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Former Member

My gut feeling tells me that the Court of Appeal may disappoint APNU/AFC this time around, knowing that this case cannot survive at the CCJ and its time to step down from APNU/AFC bandwagon. Time has wasted and any wrong decisions would only discredit the Apex court further. The Apex court has been noted for its bad decision during the 2020 election. I don't think these judges would want to do any more damage to their reputation. Just my thought.  

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Bai you gut feeling is going to give you Nara.

Granger stacked up the COA with PNC hacks, same as Burnham where the COA was in his back pocket. These are compromised judges which will always respond to Granger's call.

This matter will have to end up at CCJ. It's at CCJ where this will finally end. PNC's rope is finally coming to an end. They were hoping that the Chief Justice would have ruled in their favour yesterday but she is a woman of integrity and cannot be compromised like the PNC COA judges.

Now there, your Nara is taken care of.

@Former Member posted:

Bai you gut feeling is going to give you Nara.

Granger stacked up the COA with PNC hacks, same as Burnham where the COA was in his back pocket. These are compromised judges which will always respond to Granger's call.

This matter will have to end up at CCJ. It's at CCJ where this will finally end. PNC's rope is finally coming to an end. They were hoping that the Chief Justice would have ruled in their favour yesterday but she is a woman of integrity and cannot be compromised like the PNC COA judges.

Now there, your Nara is taken care of.

The case might have wound up at the CCJ, but the CoA might also rule against it regardless if they see it wouldn't impact any changes in the recount declaration. The PPP will have to push for the CCJ if the CoA rule in APNU's favor and (vise versa). 

@Former Member posted:

My gut feeling tells me that the Court of Appeal may disappoint APNU/AFC this time around, knowing that this case cannot survive at the CCJ and its time to step down from APNU/AFC bandwagon. Time has wasted and any wrong decisions would only discredit the Apex court further. The Apex court has been noted for its bad decision during the 2020 election. I don't think these judges would want to do any more damage to their reputation. Just my thought.  

They do not have any legal authority to overturn the rulings of a higher court.


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