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Former Member

Value Added Tax (VAT) collections in 2013 totalled $34.4 billion.


In 2009 VAT collection was $23.3 billion.



Who paid this continuous increase in VAT of $11 billion over the years?


The cane cutter, then bauxite worker, the public servants, the nurses, the teacher, the police and their family members.



THIS is what Jagdeo did to the poor of Guyana.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Corporation tax collections increasing by 16.5 percent in 2013 to $21.6 billion.


In 2006 at the elections Corporation tax was $14 billion.


Yet these jack arse in the private sector commission continue to endorse the PPP.


They paying more taxes and they are grateful for this burden.


Well our manufacturing sector continues to die.


But they do not care, once they get the share transferred to their name illegally.


Do you know the gentleman??


Can someone honestly says what the Corrupt PPP/C are doing with all these money, noting that they can only give the poor pensioners US $3, who through their sweat and tears worked to build Guyana, and today in their twilight years, the Corrupt PPP/C give them slaps to the face saying to them "you are living too long you are supposed to die, okay we will help the process by killing you faster"  


A PPP/C without any shame whatsover.

Originally Posted by asj:

Can someone honestly says what the Corrupt PPP/C are doing with all these money, noting that they can only give the poor pensioners US $3, who through their sweat and tears worked to build Guyana, and today in their twilight years, the Corrupt PPP/C give them slaps to the face saying to them "you are living too long you are supposed to die, okay we will help the process by killing you faster"  


A PPP/C without any shame whatsover.

Would you have preferred they give $5 to the corrupted police? Some pensioners receive a lot of money.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Can someone honestly says what the Corrupt PPP/C are doing with all these money, noting that they can only give the poor pensioners US $3, who through their sweat and tears worked to build Guyana, and today in their twilight years, the Corrupt PPP/C give them slaps to the face saying to them "you are living too long you are supposed to die, okay we will help the process by killing you faster"  


A PPP/C without any shame whatsover.

Would you have preferred they give $5 to the corrupted police? Some pensioners receive a lot of money.

what a skeldon donkey?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Can someone honestly says what the Corrupt PPP/C are doing with all these money, noting that they can only give the poor pensioners US $3, who through their sweat and tears worked to build Guyana, and today in their twilight years, the Corrupt PPP/C give them slaps to the face saying to them "you are living too long you are supposed to die, okay we will help the process by killing you faster"  


A PPP/C without any shame whatsover.

Would you have preferred they give $5 to the corrupted police? Some pensioners receive a lot of money.

what a skeldon donkey?

PPP will rule Guyana for another 50 years...majoriy or minority. Look for a majority next election.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Aw right Skelly, you all win for 100 years now.  You happy now.


Wah you guys stress so much? The people in Guyana have to effect the changes they want. We here in NA can only give our opinions and blow hot air..that's about it. Some of us have become bitter enemies because of Guyana politics. I have also found out that I have relatives on this bb who differ with my opinions. 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Aw right Skelly, you all win for 100 years now.  You happy now.


Is he so childish and infantile that he cannot defend this weak budget that he got to shut out views. I shall post on the social page and still expose him and his corrupt PPP Government.

I shall write letter to the editors in Guyana exposing this dictatorship from Skeldon Man. 

Why can't he debate and defend his points


Bai Brian,

You prappa fronted you no. Look like you like fuh rite no plenty bady. Oh rass haffica, me beg you paaden. Me of nat to do dah again massa.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Aw right Skelly, you all win for 100 years now.  You happy now.


Is he so childish and infantile that he cannot defend this weak budget that he got to shut out views. I shall post on the social page and still expose him and his corrupt PPP Government.

I shall write letter to the editors in Guyana exposing this dictatorship from Skeldon Man. 

Why can't he debate and defend his points


Bai Brian,

You prappa fronted you no. Look like you like fuh rite no plenty bady. Oh rass haffica, me beg you paaden. Me of nat to do dah again massa.

Nah. me beg yu pardon. Abie a family you know.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Aw right Skelly, you all win for 100 years now.  You happy now.


