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Deconstructing the Opposition’s Agenda :An imposition of convenient amnesia – as Ramjattan, Nagamootoo now want PNC atrocities to be forgotten


MUCH of what was said in previous instalments can in many ways be summed up to definitively pronounce that the combined Opposition in the form of APNU+AFC, is seeking to extract pre-1992 memories from Guyanese.This is based on some of the pronouncements of members of that coalition. I alluded to this before, but it would be worthwhile to summarise. Just prior to the official announcement of the coalition, its leader David Granger was hinting on the need for the past to be forgotten in the face of pressure for him to testify at the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the death of Dr. Walter Rodney.

Following the announcement of the collation, leader of the AFC Khemraj Ramjattan boldly proclaimed (barefacedly some believe) that there are no electoral “riggers” in APNU.

This unbelievable statement has left some in shock who may have had, at the time, still harbour some semblance of respect for him. History, pre and post 1992, would reveal the many scathing attacks Ramjattan unleashed on the PNC for imposing itself on Guyanese through massive electoral riggings. It must be noted that APNU is the PNC and the few small Parties that have joined, were irrelevant and only served to falsely convey a multi-party impression; window dressing to mask a sordid past.

Ramjattan knew that, and during the 2011 campaign when the PNC contested under the APNU banner for the first time, he told his supporters that the AFC would never be a part of that grouping. That was said in the context in which he didn’t want the AFC to be tarnished by the PNC’s fouled past. In other words, he was very cognisant of the atrocities the PNC inflicted.

Of course history proved differently and today, the AFC is a partner of the PNC. But that aside, Ramjattan, in the past would have accused the former leader of the PNC, Robert Corbin, as being the chief rigger of some of the elections held while that Party was in government.

Robert Corbin was on the stage at the APNU/AFC rally held in Linden on Saturday, March 14, 2015. Ramjattan was also on that stage; they shared it and basked together in the success of the meeting! Based on what he would have said in the past, there were also others present who he accused as being riggers. In Linden, Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo were enjoying the company of those they accused of raping Guyana. So what are they trying to tell us in 2015? Are they saying that by being an official part of the PNC now, they are forced to retract their beliefs with regard to that Party’s electoral crime?

What Ramjattan failed to realise during his denouncing, is that he wasn’t fooling anyone but himself. There are thousands upon thousands of Guyanese, both here and abroad, who lived through the period of PNC rigging of elections and who are aware of Ramjattan’s related sentiments. In other words; they haven’t forgotten. Not to be outdone and wanted to be in the limelight, Nagamootoo chimed in with a statement of his own. He valiantly demanded that the past be forgotten, specifically, the period of the PNC rule. Just like Ramjattan, Nagamootoo having now been given prominence in the PNC, is demanding of Guyanese that they should forget what the PNC did to bring this nation to its knees when they buried it in poverty.

It is common knowledge that politics make strange bedfellows, but despite that, one’s conscience must, in some way, be a guiding beacon. More so, despite whatever alliance one may endeavour to engage in, the level of vulgarity and deception Ramjattan and Nagamootoo have displayed in defending the atrocities that the PNC inflicted on this nation, has to be unmatched. There are tons of accusations they would have levelled in the past against David Granger with regards to what they believe to be his role in aiding former President, Forbes Burnham, to steal power through rigging.

Many stories were written about the army’s role in forcibly removing ballot boxes from polling stations and transporting them to a central location where it is believed the rigging took place. Many stories have been written about the shooting to death of two young men from Corentyne who were trying to safeguard the integrity of the boxes in that area in 1973. Accusations were levelled at Mr. Granger with regard to that incident. Coming from the PPP, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo would have extreme difficulties to divorce themselves from accusations.

Again, this exemplifies not only shameless deception on the part of these two politicians, but gross disrespect and insensitiveness for the intellect of Guyanese and for the pains and sufferings the people were forced to endured during that time. In the same context, there could not be doubts of both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo vehemently condemning the PNC for the violence which was unleashed following the 1997 elections and the resulting economic loss. Those violent acts precipitated a truncated term for the PPP from 1997-2001.

