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 Silently protesting Muslim woman ejected from Trump rally

Rock Hill, South Carolina (CNN)A Muslim woman wearing a hijab was escorted out of Donald Trump's campaign event on Friday by police after she stood up in silent protest during Trump's speech.

Rose Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant sitting in the stands directly behind Trump, stood up Friday during Trump's speech when the Republican front-runner suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with ISIS.

Trump has previously called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

Despite her silence, Trump supporters around her began chanting Trump's name -- as instructed by Trump campaign staff before the event in case of protests -- and pointed at Hamid and Marty Rosenbluth, the man alongside her who stood up as well.

As they were escorted out, Trump supporters roared -- booing the pair and shouting at them to "get out." One person shouted, "You have a bomb, you have a bomb," according to Hamid.

"The ugliness really came out fast and that's really scary," Hamid told CNN in a phone interview after she was ejected.

Major Steven Thompson of the Rock Hill Police Department told CNN Hamid was kicked out of the event because the campaign told him beforehand that "anybody who made any kind of disturbance" should be escorted out.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment asking why Hamid was escorted out of the venue.



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Replies sorted oldest to newest

RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:

She didn't say a word before she was led out, she just stood up to be noticed. Did you not see that? Why she needed to be noticed?

silent protest...she has a right to protest

Everyone that protest at Trump's meeting is ushered out of the venue, now he has the supporters sign a pledge before they enter the venue. She wants attention, she could have been a suicide bomber and still gets attention. She could have joined the rest of protesters outside of the building, She somehow makes Trump's case STRONGER against Muslims.

kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:

She didn't say a word before she was led out, she just stood up to be noticed. Did you not see that? Why she needed to be noticed?

silent protest...she has a right to protest

Everyone that protest at Trump's meeting is ushered out of the venue, now he has the supporters sign a pledge before they enter the venue. She wants attention, she could have been a suicide bomber and still gets attention. She could have joined the rest of protesters outside of the building, She somehow makes Trump's case STRONGER against Muslims.

Kp, do you really believe Trump had ANY case that can be made stronger? This episode does not speak to the woman, it spoke to who Trump is, and evidently you're enamored by what Trump is.

kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:

She didn't say a word before she was led out, she just stood up to be noticed. Did you not see that? Why she needed to be noticed?

silent protest...she has a right to protest

Everyone that protest at Trump's meeting is ushered out of the venue, now he has the supporters sign a pledge before they enter the venue. She wants attention, she could have been a suicide bomber and still gets attention. She could have joined the rest of protesters outside of the building, She somehow makes Trump's case STRONGER against Muslims.

how does she make trump case stronger? Are you saying that in trump's america, everyone has to sign a pledge not to protest?

baseman posted:
RiffRaff posted:
kp posted:

She is not a Trump supporter. Muslim people really like shit. "If you go to crab dance , you skin will get mud "

Lots of different people protest at these events...what's wrong with her protesting?

Black Lives Matter got thrown out of Hillary's event, and she in a sympathizer!

Irrelevant as usual.

Kari posted:
baseman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Lots of different people protest at these events...what's wrong with her protesting?

Black Lives Matter got thrown out of Hillary's event, and she in a sympathizer!

Irrelevant as usual.

Oye, you recover from the party I see.  It's relevant, she was thrown out (I don't think she deserved to be), but this happens all the time. Protesters usually do so outside and not come in to disrupt the event.  I think they should have let her stay as she was quiet, unlike the Black Lives Matter goons.  But in these emotionally charged atmosphere, maybe was not a good idea.  You see what these Saudi Wahabs brought onto all Muslims?  I noticed Chief gone dark recently!

kp posted:

She is not a Trump supporter. Muslim people really like shit. "If you go to crab dance , you skin will get mud "

According to Trump.

1.  All Muslims are bomb throwing savages, so have no right to protest against this characterization.

2.  All Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers, so should be deported.

3.  African Americans, who can trace their ancestry all the way back to 1619, are told to "go back to Africa" if they feel that they ought to protest to ensure equal treatment by the law.

And if they don't get the message Trump goons will force them to.

