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Nehru posted:

I was referring to his comments. Here is my take, it was a different time and Ali was being his brash, honest self.

What comments exactly?

This was America in the 60s, where they wanted you to go fight, but then turned around and treated you like 2nd class citizens. Ali could not eat in a white restaurant in Louisville even though he won a gold medal for US. He did become a bit extreme when he was with the Nation of Islam, but then he realized that some of the things they preached were wrong. Instead he visited Muslims countries and started following sufiism, (Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in Arabic, is generally understood by scholars and Sufis to be the inner, mystical, or psycho-spiritual dimension of Islam.)

Ali did not hate white people or people of other races. He was a a big mouth in the ring to promote fights, but outside of the ring, he was intelligent, thoughtful and a man of peace.

I don't where one can compare him to a fascist like Trump!


Muhammad Ali was a zealot member of a religious cult The Nation of Islam as a young man

what you hear in these interviews is the same unthinking nonsense you heard from the young Malcom X (Wallace Fard Muhammed, con man extraordinaire, please take a bow)

these 2 African-American cultural icons are products of their times . . . post-WWII America in the throes of a social revolution where the last vestiges of slavery's de jure legacy was being shoved in the dustbin once and for all

the dynamics of liberation and the often misguided efforts at claiming 1st class peoplehood after a holocaust 400 years in the making, and [re]building a community of shattered people(s) is beyond the understanding of knuckle-dragging race opportunists who make up the barefoot gold teet brigade on GNI

instructive that both ALI and Malcolm moved sharply away from the NOI  . . . Malcolm X repudiated the Nation's backward teachings, and Ali even made a 2009 pilgrimage to Ireland showing deep respect to his immigrant Irish great grandfather who married an African-American former slave

indeed, one of Ali's daughters is married to a Jewish man with the great man's blessings

nuff said


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