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$$Multi-billion IDB/EU project… Seven months after tenders opened, GPL still to announce winner

Oct 02, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-to-announce-winner/

A major project to install smart meters and rehabilitate the medium and low voltage distribution for the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) is facing hurdles.

Seven months after the tenders were opened, it is still being “evaluated”, with a number of bidders expressing worry over the transparency of the procurement process.

The evaluation period would seem like an extraordinary long time for a project with the average being about three months before it is green-lighted.

Last week, following a number of scathing letters to the editors in Kaieteur News querying the delay, this newspaper contacted Sophie Makkonen, Country Representative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for a comment but up to press time, there was no reply.

A request for an update was also sent to the Ministry of Finance but a spokesperson on Friday directed this newspaper to the IDB.

Chairman of GPL, Robert Badal, did not immediately reply to a message sent to his mobile.

The project is part of a US$65M initiative known as the Power Utility Upgrade Programme (PUUP). The monies are coming from IDB which is contributing over US$37M in loans and financing from the European Union for US$27M – mainly grants.

The implementation of all the projects is being overlooked by the IDB.

The amounts were reportedly approved since 2014, under the Donald Ramotar administration. PUUP was in the making for a number of years and is designed to reduce GPL’s inefficiency and increase training for staffers.

Already, the first phase of the project has been implemented – the building of seven sub-stations and new high voltage lines along the coastlands, from Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice to West Coast Demerara.

It included, also, the laying of submarine fibre optic cable lines in the Demerara and Berbice rivers to create an interconnected system.
This second phase, which is now being “evaluated”, includes the installation of over 25,000 smart meters that would have the capabilities of alerting GPL to electricity theft and information of power usage to customers.

The project also involves the running of low and medium voltage lines along the coastlands.

Last month, as part of that IDB/EU project, Cabinet approved a contract for the provision of consultancy services for the implementation of a Management Strengthening programme at GPL. The contract was awarded to Manitoba Hydro International Limited, a Canadian company.

GPL is facing major problems with outages on the coastlands with technical and commercial losses at a massive 29-plus percent.

GPL wants to reduce its losses to 23.8 percent in the near term.


$$Multi-billion IDB/EU project… Seven months after tenders opened, GPL still to announce winner

Oct 02, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-to-announce-winner/

Last month, as part of that IDB/EU project, Cabinet approved a contract for the provision of consultancy services for the implementation of a Management Strengthening programme at GPL. The contract was awarded to Manitoba Hydro International Limited, a Canadian company.

Hopefully, a tangible approach will be taken on this project through the efforts of Manitoba Hydro International Limited.

Of note ... I was the Senior Coordinator for Hydroelectric power projects with a Consulting company providing major services to Manitoba Hydro.


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