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Shaits Bhai


I pointed this out in my initial response. In the end, this will prove to be  politically motivated by the opposition.


We must never forget what they did in Linden and Agricola.


The violent arm of the PNC is back in action. I will not be surprised if violence, looting and burning breaks out in GT after a PPP majority.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and will never change. They are preparing their supporters for violence.





Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

As a former campaign manager in this situation, what would you do? Keep in mind that this is Guyana...


Probably the same thing. I wouldn't have blurred out the corpse. Weakens the emotional impact.


That doesn't make it any less wrong. Were we a civilized people we wouldn't even be having the discussion about protestors getting killed for protesting peacefully. But we're not.


There is a narrative out there of the "Coolie Government Killin Innocent Black Males." It's obviously a lot of nonsense but this will feed into the narrative.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Shaits Bhai


I pointed this out in my initial response. In the end, this will prove to be  politically motivated by the opposition.


We must never forget what they did in Linden and Agricola.


The violent arm of the PNC is back in action. I will not be surprised if violence, looting and burning breaks out in GT after a PPP majority.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and will never change. They are preparing their supporters for violence.





I agree with blurring it out...the real thing might be too jarring

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Occam s razor said the simplest explanation. He was not murdered for his wealth and he did use his voice to harass and annoy and now to mobilize people to vote.


PNC is attempting to bring out their supporters by murdering one of their own.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and have officially kicked of their campaign by "sacrificing" one of their own in order to stir up violence and mobilize their voting base.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Occam s razor said the simplest explanation. He was not murdered for his wealth and he did use his voice to harass and annoy and now to mobilize people to vote.


PNC is attempting to bring out their supporters by murdering one of their own.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and have officially kicked of their campaign by "sacrificing" one of their own in order to stir up violence and mobilize their voting base.

When you drink too much piss, eventually it starts overflowing from your gob.
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

As a former campaign manager in this situation, what would you do? Keep in mind that this is Guyana...

Ray, You are getting insane, reckless and stupid!!!!

I am asking Shaitaan a tactical question bai...nothing more...nothing less

I am not condoning this form of ad...but PPP has used similar ads in the past


Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Occam s razor said the simplest explanation. He was not murdered for his wealth and he did use his voice to harass and annoy and now to mobilize people to vote.


PNC is attempting to bring out their supporters by murdering one of their own.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and have officially kicked of their campaign by "sacrificing" one of their own in order to stir up violence and mobilize their voting base.

When you drink too much piss, eventually it starts overflowing from your gob.

It is quite disgrace full to watch as the PNC 'sacrificed" one of their own to mobilize their base.


Moses and Rumjhaat will now have to dip their hands in PNC blood to be officially initiated into the PNC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

As a former campaign manager in this situation, what would you do? Keep in mind that this is Guyana...

Ray, You are getting insane, reckless and stupid!!!!


It's an election season in Guyana. Everyone is gonna be on some kind of drugs until the election is over and we all get back to some sense of normality.


Those who want the Coalition to win will be praying hard that the PPP did kill this poor guy.


Those who want the PPP to remain will be praying this has nothing to do with the PPP or that no evidence is ever found of their involvement if they indeed committed this act.

Originally Posted by Django:

Originally Posted by yuji22:


PNC is attempting to bring out their supporters by murdering one of their own.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and have officially kicked of their campaign by "sacrificing" one of their own in order to stir up violence and mobilize their voting base.

is this the best of your ability ????

What else do you expect from that low life Chammar. He drank too much urine this morning and now the piss is overflowing.
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:

Originally Posted by yuji22:


PNC is attempting to bring out their supporters by murdering one of their own.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and have officially kicked of their campaign by "sacrificing" one of their own in order to stir up violence and mobilize their voting base.

is this the best of your ability ????

What else do you expect from that low life Chammar. He drank too much urine this morning and now the piss is overflowing.


PNC's "sacrifice" has now been exposed.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Shaits Bhai


I pointed this out in my initial response. In the end, this will prove to be  politically motivated by the opposition.


