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@VishMahabir posted:

Not twisting your words. If I felt this thread was inflaming I would ask the Moderator to delete the entire thread...

I dont know if you are living in Guyana, but you cant fail to notice the many tv shows and Anil Nandall's appeal for protesters to protest peacefully. So by your definition, peaceful protests means burning privately owned cars and trucks, harassing innocent travellers, robbing  people, blocking the main road, etc.  

From your tone, you are willing to excuse all of this. I agree the residents of Enmore and Unity (Indian villages, I presume) and all Guyanese should be engaged in peaceful protests and justice for the Henry cousins. 

You seem to excuse those political leaders who are creating an inflamed atmosphere with their rhetoric. Regardless of his this investigation end, someone will have to create the political mess they have created by pumping their supporters and using this event to gain political mileage I said, logically, the ruling PPP has nothing to gain from this...and certainly they are not inflaming the situation....gwan suh.



Dont take my word for your eyes...I am only restating what may be obvious to some:

Seeking justice for Isaiah and Joel cannot be associated with criminality – President

President Irfaan Ali today said that the seeking of justice for the murders of Isaiah and Joel Henry cannot be associated with criminality.


His statement today came in the wake of the ongoing blocking of the public road along the West Coast Berbice and the Corentyne by protesters and attacks on commuters.

A statement from Ali follows:

Statement by


His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali

President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana

On the protest action in Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice)



 Seeking justice for Isaiah and Joel cannot be associated with the level of criminality, destruction of property and robbery committed on innocent Guyanese; this behaviour is an injustice to the case of these two victims.

The Police Force has briefed me on the severity of attacks, damage to property, robberies and brutality associated with a number of the protest action in Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice). These individuals who continue to cause public harm and mischief cannot pretend to be doing so in the name of justice for Isaiah and Joel.


The Police has also updated me on the progress of their investigation and they have assured that they will leave no stone unturned in ensuring justice for Joel and Isaiah is achieved, professionally.

They have also assured me that the individuals who have caused harm to members of the public and private property will be identified and processed in accordance with the laws.

I call once again on all Guyanese to condemn the brutal murder of Joel and Isaiah and to also condemn the brutality and unlawful behaviour of those who have inflicted injury, and robbed and damaged property of innocent Guyanese.


This is a time for us to reflect as a nation and to redouble our efforts towards strengthening relations. I therefore urge all Guyanese to act responsibly especially those in Region Five, and in keeping with the laws of our country.  


@VishMahabir posted:

Not twisting your words. If I felt this thread was inflaming I would ask the Moderator to delete the entire thread...

I dont know if you are living in Guyana, but you cant fail to notice the many tv shows and Anil Nandall's appeal for protesters to protest peacefully. So by your definition, peaceful protests means burning privately owned cars and trucks, harassing innocent travellers, robbing  people, blocking the main road, etc.  

From your tone, you are willing to excuse all of this. I agree the residents of Enmore and Unity (Indian villages, I presume) and all Guyanese should be engaged in peaceful protests and justice for the Henry cousins. 

You seem to excuse those political leaders who are creating an inflamed atmosphere with their rhetoric. Regardless of his this investigation end, someone will have to create the political mess they have created by pumping their supporters and using this event to gain political mileage I said, logically, the ruling PPP has nothing to gain from this...and certainly they are not inflaming the situation....gwan suh.



You either lack comprehension skills or are being deliberately obtuse.  How can anyone possibly interpret my definition of peaceful protest to mean burning buses etc?  You have to be nuts to make such a leap.   

@VishMahabir posted:

Dont take my word for your eyes...I am only restating what may be obvious to some:


Murder of West Berbice youths: Police to dispatch samples to forensic lab for testing; no political motive for killings- Crime Chief


The Guyana Forensic Science Laboratory located at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara.

With seven persons now in custody concerning the killing of two youths at a coconut estate at the back of Cotton Tree Village, West Coast Berbice, police Tuesday afternoon said they were preparing to dispatch crime scene samples to a laboratory for testing.

“We have recovered some evidence from the crime scene and we are in the process of packaging them and we will be submitting those evidence to the Guyana Forensic Laboratory at the earliest opportunity,” Head of the Criminal Investigations Department, Senior Superintendent Wendell Blanhum said at a joint press conference hosted by Police Commissioner Nigel Hoppie and Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Brigadier Godfrey Bess.

Mr. Blanhum assured that a thorough and “comprehensive” investigation was underway to bring the perpetrators to justice. He ruled out the killing of the youths was politically motivated, contrary to suggestions from pro-Afro-Guyanese stakeholders. “There is no absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support that contention,” he said. However, he declined to say what was the motive behind the hacking to death of Joel Henry and Isaiah Henry. “At this point in time, we would not disclose anything pertaining to motive to the public. We have a very tense situation and I will want to appeal to members of the public to allow the investigators to conduct the investigation,” he said.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum

The Henrys, who were cousins, left their homes early last Saturday morning to pick coconuts to sell but a search was launched after they did not return home. A search party and police Sunday afternoon located their bodies aback Cotton Tree with chop and stab wounds.

