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Home > TOP STORY > PPP leads in Geographical seats – according to latest NACTA poll

PPP leads in Geographical seats – according to latest NACTA poll

 No other party has a chance of winning any geographical seat though they are polling votes that would impact on how many top up seats each party would win and how many regional councilor seats each party wins.


Am I correct in parsing these words to mean that either the IP or TUF or some other small party is polling some numbers that are affecting the outcome of the race between the PPP and the Coalition at the national level?


I don't expect IP's support to appear on any poll because of the unique demographic that Mark appeals to. To be more blunt, I don't think many people in Tiger Bay appear in the sample used to conduct polls and surveys.


Also, to take into account what Bisram said that Indians are still splitting their vote then I would have to speculate that there are Indians in the Demerara and Essequibo who are supporting the Coalition as the Berbician Indians have most likely returned to the PPP (largely).


Berbice is worth two MPs to the AFC so they have to find 10k "new" disaffected Indians in the Demerara and Essequibo to vote for the Coalition.

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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Home > TOP STORY > PPP leads in Geographical seats – according to latest NACTA poll

PPP leads in Geographical seats – according to latest NACTA poll

 No other party has a chance of winning any geographical seat though they are polling votes that would impact on how many top up seats each party would win and how many regional councilor seats each party wins.


Am I correct in parsing these words to mean that either the IP or TUF is polling some numbers that are affecting the outcome of the race between the PPP and the Coalition at the national level?

News I am getting is that Indos will be voting race/PPP. They will make sure they turn out and not stay home like they did last time. The PPP seems to have learned it's lesson from 2011 and are more organized this time around. 


Indos will vote PPP and Afros will vote PNC - that is what I am hearing. Indos who were not sure two months ago whether to vote PPP or AFC have now decided to vote PPP and they are influencing their kids to vote same. 


One major bone of contention that these specific Indos have is the insistence by the PNC that they never rigged any elections and this is creating distrust and concern in these specific Indos.


They also allege that there is PPP corruption but find it laughable what some opposition members boldly declare that life under PNC was better. The Indos who traditionally vote PPP find Moses as a "joke" - their words.


How did AFC lose these potential votes, especially the young Indos, is it too late now to turn it around in two weeks.


Of note is that they do not seem to be too concerned about post elections violence.

Originally Posted by redux:

how does Bisram pulling numbers out of his ass merit "parsing" beyond a search for suitable points of comedy and ridicule?




There are three possibilities here:

1. The poll is completely a lie in its entirety.

2. This poll is being released with selected pro-PPP facts mixed with a good dose of spin.

3. The poll is entirely true along with the conclusions drawn.


I tend to gravitate to explanation No. 2.


The fact that Bisram, as a PPP toady, felt the need to harp on the Geographic Seats means that this election is truly close as in that this is a concession by the PPP that substantial amounts of Indians are planning to vote against the PPP on May 11th.


If this was a straight apaan jaat election then Bisram would not be extolling the virtues of the PPP winning a slight majority of the Geographic Seats. The Coalition can perfectly prevail without winning a majority of the Geographic seats as this article did indeed concede.


In summary, to my surprise there are Indians who will stay with the Coalition. The question now is if it is enough to drag them over the 50.01% mark.


I am now open to the possibility of a realistic Coalition path to victory while still of the mind that the PPP is favored slightly to hang onto office. But ever so slightly.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Only a donkey will believe anything Visnu Bisram says.



Shaintaan, you qualify?


Were you a little more savvy you would recognize even the analytical value of party propaganda in gauging the true state of affairs.


Here you have the PPP's man Bisram conceding that the Indian vote is split to some significant degree.


That is HUGE!


He's telling ayuh Coalition morons that he AGREES that there is a path to a Coalition victory supported by Indian votes.


Why de F would he lie about that?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

how does Bisram pulling numbers out of his ass merit "parsing" beyond a search for suitable points of comedy and ridicule?




There are three possibilities here:

1. The poll is completely a lie in its entirety.

2. This poll is being released with selected pro-PPP facts mixed with a good dose of spin.

3. The poll is entirely true along with the conclusions drawn.


I tend to gravitate to explanation No. 2.