This seems like Germany in the late 30s, when Hitler was galvanizing his Nazi goons.  Note the same pandering to impoverished native whites by demonizing minority groups (Jews, blacks, gypsies, and those of Slavic ancestry).

It is of no surprise that on GNI Trump's support comes mainly from the Indo KKK.

skeldon_man posted:

It's like an ignorant non white going to a KKK rally. You know of the consequences and yet you choose to face the music.

Funny this.  So when Burnham was working  up Afro Guyanese crowds in 1973 you were OK with that? 

You didn't think that you ought to have protested when he sought to galvanize their support for him by implying that every Indo is a PPP and that made them the enemy?

Kari posted:
baseman posted:

Black Lives Matter got thrown out of Hillary's event, and she in a sympathizer!

Irrelevant as usual.

Kari recent polling suggests that Bernie is now AHEAD of Hillary among white voters. All that keeps him behind her is the fact that she still enjoys more support among blacks, and I presume Hispanics.

Hillary is NOT going to risk any action that could get negative publicity about she perceives various black protest groups.  Whether they have actual support or not.  Black Lives are very noisy groups, who know how to attract attention.

If Bernie wins the Democratic primary, it will be President Donald Trump.  Once one leaves the big metro areas in the north east and on the West Coast, this is a center RIGHT country. 

Sanders is too left, even for most NYers.  He isn't going to play well in MI, PA, OH, VA, or even FL,  States that the Democrats have to win in order to defeat the GOP.

So Hillary CANNOT take the black vote for granted, as you usually do, because all you know of the black voter is what some black politician tells you. 

Hillary is not Bill Clinton, nor is she Obama, so she doesn't have the status of "we like you, even though we don't always like what you do" that the other two have.  Hillary is fully aware of this, even if you aren't.

kp posted:

She is not a Trump supporter. Muslim people really like shit. "If you go to crab dance , you skin will get mud "

You expose your ignorance and bigotry by making such dumb comments before acquainting yourself with the facts. Go back and read or find out what the lady's rationale was for being there. Making a judgement about an entire religious group without facts amounts to nothing but prejudice/bigotry.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

She is not a Trump supporter. Muslim people really like shit. "If you go to crab dance , you skin will get mud "

According to Trump.

1.  All Muslims are bomb throwing savages, so have no right to protest against this characterization.

2.  All Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers, so should be deported.

3.  African Americans, who can trace their ancestry all the way back to 1619, are told to "go back to Africa" if they feel that they ought to protest to ensure equal treatment by the law.

And if they don't get the message Trump goons will force them to.

This seems like Germany in the late 30s, when Hitler was galvanizing his Nazi goons.  Note the same pandering to impoverished native whites by demonizing minority groups (Jews, blacks, gypsies, and those of Slavic ancestry).

It is of no surprise that on GNI Trump's support comes mainly from the Indo KKK.

Trump is nothing more than a bigoted idiot !! For the sake of the dumb-ass republicans, I hope he wins the nomination and get soundly beaten in the election.

Keffer posted:

Trump is nothing more than a bigoted idiot !! For the sake of the dumb-ass republicans, I hope he wins the nomination and get soundly beaten in the election.

The GOP is in full panic mode now.  If it isn't Trump the Nazi, its going to be Cruz, the CANADIAN lunatic.

No wonder they are running behind that little hip hop, water guzzling Cuban little boy.

Well the GOP played with the Tea Party, and now the scalding tea is burning them up.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

She is not a Trump supporter. Muslim people really like shit. "If you go to crab dance , you skin will get mud "

According to Trump.

1.  All Muslims are bomb throwing savages, so have no right to protest against this characterization.


2.  All Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers, so should be deported.


3.  African Americans, who can trace their ancestry all the way back to 1619, are told to "go back to Africa" if they feel that they ought to protest to ensure equal treatment by the law.


And if they don't get the message Trump goons will force them to.


This seems like Germany in the late 30s, when Hitler was galvanizing his Nazi goons.  Note the same pandering to impoverished native whites by demonizing minority groups (Jews, blacks, gypsies, and those of Slavic ancestry).

