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Former Member
 Hope Schreiber,Yahoo Lifestyle 19 hours ago, July 23, 2019, YAHOO,

An advocacy group has filed a complaint with the Michigan Civil Rights Department based on religious discrimination on behalf of a couple, who alleges that a Tim Hortons employee told them to "go back to your country."

Last month, Ameur Dhaimini and his wife, Alaa Kouider, visited a Tim Hortons in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on their way north for a family vacation. According to Kouider, who was born in Lansing, Michigan, an employee working the drive-through of the fast-food restaurant chain messed up their coffee order, The Detroit News reports. When they entered the restaurant to get the order corrected, an employee there became irate, insulted them, and told the couple, who are Muslim and Algerian-American, "This isn't your country. Go back to your country. I thought you had your papers."

The incident was captured on video.

"It was very hurtful — I've never been treated that way in my life," Koudier said at the Council on American-Islamic Relations Michigan Chapter's (CAIR-MI) office during a news conference on Friday.

"This kind of discrimination here in the United States — it was very sad and hurtful," Dhaimini said.

Telisha Weatherspoon-McKinney identified herself as the worker in the video to The Detroit News and said she was "wrong for saying that."

Weatherspoon-McKinney, who just started working at the Tim Hortons a few weeks prior, says that she made the comments after the couple started to act rude to her, stating that "they also offended me."

A spokesperson for Tim Hortons confirmed that the employee was fired. The couple alleges that they received a call from someone from the company and were offered a gift card.

Amy Doukere, an attorney with the Council of American Islamic Relations, claims that this recent situation is part of a concerning trend of increased incidents of Islamophobia.

"We've taken in 40 percent more Islamophobia cases in the second half of 2019 than we took in the first half of 2019," Doukere said, "and that's up from 50 percent from what we did in 2018."

Kouider said during the news conference: "Those words that came out of that young lady's mouth that were intended to hurt, but most importantly they were intended to silence. I want to let her know and everyone else that's ever used a comment like that know, that we won't back down; we won't stay silent; and we definitely won't be going anywhere. We're here to stay. This is our country. I don't need to prove myself to anybody. And as long as there's room in America for bigotry and racism there's definitely room for acceptance and love."

Tim Hortons provided the following statement to Yahoo Lifestyle: "We always want team members and guests to have a positive, welcoming and rewarding experience at our restaurants. Franchisees are independent and responsible for all employment matters. The team member involved in this incident has been terminated by the franchise as Tim Hortons does not tolerate any type of harassment in the workplace."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I would not doubt they were rude to the server.  Brown and Black People treat their servers like that. Many have adopted the slave/master mentality which the white man has shed for several generations. 

We just saw it demonstrated when President Trump invited his Black Guyanese cook/server and his family to have equal status dinner with his family.

This illustrates an evolved civilized humanity vs third world buze, kick up and spit at shithole mentality.  Then we try that shit on the White man and vex when he say get the f out my country!  Then we run to the White man court for justice.  

Last edited by Former Member

Why these people do not change their names and their clothing?

Wah dey waiting for?

Are they planning to assimilate or go back to where they came from and do not wish be unaccustomed. Imagine 50 years from now, are such individuals will be Americans or aliens with American papers.

The Jews changed their names to assimilate, Blacks change their names, many white europeans with funny names changed their names to Anglo sounding names. Respect for the country and its people.

White foreigners with funny names seeking public office in the past changed their names. Those women in the recent news should take note instead of shaming Donald Trump. 

Nehru posted:

Seigy, are you friggin high, change name? I agree with the clothing, that should be only for special/religious occasions.

Chief will come with vengeance now

I doubt whether he wears his kurta everywhere he goes. His speech is in a peaceful tone. Converted to the brotherhood give a speech pattern as if anger is next.  

Baseman posted:

I would not doubt they were rude to the server.  Brown and Black People treat their servers like that. Many have adopted the slave/master mentality which the white man has shed for several generations. 

