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In a Case of Religious Dress, Justices Explore the Obligations of Employers

Samantha Elauf, center, with Majda Elauf, her mother, and David Lopez, general counsel for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, on Wednesday. Credit Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

WASHINGTON — Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. on Wednesday warned that “this is going to sound like a joke,” and then posed an unusual question about four hypothetical job applicants. If a Sikh man wears a turban, a Hasidic man wears a hat, a Muslim woman wears a hijab and a Catholic nun wears a habit, must employers recognize that their garb connotes faith — or should they assume, Justice Alito asked, that it is “a fashion statement”?

The question arose in a vigorous Supreme Court argument that explored religious stereotypes, employment discrimination and the symbolism of the Muslim head scarf known as the hijab, all arising from a 2008 encounter at Woodland Hills Mall in Tulsa, Okla.

Samantha Elauf, then 17, sought a job in a children’s clothing store owned by Abercrombie & Fitch. She wore a black head scarf but did not say why.

The company declined to hire her, saying her scarf clashed with the company’s dress code, which called for a “classic East Coast collegiate style.” The desired look, Justice Alito said, was that of “the mythical preppy.”

Ms. Elauf recalled the experience in a statement issued after the argument.

“When I applied for a position with Abercrombie Kids, I was a teenager who loved fashion,” she said. “I had worked in two other retail stores and was excited to work at the Abercrombie store. No one had ever told me that I could not wear a head scarf and sell clothing.”

“Then I learned I was not hired by Abercrombie because I wear a head scarf, which is a symbol of modesty in my Muslim faith,” she added. “This was shocking to me.”

Ms. Elauf, now 24, works at an Urban Outfitters store in Tulsa. A spokeswoman for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which sued Abercrombie on her behalf, said Ms. Elauf was declining interview requests.

A spokesman for Abercrombie & Fitch, Michael Scheiner, said the company “has a longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion, and consistent with the law has granted numerous religious accommodations when requested, including hijabs.”

The Supreme Court on Wednesday seemed sympathetic to Ms. Elauf’s position, which is that she should not have been required to make a specific request for a religious accommodation to wear a hijab. The company’s position is that it should not have been made to guess that Ms. Elauf wore a head scarf for religious reasons.

In response to Justice Alito’s question about the four hypothetical applicants, Shay Dvoretzky, a lawyer for the company, conceded that some kinds of religious dress presented harder questions, but he said the court should require applicants to raise the issue of religious accommodations.

Several justices suggested that an employer should simply describe its dress code and ask if it posed a problem. That would shift the burden to the applicant, they said. If the applicant then raised a religious objection, the employer would be required to offer an accommodation so long as it did not place an undue burden on the business.

That approach, Mr. Dvoretzky said, would itself require stereotyping.

But Justice Elena Kagan said that the approach was the lesser of two evils. On the one hand, it could require an “awkward conversation,” she said. “But the alternative to that rule is a rule where Abercrombie just gets to say, ‘We’re going to stereotype people and prevent them from getting jobs.’ ”

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg added that Ms. Elauf had not even known that her hijab was a problem.

“How could she ask for something when she didn’t know the employer had such a rule?” Justice Ginsburg said.

The store’s manager at first recommended that Ms. Elauf be hired. But after consulting with a district manager, she concluded that Ms. Elauf’s appearance posed a problem.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said the company had violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits religious discrimination in hiring. At the trial, Ms. Elauf said she loved movies, shopping, sushi and the mall. “It’s like my second home,” she said.

She was saving, she said, to open her own boutique. It would sell “really fashion-forward stuff, cute stuff,” Ms. Elauf said.

Her experience with Abercrombie made her feel “disrespected because of my religious beliefs,” she said. “I was born in the United States and I thought I was the same as everyone else.”

A jury awarded Ms. Elauf $20,000.

Like Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. what I ask will sound like a joke. But one wonders if the Supreme Court rules in favor of Smantha Elauf...

But the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, in Denver, ruled for the company. “Ms. Elauf never informed Abercrombie prior to its hiring decision that she wore her head scarf, or ‘hijab,’ for religious reasons,” Judge Jerome A. Holmes wrote for the court.

The company has maintained that it had no reason to know that Ms. Elauf’s head scarf was required by her faith. In its brief in the case, E.E.O.C. v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, No. 14-86, it said job applicants should not be allowed “to remain silent and to assume that the employer recognizes the religious motivations behind their fashion decisions.”

In an argument about stereotypes, the justices tried out a few examples.