We must never forget what they did in Linden and Agricola.


The violent arm of the PNC is back in action. I will not be surprised if violence, looting and burning breaks out in GT after a PPP majority.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and will never change. They are preparing their supporters for violence.





Like you looking to blow Shaitaan now since Rev dumped you.
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PPP has used this form of advertisement in the past....guess it's all fair in this game of Politics

The PPP has some fellow's image splashed across the pages of the chronicle because he said he hoped Ramotar and his escorts  fall in a creek no less than the PPP official's wife who died falling off a poorly maintained bridge. They insisted that:-

Politicos contend that Ross’s expression of his desire to see the death of a sitting Head of State is both troubling and, with elections in the air, politically insensitive.
The comment made by AFC activist Mark Ross on the popular social media site, Facebook The comment made by AFC activist Mark Ross on the popular social media site, Facebook Ross has been vocal on social media expressing his dissatisfaction with the current Administration, which observers agree is his right. However, to publicly comment on the expectation of President Donald Ramotar’s death is being seen as taking dissatisfaction one step too far.
During the 2011 elections campaign season, there were similar social media commentaries that stirred concern, one in particular that threatened violence if the incumbent party was re-elected to office.

The fellow said this on face book.



Who is hyperventilating now?


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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Occam s razor said the simplest explanation. He was not murdered for his wealth and he did use his voice to harass and annoy and now to mobilize people to vote.


PNC is attempting to bring out their supporters by murdering one of their own.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and have officially kicked of their campaign by "sacrificing" one of their own in order to stir up violence and mobilize their voting base.

Hay jackass, what is a nationalist party that you so liberally plaster that phrase here? Is it as opposed to a supranationalist party. local party or just some crap you have in your head that you think sounds nice?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

As a former campaign manager in this situation, what would you do? Keep in mind that this is Guyana...

Ray, You are getting insane, reckless and stupid!!!!


It's an election season in Guyana. Everyone is gonna be on some kind of drugs until the election is over and we all get back to some sense of normality.


Those who want the Coalition to win will be praying hard that the PPP did kill this poor guy.


Those who want the PPP to remain will be praying this has nothing to do with the PPP or that no evidence is ever found of their involvement if they indeed committed this act.

Dude, I would ask you watch who is acting outside the norm. Yesterday you generated a dozen or so thread all yammering about sacred victim hood status of Indians. You dredged up Occam razor as an arsenal in your baloney detection kit... "Indians are not putting  those who committed arson against them  in office"


It is not most of us who gone bonkers. I know the PPP are crooks. They murdered people before and have lots to lose if they fail to win this time so I am not worried about Occam's razor, a non logical tool. I am worried about the conclusion of the most powerful logical tool, deduction!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Yesterday you generated a dozen or so thread all yammering about sacred victim hood status of Indians. You dredged up Occam razor as an arsenal in your baloney detection kit... "Indians are not putting  those who committed arson against them  in office"

It is not most of us who gone bonkers. I know the PPP are crooks. They murdered people before and have lots to lose if they fail to win this time so I am not worried about Occam's razor, a non logical tool. I am worried about the conclusion of the most powerful logical tool, deduction!


Don't get me mixed up with your stereotypes of Indians and how we are. That you don't care about the PNC's Indian victims does not surprise me at all. It actually reminds me of the facts of how things are as opposed to how everyone wishes them to be.


Indians are on their own where their security is concerned. That is clear. It's always been clear.


The Occam's Razor remark was one sentence out of an entire post simply meant to say that we ought to withhold judgment until we get some hard facts. It was further meant to remind the BB that people who get murdered tend to get murdered for trivial personal reasons by people they know. Trivial reasons like owing money to thugs or being in a love triangle. Whatever. The possibilities are endless.


