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Originally Posted by TK:

Ok Folks so I am almost owned by my editor for seven months. I will peep GNI more often than participate actively. I will try to buss up the PPP propaganda from time to time. I have a contract and must deliver a book in seven months. It is hard to sift the useful from useless threads; Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 

This Board got destroted the Day you came here. One Prof steal Identity, is that why you are running away??? Remember the 2 of you inNY. Was he driving the stolen vehicle with you?/ NYPD must be looking for you. Run TK RUN.

Originally Posted by TK:

Ok Folks so I am almost owned by my editor for seven months. I will peep GNI more often than participate actively. I will try to buss up the PPP propaganda from time to time. I have a contract and must deliver a book in seven months. It is hard to sift the useful from useless threads; Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 

rev self-publishing his Googled compilation of numbers, predictions and random pseudo-intellectual shyte soon


he done give heself wan hefty advance

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Ok Folks so I am almost owned by my editor for seven months. I will peep GNI more often than participate actively. I will try to buss up the PPP propaganda from time to time. I have a contract and must deliver a book in seven months. It is hard to sift the useful from useless threads; Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 

This Board got destroted the Day you came here. One Prof steal Identity, is that why you are running away??? Remember the 2 of you inNY. Was he driving the stolen vehicle with you?/ NYPD must be looking for you. Run TK RUN.

 You are very funny. Imagine that, relentless cut and paste of cunumunu, nimikarham, lamata etc from you has added greatly to our intellectual enrichment!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Ok Folks so I am almost owned by my editor for seven months. I will peep GNI more often than participate actively. I will try to buss up the PPP propaganda from time to time. I have a contract and must deliver a book in seven months. It is hard to sift the useful from useless threads; Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 

This Board got destroted the Day you came here. One Prof steal Identity, is that why you are running away??? Remember the 2 of you inNY. Was he driving the stolen vehicle with you?/ NYPD must be looking for you. Run TK RUN.

 You are very funny. Imagine that, relentless cut and paste of cunumunu, nimikarham, lamata etc from you has added greatly to our intellectual enrichment!

Stormy, I heard you are the Leader of the Cunumunu Chapter of NY.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Ok Folks so I am almost owned by my editor for seven months. I will peep GNI more often than participate actively. I will try to buss up the PPP propaganda from time to time. I have a contract and must deliver a book in seven months. It is hard to sift the useful from useless threads; Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 

This Board got destroted the Day you came here. One Prof steal Identity, is that why you are running away??? Remember the 2 of you inNY. Was he driving the stolen vehicle with you?/ NYPD must be looking for you. Run TK RUN.

 You are very funny. Imagine that, relentless cut and paste of cunumunu, nimikarham, lamata etc from you has added greatly to our intellectual enrichment!

Stormy, I heard you are the Leader of the Cunumunu Chapter of NY.

 Sorry, our paths are destined never to intersect either physically or intellectually. You are on a low life trajectory that I will miss by a mile.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bannas, Is that what I hearin Banna that you is head of the NU CUNUMUNU Chapter. Yes or no would have been fine but you had to display yuh CUNUMUNUISM.

that is what drinking shit does to you...eats at the brain cells. Have fun with your fantasy society

Like I said, if you cant answer a SIMPLE yes or no question then maybe it is your brain that has eaten. No wonder you Babble SHIT daily.


Knee-ru reminds me of Nandababa.....After Couple slap and kicks....eee get knock out....Romson Pee all over eee...and in eee mouth.....dem bhai pick eee up and carry him away....

But they ask him .....Nanda Baba yuh say yuh is wan talk come yuh did not say a word after de man start peeing pon yuh.

Nanda Reply.....Boy I had to swallow de pee.....or was more licks in meh skin

Originally Posted by TK:

Ok Folks so I am almost owned by my editor for seven months. I will peep GNI more often than participate actively. I will try to buss up the PPP propaganda from time to time. I have a contract and must deliver a book in seven months. It is hard to sift the useful from useless threads; Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 

Good luck with your book. The Rev rules.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:

Ok Folks so I am almost owned by my editor for seven months. I will peep GNI more often than participate actively. I will try to buss up the PPP propaganda from time to time. I have a contract and must deliver a book in seven months. It is hard to sift the useful from useless threads; Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 

This Board got destroted the Day you came here. One Prof steal Identity, is that why you are running away??? Remember the 2 of you inNY. Was he driving the stolen vehicle with you?/ NYPD must be looking for you. Run TK RUN.