“Suppose,” Justice Kagan asked, “an employer just doesn’t want to hire any Jews, and somebody walks in and his name is Mel Goldberg, and he looks kind of Jewish and the employer doesn’t know he’s Jewish. No absolute certainty, and certainly Mr. Goldberg doesn’t say anything about being Jewish, but the employer just operates on an assumption that he’s Jewish, so no, he doesn’t get the job. Is that a violation?”

Mr. Dvoretzky said that was classic employment discrimination based on religion. But Abercrombie’s dress code was different, he said. It applied neutrally in banning all head coverings.

That was the problem, Justice Ginsburg responded. “They don’t have to accommodate a baseball cap,” she said. “They do have to accommodate a yarmulke.”

The lawyer for the employment commission, Ian H. Gershengorn, sometimes seemed to frustrate at least some of the justices with the fine distinctions he drew. He said employers had to offer accommodations based on a variety of inferences and assumptions.

Justice Antonin Scalia responded, “You’re confusing me enormously.”

Speaking of a hypothetical employer, Justice Scalia said, “You just say he understands. That doesn’t do anything for me, what he understands, knows, believes, suspects. What other verbs do you need?”

But Justice Stephen G. Breyer said the basic inquiry should be easy.

“If the employer correctly infers, correctly understands — and I would add ‘or correctly believes’ — that a practice is religious and an accommodation is necessary, that’s it,” he said. “Then he has to accommodate unless he has one of the excuses under the statute.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"If a Sikh man wears a turban, a Hasidic man wears a hat, a Muslim woman wears a hijab and a Catholic nun wears a habit, must employers recognize that their garb connotes faith — or should they assume, Justice Alito asked, that it is “a fashion statement”?"



Just let's say, I had a BIG FAT joint stuck joint between my lips, does this connote faith or is it a fashion statement?


Only in America, under infidel (non Sharia) laws, in a Christian majority country can Muslims use our freedoms as a deadly poison against the very system which they find shelter and succor from.


They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


I don't buy Abercrombie and Fitch. That's my choice. But A&F have a right to project a certain douchey image since that is part of their brand. She can work at IBM where covering yourself in a curtain is perfectly conducive to the job.


Strict cult adherents choose to live lives of self-imposed cult rules. We should not bend society to these cult rules.


If you can't live as an American with a proper pair of pants instead of a man dress and/or you feel the need to don a curtain over your body to hide from all the infidel rapists in the public square then America ain't for you. There are many many fine choices out there in Allah's Own Countries.


We need to end Islamic immigration now and slow the growing cancer that is Islam in America lest they become more numerous. Every day our prisons are turning out more Muslims and our airports are clearing more of Baluchistan's finest goat herders past customs and immigration.

Last edited by Former Member

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


Bai, yuh rass mad. Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak. Who knows, they too may be praying in a little closet at the hospital between saving lives. Sure the infidels are paying them well for their service. But seriously, what is the life of an infidel worth to that infidel? 

Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.


Does A&B sell hijabs? Maybe they should but they are a preppy brand that sell up-scale crew crap and I am certain that they would like their sales people in their gear.


I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there? I wonder if they would hire a ghetto kid in droop pants and big white T's! I would find it absurd if he thinks it is his right to wear what he pleases to the job.


I would be very surprised if  the courts agree with this. The stores need to be able to marked their stuff as they deem appropriate.


We do not have nativity scenes in stores at Christmas anymore for the same reason that people object.  We have Easter bunnies but no crucifixion at Easter.We have compartmentalize religion for the sake of peaceful secular coexistence.


I have nothing against Hijab/Nigab etc  ( burkas I find obscene) but I still think A&B should be allowed to create the ambiance it feels is right to sell its gear.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.


Does A&B sell hijabs? Maybe they should but they are a preppy brand that sell up-scale crew crap and I am certain that they would like their sales people in their gear.


I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there? I wonder if they would hire a ghetto kid in droop pants and big white T's! I would find it absurd if he thinks it is his right to wear what he pleases to the job.


I would be very surprised if  the courts agree with this. The stores need to be able to marked their stuff as they deem appropriate.


We do not have nativity scenes in stores at Christmas anymore for the same reason that people object.  We have Easter bunnies but no crucifixion at Easter.We have compartmentalize religion for the sake of peaceful secular coexistence.


I have nothing against Hijab/Nigab etc  ( burkas I find obscene) but I still think A&B should be allowed to create the ambiance it feels is right to sell its gear.

Stormborn, i also happen to believe that A&E should be allowed to discriminate within certain limits, and i would not be offended if the Supreme Court upholds the 10th Circuit decision . . . though that seems unlikely


and i agree . . . burkas are obscene


this kid, however, is a fashion-forward type and likely would not be out of place in the store . . . see her here and here


what i do object to is CLEAR!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.