That you are an oracle into murders 3,000 miles away is amazing. I claim no such special ability. Suspicions nothwithstanding.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Yesterday you generated a dozen or so thread all yammering about sacred victim hood status of Indians. You dredged up Occam razor as an arsenal in your baloney detection kit... "Indians are not putting  those who committed arson against them  in office"

It is not most of us who gone bonkers. I know the PPP are crooks. They murdered people before and have lots to lose if they fail to win this time so I am not worried about Occam's razor, a non logical tool. I am worried about the conclusion of the most powerful logical tool, deduction!


Don't get me mixed up with your stereotypes of Indians and how we are. That you don't care about the PNC's Indian victims does not surprise me at all. It actually reminds me of the facts of how things are as opposed to how everyone wishes them to be.


Indians are on their own where their security is concerned. That is clear. It's always been clear.


The Occam's Razor remark was one sentence out of an entire post simply meant to say that we ought to withhold judgment until we get some hard facts. It was further meant to remind the BB that people who get murdered tend to get murdered for trivial personal reasons by people they know. Trivial reasons like owing money to thugs or being in a love triangle. Whatever. The possibilities are endless.


That you are an oracle into murders 3,000 miles away is amazing. I claim no such special ability. Suspicions nothwithstanding.

Why the hell should I preoccupy myself with Indian security concerns when the party they support refuse to concern themselves with it or with the concerns of any other group? I  argue with Caribj endlessly about his preoccupation with black oppression due to indian tribalism. You are the flip side of him.


Guyana needs a solution not partisan bullshitters being a Greek chorus for what ails us and with no concern to get beyond the it.


I am Amerindian, what about my people? Indians are essentially abandoned indentured who by sheer numbers appropriate all of the democratic space. They see no need to look to us on whose lands they squat as ever being relevant. So what the hell are you talking about victimization? It is pure bull crap wrought of black indian dispute that demands a solution. This sacred victim whining has to go. You do not hurt more than anyone else.


I never claimed I know who kill this fellow. That he died is a matter of great significance in this period. I am sure if black people were into elevating people to the status as martyrs they have a good candidate. He most certainly did not die because he was nice to a particular group. Had he sat with his wife and three kids in his home  and like the rest of us pontificate anonymously he would still be alive. That is the point

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
.. That you don't care about the PNC's Indian victims does not surprise me at all..

It is clear that you don't care about blacks, as they have been victimized by the PPP.


If you did care about blacks you would refer to the racial violence of BOTH the PPP and the PNC.  But your focus is only on Indians.



Any way you have given up politics, so the fact that your racist disregard for blacks has been exposed mightn't hurt you.  You can exchange tales of racial victimhood at the hands of "violent blacks" with the Italian guys over on Howard Beach.  Only problem is that they will not vote for you, even if you figured out to run in that district.  They don't see to like Guyanese Indians too much.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
.? I  argue with Caribj endlessly about his preoccupation with black oppression due to indian tribalism. You are the flip side of him.



Yes I know you would rather I remain silent on this topic so the LIES written in that piece of Bullshyte called the "West on Trial" can be used as evidence of the "bad black...Indian saint". 


This is the dominant narrative in Guyana and it is being used today to victimize black people, many of whom are too terrified to talk loudly on this, out of fear of being victimized even further.  We now see evidence in the extreme that some will be willing to go to silence black voices.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Indians are on their own where their security is concerned. That is clear. It's always been clear.


And yet you scream "vote PPP" when they have been in power for over 22 years, and yet your claims that Indians aren't safe.


Shaitaan maybe you ought to come up with a better plan, like having a gov't where BOTH the Indian and the African elements need each other to ensure that they remain in power.  So that neither segment can act against the other.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Indians are on their own where their security is concerned. That is clear. It's always been clear.


And yet you scream "vote PPP" when they have been in power for over 22 years, and yet your claims that Indians aren't safe.


Shaitaan maybe you ought to come up with a better plan, like having a gov't where BOTH the Indian and the African elements need each other to ensure that they remain in power.  So that neither segment can act against the other.


WTF is wrong with you chap? Filling in blank spaces for me eh?


No one is screaming "vote PPP."


