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September 1 ,2021


Roxanne Myers

Roxanne Myers

In separate actions, journalist Gordon Moseley and former Deputy Chief Election Officer Roxanne Myers have filed libel lawsuits seeking almost $100 million and $80 million respectively against the Guyana Times and one of its columnists, former Minister of Health Dr. Leslie Ramsammy.

But following repeated failed attempts by the claimants to serve their lawsuits on Ramsammy who they say is evading service, they are asking the court to allow them to notify him through newspaper advertisements.

It is not the first time that Ramsammy who is now Advisor to Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony, is being accused of dodging service of lawsuits.

Back in June, former General Manager of the National Communications Network (NCN) Enrico Woolford also approach-ed the Court asking that he be allowed to use newspaper advertisements to notify Ramsammy of his $185 million libel suit against him; following repeated failed attempts at service.

Gordon Moseley

In their respective notices of application, Moseley and Myers are asking that personal service of their claims be substituted by placing advertisements to run for two weeks in the Guyana Times newspaper for which Ramsammy is a columnist.

Citing the grounds for their applications, both say that no less than four attempts have been made to effect personal service on Ramsammy at both his residence and office, but all efforts have proved unsuccessful.

Dr Leslie Ramsammy

According to the duo who said they had accompanied Marshals from the High Court every time, Ramsammy continues to evade service “by refusing to respond or come out of his home or office.”

Moseley who said that he has been trying to serve Ramsammy since last Thursday—attempted again on Monday—and yesterday as well, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Myers said that she has been trying to serve Ramsammy for well over a month now. She deposed in legal documents seen by this newspaper that she first attempted to serve her suit on Ramsammy on July 15th, then on the 22nd and again last Friday.

They have both expressed the belief that Ramsammy “is evading by concealing himself in his home and office.”

Their matters are before Justice Damone Younge.

The journalist and former DCEO are claiming that Ramsammy made certain libelous statements about them which were published in his column by the Times newspaper.

They say that the statements in controversy are false, malicious, and defamatory and impugn their character and reputation; while adding that Ramsammy had brought their names into disrepute in his column without either him or the Times making any attempt at calling before the publication, so that they could exonerate themselves.

Both Moseley and Myers are being represented by attorney Eusi Anderson.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

When people write anything that comes into their wicked minds they must be held accountable.  Obviously there are rules against this and the spate of defamation suits against PPP operatives tell us who engage most in such practice.  Make them pay!


Never have I seen so many lawsuits as seen recently, everybody getting into the mix, is this what Guyana 's politics is all about? Do fkall for the people just spend time suing each other.

Last edited by cain
@Former Member posted: dem boys let you out to post conspiracy theory. Lol!

bai, yuh not abreast with guyanese street slang

"looking thin" means you're in trouble

ramsammy already had a default judgment against him to the tune of 150 million and now this. hence the looking thin comment. get it snowflake?

he accused people of election rigging and can't show the receipts


Last edited by Spugum
@cain posted:

Never have I seen so many lawsuits as seen recently, everybody getting into the mix, is this what Guyana 's politics is all about? Do fkall for the people just spend time suing each other.

you have a choice: be accused falsely and watch your reputation turn to manure or seek redress via the courts

a bitter struggle exists in guyana now. the society is more divided now than ever in my lifetime


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