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Multi-million $$ Yakusari Market washroom a white elephant

December 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

The multi- million dollar washroom facilities for the Yakusari Market, now a white elephant


Market vendors of the Yakusari Market in Black Bush Polder, Corentyne, are furious at the fact that the recently built multi-million-dollar toilet facility has been locked up for months. According to the vendors, the facility was only used for two weeks then shut down and padlocked by the relevant authorities.

The facility is rendered useless. When asked why the facility was closed down, the vendors stated that it was felt that the toilets were being “misused”.
“This toilet only open for two weeks then they close it and we can’t get to use it; when we want to go washrooms, we have to hold it in—where will the women go?” questioned one irate vendor.

The vendors were airing their views and concerns to a team of executives from the Alliance for Change that included Chairman Nigel Hughes. The team visited the flood- prone farming area on Sunday.

The vendors are also questioning the cost of the structure and it becoming the proverbial white- elephant, thus more wastage of taxpayers’ monies.

Several efforts to contact the Black Bush Polder NDC and Region Six Administration proved futile.

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This obviously was AFC/PNC vagrants brucking up the public property prompting the responsible AFC/PNC members in the NDC to close down the facility. I don't see where PPP policy is to blame here, the decision lies with the local NDC. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This obviously was AFC/PNC vagrants brucking up the public property prompting the responsible AFC/PNC members in the NDC to close down the facility. I don't see where PPP policy is to blame here, the decision lies with the local NDC. 



The facility is rendered useless. When asked why the facility was closed down, the vendors stated that it was felt that the toilets were being “misused”.
“This toilet only open for two weeks then they close it and we can’t get to use it; when we want to go washrooms, we have to hold it in—where will the women go?” questioned one irate vendor.


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