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Former Member

Ok folks


This topic seems to be hitting the airwaves recently in Canada and across the world.


What was once a very tolerant attitude towards Islam has become an open resentment being shown towards Islam as a result of recent terrorist attacks all of which were committed in the name of Islam and recently a claim that the Prophet was insulted.


A vast majority of muslims do not support the views of those who committed these acts of terrorism but they are now seem as a part of a community that is not doing enough to root out the extremist elements in their society and religion.


I watch very little television but listen mainly to the raido on my way to the office and recently a majority of callers are expressing anger at Islam and Muslims as the root cause of the problem. While this is unfair, it must be debated and discussed.


What is common among the terrorists who attacked the Parliament in Canada and the Attack in France ?


Well, they are muslim, radical or not, they are what they are. They were all born in the west and they were radicalized in the west. 


It now begs the question, if they were radicalized in the west and they attend the same mosques as other muslims, why are they not being reported to the relevant authorities ?


One caller commented that there seems to a code of silence in the Muslim community. One which forbids a muslim to criticize another brother.


Another caller commented that the radicalization starts when young muslims are being taught that there is only one God but Allah and that Muhammad is the only messenger. This creates a sense that other religions are inferior to theirs.


God has many names, Allah is only one of them. Muhammad is one of God's many messenger. If this is not accepted and tolerated by muslims then this is one of the root cause of the problem.


The Prophet was tolerant and so should the followers of Islam. Why is it that most of the acts committed against westerners are done in the name of Islam ?


We may not have seen the end of the violence committed by Muslim Extremists.

It is for muslims to confront this Cancer of Terrorism before it starts to eat away at Islam and the Image of Islam in the west.


Please keep your response civil and let us have a civil conversation here.





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