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Former Member

Sometime back Raymond made some comments that cut and paste articles from the Chronicle and other news is a turn off. I tend to agree to some extent. When you open GNI, the option to all of Guyana news are in plain sight for one to open and read till you belly full. It's a turn off to see the same thing when you log onto GNI. If it's not the PPP, it's APNU or that sleeze bag AFC story is there to make you want to fart through your ears. GNI is like reading a news paper within a news paper. Posters have to be more creative like the past and post meaningful article that is debatable. I am beginning to understand the new GNI, but we have boost up the ratings and make this place what it use to be. 


For the posters that took time and effort to bring the good and bad news to GNI is greatly appreciated. However, time has changed and we have to embrace new ideas and go with the flow. No harm meant.


Again, it's just my opinion!

Cobra...The Serpent 

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