My Dear Sir,


Your criticisms of my comments on this judicial terrorist are your own. We will have to agree to disagree. You are even entitled to your childish attempt at an old fashioned Black Bush Polder/Yakasari busedown. More power to you.


However, permit me to rebut your remarks about being a "Corentyne transplant" and your other suspect reference to "Berbice." It seems as though you think pointing out that geographic fact about my biography is in some way demeaning or perhaps should be.


I assure you in the strongest possible terms that far from being demeaning my Corentyne, Berbice origins are a source of tremendous pride for me.


That my patrilineal ancestors have made the Corentyne their home since the 1700s under the Governorship of von Battenburg is a source of great personal and familial pride to me and my tribe. So much so that they gave their very name to the place. The bones of my forefathers are entombed in its hallowed soil and the bodies of their Indian heirs have further made sacred the very waters of the Corentyne with their funeral pyres and ancient Vedic chants.


We make it a point of honor to distinguish ourselves from Georgetown and any other part of Guyana even in casual conversation because we have great affection for the Corentyne in particular and Berbice in general.


It is laughable, even contemptible, that you think you can cause me to feel any distress or even diminished pride by attempting to mention my place of birth and ancestry in such a manner.


I am proud of my connection to that ancient land filled with history and culture from which great men have been birthed. Men who have shaped Guyana for centuries. It is more beautiful to me than Paris. More majestic and grand than stately Belgravia. For the simple reason that it is my heritage and I claim it with pride.


Jai Corentyne! Jai Berbice!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.



My Dear Sir,


Your criticisms of my comments on this judicial terrorist are your own. We will have to agree to disagree. You are even entitled to your childish attempt at an old fashioned Black Bush Polder/Yakasari busedown. More power to you.


However, permit me to rebut your remarks about being a "Corentyne transplant" and your other suspect reference to "Berbice." It seems as though you think pointing out that geographic fact about my biography is in some way demeaning or perhaps should be.


I assure you in the strongest possible terms that far from being demeaning my Corentyne, Berbice origins are a source of tremendous pride for me.


That my patrilineal ancestors have made the Corentyne their home since the 1700s under the Governorship of von Battenburg is a source of great personal and familial pride to me and my tribe. So much so that they gave their very name to the place. The bones of my forefathers are entombed in its hallowed soil and the bodies of their Indian heirs have further made sacred the very waters of the Corentyne with their funeral pyres and ancient Vedic chants.


We make it a point of honor to distinguish ourselves from Georgetown and any other part of Guyana even in casual conversation because we have great affection for the Corentyne in particular and Berbice in general.


It is laughable, even contemptible, that you think you can cause me to feel any distress or even diminished pride by attempting to mention my place of birth and ancestry in such a manner.


I am proud of my connection to that ancient land filled with history and culture from which great men have been birthed. Men who have shaped Guyana for centuries. It is more beautiful to me than Paris. More majestic and grand than stately Belgravia. For the simple reason that it is my heritage and I claim it with pride.


Jai Corentyne! Jai Berbice!

pitiful straw man . . . this 'great-pride-in-Berbice-roots' thing


señor desperate-to-change-the-subject, let me re-orient lil so that people are not deceived


i point to your foreign origins to ridicule your coward 'nativist' schtick and malign attempt to trash the "American" bona fides of a young lady born and bred here . . . nothing more


btw, my maternal roots also go back to Dutch Berbice . . . big freaking deal!


methinks this covering of the privates in pre-1838 'patriotic' Guiana knitting is a tad hypocritical for a card-carrying member of the Hindutva crowd


Jai Hind! more appropriate, no?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.


Does A&B sell hijabs? Maybe they should but they are a preppy brand that sell up-scale crew crap and I am certain that they would like their sales people in their gear.


I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there? I wonder if they would hire a ghetto kid in droop pants and big white T's! I would find it absurd if he thinks it is his right to wear what he pleases to the job.


I would be very surprised if  the courts agree with this. The stores need to be able to marked their stuff as they deem appropriate.


We do not have nativity scenes in stores at Christmas anymore for the same reason that people object.  We have Easter bunnies but no crucifixion at Easter.We have compartmentalize religion for the sake of peaceful secular coexistence.


I have nothing against Hijab/Nigab etc  ( burkas I find obscene) but I still think A&B should be allowed to create the ambiance it feels is right to sell its gear.


It's disgusting to compare the Hijab to droop pants....get a grip!


I agree with the SUpreme Court on this

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.


Does A&B sell hijabs? Maybe they should but they are a preppy brand that sell up-scale crew crap and I am certain that they would like their sales people in their gear.


I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there? I wonder if they would hire a ghetto kid in droop pants and big white T's! I would find it absurd if he thinks it is his right to wear what he pleases to the job.