We just saw it demonstrated when President Trump invited his Black Guyanese cook/server and his family to have equal status dinner with his family.

This illustrates an evolved civilized humanity vs third world buze, kick up and spit at shithole mentality.  Then we try that shit on the White man and vex when he say get the f out my country!  Then we run to the White man court for justice.  

First and foremost, this is not white man's country. It has always been the dominion of brown people. Secondly, you are making a claim to substantiate your conditioned notion that these are the backward others so they were the ones who had to have initiated the disagreement with their poor behavior.

You know no such thing and the reporting was about them trying to get their coffee order straight and given the customer is always right doctrine they ought to have gotten it corrected with no hassle.

This trump is the one who said the same thing as the errant barista. But he is the president and ought to know better but since he is a natural racist he acted as he is known to act. Inviting his chef to dinner is not to be allayed for his firing of the precious long term chef at the white house who was black simply because he served the Obamas. 


Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

Why these people do not change their names and their clothing?

Wah dey waiting for?

Are they planning to assimilate or go back to where they came from and do not wish be unaccustomed. Imagine 50 years from now, are such individuals will be Americans or aliens with American papers.

The Jews changed their names to assimilate, Blacks change their names, many white europeans with funny names changed their names to Anglo sounding names. Respect for the country and its people.

White foreigners with funny names seeking public office in the past changed their names. Those women in the recent news should take note instead of shaming Donald Trump. 

Why should they change their names, clothing please whom? Assimilation is not contingent on one simply becoming clones of the dominant culture. Actually, cultural drift never happens that way. There is what is called liminal space ( where the cultures meet) and a hybridity occurs ie both cultures contribute something to a new reality. These people will change as well as change the culture and that is a fact. BTW, there is no such thing as white culture  or American culture that is white. America is a miscegenation of cultures. 

Blacks did not change their names dummy. They were deemed to not be nameable and often were not in the official census. They were given names of the plantation. 

Itilians do not change their names, Jews, contrary to you, still have their names hence we can know them even today. The same goes for almost every other culture. Their names is precious to them.

Baseman posted:

I would not doubt they were rude to the server.  Brown and Black People treat their servers like that.

You might be a rude pig but me and the black people I know treat their servers properly.  I don't want to end up in ER because I was rude to them and they poured some filth into the food.

If you want respect you must show respect.

Given that your hero is in his final stage of having a complete mental breakdown his disciples think that this behavior is OK.

Its good though as she will learn that in the USA ethnic minorities do wield power.  Hope that she tells her next employer that she was fired because she is a racist bigot.

There are hordes of white people who now wail that "life is so hard these days and we long for MAWA (Make American White Again) when we could have insulted nonwhites, and strung them up from a tree if they objected.

seignet posted:

Why these people do not change their names and their clothing?

Wah dey waiting for?

Are they planning to assimilate or go back to where they came from and do not wish be unaccustomed. Imagine 50 years from now, are such individuals will be Americans or aliens with American papers.

The Jews changed their names to assimilate, Blacks change their names, many white europeans with funny names changed their names to Anglo sounding names. Respect for the country and its people.

White foreigners with funny names seeking public office in the past changed their names. Those women in the recent news should take note instead of shaming Donald Trump. 

Why don't you tell your white massa that this is 1860 so he can enslave you, beat you, maim you or do whatever he wishes as you are his property and are no better than a farm animal.

Do you tell all those white people with Polish names that consist of 11 consonants and 2 vowels to change their names to one like Smith, or Jones.  For that matter is your name Tom Brown or Michael Smith?  Because these multi syllable Hindu names aren't easy either.

For someone who no doubt doesn't have an Anglosaxon name you are weird in your rant about lack of assimilation. 

Now go and tell Prashad and Nehru to take down their jhandi flags as the white people don't like evidence of "paganism".

Stormborn posted:
. Inviting his chef to dinner is not to be allayed for his firing of the precious long term chef at the white house who was black simply because he served the Obamas. 


