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Dear Editor,
There are mixed views on the recently debated budget, economy, and government according to an ongoing opinion survey being conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA).
Opinions are divided mostly along ethnic and political lines with APNU supporters praising the budget and performance of the government while opposition supporters are critical of the government and its policies.
Almost everyone is complaining about the state of the economy saying it has been stagnant or declining since the change of government last May.
The findings of the continuous poll are based on interviews through Friday of some 1155 eligible voters (43 per cent Indians, 30 per cent Africans, 17 per cent Mixed, 9 per cent Amerindians and 1 per cent others) reflecting the demographics of the population. The poll, being conducted by Dr Vishnu Bisram, interviewed people at random. The sample was analysed at a 95 per cent significance level with a margin of error of 3 per cent for the findings.
Asked if they approve of the budget, 53 per cent said yes with 41 per cent saying no and 6 per cent not offering an opinion.  Asked who impressed the most on the budget debate, Foreign Minister Carl Greenidge led the rating on the government side, followed by Attorney General Basil Williams, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Minister of the Presidency Joe Harmon, and Finance Minister Winston Jordan. On the opposition side, voters felt Bharath Jagdeo was the most impressive respondent followed by Irfaan Ali, Gail Texeira, Clement Rohee, Anil Nandlall, Dr Frank Anthony, and Priya Manickchand.
Queried on the closure of Wales Sugar Estate, a whopping 62 per cent is opposed to the government’s move to close the factory with 27 per cent supportive of it and 11 per cent not offering an opinion.
Interviews with adults living on West Bank and West Coast Demerara area find 98 per cent (including almost every APNU/AFC supporter) opposed to the closure of the estate with people worried about their economic future.
Almost everyone feels the greater Wales area will become a ghost town with serious social and economic problems if the estate is closed. They urge the government to reconsider the decision to close the factory.
Asked if they are satisfied with the performance of the government, 43 per cent give it a thumbs up with 51 per cent giving it negative rating.
The approval rating of the performance of David Granger as President is 49 per cent with a disapproval rating of 46 per cent. Even though many disapprove of the President’s performance, they describe Granger as personable and approachable, but they are disappointed that he is not taking actions to stimulate the economy and end what they feel is political and racial victimisation.
The approval rating of the performance of Moses Nagamootoo as Prime Minister is 46 per cent with a disapproval rating of 50 per cent. The supporters of PPP and AFC (particularly farmers and rural dwellers) are disappointed that he has not stood up for them on the closure of Wales, the price of rice, and perceived racial victimisation.
The performance approval rating of Bharath Jagdeo as Opposition Leader is 48 per cent with a disapproval rating of 46 per cent. Jagdeo is enormously popular among PPP supporters.
The findings show voters are polarised along ethnic and political lines on the approval rating of the government, President, Prime Minister, and Opposition Leader.
The poll also queried voters on a number of other issues. The findings will be released in a subsequent report.


Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The approval rating of the performance of Moses Nagamootoo as Prime Minister is 46 per cent with a disapproval rating of 50 per cent. The supporters of PPP and AFC (particularly farmers and rural dwellers) are disappointed that he has not stood up for them on the closure of Wales, the price of rice, and perceived racial victimisation.


Shame on the neemakharam! Change PNC style.

Vish M posted:


Dear Editor,
 .end what they feel is political and racial victimisation.


Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram



Were those who are upset about this concerned when Jagdeo and Ramotar engaged in the same behavior?

Bet you they will scream that all was well then.

So why the concern now if it is that they feel no empathy for those who were excluded by the PPP.

As to those who disapprove of Wales closure, well what do they suggest? The ENTIRE Guysuco to be closed?

Government cannot do every thing, and this is what Guyanese need to understand. It can sink funds into ONE industry, or it can fund projects to stimulate the entire economy.

baseman posted:

The findings of the continuous poll are based on interviews through Friday of some 1155 eligible voters (43 per cent Indians, 30 per cent Africans, 17 per cent Mixed,

No wonder Caribj counting all mixed as PNC supporters.  He is setting stage for .

Its not Caribj who says that most mixed people are anti PPP.

In two elections the PPP got the virtually all of the Indian vote, and most of the Amerindian vote, and yet still failed to win the majority of the votes.  With the African vote at a mere 30% clearly the vast MAJORITY of the mixed votes were anti PPP.

Now rant and rave with your manic racism, and continue to pretend that it makes mathematical sense for the PPP to win 50% of the votes, get almost all Indian votes, get 60-70% of the Amerindian votes, and yet not be almost totally rejected by mixed voters.


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