I would be very surprised if  the courts agree with this. The stores need to be able to marked their stuff as they deem appropriate.


We do not have nativity scenes in stores at Christmas anymore for the same reason that people object.  We have Easter bunnies but no crucifixion at Easter.We have compartmentalize religion for the sake of peaceful secular coexistence.


I have nothing against Hijab/Nigab etc  ( burkas I find obscene) but I still think A&B should be allowed to create the ambiance it feels is right to sell its gear.


It's disgusting to compare the Hijab to droop pants....get a grip!


I agree with the SUpreme Court on this

Why is droop pants and big Ts not comparable to Hijab? Both were engendered in a culture that seeks specific ends. The prison culture did not accept belts and loose clothing was demanded by prison guards. It meant droopy pants and baggy shirt. People wearing that did so to show their street creds. They were "inside"


It spread all over the world and most people in baggy clothing and droopy pants and its permutation as haute couture fashion in the world from Paris to Tokyo to NY and most do not give  damn where it came from. There is nothing "bad" about it. It just evolved from a necessary requirement of a prison life to preserve life.


What is necessary in the Hijab excepts delusion to some that it creates a sense of modesty? I prefer to think of it as where it came from' out of the desert culture needing to hide in sand storms and not from religion. There is no difference functionally between the two. I happen not to like the droopy pants look not that it is better or worse than others.


I do not agree with the the fact that places of business cannot set a standard that creates the ambiance of they want to convey about their product. A$F is the Nantucket/Martha's Vineyard elite leisure class of  boats and crews assuming its own persona. They have a right to maintain that. Imagine not seeing the blue shirt or the stripes on a business man. It is his uniform, his armor his sense of exclusiveness. No one has a right to demand their way intrude there. Again, I do not care for droopy pants and A&F would not care for ghetto ready street droop ( they sell their version) No kid working there should demand he wear his street droop and striped drawers and plain white T's there as a right

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.


Does A&B sell hijabs? Maybe they should but they are a preppy brand that sell up-scale crew crap and I am certain that they would like their sales people in their gear.


I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there? I wonder if they would hire a ghetto kid in droop pants and big white T's! I would find it absurd if he thinks it is his right to wear what he pleases to the job.


I would be very surprised if  the courts agree with this. The stores need to be able to marked their stuff as they deem appropriate.


We do not have nativity scenes in stores at Christmas anymore for the same reason that people object.  We have Easter bunnies but no crucifixion at Easter.We have compartmentalize religion for the sake of peaceful secular coexistence.


I have nothing against Hijab/Nigab etc  ( burkas I find obscene) but I still think A&B should be allowed to create the ambiance it feels is right to sell its gear.


It's disgusting to compare the Hijab to droop pants....get a grip!


I agree with the SUpreme Court on this

Why is droop pants and big Ts not comparable to Hijab? Both were engendered in a culture that seeks specific ends. The prison culture did not accept belts and loose clothing was demanded by prison guards. It meant droopy pants and baggy shirt. People wearing that did so to show their street creds. They were "inside"


It spread all over the world and most people in baggy clothing and droopy pants and its permutation as haute couture fashion in the world from Paris to Tokyo to NY and most do not give  damn where it came from. There is nothing "bad" about it. It just evolved from a necessary requirement of a prison life to preserve life.


What is necessary in the Hijab excepts delusion to some that it creates a sense of modesty? I prefer to think of it as where it came from' out of the desert culture needing to hide in sand storms and not from religion. There is no difference functionally between the two. I happen not to like the droopy pants look not that it is better or worse than others.

Stormborn, if you check out the young lady's instagram pics, you will appreciate that it is more about covering the hair than the hijab


this very modern American kid is not the poster child for religious (Muslim) fundamentalism

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


Bai, yuh rass mad. Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak. Who knows, they too may be praying in a little closet at the hospital between saving lives. Sure the infidels are paying them well for their service. But seriously, what is the life of an infidel worth to that infidel? 

Hospitals, and many hotels all have their reserved quiet rooms for meditation and prayers. They just don't have exclusive Muslim or christian rooms. I do not think  one in a christian chapel would kick anyone out in any case.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.


Does A&B sell hijabs? Maybe they should but they are a preppy brand that sell up-scale crew crap and I am certain that they would like their sales people in their gear.


I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there? I wonder if they would hire a ghetto kid in droop pants and big white T's! I would find it absurd if he thinks it is his right to wear what he pleases to the job.


I would be very surprised if  the courts agree with this. The stores need to be able to marked their stuff as they deem appropriate.


