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Originally Posted by redux:

does the tribalism aspect strike TOO close to home?


what TRUTHS are you guys afraid of?


y'all can delete this query like u did my last one without even the customary fig leafs . . .


i'm doing my bit

  The PPP is basically no different from Burnham.  They have absorbed most of his thugs who are still around.  They scream that they act based on the constitution.  Yes the SAME one which they lambasted as being illegal because it came into existence only because of blatant rigging.


The PPP doesn't want people to know this.


This is Animal Farm all over again.  Nehru is one of the dumb to think for himself and merely parroting what he is told to squawk.


Let us see if they dare close this thread too.


So the ILLEGAL Burnham constitution is bad until it allows the Indian elite, galvanized around the Jagdeoite PPP to perpetuate their power undemocratically (both by preventing post election alliances where there is no majority, and by allowing a president to unilaterally prorogue parliament).  Then the ILLEGAL constitution is good.


People have to be reminded about this constitution. Almost no one voted in the referendum and yet the results showed a massive turnout, with the PNC winning EVEN ON THE CORENTYNE!


The PPP will have us believe that this was the constitution which we had since independence.  NO!!!!!


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