Poor Trump is concerned about what "the blacks" think.  So he is weeping about a rapper in jail in Sweden.  Telling us that he is a hero for blacks who beg him to rescue this man. And now he is showing off his chef.

After all it gets tired when the only blacks that Trump can show are Kanye, Carson and Lynne Patton.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Why these people do not change their names and their clothing?

Wah dey waiting for?

Are they planning to assimilate or go back to where they came from and do not wish be unaccustomed. Imagine 50 years from now, are such individuals will be Americans or aliens with American papers.

The Jews changed their names to assimilate, Blacks change their names, many white europeans with funny names changed their names to Anglo sounding names. Respect for the country and its people.

White foreigners with funny names seeking public office in the past changed their names. Those women in the recent news should take note instead of shaming Donald Trump. 

Why don't you tell your white massa that this is 1860 so he can enslave you, beat you, maim you or do whatever he wishes as you are his property and are no better than a farm animal.

Do you tell all those white people with Polish names that consist of 11 consonants and 2 vowels to change their names to one like Smith, or Jones.  For that matter is your name Tom Brown or Michael Smith?  Because these multi syllable Hindu names aren't easy either.

For someone who no doubt doesn't have an Anglosaxon name you are weird in your rant about lack of assimilation. 

Now go and tell Prashad and Nehru to take down their jhandi flags as the white people don't like evidence of "paganism".

I think it is Psalm 139, as it states, and the Nigerians Pastors says to claim it.

When I was concieved in the dark, it is the Lord who gave me a Soul, a Body, a Heart /Mind. Maybe, I passed through this world many times before. At times I do feel I have been here before-just from intuitions.

This time around, I was born an Indian and at the right time to enjoy the Whitemans Golden age of the 50's. I respect ppl in general, however the whiteman get my greatest respect bcz they tek the barren spaces and create heaven on earth. I doan think I was ever enslaved, I may have recieved the soul of decent ancestors. Slavery has always been a way of life for some people from the time time began. Not everyone can be a massa, somebody gat to be the slave. 

Once the Lord is present, there are no fears. Even the taskmasters whip.

Bro, when Eastern Europeans came to America along with Jews, a great many changed their names to Anglo ones. American has always been a racists country, it made those people easy to assimilate. You can google it if you want proof of it. Doan tek meh word for it. 

My name is Theophilous Benedict Velutha Kuttapen, a downright Anglo Hindu Madrassie. What's in a name. Perhaps, the only thing given to a child by his parents that will last until death, some ppl change it for reasons.

Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

Why these people do not change their names and their clothing?

Wah dey waiting for?

Are they planning to assimilate or go back to where they came from and do not wish be unaccustomed. Imagine 50 years from now, are such individuals will be Americans or aliens with American papers.

The Jews changed their names to assimilate, Blacks change their names, many white europeans with funny names changed their names to Anglo sounding names. Respect for the country and its people.

White foreigners with funny names seeking public office in the past changed their names. Those women in the recent news should take note instead of shaming Donald Trump. 

Why should they change their names, clothing please whom? Assimilation is not contingent on one simply becoming clones of the dominant culture. Actually, cultural drift never happens that way. There is what is called liminal space ( where the cultures meet) and a hybridity occurs ie both cultures contribute something to a new reality. These people will change as well as change the culture and that is a fact. BTW, there is no such thing as white culture  or American culture that is white. America is a miscegenation of cultures. 

Blacks did not change their names dummy. They were deemed to not be nameable and often were not in the official census. They were given names of the plantation. 

Itilians do not change their names, Jews, contrary to you, still have their names hence we can know them even today. The same goes for almost every other culture. Their names is precious to them.

What did this man write that someone chose to like it. Cain muss be thhe guy, Putagee wah de razz wrong wid yuh, stop smoking it affecting the brain cells.  

seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

Why these people do not change their names and their clothing?

Wah dey waiting for?

Are they planning to assimilate or go back to where they came from and do not wish be unaccustomed. Imagine 50 years from now, are such individuals will be Americans or aliens with American papers.