We do not have nativity scenes in stores at Christmas anymore for the same reason that people object.  We have Easter bunnies but no crucifixion at Easter.We have compartmentalize religion for the sake of peaceful secular coexistence.


I have nothing against Hijab/Nigab etc  ( burkas I find obscene) but I still think A&B should be allowed to create the ambiance it feels is right to sell its gear.


It's disgusting to compare the Hijab to droop pants....get a grip!


I agree with the SUpreme Court on this

Why is droop pants and big Ts not comparable to Hijab? Both were engendered in a culture that seeks specific ends. The prison culture did not accept belts and loose clothing was demanded by prison guards. It meant droopy pants and baggy shirt. People wearing that did so to show their street creds. They were "inside"


It spread all over the world and most people in baggy clothing and droopy pants and its permutation as haute couture fashion in the world from Paris to Tokyo to NY and most do not give  damn where it came from. There is nothing "bad" about it. It just evolved from a necessary requirement of a prison life to preserve life.


What is necessary in the Hijab excepts delusion to some that it creates a sense of modesty? I prefer to think of it as where it came from' out of the desert culture needing to hide in sand storms and not from religion. There is no difference functionally between the two. I happen not to like the droopy pants look not that it is better or worse than others.

Stormborn, if you check out the young lady's instagram pics, you will appreciate that it is more about covering the hair than the hijab

I have read the case I know the circumstance, and the girl is American no less than the droop pants and big T's  Kids in the hood. It is a matter of the businesses being able to design a look to sell their product and hire people in that role. I am sure no Urban Outfitters would stop a droopy pants kid or hijab wearing girl from working in their stores as one would expect the variety there. A&F is preppy bland!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

that this thoroughly modern, fashion conscious American teenager (at the time), born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is subjected to unintelligent, antiman crap from a Corentyne transplant with identity issues just because she wants to cover her hair as a gesture of modesty in line with her religious faith is a f**king outrage


Shaitaan, A&F may be within their rights to not employ her; this is America after all . . . but this faux nativist shyte you are dribbling here makes me wonder whether it is better for this country that idiots like you be de-naturalized and shipped back to Berbice or wherever u come from


thank god the Supreme Court will put opportunists and posers like u in your place . . . like very soon



Muslim, Christian and Jewish advocacy organizations have weighed in on Elauf's side, as have gay-rights groups.

A legal brief on behalf of Orthodox Jews argues that requiring job applicants to voice the need for religion-related special treatment makes them less likely to be hired, with no reason given for the decision. Orthodox Jews who wear a skullcap, or yarmulke, or who may not work on Saturdays are routinely advised to withhold that information until after they are hired, lawyer Nathan Lewin said in his Supreme Court filing.


Does A&B sell hijabs? Maybe they should but they are a preppy brand that sell up-scale crew crap and I am certain that they would like their sales people in their gear.


I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there? I wonder if they would hire a ghetto kid in droop pants and big white T's! I would find it absurd if he thinks it is his right to wear what he pleases to the job.


I would be very surprised if  the courts agree with this. The stores need to be able to marked their stuff as they deem appropriate.


We do not have nativity scenes in stores at Christmas anymore for the same reason that people object.  We have Easter bunnies but no crucifixion at Easter.We have compartmentalize religion for the sake of peaceful secular coexistence.


I have nothing against Hijab/Nigab etc  ( burkas I find obscene) but I still think A&B should be allowed to create the ambiance it feels is right to sell its gear.


It's disgusting to compare the Hijab to droop pants....get a grip!


I agree with the SUpreme Court on this

Why is droop pants and big Ts not comparable to Hijab? Both were engendered in a culture that seeks specific ends. The prison culture did not accept belts and loose clothing was demanded by prison guards. It meant droopy pants and baggy shirt. People wearing that did so to show their street creds. They were "inside"


It spread all over the world and most people in baggy clothing and droopy pants and its permutation as haute couture fashion in the world from Paris to Tokyo to NY and most do not give  damn where it came from. There is nothing "bad" about it. It just evolved from a necessary requirement of a prison life to preserve life.


What is necessary in the Hijab excepts delusion to some that it creates a sense of modesty? I prefer to think of it as where it came from' out of the desert culture needing to hide in sand storms and not from religion. There is no difference functionally between the two. I happen not to like the droopy pants look not that it is better or worse than others.

Stormborn, if you check out the young lady's instagram pics, you will appreciate that it is more about covering the hair than the hijab

I have read the case I know the circumstance, and the girl is American no less than the droop pants and big T's  Kids in the hood. It is a matter of the businesses being able to design a look to sell their product and hire people in that role. I am sure no Urban Outfitters would stop a droopy pants kid or hijab wearing girl from working in their stores as one would expect the variety there. A&F is preppy bland!

we do not have a disagreement on the A&F employment thing


i was injecting necessary facts about modesty and covering of the hair


here, hijab as "desert culture" is not the point

Originally Posted by TI:

I love it, I love it! Now off to Lord and Taylor with some hijab sisters!


