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She is a day late and a dollar short on this speech. The elections campaign was over on March 2, 2020 and the people have voted. The current crises is not about racism or division but is about the PNC refusing to respect the voices of the people. This woman clearly failed to realize that she is suggesting that the people use their voices against the politicians when they actually did that on March 2, 2020 but unfortunately the PNC refuses to respect them.

Since she was way too late for the 2020 elections campaign, she can save her advise for the 2025 elections.


The PNC is challenging the choice of the ppl, especially their state of mind. Dey simply meeting craziness with their craziness. Imagine, these men are scarificing a certain standard of living and branded for their beliefs. That is a price to pay. They know they cannot hold on indefinitely but they want to shock the system.

They have not revealed their entire hand as yet. Dey waiting until dey see the whites of their eyes before downing the hammer. Jagdeo and Irfaan better seek assylum. I doan mean shooting, dey muss have evidence against dem. 

@Rochelle posted:

The rigging cabal should listen to this video very attentively . She spoke about unity, democracy, greedy politicians, the need to build a fair and prosperous society. She also spoke of sovereignty which includes the will and fundamental rights of the people. Guyana is a signatory to many treaties and conventions that protects  the democracy of the nation. As Bob Marley would say, “ Who the cap fit, let them wear it”.

Long Live Democracy.



She didn't say anything short of what I believe in all along that Guyana belongs to all Guyanese and unity must be a top priority of all elected leaders of Guyana. She failed to understand that racism is an inheritance problem from the colonial masters who leave us to conquer and divide. I commend her for speaking of unity but she didn't speak of the reality on the streets of Georgetown, the threats of GECOM chair, and the interference of the election result. She should be on the frontline when these things are happening. 


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