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Former Member

My duty as an Immigration Consultant was to present my client’s case to the Canadian Refugee Board

Posted By Staff Writer On April 22, 2011 @ 5:08 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

I wish to respond to your article in the Stabroek News dated 21st April 2011 captioned, `Canada refugee couple should have reported threats to police’.

Clement Rohee is attacking me unjustly. I never made any allegations against him, the police or anyone to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. All I did was to represent my client based on facts and information provided to me.

It was not my duty to carry out any investigations or report my client’s allegations as I am not a detective or investigator.

My duty as an Immigration Consultant was to present my client’s case to the Refugee Board and make representations on his behalf.

I cannot understand why Mr. Rohee is after me as I am not the person that made the allegations.

Clement Rohee’s statement is threatening and without any merit and he is trying to tarnish my character. It was a waste of time for my client to report anything that happened to the police because it was the Minister who is responsible for the police, Clement Rohee, who was the subject matter of the case. Which police would question Rohee, their boss?

We have seen in the past where the police just ignore the poor and powerless in this country where complaints are lodged against “big ones”, when a Minister’s son killed a poor student in a traffic accident, when a Minister pistol-whipped a young lad for drinking with one of his female friends, when the police failed to question the Minister of Health on the spy equipment issue etc.

I personally have no confidence in the police as I have witnessed their unprofessionalism and biasness when I was maliciously charged two years ago. The police just ignored all my written contracts and termination agreements with a few clients and told me they have orders from “higher up” to charge me. In that situation it was unethical and unprofessional for me to continue with those few cases.
When my office was attacked and robbed on 3rd July 2008 and my office was shot at with five bullets on the midnight of July 16, 2008, I reported the matter to the police and they said I staged the robbery and shot up.

That was when I was investigating the raping of a 14 year old girl who I successfully represented at the Refugee Board in Canada in August 2008.

I told the police that one of the bandits asked me many times, “ big man wha problem you gat with …” and on each occasion I replied that I had no problems with the person mentioned.
Mr. Rohee wants me to report to the police about my client’s allegations and is threatening me with words like “creating public mischief, a criminal offence in Guyana”.

I was the counsel for my client and my client made all his allegations outside the jurisdiction of Guyana, and it was my duty to give good representation to my client. Mr. Rohee and the police have no jurisdiction in Canada or with the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, an independent Tribunal.

The Refugee Board of Canada was convinced that my client was credible as he swore under oath to tell the truth. So what public mischief Rohee is talking about? Therefore, from his analogy all lawyers in Guyana should report to the police when they get their clients off on charges.

Mr. Rohee is saying I am a shady character. Is the kettle calling the pot black?

He tried to tarnish my character and said I am shady but the Canadian, U.S and U.K governments think otherwise.

At least I never had my U.S Visa revoked and I am entitled to practice Immigration Law in Canada in accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada.

Can Rohee tell the Guyanese nation why his U.S visa was revoked? The U.S does not revoke people’s visas unless there was some criminality or breach of immigration regulations. So Mr. Rohee, who is shady?

For your information Mr. Rohee, I was never charged for any offence in Guyana, Trinidad and Canada, not even for a traffic offence for the three countries that I lived in.

Except for the one and only trumped up charges laid against me in February 2009 and the magistrate dismissed two of those charges for want of prosecution. In this case the real culprit was never charged. Can you tell the Guyanese people why the real culprit was never charged Mr. Rohee?

Yours faithfully,
Balwant Persaud

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It was a waste of time for my client to report anything that happened to the police because it was the Minister who is responsible for the police, Clement Rohee, who was the subject matter of the case. Which police would question Rohee, their boss?

We have seen in the past where the police just ignore the poor and powerless in this country where complaints are lodged against “big ones”, when a Minister’s son killed a poor student in a traffic accident, when a Minister pistol-whipped a young lad for drinking with one of his female friends, when the police failed to question the Minister of Health on the spy equipment issue etc.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is it the year 2015 or am I dreaming??

And there were you asking Burnham questions from the 60s and 70s. Burnham dead by the way.

What questions I asked Burnham?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is it the year 2015 or am I dreaming??

And there were you asking Burnham questions from the 60s and 70s. Burnham dead by the way.

