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Murder of patient at Psychiatric Hospital… Cops only knew of incident after reading next day’s Kaieteur News

August 27, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Nurses are contemplating their next move following the murder of a patient by another inmate at the National Psychiatric Hospital on Tuesday evening. And shockingly, the police were unaware that there was a murder at the time, and only learnt of the situation when they read the details in the Wednesday edition of this publication. The Doctor had inexplicably failed to report the gruesome death to the law enforcement authorities. The dead patient known as Eda is said to be in her early 30s and reportedly hails from Blairmont. She reportedly was a patient at the mental institution in 2008, was discharged, and returned in 2010. She was said to have been mentally retarded. The perpetrator Dudwattie Farri is said to be in her 50s and reportedly hails from the Bath, West Coast Berbice area. She was admitted into the mental institution around June of this year. No more details were garnered about the two inmates. Meanwhile, nurses working in the institution continue to express fear and concerns as to the conditions under which they have to work. A number of times one nurse is assigned to a ward which houses as many as 31 patients. The general area is very bushy, there are hardly any lights and sometimes there are no guards working. When the incident occurred on Tuesday evening last, only one nurse was reportedly working in each ward, and officials were tightlipped. Information was hard to come by. According to reports the two inmates were both patients of the female admission wards (A and B) of the institution. After exhibiting aggressive behaviour recently they were both placed in a single room along with another aggressive patient. Reports are that around 16:30 hrs on the fateful day, there was a misunderstanding between the two patients which resulted in a fight. Farri reportedly climbed on the other inmate’s head and stamped on her neck. As indicated, at the time only one nurse was working in the ward which housed 22 patients. The accused remains in isolation in the said hospital. The police are continuing their investigations.

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