemn excesses.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

JACKASS  KP, we who left Guyana did it by honest means. The PPP elites made it thru corruption. Your moral compass is out focus, dunce.

I could not be dunce, if I taught you in school.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

JACKASS  KP, we who left Guyana did it by honest means. The PPP elites made it thru corruption. Your moral compass is out focus, dunce.

I could not be dunce, if I taught you in school.

You became education officer only because you supported the PPP/C.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

JACKASS  KP, we who left Guyana did it by honest means. The PPP elites made it thru corruption. Your moral compass is out focus, dunce.

I could not be dunce, if I taught you in school.

i guess you is what we call a educated ass

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

JACKASS  KP, we who left Guyana did it by honest means. The PPP elites made it thru corruption. Your moral compass is out focus, dunce.

I could not be dunce, if I taught you in school.

i guess you is what we call a educated ass

Whatax! Bing!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

JACKASS  KP, we who left Guyana did it by honest means. The PPP elites made it thru corruption. Your moral compass is out focus, dunce.

I could not be dunce, if I taught you in school.

i guess you is what we call a educated ass

Whatax! Bing!

You were taught to do better than that, how disappointing.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

JACKASS  KP, we who left Guyana did it by honest means. The PPP elites made it thru corruption. Your moral compass is out focus, dunce.

I could not be dunce, if I taught you in school.

i guess you is what we call a educated ass

Whatax! Bing!

You were taught to do better than that, how disappointing.

Hammy Bhai, I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really          works!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

JACKASS  KP, we who left Guyana did it by honest means. The PPP elites made it thru corruption. Your moral compass is out focus, dunce.

I could not be dunce, if I taught you in school.

You became education officer only because you supported the PPP/C.

Is that what they call the school's toilet attendant nowadays?

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

kp, get this straight. Personal jealousy and envy of other people's wealth are not my character traits. I struggled as a PPP activist for 23 years against what Cheddi Jagan described as PNC corruption, mismanagement, nepotism, squandermania, etc. Week after week for nearly 28 years the PPP leaders were using those very words at public meetings, in press releases, in the Mirror, etc.

Now the Jagdeo cabal is guilty of the very same things I spent my youthful years struggling against, ie, corruption, mismanagement, nepotism, squandermania, etc. I am entitled to ask myself and other PPP comrades, is this what we struggled for?

And, kp, regarding your statement about those of us who left Guyana for economic gains in North America, let me tell you this: I could have come to North America since the early 1970s just like many others who cut and run. I had my youth, I was bloody brilliant academically, and I had a great future ahead. But I didn't. Instead, I chose to forego personal ambition and potential wealth and slug it out in Guyana.

I migrated to Canada in 1996, leaving a great job as editor-in-chief at Broadcasting House. After 19 years in Canada, I'm still the same humble person I always was, living a working-class life in a rented apartment, and fighting for a larger cause with the NDP.

Don't accuse me of being jealous of the Jagdeo cabal's wealth. For me always, my personal motto has been HONOR BEFORE MONEY.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

kp, get this straight. Personal jealousy and envy of other people's wealth are not my character traits. I struggled as a PPP activist for 23 years against what Cheddi Jagan described as PNC corruption, mismanagement, nepotism, squandermania, etc. Week after week for nearly 28 years the PPP leaders were using those very words at public meetings, in press releases, in the Mirror, etc.

Now the Jagdeo cabal is guilty of the very same things I spent my youthful years struggling against, ie, corruption, mismanagement, nepotism, squandermania, etc. I am entitled to ask myself and other PPP comrades, is this what we struggled for?

And, kp, regarding your statement about those of us who left Guyana for economic gains in North America, let me tell you this: I could have come to North America since the early 1970s just like many others who cut and run. I had my youth, I was bloody brilliant academically, and I had a great future ahead. But I didn't. Instead, I chose to forego personal ambition and potential wealth and slug it out in Guyana.

I migrated to Canada in 1996, leaving a great job as editor-in-chief at Broadcasting House. After 19 years in Canada, I'm still the same humble person I always was, living a working-class life in a rented apartment, and fighting for a larger cause with the NDP.

Don't accuse me of being jealous of the Jagdeo cabal's wealth. For me always, my personal motto has been HONOR BEFORE MONEY.






I always admire the honesty and dignity that you display. We differ politically but your Motto "Honour Before Money" can never be taken away.


I will forever remain a firm PPP supporter but I call a spade a spade as I see fit.


You made a tremendous contribution to the PPP including self sacrifice and good Karma always follow those who are steadfast in their honesty and dignity.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

kp, get this straight. Personal jealousy and envy of other people's wealth are not my character traits. I struggled as a PPP activist for 23 years against what Cheddi Jagan described as PNC corruption, mismanagement, nepotism, squandermania, etc. Week after week for nearly 28 years the PPP leaders were using those very words at public meetings, in press releases, in the Mirror, etc.

Now the Jagdeo cabal is guilty of the very same things I spent my youthful years struggling against, ie, corruption, mismanagement, nepotism, squandermania, etc. I am entitled to ask myself and other PPP comrades, is this what we struggled for?

And, kp, regarding your statement about those of us who left Guyana for economic gains in North America, let me tell you this: I could have come to North America since the early 1970s just like many others who cut and run. I had my youth, I was bloody brilliant academically, and I had a great future ahead. But I didn't. Instead, I chose to forego personal ambition and potential wealth and slug it out in Guyana.