It is of no surprise that on GNI Trump's support comes mainly from the Indo KKK.



baseman posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

She is not a Trump supporter. Muslim people really like shit. "If you go to crab dance , you skin will get mud "

According to Trump.

1.  All Muslims are bomb throwing savages, so have no right to protest against this characterization.


2.  All Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers, so should be deported.


3.  African Americans, who can trace their ancestry all the way back to 1619, are told to "go back to Africa" if they feel that they ought to protest to ensure equal treatment by the law.


And if they don't get the message Trump goons will force them to.


This seems like Germany in the late 30s, when Hitler was galvanizing his Nazi goons.  Note the same pandering to impoverished native whites by demonizing minority groups (Jews, blacks, gypsies, and those of Slavic ancestry).

It is of no surprise that on GNI Trump's support comes mainly from the Indo KKK.



Trump told Blacks Lives protesters that if they don't like it in the USA then they should go back to Africa.

Hillary sat down with Black Lives protesters after that ONE incident that they were allegedly thrown out.

Has Trump ever sat down with Black Lives protesters?  NO!  In fact when they do show up at his events he encourages the crowds to hiss at them, and even hurl racist invectives.

The fact that Trump wants some tracking mechanism on ALL Muslims, means that he considers them all to be of danger.  Does he demand that all uneducated white men be similarly scrutinized, even though they have been responsible for way more mass murders.  Who can forget that bombing of the Federal building in Oklahoma two decades ago when almost 200 people were slaughtered?

Trump has stigmatized Mexicans as murderers and rapists.  In fact undocumented Mexicans exhibit very LOW levels of criminal behavior.

But you are a bigot, so you, the Nazis, and the KKK all endorse Trump.

caribny posted:

Baseman, Trump is the 21st century Hitler, and even GOP moderates think so, and fear that his victory at the primaries will lead to a sound thrashing in the national as women, immigrants, and non whites flee him, together with white men who are connected to these people.

For someone residing in the USA ,just be careful , Americans are STUPID, Trump will get the Republican nomination and don't be surprise he be the next President.In America, money is power, money talks, what Trump is saying is in the heads of many Americans but afraid to open their mouths.The majority of Americans are White and they see with Trump. I don't care a hoot who be your president, I travel every month to US but I call Canada home. You guys have a BIG problem come this November, a big surprise.

.The majority of Americans are White

65% of the REpublicans, mainly white, do NOT support Trump.  Then we add other whites, the vast majority of don't support him either.

So where do you concoct this notion that most whites support Trump?

BTW Canada is hoping fervently that Trump isn't president. Trudeau definitely do NOT want him around.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
caribny posted:

Baseman, Trump is the 21st century Hitler, and even GOP moderates think so, and fear that his victory at the primaries will lead to a sound thrashing in the national as women, immigrants, and non whites flee him, together with white men who are connected to these people.

For someone residing in the USA ,just be careful , Americans are STUPID, Trump will get the Republican nomination and don't be surprise he be the next President.In America, money is power, money talks, what Trump is saying is in the heads of many Americans but afraid to open their mouths.The majority of Americans are White and they see with Trump. I don't care a hoot who be your president, I travel every month to US but I call Canada home. You guys have a BIG problem come this November, a big surprise.

From my experience, Canadians don't have a clue about Americans...

RiffRaff posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:

Baseman, Trump is the 21st century Hitler, and even GOP moderates think so, and fear that his victory at the primaries will lead to a sound thrashing in the national as women, immigrants, and non whites flee him, together with white men who are connected to these people.

For someone residing in the USA ,just be careful , Americans are STUPID, Trump will get the Republican nomination and don't be surprise he be the next President.In America, money is power, money talks, what Trump is saying is in the heads of many Americans but afraid to open their mouths.The majority of Americans are White and they see with Trump. I don't care a hoot who be your president, I travel every month to US but I call Canada home. You guys have a BIG problem come this November, a big surprise.

From my experience, Canadians don't have a clue about Americans...

Donald Trump will erect a wall against Canada for harboring "terrorists".  After all he tells us that 6 y/o Syrian boys must be kept out of the USA, if Muslim.  Well Canada has allowed many of them in, hence his shrieks, if he wins.


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