Lord and Taylor would not have a problem. They sell clothing that could well fit the category.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


Bai, yuh rass mad. Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak. Who knows, they too may be praying in a little closet at the hospital between saving lives. Sure the infidels are paying them well for their service. But seriously, what is the life of an infidel worth to that infidel? 

Hospitals, and many hotels all have their reserved quiet rooms for meditation and prayers. They just don't have exclusive Muslim or christian rooms. I do not think  one in a christian chapel would kick anyone out in any case.

My comment above was so not about prayer.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there?

Apparently more out of place than soiled panties are at Bloomingdales.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


Bai, yuh rass mad. Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak. Who knows, they too may be praying in a little closet at the hospital between saving lives. Sure the infidels are paying them well for their service. But seriously, what is the life of an infidel worth to that infidel? 

Hospitals, and many hotels all have their reserved quiet rooms for meditation and prayers. They just don't have exclusive Muslim or christian rooms. I do not think  one in a christian chapel would kick anyone out in any case.

My comment above was so not about prayer.

I know you are saying we are dependent on Muslims but I did not go there because of its patently stupid assertion.


Doctors of all sorts are there saving lives. there are some 800 thousand doctors in the US and some  35 thousand live and work not 2 miles from me so what is the idea that Muslim doctors are the life savers is silly. Doctors of all sorts save lives. I have 10 cousins, most hindus who are doctors.  I gather they save lives also.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there?

Apparently more out of place than soiled panties are at Bloomingdales.

Now what the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


Bai, yuh rass mad. Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak. Who knows, they too may be praying in a little closet at the hospital between saving lives. Sure the infidels are paying them well for their service. But seriously, what is the life of an infidel worth to that infidel? 

Hospitals, and many hotels all have their reserved quiet rooms for meditation and prayers. They just don't have exclusive Muslim or christian rooms. I do not think  one in a christian chapel would kick anyone out in any case.

My comment above was so not about prayer.

I know you are saying we are dependent on Muslims but I did not go there because of its patently stupid assertion.


Doctors of all sorts are there saving lives. there are some 800 thousand doctors in the US and some  35 thousand live and work not 2 miles from me so what is the idea that Muslim doctors are the life savers is silly. Doctors of all sorts save lives. I have 10 cousins, most hindus who are doctors.  I gather they save lives also.

My comment definitely did not seek to claim that we are dependent on Muslims. Your conclusion is your inability to get past the hatred in spite of your excellent comprehension skills.   

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there?

Apparently more out of place than soiled panties are at Bloomingdales.

Now what the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

Absolutely nothing other than people like to get on their high horses and pretend that they are so above tolerating one thing or the other and when the spotlights get shone on them we are all reminded that they are no better or worse than anyone else. Bloomingdales is much higher ranked than Nordstrom and it did not prevent them from putting on their shelves soiled panties worn by customers before being returned to the store.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:
My comment definitely did not seek to claim that we are dependent on Muslims. Your conclusion is your inability to get past the hatred in spite of your excellent comprehension skills.   


I find that where fullahman are generally concerned, it's hard (almost impossible) to get past the initial feelings of rage


You people are as popular as the Bubonic Plague.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


Bai, yuh rass mad. Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak. Who knows, they too may be praying in a little closet at the hospital between saving lives. Sure the infidels are paying them well for their service. But seriously, what is the life of an infidel worth to that infidel? 

Hospitals, and many hotels all have their reserved quiet rooms for meditation and prayers. They just don't have exclusive Muslim or christian rooms. I do not think  one in a christian chapel would kick anyone out in any case.

My comment above was so not about prayer.

I know you are saying we are dependent on Muslims but I did not go there because of its patently stupid assertion.


Doctors of all sorts are there saving lives. there are some 800 thousand doctors in the US and some  35 thousand live and work not 2 miles from me so what is the idea that Muslim doctors are the life savers is silly. Doctors of all sorts save lives. I have 10 cousins, most hindus who are doctors.  I gather they save lives also.

My comment definitely did not seek to claim that we are dependent on Muslims. Your conclusion is your inability to get past the hatred in spite of your excellent comprehension skills.   

Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak.


That is what you said. It is a stupid emphasis on muslim doctors and not on doctors. I am fairly competent in lots of things but I am a master of languages since that is one of my specialties. It is clear you meant to emphasized that.