Wah you guys stress so much? The people in Guyana have to effect the changes they want. We here in NA can only give our opinions and blow hot air..that's about it. Some of us have become bitter enemies because of Guyana politics. I have also found out that I have relatives on this bb who differ with my opinions. 

Both Brian and Skelly have made valid points in this thread.

Brian has showed figures on two important sources of government revenue and asked pertinent questions. That is his right.

Skelly is in order to note that we non-resident posters can opine until Armageddon but we cannot change anything inside Guyana. Only the citizens within that 83,000-square-mile territory can do that.

And, like Skelly, I'm not happy that some of us including myself have hurled meaningless but offensive insults at each other, working ourselves up to a frenetic pitch when we know deep in our hearts that no leader of the PPP, PNC, AFC, WPA or JP care one penny about the welfare of non-resident Guyanese, but who come to visit us nevertheless near elections to collect funds for their campaigns.

Upon reflection, I often ask myself what is the essential purpose of GNI Political Forum. It was conceived with good intentions, to provide a common virtual meeting place for all interested Guyanese to interact with each other.

I see it is now a battlefield where we attack other personally, smear each other's character and harbor God-knows-what degree of animosity in our hearts and minds.

I have come to the realization that all the fighting in this forum is not worth one grain of paddy in our native land.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Aw right Skelly, you all win for 100 years now.  You happy now.


Wah you guys stress so much? The people in Guyana have to effect the changes they want. We here in NA can only give our opinions and blow hot air..that's about it. Some of us have become bitter enemies because of Guyana politics. I have also found out that I have relatives on this bb who differ with my opinions. 

Both Brian and Skelly have made valid points in this thread.

Brian has showed figures on two important sources of government revenue and asked pertinent questions. That is his right.

Skelly is in order to note that we non-resident posters can opine until Armageddon but we cannot change anything inside Guyana. Only the citizens within that 83,000-square-mile territory can do that.

And, like Skelly, I'm not happy that some of us including myself have hurled meaningless but offensive insults at each other, working ourselves up to a frenetic pitch when we know deep in our hearts that no leader of the PPP, PNC, AFC, WPA or JP care one penny about the welfare of non-resident Guyanese, but who come to visit us nevertheless near elections to collect funds for their campaigns.

Upon reflection, I often ask myself what is the essential purpose of GNI Political Forum. It was conceived with good intentions, to provide a common virtual meeting place for all interested Guyanese to interact with each other.

I see it is now a battlefield where we attack other personally, smear each other's character and harbor God-knows-what degree of animosity in our hearts and minds.

I have come to the realization that all the fighting in this forum is not worth one grain of paddy in our native land.


Thanks Gilly.


I'm not happy that some of us including myself have hurled meaningless but offensive insults at each other, working ourselves up to a frenetic pitch when we know deep in our hearts that no leader of the PPP, PNC, AFC, WPA or JP care one penny about the welfare of non-resident Guyanese, but who come to visit us nevertheless near elections to collect funds for their campaigns.

Upon reflection, I often ask myself what is the essential purpose of GNI Political Forum. It was conceived with good intentions, to provide a common virtual meeting place for all interested Guyanese to interact with each other.

I see it is now a battlefield where we attack other personally, smear each other's character and harbor God-knows-what degree of animosity in our hearts and minds.

I have come to the realization that all the fighting in this forum is not worth one grain of paddy in our native land.



Took a long time to see that eh. I have said before there is no one there in any of the parties that actually care deep enough. Everyone is only looking out for himself.

Originally Posted by Amral:

Old age pension is not that great over here either, the seniors are lucky to get an extra $2.00 per month now and then. Over here the cost of living is much more than in Guyana. So those crying about whatever little they are getting should be thankful.

I visit Guyana regularly. When I go the #78 village market, I see a lot of pensioners. The vendors, like the days we were growing up, always have a soft spot for the older folks. They are always throwing in extras for the pensioners. The $600 would mean a lot for's better than nothing.


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