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Deadly fighting at Pakistan mosque in Peshawar

Screen shot from Ary News coverage of Peshawar attack Pakistan TV showed images of the wounded being led away

Three militants have attacked a Shia mosque in the Pakistani city of Peshawar with guns and grenades, killing 18 people and injuring dozens.

Police and the gunmen exchanged gunfire at the mosque in Peshawar's wealthy Hayatabad district.

Officials later said one militant had blown himself up, one had been arrested and another killed in the gunfight.

Two weeks ago, another attack on a Shia mosque Sindh province's Shikarpur district left more than 60 people dead.

Sunni militants linked to the Taliban said they had carried out the Shikarpur attack, which was the deadliest in years.

In Peshawar, TV footage on Friday showed people running from the scene, some carrying wounded people on their shoulders.

Police chief Mian Saeed said the militants stormed the mosque wearing suicide vests. However, only one attacker managed to detonate his.

The other two reportedly threw grenades and shot at worshippers gathered for Friday prayers.

No group has said it carried out the attack.

Over the past decade, Pakistan has experienced an increasing number of sectarian attacks.

Most are carried out by hard-line Sunni Muslim groups against Shias, who comprise about 20% of the population.

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Here is a hate crime against Muslims no one can or will dispute should be classed as a "hate crime." (Oh yea, Muslim countries have no concept of "hate crime." That's a Western infidel invention.) But alas, the perpetrators are not Christian or atheist or Hindu or Buddhist. Therefore, it's the wrong kind of hate crime. The kind that's of no political value.


There will be no round the clock media coverage. No beating of chest and ashening of one's hair among the Party of Allah-USA Branch. These 18 dead will not serve any Islamist political agenda. No political concessions from white people (especially idiot liberals) is there to be had. So these people will be quickly buried and forgotten. No #ShiaMuslimLivesMatter hashtag for them. No facebook page dedicated to their memory.


#MuslimLivesMatter only when the Islamist agenda and it's poisonous narrative desperately searching for facts can be advanced.


Amrika ho Akbar!


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