If you think speaking to the ills of Muslims in the ME or the demands of the fanatics for gratuitous exceptions as being my guest. I see 125 people being enslaved because of their religion today and they will must surely die horribly and they were not kidnapped my Mormons...Now that is a group that gets my goat!


They already know..... Big business!



Fashion houses in Milan and Paris are waking up to the commercial potential for Muslim women’s clothing that respects religious values and sets new standards for style. The global Muslim fashion industry would be worth $96 billion if half of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims spend just $120 a year on clothing.



Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I was in Nordstroms today and do you know how out of place a hijab would be in there?

Apparently more out of place than soiled panties are at Bloomingdales.

Now what the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

Absolutely nothing other than people like to get on their high horses and pretend that they are so above tolerating one thing or the other and when the spotlights get shone on them we are all reminded that they are no better or worse than anyone else. Bloomingdales is much higher ranked than Nordstrom and it did not prevent them from putting on their shelves soiled panties worn by customers before being returned to the store.  

so because some idiot repackaged panties does not mean anyone is asking for exceptions to repackaging panties. I can say with clarity it is not policy in any high end stores. The point is that someone is requesting a change of policy to accommodate a right to wear what they please in a work environment. I say no way and hope the courts think that way as well


As for which one of the stores are better; I do not know. I know they look alike to me. I am next door to Nordstroms and my wife goes there often so I go as well.


I do not shop there. My clothes is from TJMax and sports authority and urban outfitters and city sports...I get 3 times the bang for my bucks.

Last edited by Former Member

They are harassing these people for modest dress, but allowing man to marry man; woman marry woman; man today, woman tomorrow; and vice versa.


This country has lost moral compass.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

They are harassing these people for modest dress, but allowing man to marry man; woman marry woman; man today, woman tomorrow; and vice versa.


This country has lost moral compass.


Serious question chap.


Were you buggered once and this has somehow made you anti-gay?

Originally Posted by TI:

They already know..... Big business!



Fashion houses in Milan and Paris are waking up to the commercial potential for Muslim women’s clothing that respects religious values and sets new standards for style. The global Muslim fashion industry would be worth $96 billion if half of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims spend just $120 a year on clothing.



That may be the case but the world's Muslims are the bottom of the barrel financially. Paris and Milan would make more money catering to the privileged class in the Gulf than selling jeans to and Ts to all of muslimdom. Them jihadis are into used American army kit!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
My comment definitely did not seek to claim that we are dependent on Muslims. Your conclusion is your inability to get past the hatred in spite of your excellent comprehension skills.   


I find that where fullahman are generally concerned, it's hard (almost impossible) to get past the initial feelings of rage


You people are as popular as the Bubonic Plague.

Yuh notice that fullahman don't lose sleep over what bothers yall small minds. But if yall want to continue chasing yall tails, go right ahead. After all, it is yall tails.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


Bai, yuh rass mad. Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak. Who knows, they too may be praying in a little closet at the hospital between saving lives. Sure the infidels are paying them well for their service. But seriously, what is the life of an infidel worth to that infidel? 

Hospitals, and many hotels all have their reserved quiet rooms for meditation and prayers. They just don't have exclusive Muslim or christian rooms. I do not think  one in a christian chapel would kick anyone out in any case.

My comment above was so not about prayer.

I know you are saying we are dependent on Muslims but I did not go there because of its patently stupid assertion.


Doctors of all sorts are there saving lives. there are some 800 thousand doctors in the US and some  35 thousand live and work not 2 miles from me so what is the idea that Muslim doctors are the life savers is silly. Doctors of all sorts save lives. I have 10 cousins, most hindus who are doctors.  I gather they save lives also.

My comment definitely did not seek to claim that we are dependent on Muslims. Your conclusion is your inability to get past the hatred in spite of your excellent comprehension skills.   

Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak.


That is what you said. It is a stupid emphasis on muslim doctors and not on doctors. I am fairly competent in lots of things but I am a master of languages since that is one of my specialties. It is clear you meant to emphasized that.

If you think speaking to the ills of Muslims in the ME or the demands of the fanatics for gratuitous exceptions as being my guest. I see 125 people being enslaved because of their religion today and they will must surely die horribly and they were not kidnapped my Mormons...Now that is a group that gets my goat!

The above is clearly not a convincing endorsement of your great language skills. What I wrote above is a response to something which you completely missed. I do believe that you have excellent comprehension skills. It is just your bigotry that keep getting in your way. Now while there are schools to teach people language arts, one is on their own when it comes to their bigotry.  

Originally Posted by TI:

They already know..... Big business!



Fashion houses in Milan and Paris are waking up to the commercial potential for Muslim women’s clothing that respects religious values and sets new standards for style. The global Muslim fashion industry would be worth $96 billion if half of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims spend just $120 a year on clothing.