This again begs many questions as to why would Ramjattan and Nagamootoo want Guyanese to forget the atrocities of the PNC. Clearly, it cannot be because of a need to heal. From all appearances, it’s a more sinister agenda to impose amnesia in an effort to massage their egos and to hopefully satisfy their insatiable appetite for power by any means.


Frikken indeed - Taken from the  Kabaka Sophia Declaration, Paramountcy of the Party. Grainger God


The Role of The Party

2.1 In November of last year (1973) there was a Special Congress four months after our Party had won a two-thirds majority in Parliament. At this Congress, there were serious examination and a definition of the role of the Party in the new circumstances.

2.2 It was agreed after lengthy discussion that the emphasis should be on mobilising the nation in every sphere and not merely for periodic elections and in support of specific action and programmes. It was also decided that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the Government which is merely one of its executive arms.

Originally Posted by randolph:

Frikken indeed - Taken from the  Kabaka Sophia Declaration, Paramountcy of the Party. Grainger God


The Role of The Party

2.1 In November of last year (1973) there was a Special Congress four months after our Party had won a two-thirds majority in Parliament. At this Congress, there were serious examination and a definition of the role of the Party in the new circumstances.

2.2 It was agreed after lengthy discussion that the emphasis should be on mobilising the nation in every sphere and not merely for periodic elections and in support of specific action and programmes. It was also decided that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the Government which is merely one of its executive arms.

It was also decided that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the Government which is merely one of its executive arms.


Infamous words indeed; and what an insult to Guyanese intelligence. This method of governance has been steeped in Guyana's political culture since and embedded in the Constitution.

Originally Posted by randolph:

Frikken indeed - Taken from the  Kabaka Sophia Declaration, Paramountcy of the Party. Grainger God


The Role of The Party

2.1 In November of last year (1973) there was a Special Congress four months after our Party had won a two-thirds majority in Parliament. At this Congress, there were serious examination and a definition of the role of the Party in the new circumstances.

2.2 It was agreed after lengthy discussion that the emphasis should be on mobilising the nation in every sphere and not merely for periodic elections and in support of specific action and programmes. It was also decided that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the Government which is merely one of its executive arms.

this is a document of the time . . . the kabaka in full Communist mode


associating David Granger (after Hoyte 1985-1992, and the end of the Cold War) with this relic of a bygone era, by supporters of a kin Communist PPP of that time, offers up a frightening look into the rabid racist mindset pouring odium on a pretty decent individual for no fathomable reason other than he is [demon] blackman


beyond indecent

Last edited by Former Member

Granger endorsed the soldiers’ actions on elections day 1973

 Decent. Meh Wonder 

In “The New Road – A Short History of the Guyana Defence Force – 1966 – 1976” Mr Granger wrote, “National elections were scheduled for July 1973. Realising that their hold on the electorate was slipping further and in an abortive attempt to forestall an obvious and overwhelming PNC victory, a campaign of violence and resistance was planned by the PPP.

The GDF was called in to aid the civil power and prevent a breakdown of law and order that was planned by the gangsters. The operation established the maturity and competence of the Force and through sensible precautions and deployment, the PPP plan was frustrated. The soldiers behaved splendidly in the face of provocation. The sound political education that the officers and soldiers received during 1971 and 1972 enabled them to act with tact, discretion and firmness in 1973 and this saved the day. The GDF, fully aware of the government’s policy and dedicated to serving the working masses, performed really creditably.”

Originally Posted by randolph:

Granger endorsed the soldiers’ actions on elections day 1973

 Decent. Meh Wonder 

In “The New Road – A Short History of the Guyana Defence Force – 1966 – 1976” Mr Granger wrote, “National elections were scheduled for July 1973. Realising that their hold on the electorate was slipping further and in an abortive attempt to forestall an obvious and overwhelming PNC victory, a campaign of violence and resistance was planned by the PPP.

