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Former Member

Ok folks.


I am die hard PPP supporter and predicted a 54 Percent majority.


It appears that the PPP is not capitalizing on the momentum that started when Rammo announced the election. They are sleeping.


The PNC started their campaign early and are building up their campaign from day to day. They appear to have consolidated their base.


This is turning out to be an interesting election. May the better party win.


Election jitters ? Yes, by all means.


Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nice thread you start here, yuji. I respect your political preference.

APNU+AFC have been doing tireless groundwork quietly for months and we're now seeing the fruits of their efforts. Their meetings in the rural areas are encouraging. The masses of both major ethnic groups are speaking to APNU+AFC leaders without fear, speaking out on the problems in their communities. They say they want change, it is time for change.

Today APNU+AFC presidential candidate David Granger assured local businessmen that his government would not take out revenge and retribution, but will strive for national unity and inclusiveness.


While the PPP has incumbency advantage, state resources, and they don't have to meld 2 parties together to create seamless synergy, it is a bigger challenge for the Coalition.


However, ongoing work of listening to the people and understanding their problems is important.  Granger comes over as a nice, old man, who is out to do good.  Moses, of course, is a known quantity of integrity and working class sympathies.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I am not scare of the PNC who ruled Guyana for 28 years without winning a single election. Its my duty to make their history known to the public.

What the public is confused about is why the PPP babbles about Burnham, yet has absorbed some of the worst Burnhamite elements into its fold.


Can you tell us?  I mean to have a PPP MP boast about how, in a former life, he used to beat up people brazen enough to attend Rodney meetings........

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I am not scare of the PNC who ruled Guyana for 28 years without winning a single election. Its my duty to make their history known to the public.

Cobra Bhai


We have less than 60 days left. Never underestimate your opponent.


In business, this is rule number one in dealing with the competition and it also applies to politics.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Nice thread you start here, yuji. I respect your political preference.

APNU+AFC have been doing tireless groundwork quietly for months and we're now seeing the fruits of their efforts. Their meetings in the rural areas are encouraging. The masses of both major ethnic groups are speaking to APNU+AFC leaders without fear, speaking out on the problems in their communities. They say they want change, it is time for change.

Today APNU+AFC presidential candidate David Granger assured local businessmen that his government would not take out revenge and retribution, but will strive for national unity and inclusiveness.




While I believe that the PPP is headed to a majority, all that you have mentioned is valid.


At this pace, the coalition can pull the carpet from under the feet of the PPP.


Like the last election, the PPP is committing a grave mistake by not doing the task of working the grassroots and it can potentially cost them the election if they do not reach out to the ordinary people.


A few big political meetings do not cut it anymore.


I am beginning to believe that an "elite" class of PPP politicians are still not getting it and what happened at the last election can happen again and we can potentially see another minority PPP government.


It is till not too late but they need to hit the road and connect with the grassroots in full force.


Pres. Ramotar’s tenure has been a complete failure – Granger

December 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

By Kiana Wilburg

After assessing the performance of President Donald Ramotar’s administration for the past three years, Opposition

Opposition Leader, David Granger

Opposition Leader, David Granger

Leader, David Granger unequivocally concluded that the government has been nothing but a complete failure. The Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), made this statement to members of the media yesterday at his end-of-the-year press conference, which was held at the Herdmanston Lodge, 65 Anira Street, Queenstown, Georgetown. Granger asserted that Ramotar, in a friendly review of his tenure conducted by the Government Information Agency (GINA) on December 12, described his three year tenure of office as ‘mixed’. The politician reminded that Ramotar was sworn in on December 5, 2011, but opined that the reality is that his Presidency is worse than ‘mixed’ for it has simply failed in its most vital aspects. He cited some of these as democratic governance, public security, youth strategy, control of public finance, public health strategy and infrastructural plans. Granger said that President Ramotar will be forever remembered as the one who inflicted the greatest damage on parliamentary democracy by his November 10th, prorogation of the Parliament. He reminded that Guyana’s National Assembly has not met to discuss the people’s business for five months. Granger remarked that the outrageous prorogation of Parliament was Ramotar’s way of avoiding debate on his own performance and that of his cabinet. He has failed, moreover, to conduct the prescribed periodic Local Government Elections provided for and protected by the Constitution, the Opposition Leader said. Granger then pointed to what he described as a failed public security strategy in which  he pointed out that Ramotar and his Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee have neglected to make Guyana safe for citizens and investors. He said that the combination of corruption, cronyism and other crimes has taken a toll on the quality of life.