The fact that Bisram, as a PPP toady, felt the need to harp on the Geographic Seats means that this election is truly close as in that this is a concession by the PPP that substantial amounts of Indians are planning to vote against the PPP on May 11th.


If this was a straight apaan jaat election then Bisram would not be extolling the virtues of the PPP winning a slight majority of the Geographic Seats. The Coalition can perfectly prevail without winning a majority of the Geographic seats as this article did indeed concede.


In summary, to my surprise there are Indians who will stay with the Coalition. The question now is if it is enough to drag them over the 50.01% mark.


I am now open to the possibility of a realistic Coalition path to victory while still of the mind that the PPP is favored slightly to hang onto office. But ever so slightly.

dude, Bisram doesn't do polls . . . he does propaganda


give it a rest


Bisram has not been wrong yet and he is not going to start now. Keep the good work bro. Bisram. You the only pollster Guyana have. These numb nuts hate the truth and the messenger. We just need 52.5 % of the votes. This way we can defeat the PNC and put Moses to pasture.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Only a donkey will believe anything Visnu Bisram says.


Shaintaan, you qualify?

Were you a little more savvy you would recognize even the analytical value of party propaganda in gauging the true state of affairs.


Here you have the PPP's man Bisram conceding that the Indian vote is split to some significant degree.


That is HUGE!


He's telling ayuh Coalition morons that he AGREES that there is a path to a Coalition victory supported by Indian votes.


Why de F would he lie about that?

stop your nonsense


there is no "analytical value"!! his numbers would have to be genuine for there to be such


Vishnu Bisram is a paid propagandist (a mediocre one, but good enough for the underinformed), not a moron like D_G, baseman, Nehru, politikalamity, yugee, rev and the rest who advertise their stupidity with idiot chants of landslide for the regime


there is value in his shyte if one is involved in psychological analysis of important players in the PPP

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

how does Bisram pulling numbers out of his ass merit "parsing" beyond a search for suitable points of comedy and ridicule?




There are three possibilities here:

1. The poll is completely a lie in its entirety.

2. This poll is being released with selected pro-PPP facts mixed with a good dose of spin.

3. The poll is entirely true along with the conclusions drawn.


I tend to gravitate to explanation No. 2.


The fact that Bisram, as a PPP toady, felt the need to harp on the Geographic Seats means that this election is truly close as in that this is a concession by the PPP that substantial amounts of Indians are planning to vote against the PPP on May 11th.


If this was a straight apaan jaat election then Bisram would not be extolling the virtues of the PPP winning a slight majority of the Geographic Seats. The Coalition can perfectly prevail without winning a majority of the Geographic seats as this article did indeed concede.


In summary, to my surprise there are Indians who will stay with the Coalition. The question now is if it is enough to drag them over the 50.01% mark.


I am now open to the possibility of a realistic Coalition path to victory while still of the mind that the PPP is favored slightly to hang onto office. But ever so slightly.

dude, Bisram doesn't do polls . . . he does propaganda


give it a rest


I'm sure it is propaganda. But guess what's missing this year? NO PREDICTIONS OF A PPP/C LANDSLIDE OR EVEN A PPP/C VICTORY.


Bisram just said that the PPP is slated to win a slight number of Geographic Seats.


When was the last time you ever hear dem PPP propagandists harp about their likelihood to win the majority of the Geographic Seats.


A real spin on a fake poll would have a national vote breakdown of something like 34-30-1 in favor of the PPP.


I subscribe to the Criterion of Embarrassment in propaganda in that the PPP (through Bisram) would not say anything embarrassing about their electoral chances unless it was probably/likely true.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

stop your nonsense


there is no "analytical value"!! his numbers would have to be genuine for there to be such


Vishnu Bisram is a paid propagandist (a mediocre one, but good enough for the underinformed), not a moron like D_G, baseman, Nehru, politikalamity, yugee, rev and the rest who advertise their stupidity with idiot chants of landslide for the regime

you have the audacity to talk about propaganda and call people moron? 


you who are here all day and night propagandising for your party of choice. I am not sure if this is your job but I have a real job hence I do not post here day and night. For all the years that I have been here I am sure that you in your short time has made much more posts that I. 