Now why do I need to run? I don't deal with drugs or rob the poor people of Guyana. You will see me peeping right here with my bird head.

Originally Posted by TK:

 Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 



The Rev exposed you as a neophyte in finance in the LTCM thread---you were soundly whipped!






Anyway TK, the Rev wishes you well with your book---you academics are good at writing obscure books and papers that hardly anyone reads. Hope you are an exception and write a best seller.


Good luck! I wish you well.




PS. TK Hope you allow your alter ego redux to keep posting---that boy is a remarkable

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

 Rev AL is destroying this board with low IQ-ed spam. 



The Rev exposed you as a neophyte in finance in the LTCM thread---you were soundly whipped!






Anyway TK, the Rev wishes you well with your book---you academics are good at writing obscure books and papers that hardly anyone reads. Hope you are an exception and write a best seller.


Good luck! I wish you well.




PS. TK Hope you allow your alter ego redux to keep posting---that boy is a remarkable



That low IQ of yours cause you to don't know you don't know anything about LTCM or finance. 

Originally Posted by TK:


That low IQ of yours cause you to don't know you don't know anything about LTCM or finance. 



You are the one who was exposed as a neophyte in finance.


Now TK, regarding that book you are writing, the Rev being a kind, gracious, magnanimous, and broad-minded man wishes you great success.




Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK cannot accept best wishes so he sends his alter ego redux to post.

Let's see Redux is alter ego to TK......and Yuji is toady to Rev Al......fair symmetry



You cannot hide your hate for the PPP. BTW whatever happened to your Liberator Party ? You fall into the same failed category as TK and his failed hero Ravi Dev. 


Listen, as the  Rev posted earlier, you have inner demons to deal with. 


Yuji, here is the history of my political affiliation in Guyana - NONE.


My parents are PPP supporters as my brothers with interest in politics in Guyana.


I was a 16-yr old in 1973 with an interest in politics and the polling agent stint could have been with any party that had a need - the three bigs at that time (PPP, PNC, UF) had no need for "interns", hence Liberator Party. BTW - I did not know their politics from a hole in the wall.


I worked for the Burnham government in the early 80s after graduating in Economics with employment terms as a non-national. I know a bit of the PNC


I helped promote the PPP in New York in the period following the 1992 elections.


I know Ravi and the AFC in a peripheral manner.


I became a skeptic of the post-Cheddie PPP.


Let me know if I can clarify any myth you may believe in.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Now TK, regarding that book you are writing, the Rev being a kind, gracious, magnanimous, and broad-minded man wishes you great success.




Somebody please frame this gem. Seriously!

I'll buy the book and recommend it for a prize if it's noteworthy.      

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Now TK, regarding that book you are writing, the Rev being a kind, gracious, magnanimous, and broad-minded man wishes you great success.




Somebody please frame this gem. Seriously!

I'll buy the book and recommend it for a prize if it's noteworthy.      



Thank you. It will be the first of its kind. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Now TK, regarding that book you are writing, the Rev being a kind, gracious, magnanimous, and broad-minded man wishes you great success.




Somebody please frame this gem. Seriously!

I'll buy the book and recommend it for a prize if it's noteworthy.      



Thank you. It will be the first of its kind. 

Much success. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Now TK, regarding that book you are writing, the Rev being a kind, gracious, magnanimous, and broad-minded man wishes you great success.




Somebody please frame this gem. Seriously!

I'll buy the book and recommend it for a prize if it's noteworthy.      



Thank you. It will be the first of its kind. 

Much success. 

Thanks Storm. All the best!

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:

Ok Folks so I am almost owned by my editor for seven months.

I presume that your editor is a very aristocratic Anglo-Saxon guy.

Nah...American. But unlike you I do not feel inferior in the of a "very aristocratic Anglo-Saxon guy." Thus that would not have been a problem. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:


You cannot hide your hate for the PPP. BTW whatever happened to your Liberator Party ? You fall into the same failed category as TK and his failed hero Ravi Dev. 


Listen, as the  Rev posted earlier, you have inner demons to deal with. 



It looks like our good friend Yuji22 was banned--he and joker were trading insults yesterday.


OK yuji, you are a devoted hidu--you believe in reincarnation--hope to see you back sometime---reincarnate--you were a solid poster---you did a good job countering the AFC/PNC blowhards and the blabbermouths here.




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