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

The APNU Leader said that the number of armed robberies is increasing. Banditry in the hinterland, maritime piracy along the coastland, fuel smuggling, gun-running, contraband and suicides, Granger said, continue to propel a high rate of emigration to safer countries. With regard to youth strategy, he said that Ramotar has no plan for providing jobs for thousands of young people who leave school each year, and that unemployment is the central issue affecting young people. The Opposition Leader also said that Ramotar’s Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Frank Anthony, has been unable to produce a comprehensive National Youth Strategy in the eight years that he has occupied that post. The politician also commented on the failed control of public finance by Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh who he reminded had to be referred to the Committee of Privileges twice this year, because he refused to comply with rules of the National Assembly. He mentioned that Resolution 15 was passed in the House which required Dr. Singh to lay a report on all extra-budgetary agencies, including the Guyana Development (Lotto) Fund and that of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission. He highlighted too, that it also directed that the Finance Minister pay all monies being held by those agencies into the Consolidated Fund but this is yet to be done. Granger then commented on what he deemed to be a failed public health strategy. On this front, he said that the Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran has failed to implement a comprehensive pubic primary health care plan. He noted that the country is still frightened by recurrent reports of outbreaks of the Chikungunya disease, and that the persistence of other vector-borne diseases such as dengue, filaria and malaria remain a threat to public health. As for the public infrastructure plan, he said this leaves much to be desired and the public works sector performance has earned an “F” grade. Granger informed the media that President Ramotar inherited a bundle of flawed public infrastructure projects from his predecessor, Bharrat Jagdeo. “He had no strategy of his own and failed to record a single success. The contract to construct the road to the Amaila Falls Hydro project had to be withdrawn from Synergy Holdings. The Atlantic Hotels Inc project, popularly referred to as the Marriott Hotel project is still mired in controversy. The Cheddi Jagan International Airport extension project faces challenges as a result of poor planning on the part of the Government. The 560km Fibre Optic Cable Project managed by the President’s son, Alexei Ramotar is in jeopardy. The contract for the Specialty Surgical Hospital awarded to Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited has to be terminated on grounds of fraud and non-compliance,” Granger lamented. On that note, the Opposition Leader reminded of another report by GINA which quoted Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon as saying that the government has not been able to achieve the objectives of the prorogation.  But that is an understatement, Granger opined. He said that Ramotar has not been able to achieve any meaningful objectives on anything, be it in democratic governance, economic development, human safety and social cohesion. The politician concluded that the Donald Ramotar Presidency has failed. Granger’s comments were strongly supported and reiterated by APNU General Secretary, Joseph Harmon. Even as he criticized the Government, the Opposition Leader was asked to describe his coalition’s performance in the National Assembly. “Excellent, pass, splendid, magnificentâ€Ķ” Granger remarked promptly. Asked also if he could back up his grades with evidence that his coalition tried to stop those things for which the government ‘got an F grade,’ Granger said that his coalition has worked tirelessly to halt many of the abuses of the state resources, has increased the level of scrutiny and continues to struggle to ensure Guyanese have a better life.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Nice thread you start here, yuji. I respect your political preference.

APNU+AFC have been doing tireless groundwork quietly for months and we're now seeing the fruits of their efforts. Their meetings in the rural areas are encouraging. The masses of both major ethnic groups are speaking to APNU+AFC leaders without fear, speaking out on the problems in their communities. They say they want change, it is time for change.

Today APNU+AFC presidential candidate David Granger assured local businessmen that his government would not take out revenge and retribution, but will strive for national unity and inclusiveness.




While I believe that the PPP is headed to a majority, all that you have mentioned is valid.


At this pace, the coalition can pull the carpet from under the feet of the PPP.


Like the last election, the PPP is committing a grave mistake by not doing the task of working the grassroots and it can potentially cost them the election if they do not reach out to the ordinary people.


A few big political meetings do not cut it anymore.


I am beginning to believe that an "elite" class of PPP politicians are still not getting it and what happened at the last election can happen again and we can potentially see another minority PPP government.


It is till not too late but they need to hit the road and connect with the grassroots in full force. finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, the PPP

will have a great battle to win this election,i fore cast they will

be in the opposition benches.


I was a strong PPP supporter had to quit my support,when the

core values of party was derailed by the current cabal.




Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, will you be at the fund raiser for the PPP at the Ramotar's supper?  I will be there but I am not donating a penny.



I do not involve myself with any political party and as such I do not attend fundraising activities.


I am a strong and vocal PPP supporter but it ends right there.


Based on what I do, I have to remain neutral in terms of associating with politicians or political parties.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


I am die hard PPP supporter and predicted a 54 Percent majority.


It appears that the PPP is not capitalizing on the momentum that started when Rammo announced the election. They are sleeping.


The PNC started their campaign early and are building up their campaign from day to day. They appear to have consolidated their base.


This is turning out to be an interesting election. May the better party win.


Election jitters ? Yes, by all means.


Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

Even in the best of times they barely made 54%. This is the worse of times!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


I am die hard PPP supporter and predicted a 54 Percent majority.


It appears that the PPP is not capitalizing on the momentum that started when Rammo announced the election. They are sleeping.


The PNC started their campaign early and are building up their campaign from day to day. They appear to have consolidated their base.


This is turning out to be an interesting election. May the better party win.


Election jitters ? Yes, by all means.


Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

Even in the best of times they barely made 54%. This is the worse of times!

Worse of times: 53%
Worst of times: 52%

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.



Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

 Even the rice farmers and cane cutters don't like the PPP anymore.


That is quite true. But that don't mean they want to cast a vote for the PNC/APNU/APNU+AFC.

If they stay home they are in fact voting APNU AFC, as they usually vote PPP.  Many might well stay home, which is why the Indo KKK (including you) are mounting a "scare collie about bad black man" campaign.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Worse of times: 53%
Worst of times: 52%

So what do you call the 49% which the PPP got.  Ramotar lacks charisma and Jagdeo has lost all credibility.  Harper is hopeless.  Rice farmers and cane cutters are angry.  Anti PPP forces are mobilized in a way that I have never seen them.  In addition the fund raising campaigns in North America (yes I have been to some of them) are much more cross ethnic than any one ever believed possible.


I detect that the PPP is in trouble and all of you know this.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


I am die hard PPP supporter and predicted a 54 Percent majority.


It appears that the PPP is not capitalizing on the momentum that started when Rammo announced the election. They are sleeping.


The PNC started their campaign early and are building up their campaign from day to day. They appear to have consolidated their base.


This is turning out to be an interesting election. May the better party win.


Election jitters ? Yes, by all means.


Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

Even in the best of times they barely made 54%. This is the worse of times!


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


I am die hard PPP supporter and predicted a 54 Percent majority.


It appears that the PPP is not capitalizing on the momentum that started when Rammo announced the election. They are sleeping.


The PNC started their campaign early and are building up their campaign from day to day. They appear to have consolidated their base.


This is turning out to be an interesting election. May the better party win.


Election jitters ? Yes, by all means.


Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

Even in the best of times they barely made 54%. This is the worse of times!


Fail to mention, The PPP worst in times is better than the PNC best in times which makes PNC worse at all times.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

Fail to mention, The PPP worst in times is better than the PNC best in times which makes PNC worse at all times.

The PPP is like going to see a movie which lasts for 5 hours.  There comes a point when people don't want to hear that it is a good movie.  They just want to get OUT of it! 


People are TIRED of the PPP. Accept that fact. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.



Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

 Even the rice farmers and cane cutters don't like the PPP anymore.


That is quite true. But that don't mean they want to cast a vote for the PNC/APNU/APNU+AFC.

If they stay home they are in fact voting APNU AFC, as they usually vote PPP.  Many might well stay home, which is why the Indo KKK (including you) are mounting a "scare collie about bad black man" campaign.


You have no idea how that Indo KKK shyte turns me off. I was searching for some shred of evidence of a change in the general attitude of the PNC of 2015. There is none. You present that well.


This "new" PNC is just like the old PNC except lil moh electorally strategic (for the time being anyway).


You all subscribe to the same old tired philosophies of ideological racial power. On the PPP's worst day they are not wrapped in the race ideology of the PNC. You can do your usual yelling and screaming about PNC=PPP by dragging up some instances of PYO violence. The fact is that PPP supporters do not beat/kill PNC supporters. Post election anti-Indian violence is owned by the PNC. Indians do not beat/kill Blacks. And certainly not as a matter of policy. That Indians do this is but a figment of your fertile racial imagination.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



You all subscribe to the same old tired philosophies of ideological racial power. On the PPP's worst day they are not wrapped in the race ideology of the PNC. You can do your usual yelling and screaming about PNC=PPP by dragging up some instances of PYO violence. The fact is that PPP supporters do not beat/kill PNC supporters. Post election anti-Indian violence is owned by the PNC. Indians do not beat/kill Blacks. And certainly not as a matter of policy. That Indians do this is but a figment of your fertile racial imagination.

