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Musical medley for the presidency


Dear Editor,


I look around, and despite the clamour, perhaps because of it, I am prompted to ask: whither the presidency today? Thinking some more, I have other questions: Do we have one? A real one? If yes, where can this mystery be found?

Looking back, there is almost always something that could be said. Burnham (acumen); Jagan (dedication); Hoyte (outlook) and Jagdeo (nothing). Nothing because when there is an absolute absence of anything good or positive, that comes to mind, then nothing follows. Still, the question persists: whither the presidency today?

At first, I thought in cricketing terms: backward short leg and silly mid-off, with emphasis on the first word in each instance, but believed that these were not quite on the money. Then I came to the realization that a musical medley catches and covers the essentials most appropriately. It is a long song, part comical, somewhat sad, mostly dismal, but portrays a true song and dance figure in sharp undeniable outline.

Echoes of the Beatles came first: He is a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land. Sounds like a nice fit to me. But even before that plaintive sound could fade, I hear the Tams pleading, What kind of fool do you think I am? Now the answer to that lyrical question is best kept out of the public domain. Still I wonder –the question crooned is being asked of whom? Comrades? Predecessor? The Guyanese people? Like I said, silence is golden in this instance.

Now I know the presidency is a dirty job that somebody has to do. Perhaps that is why a daily favourite of the big man is Patsy Cline wailing I fall to pieces. Given standing mass and volume, that is a lot of pieces, and a whole lot of falling…

Those who lack a smidgen of empathy for the jobholder should note that he is in the same boat with Neil Diamond lamenting, Morningside the old man died and no one cried. That is why the only thing that keeps the party comrades going is the nostalgia of the Drifters singing Memories are made of this. And in the unlikely event that that fails to stir the faithful, there is always Brook Benton’s sweet and darkly velvet rendition of These are the ties that bind. And bind they do to the dead and a founder conveniently interred when the loyal get ideas or become adventurous. It is enough to bring a tear to even the most hardhearted.

For those harbouring doubts about how low the presidency has sunk should know that Sam Cook’s Twisting the night away has been converted to a dance (and weight loss) craze at festive gatherings. Except that it is now called ‘backballin’ and gyrated to night and day.

By the way, that stalled anti-money laundering legislation best captures the presidential mood in that bluesy gem from Joe Simon, Just enough, just enough to keep me hanging on. And if that is not enough, then Dionne Warwick provides comfort that Wishing and hoping and… praying might lead somewhere. Yes, hope persists; it is why the nation hears the presidential brinksmanship of Elvis Pressley’s It’s now or never. The sticking point is that the opposition has serious objections to that part about ‘come hold me tight’ business.

Its leaders shudder when they contemplate some of the fellows involved, inclusive of both current and previous people.

When all the lamenting and crying fails, solace is best found in the superbly named Jimmy James and the Vagabonds and their rendition of Diamond’s, Red, red wine. That would be both the liquid and the ideology.

When all the singing and crying is over, this is the presidency on display. Somewhere in there, there happens to be a president lurking.


Yours faithfully, 
GHK Lall

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Great satire.


I however disagree that Burnham had acumen.  Burnham DID NOT have the ability to make good judgments; he was a racist, opportunist political leader that PUT self before country.




With respect to Hoyte, I wonder what OUTLOOK he had when he diligently serve PAPA ODO and help to destroyed the economy of Guyana after 1976?




But great satirical piece with a deep message.


Guyana was robbed by an army of ill-fit and unsuitable politicians then and now and including Papa Cheddi.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Mars, this is way way over the heads of most GNIers.

Why.....You no comprande???.....

I am sure TK & His Following will tell you he understand.....

All it means the PPP & PNC

has been reduced to Garbage today...


Dishonesty of Burnham.......PNC

Dedication of Jagan.....PPP

and Outlook of Hoyte...PNC

Massive Corruption of Jagdeo....PPP

Dumbness of Ramotar....PPP


Pictures of Guyana in 1950 Before PPP & PNC


NOW.....Just look at the state of Georgetown Today

and you will see the results of PPP & PNC

efforts since 1950.




Now see the pictures of Guyana Today....

What a Shame?



Look fuh yuh self .....

Do not let dem PNC Jumbie tell you differently & Fool you.


This is a Result of Rigged Elections &

Cancelling Local Govt Elections

Now....My good friend Stormie will point us to a Great Article written By The PNC stooge TK addressing this issue.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Great satire.


I however disagree that Burnham had acumen.  Burnham DID NOT have the ability to make good judgments; he was a racist, opportunist political leader that PUT self before country.



burham is the past,we have the ppp repeating burham all over again

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Great satire.


I however disagree that Burnham had acumen.  Burnham DID NOT have the ability to make good judgments; he was a racist, opportunist political leader that PUT self before country.



burham is the past,we have the ppp repeating burham all over again

Either you are too young or very illiterate of the past.


Too many of us continue to live in the past and fail to actually see what is going on right in front of us right now.


Absolute Personal Responsibility Nothing in your personal, physical, professional and financial life will change until you start making your changes. Human beings are really really good at self-deception (lying to ourselves keeps us from pain). And playing The Victim. But the beginning of transformation is awareness. And the very moment we stop blaming others and conditions for what’s not world-class in our lives is the moment we take back our power to dramatically alter our situation. APR is all about waking up to the reality that your current reality (in whatever areas are most important to you) have not been caused by Granger or by The PNC or by your childhood or by the world. You created them (via your thinking, behaviors and performance). And once you truly get this, you’ll be in the beautiful position to make the new choices that will deliver all-new results.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Too many of us continue to live in the past and fail to actually see what is going on right in front of us right now.


Absolute Personal Responsibility Nothing in your personal, physical, professional and financial life will change until you start making your changes. Human beings are really really good at self-deception (lying to ourselves keeps us from pain). And playing The Victim. But the beginning of transformation is awareness. And the very moment we stop blaming others and conditions for what’s not world-class in our lives is the moment we take back our power to dramatically alter our situation. APR is all about waking up to the reality that your current reality (in whatever areas are most important to you) have not been caused by Granger or by The PNC or by your childhood or by the world. You created them (via your thinking, behaviors and performance). And once you truly get this, you’ll be in the beautiful position to make the new choices that will deliver all-new results.

TK stop hiding ......

this is the Present situation

Stop making sissy excuses for PNC and Granger.


Stormie can praise yuh fuh all dem paper yuh writing..

but none of them

can solve the mess we find ourself in now...


TK .....Do not be shame...

Click on the link

and see  what PNC & PPP

 created in Guyana since 1950


Granger keeping you in "De School Boy Stand"...

You deserve better....

but you made a wrong choice.

"De Professor Place is not in De Bleachers"


and yuh cannot fix it.......

unless yuh admit yuh made a wrong choice...

and fix that.






is 100% Responsible for the mess Guyana is in Now


Learn from the past to make a better future, not live in the past as it is presently

Gy is living in the past, and complain about the future and no one is doing anything to make it right,  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Great satire.


I however disagree that Burnham had acumen.  Burnham DID NOT have the ability to make good judgments; he was a racist, opportunist political leader that PUT self before country.



burham is the past,we have the ppp repeating burham all over again

I agree and the PPP is worst than Burnham.  But we cannot white wash away the PNC era with idiotic utterance like PNC Part 1 and PNC Part 2.


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