The GDF was called in to aid the civil power and prevent a breakdown of law and order that was planned by the gangsters. The operation established the maturity and competence of the Force and through sensible precautions and deployment, the PPP plan was frustrated. The soldiers behaved splendidly in the face of provocation. The sound political education that the officers and soldiers received during 1971 and 1972 enabled them to act with tact, discretion and firmness in 1973 and this saved the day. The GDF, fully aware of the government’s policy and dedicated to serving the working masses, performed really creditably.”

i am addressing something completely different . . . learn to read properly


if you are attempting to bait me into endorsing the 'historical' bullshit by Granger quoted here, i (not-so-respectfully) suggest that  your time would be much better spent finding someone whose IQ is as low as yours to play with


i am addressing y'all racist, opportunistic, illogical, idiotic vomit here regarding recidivism


by way of example, i doubt that former communist Bharrat Jagdeo, former communist Donald Ramotar, and even former communists Moses Nagamootoo or Khemraj Ramjattan would be regarded as 'risks' to turn 2015 Guyana into Cuba, circa 1976



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by randolph:

That's the best you have. Any comment is racist for you, yuh learn wan new word from google, go look up Intellectual dishonesty.  

whenever i describe something as "racist" or whatever . . . unlike klowns like u, i provide the freakin ARGUMENT to back it up!!



Last edited by Former Member

My experience during the 1973 elections in Wakenaam was that GDF soldiers were encamped at Zeelandia in the north of the Island away from the most heavily populated mid-to-southern part of the island. The soldiers obviously were from another part of the country and were totally unschooled as to the ways and culture of the Wakenaam people.


On election day, it was clear that the Police force on the island was to take a back seat to the transport of the ballot boxes on the army truck. The soldiers were on the island for a couple of weeks prior to election day.


It is interesting to note that the speed boat from Supenaam (Essequibo vank across from Wakenaam) came with ballot boxes from the Essequibo Coast and was there to picj up the ones from Wakenaam. We all blocked the progress of the truck with coconut trunks and other obstacles but the GDF truck eventually got to the stelling. The soldiers were indeed disciplined and only set off tear gas cannisters at the stelling upon the arrival of the speed boat from Supenaam. One of my friends returned one of the smoking cannisters on the truck and a few policemen were obviously impacted. We all had wet handkerchiefs over our face.


I had trained with "G" company from Linden at Tacama Battle school earlier that long school holiday (QC Cadet Corps) and I believe that some of the soldiers were from that company. Many of the islanders were rounded up the next morning and sent to Mazaruni but fortunately I was not one.

Originally Posted by alena06:

This is so silly.  40% of the VOTING AGE population are too young to care about Forbes Burnham (under 35 y/o).  These comedians are telling us that they seriously care about the PNC UF split up.  I will hazard a bet that 90% of the population do not even know that the PNC and the UF formed an alliance to rid Guyana of the PPP.

Originally Posted by Chief:

So all of that took place and still Dr Jagan after a few months gave critical support to the PNC.



In the mid 80s it is a documented FACT that the "hero" Cheddi and the "white Goddess" Janet were negotiating to form an alliance with the PNC.


Yes the PPP wanted to be part of a National Unity government with the same monster who a few years before rigged the referendum to install a dictatorial conversation.


Nagamootoo is reminding people of it.


So all those who love Cheddi ought to be proud that Nagamootoo is now attempting to do what Cheddi and Forbes were trying to do.  They couldn't because Forbes died, and the Hammie Green faction who dominated the PNC until around 1989 would have none of it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

My experience during the 1973 elections in Wakenaam was that GDF soldiers were encamped at Zeelandia in the north of the Island away from the most heavily populated mid-to-southern part of the island.