I support no specific party in Gy because I have nothing there, I just visit for leisure. However, what many of you AFC posters do on this site is personally attack anyone who disagrees with you or posts something that you do not like.


You are a perfect example of why Gy is in trouble you are very binary and immature and will never be successful in politics.


But you probably need to campaign hard because you more than likely are auditioning for a job with the party you support should they win. I on the other hand work in the world of technology for a six figure salary. My investments also make me six figures a yr. I drive a vehicle that is 6 figures and my home is worth seven figures and I have no debt! Don't you wish you were as much a moron as I?


What a freaking cry baby and LOOOOOZZEERR you are, always looking to make personal attacks when there is no need for any, just grow the hell up! 


Now be gone Sh*t!


Newspaper seh: "The NACTA poll, conducted by Dr. Vishnu Bisram, interviewed some 2,000 voters since February to represent the demographic composition of the population – Indians 42%, Africans (31%, Mixed 17%, Amerindians 9%, and others 1%)."


Gilbakka contends that Indians don't represent 42% of the population today. The 2002 census registered Indians at 43.4% of the population. Now, 13 years later, the numbers are markedly lower. Ramotar is hiding the 2012 census ethnic composition numbers in his crotch, but the preliminary results showed heavy decline particularly in Berbice.

If Bisram interviewed 2000 voters, he should have interviewed less than 42% Indians.

Another thing: that poll was conducted in February. The APNU+AFC Accord was signed in mid-February. At that point in time, Indians were still figuring out what to do. Now, at the end of April, a better picture is emerging.

A government minister has reportedly been coercing West Demerara Indians to attend PPP rallies/meetings, and threatening AFC Indians. Consequently, Indians are reluctant to show their faces at APNU+AFC rallies. But that doesn't mean APNU+AFC will not get their votes on May 11.

Yet another factor: the voters' list has 65% young people, who hardly or never experienced the bad PNC-Burnham era. Indian parents may put pressure on their sons and daughters to vote PPP but there is no guarantee they will do so in the privacy of the polling booth. The young ones ignore their parents in other matters, why won't they ignore them in voting?

So, with a diminishing Indian voting bloc, compounded by the possibility that about 10% of them will not vote PPP, and further compounded by indications that Afros and Amerindians and Mixed will turn out in large numbers, a PPP win is remote.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by redux:

stop your nonsense


there is no "analytical value"!! his numbers would have to be genuine for there to be such


Vishnu Bisram is a paid propagandist (a mediocre one, but good enough for the underinformed), not a moron like D_G, baseman, Nehru, politikalamity, yugee, rev and the rest who advertise their stupidity with idiot chants of landslide for the regime

you have the audacity to talk about propaganda and call people moron? 


you who are here all day and night propagandising for your party of choice. I am not sure if this is your job but I have a real job hence I do not post here day and night. For all the years that I have been here I am sure that you in your short time has made much more posts that I. 


I support no specific party in Gy because I have nothing there, I just visit for leisure. However, what many of you AFC posters do on this site is personally attack anyone who disagrees with you or posts something that you do not like.


You are a perfect example of why Gy is in trouble you are very binary and immature and will never be successful in politics.


But you probably need to campaign hard because you more than likely are auditioning for a job with the party you support should they win. I on the other hand work in the world of technology for a six figure salary. My investments also make me six figures a yr. I drive a vehicle that is 6 figures and my home is worth seven figures and I have no debt! Don't you wish you were as much a moron as I?


What a freaking cry baby and LOOOOOZZEERR you are, always looking to make personal attacks when there is no need for any, just grow the hell up! 


Now be gone Sh*t!


Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Home > TOP STORY > PPP leads in Geographical seats – according to latest NACTA poll

PPP leads in Geographical seats – according to latest NACTA poll

 No other party has a chance of winning any geographical seat though they are polling votes that would impact on how many top up seats each party would win and how many regional councilor seats each party wins.