I do not share Shaitaan's ideas on GNI for the resolution of Guyana's ethnic problems because I don't have the power to implement it.

I have often said that we need a "just settlement" of all our racial concerns (Indians, Blacks, Amerindians) so that we can move on. Even if this means affirmative action for Blacks and Amerindians.


I really don't care about Guyana having an Indian President. That you think I'm married to this concept of politics betrays how little you think of Indians in general (and me especially).


That I do not support specifically this Coalition does not mean I do not support a just settlement. It just means I don't support this one. That's it. This is not a settlement. This is nothing more than a deal for two parties to share power. I would even go so far as to say ordinary Blacks shouldn't expect too much out of it either.


Where is the Coalition's Plan for solving our ethnic dilemma? Where? And don't point me to some elite Indo and Afro politicians sharing the Cabinet. If I believed for a second that was our core issue, I'd support it. It isn't so I don't.


Do you even know about any policy of this Coalition beyond not being the PPP?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
.? I  argue with Caribj endlessly about his preoccupation with black oppression due to indian tribalism. You are the flip side of him.



Yes I know you would rather I remain silent on this topic so the LIES written in that piece of Bullshyte called the "West on Trial" can be used as evidence of the "bad black...Indian saint". 


This is the dominant narrative in Guyana and it is being used today to victimize black people, many of whom are too terrified to talk loudly on this, out of fear of being victimized even further.  We now see evidence in the extreme that some will be willing to go to silence black voices.

I read the book and discounted it for the premise that the west is on trial. I also do not care about who is the greater victim among the races. I care that the entire system is corrupt and need to be thrown out of the window.


The PPP did not become what they are because they are inherently evil. Burnham was a bright man of great wit  and charm and he was not reduced to bunker down behind ethnic defenses because he was plainly evil either. It is where we are in our mental orientation in sharing a geographical space. I am concerned with the how we do it so all of us can live communally and in peace.


The why is already written in the brutish bestial expressions of both ethnic groups. I am sure if Amerinds were of sufficient numbers they would treat the new comers no less than the Fijians do Indians. It is no longer about the blame game but the acceptance of social pathology caused by our forced communal existence here. We need a solution. I must add it also is not in the PPP mind set so we need to discount them and hope for better.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Indians are on their own where their security is concerned. That is clear. It's always been clear.


And yet you scream "vote PPP" when they have been in power for over 22 years, and yet your claims that Indians aren't safe.


Shaitaan maybe you ought to come up with a better plan, like having a gov't where BOTH the Indian and the African elements need each other to ensure that they remain in power.  So that neither segment can act against the other.

Agreed..Guyana need a lean and clean gov't where

all the races are represented,the day that becomes

a reality that country will be become a paradise in the

Caribbean and South America.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Shaits Bhai


I pointed this out in my initial response. In the end, this will prove to be  politically motivated by the opposition.


We must never forget what they did in Linden and Agricola.


The violent arm of the PNC is back in action. I will not be surprised if violence, looting and burning breaks out in GT after a PPP majority.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and will never change. They are preparing their supporters for violence.





The BBC and all Caribbean news reports:

The fatal shooting by police of three people at a protest over electricity
prices in Guyana reports the BBC's Nick Davis in Georgetown.....


Only retards like you who drink too much  trench wata still believe  in GINA version of news..the world already knows the truth..

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Shaits Bhai


I pointed this out in my initial response. In the end, this will prove to be  politically motivated by the opposition.


We must never forget what they did in Linden and Agricola.


The violent arm of the PNC is back in action. I will not be surprised if violence, looting and burning breaks out in GT after a PPP majority.


PNC is a violent Nationalist Party and will never change. They are preparing their supporters for violence.





The BBC and all Caribbean news reports:

The fatal shooting by police of three people at a protest over electricity
prices in Guyana reports the BBC's Nick Davis in Georgetown.....


Only retards like you who drink too much  trench wata still believe  in GINA version of news..the world already knows the truth..


I could care less about what you say.


The fact remains that the PNC is a very violent Nationalist Party.