1.  Jagan "constructively supported"  the PNC as it nationalized the economy.  Note that it is this which strengthened the Burnham regime and enabled its dictatorship to be all powerful.  The Jagans supported this because as doctrinaire communist they would have done the same.


2. The Jagans were determined to form a government of national unity even while Burnham was on the brink of rigging yet another election, but died before this occurred.


3.  The fact that the PPP has been ruling Guyana by decree for EIGHT MONTHS suggests that they are no more committed to democracy, and the death of Crum Ewing and others also suggests that they will stop at nothing to retain power.


4.  You have your narrative about 1973.  Many people all over Guyana have their narrative about the reign of terror which young Afro Guyanese live din when Jagdeo's best buddy was slaughtering them in cold blood.  The innocent and the guilty.  Lindeners have a narrative where LIVE ROUNDS were fired into protesters.


The PNC aren't saints, but then neither is the PPP.  All that one can hope is that a system of checks and balances can be installed until such time as a new constitution be put in place.  Nagamootoo might well have negotiated this.  Put it this way if Granger reneges Nagamootoo takes his 12 seats and then a de facto Jagdeo rehime takes over, with all the vicious violence that typified the Burnham regime after 1978.


So why the angst with all of this?  I don't think that there is a single rational person who seriously believes that Granger will be able to do what Burnham did.   This is a whole different world, and such things aren't tolerated.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by randolph:

Frikken indeed - Taken from the  Kabaka Sophia Declaration, Paramountcy of the Party. Grainger God


The Role of The Party

2.1 In November of last year (1973) there was a Special Congress four months after our Party had won a two-thirds majority in Parliament. At this Congress, there were serious examination and a definition of the role of the Party in the new circumstances.

2.2 It was agreed after lengthy discussion that the emphasis should be on mobilising the nation in every sphere and not merely for periodic elections and in support of specific action and programmes. It was also decided that the Party should assume unapologetically its paramountcy over the Government which is merely one of its executive arms.

this is a document of the time . . . the kabaka in full Communist mode


associating David Granger (after Hoyte 1985-1992, and the end of the Cold War) with this relic of a bygone era, by supporters of a kin Communist PPP of that time, offers up a frightening look into the rabid racist mindset pouring odium on a pretty decent individual for no fathomable reason other than he is [demon] blackman


beyond indecent


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

yuh starting to sound desperate bai...didn't know you starved and lived in filth in Guyana...

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

yuh starting to sound desperate bai...didn't know you starved and lived in filth in Guyana...

yES i DID AND MANY MORE LIKE ME.  You are learning about Guyana each day bhai.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

yuh starting to sound desperate bai...didn't know you starved and lived in filth in Guyana...

yES i DID AND MANY MORE LIKE ME.  You are learning about Guyana each day bhai.

maybe you should have kept your yard clean instead of waiting for Burnham to clean yuh bottom house


I never lived in filth in Guyana...parents always kept place clean...we clean out drains, cut out grass, mind we fowl...and grow ah kitchen garden


Sorry to hear yuh grow up in filth, but that's laziness

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

A communist mentality destroyed Guyana. The PPP would have led us down a similar path.


In any event, I am not looking back 5 decades to find a need for change. I am looking back to the last 10 where a rapacious and predatory ethnic backed regime was bent on pillaging the state. In that period they murdered more than the PNC ever did in their use of a drug lord as their enforcement agent. Now they are tying bundle with the Chinese who has rules against logging in their country, rules against foreigner coming to do business in their country and are plundering our forests while dumping cheap consumer trash on us to siphon our cash.


That will left us bereft of natural resources as we see in Africa, cash poor and heavily indebted to the pirate multinational. In short, I want change because the PPP is corrupt, disgustingly disrespectful to our nations assets and completely greed driven.