Am I correct in parsing these words to mean that either the IP or TUF is polling some numbers that are affecting the outcome of the race between the PPP and the Coalition at the national level?

News I am getting is that Indos will be voting race/PPP. They will make sure they turn out and not stay home like they did last time. The PPP seems to have learned it's lesson from 2011 and are more organized this time around. 


Indos will vote PPP and Afros will vote PNC - that is what I am hearing. Indos who were not sure two months ago whether to vote PPP or AFC have now decided to vote PPP and they are influencing their kids to vote same. 


One major bone of contention that these specific Indos have is the insistence by the PNC that they never rigged any elections and this is creating distrust and concern in these specific Indos.


They also allege that there is PPP corruption but find it laughable what some opposition members boldly declare that life under PNC was better. The Indos who traditionally vote PPP find Moses as a "joke" - their words.


How did AFC lose these potential votes, especially the young Indos, is it too late now to turn it around in two weeks.


Of note is that they do not seem to be too concerned about post elections violence.


Balanced and Fair analysis. 


It is too late for the AFC to turn things around, they are a very lazy bunch who depend too much on Granger to take their hands and show them how to campaign.


We need to remember that the PNC peaks at 40 Percent.

Originally Posted by redux:


Look years ago I used to attack and fight with people on here but I have no time for that now - I have grown, however, you are always firing shots at me and I ignore but I had to fire back this time. Now I am done and will move on.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Home > TOP STORY > PPP leads in Geographical seats – according to latest NACTA poll

PPP leads in Geographical seats – according to latest NACTA poll

 No other party has a chance of winning any geographical seat though they are polling votes that would impact on how many top up seats each party would win and how many regional councilor seats each party wins.


Am I correct in parsing these words to mean that either the IP or TUF is polling some numbers that are affecting the outcome of the race between the PPP and the Coalition at the national level?

News I am getting is that Indos will be voting race/PPP. They will make sure they turn out and not stay home like they did last time. The PPP seems to have learned it's lesson from 2011 and are more organized this time around. 


Indos will vote PPP and Afros will vote PNC - that is what I am hearing. Indos who were not sure two months ago whether to vote PPP or AFC have now decided to vote PPP and they are influencing their kids to vote same. 


One major bone of contention that these specific Indos have is the insistence by the PNC that they never rigged any elections and this is creating distrust and concern in these specific Indos.


They also allege that there is PPP corruption but find it laughable what some opposition members boldly declare that life under PNC was better. The Indos who traditionally vote PPP find Moses as a "joke" - their words.


How did AFC lose these potential votes, especially the young Indos, is it too late now to turn it around in two weeks.


Of note is that they do not seem to be too concerned about post elections violence.

Balanced and Fair analysis . . .

nah . . . just 'crafty' PPP talking points by your "seven figure" fellow mansion dweller who "support[s] no specific party in GY"


har de har har har harrr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Look at dis sk**t hey!


You of all people wanna tell people about how to behave when you're about one of the biggest rum shap coolies here in GNI.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by redux:


Look years ago I used to attack and fight with people on here but I have no time for that now - I have grown, however, you are always firing shots at me and I ignore but I had to fire back this time. Now I am done and will move on.

banna, i wish u would "fire back" like dat every day


y'all comedy is funny no raas

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Look at dis sk**t hey!


You of all people wanna tell people about how to behave when you're about one of the biggest rum shap coolies here in GNI.

yuh like mi picture eh?

Originally Posted by simple:

I am still waiting for the PNC to point out what development they brought to Guyana, besides the 3 toll gates, 6 arches and Cuffy statue.

Let me help you out,major highways was built under

and still standing today,go do some research there

is more.

Originally Posted by simple:

I am still waiting for the PNC to point out what development they brought to Guyana, besides the 3 toll gates, 6 arches and Cuffy statue.

What development PPP bring to GY? Bankrupting NIS? or Bankrupting GuySuCo?


Let me guess PPP invented gold mining? yes?