The Jews changed their names to assimilate, Blacks change their names, many white europeans with funny names changed their names to Anglo sounding names. Respect for the country and its people.

White foreigners with funny names seeking public office in the past changed their names. Those women in the recent news should take note instead of shaming Donald Trump. 

Why should they change their names, clothing please whom? Assimilation is not contingent on one simply becoming clones of the dominant culture. Actually, cultural drift never happens that way. There is what is called liminal space ( where the cultures meet) and a hybridity occurs ie both cultures contribute something to a new reality. These people will change as well as change the culture and that is a fact. BTW, there is no such thing as white culture  or American culture that is white. America is a miscegenation of cultures. 

Blacks did not change their names dummy. They were deemed to not be nameable and often were not in the official census. They were given names of the plantation. 

Itilians do not change their names, Jews, contrary to you, still have their names hence we can know them even today. The same goes for almost every other culture. Their names is precious to them.

What did this man write that someone chose to like it. Cain muss be thhe guy, Putagee wah de razz wrong wid yuh, stop smoking it affecting the brain cells.  

Most people are not ignorant or deeply ashamed of their identity. People change their names only when it presents adverse reaction ie heighten prejudices against t hem or if they feel displaced by it. Most people will adopt a call name but leave their real names intact Names...across every culture is of great significance. 




seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

Why these people do not change their names and their clothing?

Wah dey waiting for?

Are they planning to assimilate or go back to where they came from and do not wish be unaccustomed. Imagine 50 years from now, are such individuals will be Americans or aliens with American papers.

The Jews changed their names to assimilate, Blacks change their names, many white europeans with funny names changed their names to Anglo sounding names. Respect for the country and its people.

White foreigners with funny names seeking public office in the past changed their names. Those women in the recent news should take note instead of shaming Donald Trump. 

Why should they change their names, clothing please whom? Assimilation is not contingent on one simply becoming clones of the dominant culture. Actually, cultural drift never happens that way. There is what is called liminal space ( where the cultures meet) and a hybridity occurs ie both cultures contribute something to a new reality. These people will change as well as change the culture and that is a fact. BTW, there is no such thing as white culture  or American culture that is white. America is a miscegenation of cultures. 

Blacks did not change their names dummy. They were deemed to not be nameable and often were not in the official census. They were given names of the plantation. 

Itilians do not change their names, Jews, contrary to you, still have their names hence we can know them even today. The same goes for almost every other culture. Their names is precious to them.

What did this man write that someone chose to like it. Cain muss be thhe guy, Putagee wah de razz wrong wid yuh, stop smoking it affecting the brain cells.  

Haul yo rass yeh, this is my first visit to this thread but jus for dat I goin up an like it, yo backside happy now?

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Why these people do not change their names and their clothing?

Wah dey waiting for?

Are they planning to assimilate or go back to where they came from and do not wish be unaccustomed. Imagine 50 years from now, are such individuals will be Americans or aliens with American papers.

The Jews changed their names to assimilate, Blacks change their names, many white europeans with funny names changed their names to Anglo sounding names. Respect for the country and its people.

White foreigners with funny names seeking public office in the past changed their names. Those women in the recent news should take note instead of shaming Donald Trump. 

Why don't you tell your white massa that this is 1860 so he can enslave you, beat you, maim you or do whatever he wishes as you are his property and are no better than a farm animal.

Do you tell all those white people with Polish names that consist of 11 consonants and 2 vowels to change their names to one like Smith, or Jones.  For that matter is your name Tom Brown or Michael Smith?  Because these multi syllable Hindu names aren't easy either.

For someone who no doubt doesn't have an Anglosaxon name you are weird in your rant about lack of assimilation. 

Now go and tell Prashad and Nehru to take down their jhandi flags as the white people don't like evidence of "paganism".

The Carib knows fully well that Prashad wants the Carib to join his local Hari Krishna's movement.


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