What questions I asked Burnham?

One of them was to find out if he was your father.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is it the year 2015 or am I dreaming??

Being East Indian

does not automatically

make you Become

A PPP HOG.....



Quote: Balwant Persaud....

My duty as an Immigration Consultant

was to present my client’s case

to the Refugee Board

and make representations on his behalf.




I cannot understand why Mr. Rohee is after me

as I am not the person that made the allegations.



Clement Rohee’s statement is threatening

and without any merit

and he is trying to tarnish my character.


It was a waste of time for my client

to report anything that happened to the police

because it was the Minister

who is responsible for the police,

Clement Rohee,

who was the subject matter of the case.

Which police would question Rohee, their boss?.........


The Refugee Board of Canada

was convinced that my client was credible

as he swore under oath to tell the truth......


Mr. Rohee is saying

I am a shady character.

Is the kettle calling the pot black?.........


Can Rohee tell the Guyanese nation

why his U.S visa was revoked?


The U.S does not revoke people’s visas

unless there was some criminality

or breach of immigration regulations.


So Mr. Rohee,

who is shady?


Yours faithfully,
Balwant Persaud




" Only A Drunk man

can Change his Story like this "....


Both Rohee & Balwant

can Flip-Flop more than Kwame...


Now Balwant & Rohee

on de same Platform....


Aya think Balwant

can get a Visa fuh Rohee

after May 11th.....



Do not try to get


Rohee & Balwant.....


Dem do a Same Sex

 Bamboo Wedding

Balwant say is a Legal Marriage...


and Rohee is Guaranteed

a Canadian Visa


... organisations to support the “Racism. It stops with me” campaign


Anita Jaikaran's photo.


And finally,

I hate when people address me

as an Indo-Guyanese.



I am simply a Guyanese.


I do not need an ethnic tag

before my nationality.


It encourages the deep rooted

and intricately disguised segregation

that lives on here in Canecutopia.


And please remember,

being East Indian does not make me

a child of the PPP

or a government hater....


or Dutty Coolie

as them Racist keep saying...

Joe matty on the MoVe Aspiration to Inspire the World to change for ...

Nehru....Power to Balwant

if he could Help

Rohee get a Visa

after May 11th....


Nehru....yuh think it might be

a Next Bamboo Wedding???

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is it the year 2015 or am I dreaming??

And there were you asking Burnham questions from the 60s and 70s. Burnham dead by the way.

What questions I asked Burnham?

One of them was to find out if he was your father.

YUh Mamma more suitable since Burnham hate Indians.  Then again how were you born like Elton John .

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is it the year 2015 or am I dreaming??

And there were you asking Burnham questions from the 60s and 70s. Burnham dead by the way.

What questions I asked Burnham?

One of them was to find out if he was your father.

No need for you to find out, Bunham was a DOG and so are YOU.  Bingo question answered for you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Is it the year 2015 or am I dreaming??

And there were you asking Burnham questions from the 60s and 70s. Burnham dead by the way.

What questions I asked Burnham?

One of them was to find out if he was your father.

YUh Mamma more suitable since Burnham hate Indians.  Then again how were you born like Elton John .

So what were all these claims that dem black youth used to rape Indo girls? Isn't it that many of those rapes were committed by Indo guys but some innocent black man get the blame? Otherwise where are all the doglas from those pregnancies?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Balwant Singh , Yusuf, Africo - interesting how these people change their stories, and how they do the PPP's bidding.  What are they getting? What have they been promised?

YOu ever saw Moses Video about not joining the opposition???


You ever saw the video that the PPP said they would steal no more!  And they are still stealing as if there is no tomorrow.  They are addicted to stealing.  It's chronic.


Did you see the No. 51 courthouse for $$46 million?

Using that as a guide my Corentyne house which is nice bigger should value $92 million.  Unfortunately, the insurance company would only let me have $8 insurance.  Want to see my video?


This just goes to show you how desperate the PPP really is in this election.


Here you have a man who has publicly attacked Rohee relentlessly, he has zero credibility in Guyana but the PPP is willing to sign up with Balwant Persaud because they think he somehow has great information and credible information with which he can attack the coalition.


The PPP is more desperate now than ever. They would take any crab dawg that crawl into freedom house.


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