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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I sincerely hope that the AFC leadership is not like their supporters on GNI...if so, then one or the other don't make a difference


Actually, I'll go with APNU, because Granger seems like the only one who got some class

is that why you allow Skeldon_man to alter the record and 'respond' to something i did not post?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I did not allow anyone to do anything...I just closed the thread.

That thread was started for fun, but you fellas just don't know what is just came on with the usual crap

he altered what i posted and 'responded' to it; i pointed it out to you and asked that you delete his distortion/falsifying of the record . . . you let it stand!


rev used to do the same thing, and stopped only after i pointed out to Amral the fundamental problem with the integrity of the forum if this is allowed to become practice whenever low breeds run out of argument or wit

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I sincerely hope that the AFC leadership is not like their supporters on GNI...if so, then one or the other don't make a difference


Actually, I'll go with APNU, because Granger seems like the only one who got some class

Raymond you were Born in the PNC like Kwame.....

I do not think anyone expect you to change....


You do not like anyone who expose you ..... and your PNC...

So we understand why you do not like the AFC....

A KSI kid will stand out in AFC.....

WE Understand...You like PNC Leadership....

Nothing Wrong.....

But do not try to put down AFC, their leadership or their members and supporters.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I sincerely hope that the AFC leadership is not like their supporters on GNI...if so, then one or the other don't make a difference


Actually, I'll go with APNU, because Granger seems like the only one who got some class

Raymond you were Born in the PNC like Kwame.....

I do not think anyone expect you to change....


You do not like anyone who expose you ..... and your PNC...

So we understand why you do not like the AFC....

A KSI kid will stand out in AFC.....

WE Understand...You like PNC Leadership....

Nothing Wrong.....

But do not try to put down AFC, their leadership or their members and supporters.

More Horse SHIT!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I sincerely hope that the AFC leadership is not like their supporters on GNI...if so, then one or the other don't make a difference


Actually, I'll go with APNU, because Granger seems like the only one who got some class

You mean you going back home to Viola Burnham and KSI and Vanceram?


Ow bhai OLD time PNC man Brother Raymond.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I sincerely hope that the AFC leadership is not like their supporters on GNI...if so, then one or the other don't make a difference


Actually, I'll go with APNU, because Granger seems like the only one who got some class

Haul yo rass!

Come on now Cain. Let's show some respect for the moderator. The man is entitled to his political beliefs.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I sincerely hope that the AFC leadership is not like their supporters on GNI...if so, then one or the other don't make a difference


Actually, I'll go with APNU, because Granger seems like the only one who got some class

Haul yo rass!

Come on now Cain. Let's show some respect for the moderator. The man is entitled to his political beliefs.

Hey man wuh do u eh? I give de man a afc buse down like a true afc'ite kerry yo rass da side yeh.


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