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Glasgow man found hanging after stabbing wife, daughter to death

June 6 2018


A Glasgow Housing Scheme, East Bank Berbice man was found hanging today after stabbing his wife and daughter to death sometime this morning.

According to information gathered, the woman, Bindumattie Seetram, 38, died on the spot, while the daughter, Aniela Khan, 21, died while receiving treatment at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.

The man, Jainarine Seetram was later found hanging under an abandoned house one street away from where the murders occurred.


Bindumattie and Jainarine Seetram
Aniela Khan

Replies sorted oldest to newest

VishMahabir posted:

This murder-suicide is a dangerous trend ...but a wonda if dis gentleman was laid off by Guysuco recently. I dont care why he stabbed his daughter...but this guy is a pure unadulterated coward for doing so....a very tragic story.

Calling someone an unadulterated coward when you are not his doctor is poor judgement on your part .

Do you know what the man is suffering from? 

Dave posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

People who like to judge others they don’t even know are hiding from themselves!

What good reason would he have to kill his wife and daughter? They could not even fight back....he is a coward for killing them

Here we go, you knows the man life history. 

what about his life story would I need to know to justify his killing of his wife and daughter

Dave posted:
Ray posted:

people tend to call people who commit suicide cowards

Suicide is not a cowardly or brave act. People are suffering from some sort of mental illness. Depression is a terrible sickness. 

Absolutely right. No one in total control of their faculties commits suicide. Whether is pain, depression, anger, desperation etc. I believe that when you look to suicide as an option, you are equating yourself with whichever creator you believe in and that is blasphemy.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django, how did you come up with the the heading, “Murders in the East Indian community.”

Do you differentiate murders and everything else in your psyche by race?

Nothing to do with race,something not right with my people in the homeland.

Too much lives are being snuffed out.

Last edited by Django
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

People who like to judge others they don’t even know are hiding from themselves!

What good reason would he have to kill his wife and daughter? They could not even fight back....he is a coward for killing them

No justifiable reason except depression and some sort of mental condition.  Nothing ever justifies killing another except self preservation!   

Prince posted:

Bibi, a mother, and daughter are murdered. The killer committed suicide. A young son left to suffer. They are all Indians. That's all there is to know.

I am not trying to pick on you but you're spewing nonsense. Aren't you the one who said in another discussion that you were trying to ascertain the reason or reasons for this "disease" as you put it?

Ray posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

People who like to judge others they don’t even know are hiding from themselves!

What good reason would he have to kill his wife and daughter? They could not even fight back....he is a coward for killing them

Here we go, you knows the man life history. 

what about his life story would I need to know to justify his killing of his wife and daughter

Why pronounce judgement on the man for his act. How many have not commit worst act and was set free. 

If the man has a mental problem which  i don’t know and if you are guilty of pronouncing judgement on him without knowing his ailment, then you are slandering him by calling him a coward, isn’t it .    a SIN in Islam which is forbidden ( a mufti sitting next to me say )  ... you have a few more days in Ramandan to ask for forgiveness . 

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django, how did you come up with the the heading, “Murders in the East Indian community.”

Do you differentiate murders and everything else in your psyche by race?

Nothing to do with race,something not right with my people in the homeland.

Too much lives are being snuffed out.

Your people,  oh my lord. Where bhai ... Buxton, Sophia or Linden 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django, how did you come up with the the heading, “Murders in the East Indian community.”

Do you differentiate murders and everything else in your psyche by race?

Nothing to do with race,something not right with my people in the homeland.

Too much lives are being snuffed out.

Your people,  oh my lord. Where bhai ... Buxton, Sophia or Linden 

I know bhai,when you don't tag along,you are an outcast.


Body of labourer found at New Forest backlands with bullet wounds

- workmate, two others in custody


June 6 2018


The body of a Betsy Ground Village labourer was found on Monday with bullet wounds at a camp located in the New Forest backlands.

His workmate and two others have since been arrested.

The deceased has been identified as Harrinarine Samaroo, also known as “Ding”, 51, of Betsy Ground Village, East Canje, Berbice. The murder is suspected to have occurred  between 6.30 pm on Sunday and 1.30 pm on Monday. 

