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Thanks, Chief. I don't care if she is my race, relative or not. I will be blunt about what I think is right. She could have been my first cousin, I don't care for her political shenanigans. I back the PPP and I see Guyana as coolie and negroes. This has been the situation since I can recollect my earliest memories. I see comments on FB and observed that the negroes on FB post some of the most putrid vulgar language about coolies. I don't see the coolies reciprocating the vulgarity with the same intensity and frequency. I know I have been warned about the coolie and negro language. Ray has always been the one who seems to discriminate against me. All that said, I think my time might be coming to an end.


Race is still a big part of Guyanese consciousness and while we are constantly moving away from much of it and it is good when we do, we cannot ignore that it is always still simmering in the background. Seek the truth for the truth will set you free. Some things are inconvenience necessities and pretending they are not is also foolish. Both parties have people from all six races and both parties receive votes from voters of all races. I don't expect that people will abandon the consciousness of race in our community but I do expect that the politicians should respect the will of the people and that is why I am always so critical of the PNC. They seem to always have the tendency to deny the voters that right. I do not deny that some of comments are rancid but if you follow my comments, they are a natural development to where the conversation is heading. For instance, I always begin by criticizing the PNC not mentioning anything about race because I am quite cognizant to the mixed race component of both parties but then as the comments progress to race, mine do also and I have no apologies for that as I refuse to allow anyone to dictate how I should see the world. Especially when those same people have sins that they refuse to address.


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