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Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Simple: thief everything and transfer it to foreign bank accounts. The constitution won't be able to recover stolen loot from the government because the constitution has no provision to prosecute corrupt politicians.


Amazing that this piece of shyte paper of a Constitution is now held up as a great model of democratic governance....the apex of the Western liberal political tradition.


You would think that great powers would be tripping over themselves to copy our model.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Nah bai. It is a well known fact that Indian controlled governments are outright corrupt. Show me a honest Indian politician and I shall tell you the date he or she was murdered.


LMAO....i was thinking about it this just this morning.


"What makes Indian Governments devolve into corruption particularly family based corruption?"


The answer is quite simple. The core of Indian culture and society is the family and our extended kith and kin. Especially for Guyanese Indians who have spent about two centuries relying on nothing but the safety net provided by family and by tribe, this is our worldview. This worldview  becomes disastrous when its is introduced into the institutions of a State particularly a multiethnic state.


Its not viewed as corruption but almost as a virtue. I was able to observe this first hand in provincial government in Afghanistan. Guyanese Indians have maintained this cultural defect that is at odds with the modern world.


The PNC had party paramountcy. The PPP has Family Paramountcy and Tribal Paramountcy in that order.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP has set up a system that rewards thieves as long as they are Indian and a PPP supporter. But it cannot afford to get kicked out of government. PPP politicians would not be able to escape justice by a new government that is not controlled by the PPP. The law can be easily redefined.


I wonder if our PPP Mudheads here will be so much in favor of the Burnhamite Constitution when they find themselves on the Opposition Benches getting ram rodded by it


There are issues to be addressed however, it will take a joint approach as no one has the mandate to single handedly do it.  This will require compromise on both sides and I don't see the PNC giving up their trump card, absolutely control of the GDF should they regain power.  It is still a big part of their playbook, the PNC-GDF alliance is just waiting to be resurrected and it will spell the end of Indians as a people with rights in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

There are issues to be addressed however, it will take a joint approach as no one has the mandate to single handedly do it.  This will require compromise on both sides and I don't see the PNC giving up their trump card, absolutely control of the GDF should they regain power.  It is still a big part of their playbook, the PNC-GDF alliance is just waiting to be resurrected and it will spell the end of Indians as a people with rights in Guyana.

Baseman is saying now......the PNC dont want to change the Constitution.


I don't believe it is an Indian problem. There are Indians living in Suriname and you don't hear them complain about leaders who died nearly fifty years ago. Neither did they get involved in fabricating racial tensions.

This is purely a Guyanese thing. The British, unlike the Dutch, picked the worst scumbags to ship to Guyana. They were the lowest of the low, and that DNA link is still overwhelmingly present in the current batch of inbred PPP voters.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I don't believe it is an Indian problem. There are Indians living in Suriname and you don't hear them complain about leaders who died nearly fifty years ago. Neither did they get involved in fabricating racial tensions.

This is purely a Guyanese thing. The British, unlike the Dutch, picked the worst scumbags to ship to Guyana. They were the lowest of the low, and that DNA link is still overwhelmingly present in the current batch of inbred PPP voters.


Are you trying to imply that the British didn't bring all honest, hardworking, and virtuous Brahmanical Biharis to Guiana?

T ... By inference you are calling me a scumbag , you have crossed the line here.. You should definitely look in the mirror before you slander an entire race. you proport to be part of a fresh wave of change in the AFC and this is the respect you have for your constituents! Are the Berbicians who voted for the AFC scumbags? Is this the attitude you will employ if you get into power ? Will you and your associates in the AFC treat all indians as scumbags? I live a comfortable life without stealing from others, I hope you do too!
Originally Posted by Brutus:
T ... By inference you are calling me a scumbag , you have crossed the line here.. You should definitely look in the mirror before you slander an entire race. you proport to be part of a fresh wave of change in the AFC and this is the respect you have for your constituents! Are the Berbicians who voted for the AFC scumbags? Is this the attitude you will employ if you get into power ? Will you and your associates in the AFC treat all indians as scumbags? I live a comfortable life without stealing from others, I hope you do too!

I know Mr T cannot be talking about all Indians in Guyana......

I am not a Scumbag.

But i have to agree with him about Rev, Nehru, Skeldon, EweG and any other Indian who support Jagdeo and Ramotar for Milk and Honey are not just scumbags......they are Poom Poom Prostitutes......they have sold their Mothers for Lamumba, Nascimento, McCoy, Bynoe, Hamilton, Tapps and McClean.



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