According to a police source, Samaroo’s body, which bore two bullet wounds, one on the right side of his neck and the other in the corner of his left ear, was discovered in a crouching position some twenty feet away from the camp.

Commander of B Division, Lyndon Alves noted that based on information received, three men were in custody, as of yesterday afternoon, and assisting with the investigation.

“We are investigating as murder. There are claims of sheep missing but we are investigating as murder”, Alves stressed yesterday.

According to information gathered, both men were employed by a Canada-based Guyanese to oversee a large herd of cattle in the backlands.


Stabroek News was told that Samaroo’s workmate of  Reliance Village, East Canje, who is in custody, was reportedly lying in a hammock in the lower flat of the camp in the New Forest backlands, while Samaroo was at  the western end of the location, away from the camp, carrying out some work.

According to a police source, the workmate claimed that he  heard a gunshot and decided to make a run for it since he was scared.

The source noted that the workmate, who has some sort of injury on his hand, is also claiming that at some point in time, someone dealt him a lash on his left hand, after which he escaped.


After leaving the area, the workmate rushed to the Reliance Police Station where he lodged a report of the incident.

A relative of the overseas-based owner then ventured into the area and found Samaroo’s body. He also discovered that ten sheep were missing from the camp.

 Meanwhile, Samaroo’s sister, Mohanie Nathoo, 45, of Betsy Ground Village, yesterday told this newspaper that on Monday sometime after 4.30 pm, the workmate’s relatives visited her home and told her of the incident.

 â€œâ€Ķ me brother get shot and he (the workmate’s) son jump out the window when he hear the gunshot, and me buddy been done get shoot,” she related.

Nathoo stated that her brother had been employed at the camp for several years before the workmate.

According to Nathoo, her brother seldom came out of New Forest. “One, one time he does come out and drink a road deh, and sleep deh, all he life he live in deh,” she added.

The woman recalled that the last time she saw her brother was about two weeks ago, “â€Ķ he come and ask me how me deh, and so, and he gone back”, the grieving woman noted.


Samaroo’s relatives are calling on the police to conduct an extensive probe in order to ensure that justice is served.

“We poor, but we want know who do this to him, we want know. We can’t suspect anybody, but we got to know”, one of his sisters pleaded.

Dave posted:
Ray posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:
Baseman posted:

People who like to judge others they don’t even know are hiding from themselves!

What good reason would he have to kill his wife and daughter? They could not even fight back....he is a coward for killing them

Here we go, you knows the man life history. 

what about his life story would I need to know to justify his killing of his wife and daughter

Why pronounce judgement on the man for his act. How many have not commit worst act and was set free. 

If the man has a mental problem which  i don’t know and if you are guilty of pronouncing judgement on him without knowing his ailment, then you are slandering him by calling him a coward, isn’t it .    a SIN in Islam which is forbidden ( a mufti sitting next to me say )  ... you have a few more days in Ramandan to ask for forgiveness . 

God's my opinion that he is a coward for killing his wife and child

That man killed his wife and child, he needs forgiveness, not me


Glasgow man hammers wife, daughter to death, hangs self

The house where the killings occurred


June 7 2018

A Glasgow, East Bank Berbice man murdered his wife and daughter yesterday morning and then hung himself.

Jainarine Seetaram, also known as “Rado,” after killing his wife, Bindomattie Seetaram and fatally wounding his daughter Serojdeo Khan was later found hanging under an abandoned house, one street away, from his residence at Lot 1078 Glasgow New Housing Scheme.

It was an emotional day in Glasgow yesterday, after the 41-year-old unemployed man, just after 9 am, attacked his wife, also known as “Kameek”, 38, in the head with a hammer. He then used a knife to slash her throat while she was lying in a hammock outside of the lower flat of their house.

The couple’s 20-year-old daughter also known as “Aniela” or “Anno”, and 11-year-old son, Mahesh Seetaram, also known as “Arun” were upstairs when they heard the commotion.

According to the police, the son relayed to investigators that he heard his mother telling his father to move from next to her yesterday morning. The lad also told investigators that his parents had fought some two weeks ago.

Glasgow residents gathered at scene

The house where Jainarine Seetaram hung himself

Residents at the scene

Omawattie Behari (Center) being consoled

Stabroek News was told that the two children rushed downstairs where they saw their father armed with a hammer with a wooden handle and a knife. Both children witnessed their father delivering a lash to their mother’s head with the hammer.