I do not know who made you an economist becaue you are either blind or too dumb to see we produce nothing, has all our industry failing and are allowing the chinese to exploit our natural resources for pittance. Meanwhile we owe 2 billion dollars and given planned borrowing for boutique non productive  projects plan to sink us another 2 billion more in the hole. Economics should tell you that we have already passed the point of negative returns with the hapless PPP and it is time for a rescue.


BTW....I never lived in any state of destitution in my entire life. My father provided well that even now his largess persists. Maybe if you did not have a dumbass father you would have avoided the crappy life. No one can starve in Guyana....if the were from the countryside...not then...not now. Living in filth was a choice...then and now.

Last edited by Former Member

ain Hoon Naah!!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

yuh starting to sound desperate bai...didn't know you starved and lived in filth in Guyana...

yES i DID AND MANY MORE LIKE ME.  You are learning about Guyana each day bhai.

maybe you should have kept your yard clean instead of waiting for Burnham to clean yuh bottom house


I never lived in filth in Guyana...parents always kept place clean...we clean out drains, cut out grass, mind we fowl...and grow ah kitchen garden


Sorry to hear yuh grow up in filth, but that's laziness

I did not realise you lack understanding but i will explain.The Cities and Villages were not maintained. The place where i work was falling apart. There was mud all over the place as soon as it drizzle. Clean House but NO FOOD. If you need more explanation.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

yuh starting to sound desperate bai...didn't know you starved and lived in filth in Guyana...

yES i DID AND MANY MORE LIKE ME.  You are learning about Guyana each day bhai.

maybe you should have kept your yard clean instead of waiting for Burnham to clean yuh bottom house


I never lived in filth in Guyana...parents always kept place clean...we clean out drains, cut out grass, mind we fowl...and grow ah kitchen garden


Sorry to hear yuh grow up in filth, but that's laziness

Guyana was never filthy in the PNC era,it's more

filthy now... nehru like talking fraff.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

Why are you calling D2 stupid when it is clear as daylight you and the PPP is trying to drive fear in the Indians.

It's the economy indeed, the PPP fill their pockets so much that the economy still depend on money being sent home by foreign based Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

ain Hoon Naah!!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

yuh starting to sound desperate bai...didn't know you starved and lived in filth in Guyana...

yES i DID AND MANY MORE LIKE ME.  You are learning about Guyana each day bhai.

maybe you should have kept your yard clean instead of waiting for Burnham to clean yuh bottom house


I never lived in filth in Guyana...parents always kept place clean...we clean out drains, cut out grass, mind we fowl...and grow ah kitchen garden


Sorry to hear yuh grow up in filth, but that's laziness

I did not realise you lack understanding but i will explain.The Cities and Villages were not maintained. The place where i work was falling apart. There was mud all over the place as soon as it drizzle. Clean House but NO FOOD. If you need more explanation.

At least it was only mud, now is flood!


Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

ain Hoon Naah!!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by alena06:

Vishnu Bisram does not fear the PNC. He is fear-mongering like all PPPites these days. They are huddling under bunkers of ethnic fear and screaming the boogie man is coming! This is election campaigning on race baiting.

What Race baiting??  The PNC destroyed Guyana and if given a chance they will DESTROY it AGAIN.  It is that plain and simple AND A FACT!!! Maybe people like you love to live in FILTH and STARVATION!!!   IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!     IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!!!

yuh starting to sound desperate bai...didn't know you starved and lived in filth in Guyana...

yES i DID AND MANY MORE LIKE ME.  You are learning about Guyana each day bhai.

maybe you should have kept your yard clean instead of waiting for Burnham to clean yuh bottom house


I never lived in filth in Guyana...parents always kept place clean...we clean out drains, cut out grass, mind we fowl...and grow ah kitchen garden


Sorry to hear yuh grow up in filth, but that's laziness

I did not realise you lack understanding but i will explain.The Cities and Villages were not maintained. The place where i work was falling apart. There was mud all over the place as soon as it drizzle. Clean House but NO FOOD. If you need more explanation.

At least it was only mud, now is flood!



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