I migrated to Canada in 1996, leaving a great job as editor-in-chief at Broadcasting House. After 19 years in Canada, I'm still the same humble person I always was, living a working-class life in a rented apartment, and fighting for a larger cause with the NDP.

Don't accuse me of being jealous of the Jagdeo cabal's wealth. For me always, my personal motto has been HONOR BEFORE MONEY.






I always admire the honesty and dignity that you display. We differ politically but your Motto "Honour Before Money" can never be taken away.


I will forever remain a firm PPP supporter but I call a spade a spade as I see fit.


You made a tremendous contribution to the PPP including self sacrifice and good Karma always follow those who are steadfast in their honesty and dignity.

Thank you, yuji. Not me only. Other former PPP comrades right here in GNI have a rich trove of stories to tell about how the current Freedom House ruling clique has strayed from the original PPP mission and betrayed the average worker's trust.

Whatever advances the PPP claims credit for today came through the abandonment of integrity and noble values associated with good governance.

Time is catching up with Freedom House. Things are falling apart.


STABROEK NEWS, MARCH 20 --- I wish to add a comment on the late President, Dr Cheddi Jagan, primarily to endorse an aspect of what Ralph Ramkarran, Nadira Jagan, Dr Tulsi Singh and Oscar Ramjeet have written in recent days.

I have, over the years, been a critic of the Marxist politics of Cheddi and his flaws as a statesman, which culminated in his taking Guyana into the Cold War on the side of the Soviet Union. It was the latter that prolonged the regime of Forbes Burnham by retaining the support of the United States Government (starting with President Johnson) for his infamous policy of rigging elections.

However, I have maintained that Cheddi’s resolve and seminal role in shaping the anti-colonial culture of Guyana are inviolable. This was arguably the principal factor in stimulating Sir Jock Campbell’s reforms on the sugar plantations from the 1950s. I also believe that Cheddi was the most selfless leader in the history of Guyana and the region as a whole. I recall my friend, Dr Fenton Ramsahoye, saying to me, time and again, that Cheddi’s incorruptibility was his greatest attribute. Fenton was his Attorney General from 1961 to 1964, and although he had problems with Dr Jagan’s political philosophy, he has never wavered in his assertion that Cheddi never stole a cent of the people’s money.

I recall, also, Professor David Dabydeen relating to me how Cheddi (after he became President in 1992) would take circuitous routes to conferences, enduring much physical discomfort, in order to procure the cheapest air-fares possible.

Cheddi Jagan made many political mistakes, but he belonged to a very small minority of honourable people to follow the political vocation. For over 50 years, he never sought to enrich himself or his family. He would not be proud of several of those who evoke his name today – pursuing an agenda that diverges significantly from his life of service fed by his Marxist vision.


Clem Seecharan, PhD

Last edited by Former Member

Nice Clem. Cheddi was frugal go it.There ar 1000's of mansions in Guyana in cluding # 19 village and Susana too. Chairman Ho Chi Ming lived under a tree without a chair with mosquitoes as pets. So V S Naipaul is lying about the car Cheddi had on in 3 in Berbice?




Nice Clem. Cheddi was frugal got it.There are 1000's of mansions in Guyana in including # 19 village and Susana too. Chairman Ho Chi Ming lived under a tree without a chair with mosquitoes as pets. So V S Naipaul is lying about the car Cheddi had on in 3 in Berbice

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?


Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?

Why are we so entwined with the wealth of others, why because of jealousy.Do you ever worry about the businessmen exploiting the poor, such as Mandals, selling at black market prices. What about the village money lenders, charging interest over 25% and thieving the poor people gold.Don't you think the coalition members are dreaming the day when they can get their hands on the state coffers to live the JAGDEO LIFESTYLE. To hell with the Jagan's if they choose to love humble and by then standard they did not. All of you on this GNI board left Guyana for economic gains in North America, if you could have done the same in Guyana , most of you would have stayed.Don't envy the few that choose to remain and made it, and if you are a politician even better, there will be many more Jagdeos in the future.

Is that what Jagdeo is? One of the few that remained and made it? You do understand that embracing corruption for personal gain is not "making it" but teefing?




It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?



They are speaking, you are spending too much time on the chat room.

Take the stuff out your ear and put the hearing aid on. Heheheheh.

Originally Posted by Honest:



It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?



They are speaking, you are spending too much time on the chat room.

Take the stuff out your ear and put the hearing aid on. Heheheheh.

Well, sir, tell us what they are saying. We're all ears.

BTW, I notice you're learning the GNIway fast. I like that colourful lizard you posted. Get a nice gilbakka fo me nuh.

Originally Posted by Honest:



It's bewildering that certain top PPP officials who benefited personally from the Jagans' generosity have allowed Bharrat Jagdeo to get away with his arrant nonsense. Those persons knew where the Jagans lived and were frequent visitors there. I refer specifically to Kellawan Lall, Gail Teixeira and Indra Chandarpal. Why are they not speaking up?



They are speaking, you are spending too much time on the chat room.

Take the stuff out your ear and put the hearing aid on. Heheheheh.

whisper do not count,they do not want to talk but the people is seeing 


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