Day 1 of the RNC and we have a firestorm over Trump's integrity.
The DNC is next week and you will see the contrast.
Then comes the air war with the "SuperPacs" and the famous "swift-boating".
By October Trump will be a hang-dog. He would have been so beaten up that even his mama would not recognize him.
Today's NY Times Upshot feature on election forecasting based on national polling, other forecasters' analysis and hisstoric voting patterns since 2004 show Hillary, er Hellary - to please Bibibski - at 76% chance of winning. This modeling is an increase for her from the start of June when it stood at 60%. Trump was 40% then and is now at 24%. This is the chance of the first candidate to reach 270. You can check out the interactive map and move competitive States from one candidate to the other to do a what-if at