The fact that you fail to see that the PPP isnt wrapped in the same cloak of racism that the PNC was wrapped in. 


The fact that you do not see that the PNC, by conceding way more than it should (based on ability to win votes) to an INDIAN leader, shows that it is trying to escape its sordid past.


Shaitaan you of all people should NOT be screaming that the PYO was innocent in the early 60s period of racial violence when you boasted some time back how many black people some PYO goons acquainted with your relatives attacked.


BOTH the PYO and the YSM were engaged in savagery in the 60s, as indeed were bands of young Portuguese males.


YOu of all people shouldnt be screaming PPP innocence on issues of race when the PPP has declared a scorched earth attitude to blacks, seeking to remove them from leadership, and working with their cronies to attempt the same in the private sector.  In addition consorting with private militias to engagte in massive extrajudical killings if blacks. FOUR HUNDRED OF THEM!  Some of them being young black men returning home from work, UG, etc!


The fact that you persist in the myth that the PNC is the only entity responsible for racism in Guyana, while you absolve the PPP of a similar role, is what makes you an Indo KKK.  Like the PPP, you wish to peddle the myth of the savage black man, to ensure that the Indian poor remain trapped on a plantation of exploitation.


Your only solution to the ethnic insecurity of Indians is to circle the waggon and beat drums of panic.  I fail to see how that will help Indians in a land where their population is DECLINING!


FACT Shaitaan.  Guyana has no where to go unless its leaders accept a vision which is inclusive of East Indians, Africans, mixed, Amerindians, and the other smaller groups!  APNU AFC tok a risk and we will see if it works, but I do NOT see any evidence that the PPP is even bothering!

Last edited by Former Member

The Guyanese populace are very watchful at this time and would not fall prey of the false propaganda being peddled by the A.F.C/A.P.N.U.

Guyana has been steadily developing over the past two decades, it is quite evident to all.

Voters would endorse progress,voters will ensure progress continue,voters will endorse the P.P.P/C, this time around with a majority.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


I am die hard PPP supporter and predicted a 54 Percent majority.


It appears that the PPP is not capitalizing on the momentum that started when Rammo announced the election. They are sleeping.


The PNC started their campaign early and are building up their campaign from day to day. They appear to have consolidated their base.


This is turning out to be an interesting election. May the better party win.


Election jitters ? Yes, by all means.


Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

I did see a long schedule of meetings planned.  I wonder if they are 'overconfident' and thinks this is a 'no brainer'. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace are very watchful at this time and would not fall prey of the false propaganda being peddled by the A.F.C/A.P.N.U.

Guyana has been steadily developing over the past two decades, it is quite evident to all.

Voters would endorse progress,voters will ensure progress continue,voters will endorse the P.P.P/C, this time around with a majority.

Conscience, there is propaganda and there is propaganda.

As a former member of the PPP's Propaganda Committee which in those years was headed by Clinton Collymore, let me tell you bluntly that the PPP today doesn't have a monopoly over truth. PPP propaganda today is full of half-truths which Cheddi Jagan said are worse than lies.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


I am die hard PPP supporter and predicted a 54 Percent majority.


It appears that the PPP is not capitalizing on the momentum that started when Rammo announced the election. They are sleeping.


The PNC started their campaign early and are building up their campaign from day to day. They appear to have consolidated their base.


This is turning out to be an interesting election. May the better party win.


Election jitters ? Yes, by all means.


Wake up PPP ! Wake Up !

I did see a long schedule of meetings planned.  I wonder if they are 'overconfident' and thinks this is a 'no brainer'. 




It was the overconfidence that cost them the majority the last time around and they seem to be committing the same mistake again.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace are very watchful at this time and would not fall prey of the false propaganda being peddled by the A.F.C/A.P.N.U.

Guyana has been steadily developing over the past two decades, it is quite evident to all.

Voters would endorse progress,voters will ensure progress continue,voters will endorse the P.P.P/C, this time around with a majority.

You better update your resume. I hope you have a green thumb because you are unsuited for the more cerebral kind of endeavor.


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