The Crime Chief said the seven persons include persons from Number 5 Village, West Coast Berbice. The others are the owner of the coconut estate where the bodies were found, his son and a handyman.

Meanwhile, Mr. Blanhum told a joint press conference by police and army chiefs that police were searching for two masked men who robbed one of three persons at gunpoint. “That matter we are treating with priority and we will make sure we that we make earnest efforts to arrest those individuals,” he said.

The Guyana Police Force confirmed that several persons were robbed and vehicles burned, but the Joint Services would not tolerate this for much longer. “The Joint Services will take all legal action necessary to ensure that law and order remain in this beloved country.. so we call on the people of Guyana to engage in peaceful protest action, Brigadier Bess said.

@Totaram posted:

You either lack comprehension skills or are being deliberately obtuse.  How can anyone possibly interpret my definition of peaceful protest to mean burning buses etc?  You have to be nuts to make such a leap.   

My point is simple...not all of the protests are peaceful...those must be condemned....and as per the Dem Waves article, some people are inflaming the crowd and politicizing the murders...all while the forensic investigation has been done.

How is all of this damage and racial divisions going to be undone when the investigation is complete...the damage has been done. 


The APNU statement clearly missed the point when it ignore the fact that the Orlando incident was based on something other than politically or racially motivated. Here is what the Chronicle (today) said:

So again...who is going to undo the damage the PNC has already caused?


Suspect admits to killing Corentyne man
Commander of ‘B’ Division Senior Superintendent, Linden Isles; Deputy Commander, Superintendent, Mahendra Singh and other officers and members from Cops and Faith during a visit to Jonas’s family on Monday 
Commander of ‘B’ Division Senior Superintendent, Linden Isles; Deputy Commander, Superintendent, Mahendra Singh and other officers and members from Cops and Faith during a visit to Jonas’s family on Monday 

ONE of the two suspects who were held for the murder of Orlando Jonas, 27, of Number One Road, East Berbice, Corentyne, has admitted to the killing.

The suspects, who hail from Tain, told investigators that Jonas and his friend Mahendra Ramnarine attempted to rob them. The suspect in a detailed confession statement revealed that they tried to defend themselves and in the process stabbed Jonas to the jaw and abdomen.

Ramnarine also received injuries to his face during the attack. They also threw the bicycle on Jonas. Police said the incident was captured on surveillance footage.

However, though the motive is still not clear, investigators believe that it may have been on old grievance the suspect and the victim may have had, since they ruled out robbery as a motive on both sides.

On Saturday evening at approximately 19:45hrs, Jonas and Ramnarine, both construction workers, were riding their bicycles on the Albion Public Road making their way home when Jonas suddenly turned around his bicycle.

Ramnarine was riding in front and he believes the two men uttered remarks to Jonas when he passed. He also had refuted claims that he had tried to rob the suspects.

The suspects remain in police custody and are expected to face charges soon.

On Monday, Commander of ‘B’ Division Senior Superintendent, Linden Isles and Deputy Commander Superintendent Mahendra Singh, along with investigating ranks and members from the Cops and Faith Network visited Jonas’s family and expressed their sympathy and at the same time committed to ensure that a thorough investigation will be conducted.



@VishMahabir posted:

Its a BA the B.S. for what you are saying. If you want inflammatory rhetoric go and look at the sites I mention. 

 Guyana has a chequered history and conspiracy theories abound. 

In the meantime, you are willing to ignore what the PNC is doing. Its not just "peddling crap", its inflammatory and setting the stage for large political designs...another chance at delegitimizing the elected government.  

You are making an assumption that the police are also capable to solving this crime. Crum Ewing and Monica Reese still remains unsolved.

But I will respect what you said...if this is inflaming them I will leave this as my last comment.

I'm by no means ignoring or condoning any acts of violence that are being meted out to innocent law abiding citizens. Engage in peaceful protests but don't seek revenge on people who had nothing to do with the murder of the two young men. An eye for an eye has never solved any of Guyana's long history of racial conflict. I'm also totally against all those who are fanning the flames of hatred and intensifying an already volatile situation. And that goes for all parties on both sides of the spectrum. You may not see it this way but using your accusatory language without an iota of proof is totally irresponsible. We need to deescalate the hateful rhetoric on both sides because this has the potential to explode into something much larger than it already is.

Last edited by Mars
@Mars posted:

I'm by no means ignoring or condoning any acts of violence that are being meted out to innocent law abiding citizens. Engage in peaceful protests but don't seek revenge on people who had nothing to do with the murder of the two young men. An eye for an eye has never solved any of Guyana's long history of racial conflict. I'm also totally against all those who are fanning the flames of hatred and intensifying an already volatile situation. And that goes for all parties on both sides of the spectrum. You may not see it this way but using your accusatory language without an iota of proof is totally irresponsible. We need to deescalate the hateful rhetoric on both sides because this has the potential to explode into something much larger than it already is.

ok...i can agree with this.

@sachin_05 posted:

Just as I thought, no video from sources other than news media would be credible enough. I would not waste my time and effort posting any here. With almost every one walking around with video camera the youths caught in the videos might very well end up like Ms Brooms...

Here is the deal ,create a thread ,post what you have ,will overlook "credible"

Last edited by Django

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