You have to stop saying the PNC is a violent party and that somehow they are involved in the dastardly act of killing Mr. Ewing.


The current moderate PNC Grangerite is as good as it will get.  it is a moderate PNC now, and in the Coalition, we expect nationalistic behavior and respect for all.


Can we say the PPP is a violent party given its justifiable use of phantoms and justifiable killing of violent protesters in Linden?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I really don't care about Guyana having an Indian President.

I dont know.  Maybe you are suffering from early dementia or some other form mental degenerative condition. 


1.  You screamed that Indians have no choice other than the PPP because of AFC coalition with APNU.  You didnt suggest that Indians investigate to see whether the reassurances that Nagamootoo negotiated are indeed valid.


2.  You have ranted only about race based violence directed against Indians, saying nothing about racial violence also directed against blacks.


3.  You rage that if Indians vote out the PPP then they would be the only NATIONAL group (you claim that the nationality of Indo Guyanese is "Indian" and not "Guyanese" as they are a separate nation) to vote themselves out of power.  How much power do the rice farmers, cane cutters, and micro enterprises owned by Indians have?


4.  Then you give a hysterical outburst that says that the only power Indians have is the Presidency and control over cabinet. Every thing else you claim that they do not control.  And indeed to betray the fact that in your head black=PNC, the implication is that the remaining institutions are black controlled (read PNC) and so Indians have little power. 


You ignore of course that our capitalist class is almost exclusively Indian, and that economically dominant groups rarely lack strong influence over the systems of governance, except in socialist regimes, which APNU AFC clearly will NOT be.


5. You also ignore that the marginally over 50% non Indian voting population is split between Africans, people who do not know whether they are black or mixed, Amerindians, and people of mixed ancestry.  Hardly a monolithic group.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

justifiable killing of violent protesters in Linden?

I can only wonder in your head how killing people who are protesting becomes justifiable.  Whether one agrees or disagrees with that which they protest, they havea right to protest, whether or not permission is given for this protest.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

You have to stop saying the PNC is a violent party and that somehow they are involved in the dastardly act of killing Mr. Ewing.


The current moderate PNC Grangerite is as good as it will get.  it is a moderate PNC now, and in the Coalition, we expect nationalistic behavior and respect for all.


Can we say the PPP is a violent party given its justifiable use of phantoms and justifiable killing of violent protesters in Linden?

seriously . . . you call the cold-blooded murder of peaceful protesters by Rohee's thugs at the Linden bridge "justifiable"?!


and compound the obscenity with a crocodile lie calling these victims "violent"?


'Jay Bharrat' huh ?. . . i recognize the smartman style


what was your previous nic again?


this must be real sport for y'all racist undercover assets for the status quo dedicated to undermining AFC-APNU



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I read the book and discounted it for the premise that the west is on trial. I also do not care about who is the greater victim among the races. I care that the entire system is corrupt and need to be thrown out of the window.


The PPP did not become what they are because they are inherently evil. Burnham was a bright man of great wit  and charm and he was not reduced to bunker down behind ethnic defenses because he was plainly evil either. It is where we are in our mental orientation in sharing a geographical space. I am concerned with the how we do it so all of us can live communally and in peace.


The why is already written in the brutish bestial expressions of both ethnic groups. I am sure if Amerinds were of sufficient numbers they would treat the new comers no less than the Fijians do Indians. It is no longer about the blame game but the acceptance of social pathology caused by our forced communal existence here. We need a solution. I must add it also is not in the PPP mind set so we need to discount them and hope for better.

Stormborn EVERY time I discuss racism directed towards blacks I also mention the racism directed towards Indians during the Burnham era. Clearly Amerindians get the rawest end of the stick on all of this, and I have made that point as well.


I am not interested, as is Shaitaan and others, in chronicling which of the two major groups has suffered more.  BOTH suffered and BOTH are responsible for the suffering!


I am interested in ensuring that the narrative that says that racism in Guyana is a PNC creation, and that Indians are the only victims, is torn up.  Because every grievance that Indians have Africans also have.