Yep, de great and storied fashion houses of Paris and Milan are just itching to get a piece of the $120 demographic



Saks Fifth Avenue, which hosted the event, then put designer ready-to-wear abayas on sale for as much as $12,000 ....


At the top end of the market, Saudi princesses sometimes buy 15 to 20 evening gowns for as much as $20,000 each after ordering Saks to bring a selection of the latest Paris and Milan collections to their palaces, store manager Mohammed Nafisa said. They want abayas by the same designers to match. 

“They normally buy an outfit to be used only once at an evening reception,”


Clients have asked DAS to make abayas to match the color of their designer bags and high heels by brands such as Christian Dior, Hermes, Channel and Gucci “because they will be wearing the abaya in public where they cannot show a dress that would match with their accessories,” Beljafla said. 

“High-end designers such as Hermes and Gucci are also trying to break into the Muslim market with scarves and other products,” said Tamara Hostal.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



They've run from the Sharia wastelands of the Ummah to the greatness of Western Civilization and instead of trying to understand what makes this society work so well (especially compared to their hellhole countries of origin), they seek to methodically attack it brick by brick to bring it to Ummah levels.


Bai, yuh rass mad. Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak. Who knows, they too may be praying in a little closet at the hospital between saving lives. Sure the infidels are paying them well for their service. But seriously, what is the life of an infidel worth to that infidel? 

Hospitals, and many hotels all have their reserved quiet rooms for meditation and prayers. They just don't have exclusive Muslim or christian rooms. I do not think  one in a christian chapel would kick anyone out in any case.

My comment above was so not about prayer.

I know you are saying we are dependent on Muslims but I did not go there because of its patently stupid assertion.


Doctors of all sorts are there saving lives. there are some 800 thousand doctors in the US and some  35 thousand live and work not 2 miles from me so what is the idea that Muslim doctors are the life savers is silly. Doctors of all sorts save lives. I have 10 cousins, most hindus who are doctors.  I gather they save lives also.

My comment definitely did not seek to claim that we are dependent on Muslims. Your conclusion is your inability to get past the hatred in spite of your excellent comprehension skills.   

Lots of those people from de ummah are saving many infidel lives at many city and suburban hospitals as we speak.


That is what you said. It is a stupid emphasis on muslim doctors and not on doctors. I am fairly competent in lots of things but I am a master of languages since that is one of my specialties. It is clear you meant to emphasized that.

If you think speaking to the ills of Muslims in the ME or the demands of the fanatics for gratuitous exceptions as being my guest. I see 125 people being enslaved because of their religion today and they will must surely die horribly and they were not kidnapped my Mormons...Now that is a group that gets my goat!

The above is clearly not a convincing endorsement of your great language skills. What I wrote above is a response to something which you completely missed. I do believe that you have excellent comprehension skills. It is just your bigotry that keep getting in your way. Now while there are schools to teach people language arts, one is on their own when it comes to their bigotry.  

It is clearly of excellent linguistic vintage, aired in the cool cadence of fluid words cascading meanings intended.


I guess I missed your excellent presentation of some salient fact because it was hidden somewhere in your head and not put to text. To you bigotry is rejecting the the peculiarities of Islamic fundamentalism. Cannot say I care for the tripe.

Originally Posted by TI:

Clients have asked DAS to make abayas to match the color of their designer bags and high heels by brands such as Christian Dior, Hermes, Channel and Gucci “because they will be wearing the abaya in public where they cannot show a dress that would match with their accessories,” Beljafla said. 

“High-end designers such as Hermes and Gucci are also trying to break into the Muslim market with scarves and other products,” said Tamara Hostal.


Way to throw some desert sand in our eyes chap. This is irrelevant to the case at bar. You people are free to have white people make designer curtains for you all to wear and charge you exorbitant amounts for the privilege.


The case here is one of Abercrombie NOT being in the hijab curtain business but the regular preppy douche business. She didn't meet their criteria. End of story.

Originally Posted by TI:

Clients have asked DAS to make abayas to match the color of their designer bags and high heels by brands such as Christian Dior, Hermes, Channel and Gucci “because they will be wearing the abaya in public where they cannot show a dress that would match with their accessories,” Beljafla said. 

“High-end designers such as Hermes and Gucci are also trying to break into the Muslim market with scarves and other products,” said Tamara Hostal.

As I said, that is for the high end even in the American market. Much of the Islamic world is destitute due to neglect, and internecine fighting. Haute Couture will not see their doorsteps. Those fashion houses are not even on Main streets of America. One find them in exclusive  pools and patio zip codes.


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