Seetaram then attempted to lash his son who ran out of the yard.  In a fit of rage, the man then turned to his daughter and did the unthinkable, and dealt her several lashes in her head as well, with the hammer.

Mahesh then returned to the scene with his grandmother, Omawattie Behari, 57, who then discovered the bodies of the two women.

Bindomattie’s body bore a gash on the right side of her head and a slit on her throat, while Khan’s body bore a gash on her head and a cut on her forehead.

 By this time, residents and relatives who reside close by, had rushed over to offer assistance to the two women who were lying on the concrete outside of the lower flat, next to the hammock.

Khan, who was still conscious, was picked up and rushed to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where she succumbed, minutes after her arrival.

Residents said that they heard screaming and upon looking over they saw Seetaram carrying out the attack.

A neighbour, Community Policing Officer Trevor Marcus explained that other neighbours had begun to scream that Seetaram was murdering his wife, after which he saw the man running away from the scene with a weapon in his hand. “I run after he, but he run in the cane fields and get away,” Marcus recalled.

Trevor Marcus

While police were busy at the crime scene, Seetaram decided to end his life one street away from the house where he had murdered his wife and daughter.

As undertakers were getting ready to remove Bindomattie’s body, residents began screaming, “He deh at the old house! He deh at the old house!”

The police and residents, who had gathered then made a run for the abandoned house, where they found Seetaram hanging from a rope.

After picking up Bindomattie’s body, the undertakers then went to the abandoned house and picked up Seetaram’s body. The hammer which was used in the attack was found on a table at Seetaram’s residence, while the knife was found next to his body at the abandoned house.

Mohanlall Behari

Bindomattie’s father, Mohanlall Behari stated that the couple had been together for over 22 years. He recalled that around 10 am he received a message that his daughter had been murdered.

“When I come I see she deh here in the hammock lay down, and me wife gone a hospital with me granddaughter,” he said, while adding, “She head bash in and she get one slit in she throat and me granddaughter head bash to”.

Behari recalled that the last time he saw his daughter was around 8 am yesterday when he was grazing cows in the backlands.

“I come in and he did deh in the hammock eating a tennis roll, and me daughter been deh washing and them tell me morning and we talk and I gone,” he recalled.

Behari explained that his son-in-law had been previously employed at a cement factory on the East Bank of Berbice, as a security guard. “After the factory close down, he start work a sawmill as a security, but then he get sick and stop work years ago,” the distraught man said, then added, “The chap na been like work, and them must be tell he to go look work and them fight”.

According to Behari, Khan’s husband and Jainarine’s brother, who are both overseas, along with other relatives, assisted financially with maintaining the family.

The attack has left residents in Glasgow New Housing Scheme shocked as they could not believe that their neighbour had murdered his wife and daughter, and then killed himself.

The  residents spoke highly of the entire family, and one man said, “The man when he talk you can’t hear he and the lady quiet too, the family always a look good and deh together”. While one neighbour observed, “Them does get them quarrel like all family, but me never expect this, for that man do that, I don’t know”.

Persons called for more to be done at the grass root level in communities in order to eradicate domestic violence.  “We need to do more for our women, this is too much now, we need to do more,” one resident pleaded.


I read an updated version of this news from Guyana Guardian that the man beat his wish on her head with a hammer and her brains were coming out of her head before he slit her throat. He also carved his daughter's belly and her intestines were protruding out of her. This mother and daughter met a grizzly death from a man who is supposedly a husband and father.  

Wife brains splattered, daughter’s intestines dug-out, in grizzly murder

Last edited by Former Member

"Behari explained that his son-in-law had been previously employed at a cement factory on the East Bank of Berbice, as a security guard. “After the factory close down, he start work a sawmill as a security, but then he get sick and stop work years ago,” the distraught man said, then added, “The chap na been like work, and them must be tell he to go look work and them fight”.

According to Behari, Khan’s husband and Jainarine’s brother, who are both overseas, along with other relatives, assisted financially with maintaining the family."


Jainarine wasn't working enjoying life,why did he trip out to commit such brutal act ?

Last edited by Django

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