I am also interested in the fact that the history of Guyana, even BEFORE it became colonized the country was marred by ethnic conflict. 


Yes Stormborn there was rampant conflict/warfare among the various Amerindian groups, as the more docile Waraus and Arawaks, who were driven into the swamps by the more aggressive Caribs, and other groups, will indicate. 


The FACT remains is that Guyana is the country in the Western Hemisphere which is MOST DEFINED by ethnic conflict.   Suriname with a more complex ethnic composition that ours, and Trinidad, with its small but very powerful white creole/Syrian minority, suffer to a much lesser degree. 


Your average Guyanese doesn't give two hoots about who governs, if they feel that they will be left alone.  So while some system of governance should incorporate devices to reduce the potential of one group attempting to dominate, this is not all that needs to be done.  Once some system of governance is in place (and to its credit the coalition accomplishes much of this) there will still need to be an analysis of the root causes of Indian and African ethnic insecurity.


Yes some will argue that 30% of the population identifies with neither group, but the fact remains that these are the two most powerful and our unhealthy system of governance will not be healed until the insecurities are resolved.


When blacks complain, it is not merely because of the PPP.  Civil service jobs are few and far, and in any case pay poorly, so this is no longer the prize that it was 60 years ago.  Rampant racism has been reported in the private sector, indeed much as was the case in the colonial era except that the overlords arent the whites, Portuguese and light skinned mulattos, but are a tiny Indian elite.



I will not opine about the Indian issue as I am not Indian, so arent privy to how people really feel beyond the fact that they definitely do not feel comfortable about an African gov't, even as they rage against this current Indian gov't.


So avoid as you wish a healthy discussion of the angst of the Indian and of the African, but these very anxieties will lead to levels of distrust WITHIN the coalition, if indeed the PPP is defeated, and then action moves to dividing up the "spoils" (jobs/resources, etc).


If these anxieties lead to the collapse of the coalition, given that Granger will not be able to rig elections as did Burnham when the PNC UF coalition broke up, it will be right back to the PPP/ The PPP now branding itself as the "coolie party", even though they may now wish to deny this, as they thought that no one other than PPP freaks go to Babu John.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The fact remains that the PNC is a very violent Nationalist Party.


Poor PPP.  As they see the African/mixed bloc mobilizing, and for the first time since 1953, doing so with other ethnicities. As even those Indians who distrust the PNC ponder about whether they should just sit out the election, and hope that Nagamootoo "tames" the PNC "beast".  And as an increasingly educated and world wise Amerindian population ceases to do what the tochoas command that the do.


The PPP quakes.


So at Babu John they scream about being the "coolie party". Make up lies about blacks being summoned at the beat of a drum to vote out "coolie". And we know this is a lie because if this did occur we would have heard of it since the day after the election.


Now an anti PPP campaigner is shot dead.  Maybe by a frenzied PPP lunatic, looking to "kick ass" as Jagdeo screamed that the PPP should do.  maybe on the orders of the PPP (House of Israel) goon squad, maybe using Phantoms.


Who knows.  But anti PPP elements are not going to engage in retaliatory violence as the PPP hoped that they would.  Emboldened, even those who were apathetic about voting might well now do so, fearing the direction that a vindictive PPP will take Guyana, if they win the majority vote.


The PPP fired a bullet.  Too bad they didnt figure out that the bullet hit that man and then bounced into the PPP foot. But then what can one expect from ageing racists who still see Guyana as it was in the 60s and 70s.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Do you even know about any policy of this Coalition beyond not being the PPP?

Talk to APNU AFC supporters almost every day and even know who the Minister of Tourism WILL BE.


Indeed every day the PPP does more foolishness and threatens the likelihood that even of the coalition is inept in how it campaigns, PPP arrogance and brutality will ensure that we see the last of that thuggish group of ageing racists who now boast about being the "coolie party" in a nation where 60% of the population doesnt identify with being Indian.


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