Originally Posted by redux:

there is no "analytical value"!! his numbers would have to be genuine for there to be such



There is analytical value.  Not his numbers of course, but of how the PPP feels.  Last time he was screaming that the PPP would get 54% and would make deep in roads into PNC strongholds.


Now he refuses to say, and the best that he can do is babble about geographic seats, which as Shaitaan says are meaningless.


All the PPP has left (aside from rigging) is to panic its support base into a belief that the PNC might win, to get them out to vote.  A vote of fear and not hope.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

there is no "analytical value"!! his numbers would have to be genuine for there to be such


Vishnu Bisram is a paid propagandist (a mediocre one, but good enough for the underinformed), not a moron like D_G, baseman, Nehru, politikalamity, yugee, rev and the rest who advertise their stupidity with idiot chants of landslide for the regime


there is value in his shyte if one is involved in psychological analysis of important players in the PPP

There is analytical value.  Not his numbers of course, but of how the PPP feels.  Last time he was screaming that the PPP would get 54% and would make deep in roads into PNC strongholds.


Now he refuses to say, and the best that he can do is babble about geographic seats, which as Shaitaan says are meaningless.


All the PPP has left (aside from rigging) is to panic its support base into a belief that the PNC might win, to get them out to vote.  A vote of fear and not hope.

might i suggest (again) that u read through my posts properly [see bold/red] before u jump prematurely pan your keyboard and make a fool of yourself - again!


The PPP/C has revamped the bauxite industry, they have give out thousands of house lots, built a much needed bridge across the Berbice river, in the process of mechanizing the sugar industry and paying sugar workers living wages, built a 192 room Marriott Hotel in recording breaking time, supplied electricity to the entire country, have street lights all over Guyana, given out free computers to every house, brought TV stations to Guyana, quadrupled the number of printing houses, developed a new source of foreign exchange (coconut industry), make loans available to build houses, Guyana is seeing the greatest construction in the history of the country, loans available to start small businesses, more women today have business that ever before, Beena shoe and closing in GT., tens of thousands of cars are now prowling the streets of the country, rice production has increased 200 % with new markets opened up in Venezuela and in Central America, Costa Rica, Peru, Belize, New hospitals and clinics, both private and public, 4 way high way under construction, hundreds and hundreds of new streets and roads built,hundreds of new bridges and colverts constructed, new port facilities constructed eg. Corentyne river crossing to Surinam with a state of the art ferry added, port facilities constructed to accommodate container ships from all over the world, quary production of stones and white sand increased by 1000 %. forestry production increase by 700 %, a state of the at factory in the interior for ply wood production and job creations for native Guyanese. solar panel instillation in the interior for TV and other communications etc etc etc. I can name 100 more instances of developments made possible by the People Progressive Party Civic governments.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

there is no "analytical value"!! his numbers would have to be genuine for there to be such



There is analytical value.  Not his numbers of course, but of how the PPP feels.  Last time he was screaming that the PPP would get 54% and would make deep in roads into PNC strongholds.


Now he refuses to say, and the best that he can do is babble about geographic seats, which as Shaitaan says are meaningless.


All the PPP has left (aside from rigging) is to panic its support base into a belief that the PNC might win, to get them out to vote.  A vote of fear and not hope.


This is all I was trying to say. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Has the PPP/C in anyone of the past 5 elections, especially the ones from 2001 to 2011, inclusive, ever once touted their lead in the Geographic Seats in the runup to an Election? And when has NACTA/Bisram ever done this?


Poling unlike you is is a scientific and dynamic process. Bisram has international experiences and is a believer in neuroplasticity. Stop sitting on your brain. He is saying we are ahead of the opposition. Read within the lines. If you need further clarification trying standing up.

Originally Posted by redux:

might i suggest (again) that u read through my posts properly [see bold/red] before u jump prematurely pan your keyboard and make a fool of yourself - again!

So ready to attack that when some one reiterates what you are saying you immediately attack.


What happened.  Do you have anger control issues?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Has the PPP/C in anyone of the past 5 elections, especially the ones from 2001 to 2011, inclusive, ever once touted their lead in the Geographic Seats in the runup to an Election? And when has NACTA/Bisram ever done this?

Even when we agree with redux he goes on the attack. Its that Pavlovian response.  The dog smells food so gets excited, and dangerous if he feels his food source is threatened.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Has the PPP/C in anyone of the past 5 elections, especially the ones from 2001 to 2011, inclusive, ever once touted their lead in the Geographic Seats in the runup to an Election? And when has NACTA/Bisram ever done this?

Even when we agree with redux he goes on the attack. Its that Pavlovian response.  The dog smells food so gets excited, and dangerous if he feels his food source is threatened.


Do you even think our redux even suspects we both agree with him here?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Only a donkey will believe anything Visnu Bisram says.


Shaintaan, you qualify?

Were you a little more savvy you would recognize even the analytical value of party propaganda in gauging the true state of affairs.


Here you have the PPP's man Bisram conceding that the Indian vote is split to some significant degree.


That is HUGE!


He's telling ayuh Coalition morons that he AGREES that there is a path to a Coalition victory supported by Indian votes.


Why de F would he lie about that?

stop your nonsense


there is no "analytical value"!! his numbers would have to be genuine for there to be such


Vishnu Bisram is a paid propagandist (a mediocre one, but good enough for the underinformed), not a moron like D_G, baseman, Nehru, politikalamity, yugee, rev and the rest who advertise their stupidity with idiot chants of landslide for the regime


there is value in his shyte if one is involved in psychological analysis of important players in the PPP

Oye, bai, baseman never said landlide, I stick with 54%.  The only man who used to win by landslide was the late great LFSB.  Abie coolies like he so bad, we used to run early marnin' fuh vote fuh that man.  Don't you know that.

Originally Posted by simple:

The PPP/C has revamped the bauxite industry, they have give out thousands of house lots, built a much needed bridge across the Berbice river, in the process of mechanizing the sugar industry and paying sugar workers living wages, built a 192 room Marriott Hotel in recording breaking time, supplied electricity to the entire country, have street lights all over Guyana, given out free computers to every house, brought TV stations to Guyana, quadrupled the number of printing houses, developed a new source of foreign exchange (coconut industry), make loans available to build houses, Guyana is seeing the greatest construction in the history of the country, loans available to start small businesses, more women today have business that ever before, Beena shoe and closing in GT., tens of thousands of cars are now prowling the streets of the country, rice production has increased 200 % with new markets opened up in Venezuela and in Central America, Costa Rica, Peru, Belize, New hospitals and clinics, both private and public, 4 way high way under construction, hundreds and hundreds of new streets and roads built,hundreds of new bridges and colverts constructed, new port facilities constructed eg. Corentyne river crossing to Surinam with a state of the art ferry added, port facilities constructed to accommodate container ships from all over the world, quary production of stones and white sand increased by 1000 %. forestry production increase by 700 %, a state of the at factory in the interior for ply wood production and job creations for native Guyanese. solar panel instillation in the interior for TV and other communications etc etc etc. I can name 100 more instances of developments made possible by the People Progressive Party Civic governments.

Banna, alyuh must wake up and smell the coffee.  Now, I support investing in, and getting these regional economies going.  But don't matter, even if you carry up free food everyday, watch out, yuh hand gon still get bite.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Has the PPP/C in anyone of the past 5 elections, especially the ones from 2001 to 2011, inclusive, ever once touted their lead in the Geographic Seats in the runup to an Election? And when has NACTA/Bisram ever done this?

Even when we agree with redux he goes on the attack. Its that Pavlovian response.  The dog smells food so gets excited, and dangerous if he feels his food source is threatened.


Do you even think our redux even suspects we both agree with him here?

Redux has identified Shaitaan and Caribj as the enemy, so will bite, even when we are bringing him food.

Originally Posted by baseman:
.  Abie coolies like he so bad, we used to run early marnin' fuh vote fuh that man.  Don't you know that.

in 1973 Kit Nascimento told Janet, before the first ballot was counted, that the PPP was so pathetic that Corentyne had swung to the PNC.


Nascimento is now with the PPP, which is why there is definite proof that the PPP is trying to rig the election.


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