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The latest poll conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (Nacta) has predicted victory for the incumbent Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) if premature elections were to be called in Guyana to resolve the current parliamentary impasse.

The poll which was conducted in early August has concluded that voters are divided on whether a snap election should be called now, with a majority of voters saying they do not think any party will win a majority of seats in another election.
When asked if they think the government should call a snap election to resolve the parliamentary impasse that prevents the ruling party from carrying out its planned programs, 43% of voters said yes, 40% said no and 17% said they are not sure.

Many voters said the parties should try to work together for the benefit and betterment of the nation expressing a view that they do not think any party will win a majority at the next election.

However, when asked which party they would vote for if a snap election is called, 46% of voters said PPP, 37% said PNC, and 7% said  AFC with 10% undecided.

The poll found that Education Minister Priya Manickchand; Housing Minister Irfaan Ali; Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy; Attorney General Anil Nandlall; Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh; Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud; Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran; Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony and Labour Minister Dr Nanda K Gopaul are rated among the top performing ministers of the government.

According to NACTA, when asked who they felt was the β€œBest Minister”, Manickchand leads with 17%, closely followed by Ali (16%), Ramsammy (11%), Nandlall (10%), Frank Anthony (9%), Ramsaran (8%), Singh (7%),  Persaud (7%), and Gopaul (5%).

The poll randomly interviewed 520 voters to yield a demographically representative sample (44 per cent Indian, 30 per cent African, 16 per cent mixed, nine per cent Amerindian, and one per cent other races) of the population.

The poll was conducted in face-to-face interviews and was coordinated by Vishnu Bisram, pollster, newspaper columnist, and educator based in New York.

The results of the poll were analysed at a 95 per cent significance level and a statistical sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points was found. Sampling results based on sub-groups (such as Indians or Africans) have a larger sampling error of about five per cent.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP continues to fall since 2011

September 16, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
I am happy the decent newspapers in this country, Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, have now relegated Vishnu Bisram’s β€˜polls’, those highly suspect adventures Bisram claims he engages in, to the letter pages.  However, the lesson is still lost on Bisram. I hope the Editor publishes this comment for it is the unvarnished truth about Bisram as confirmed by Bisram in the very letter he wrote. In his letter titled β€œNACTA Poll shows overwhelming support for minimum wage, Amalia, & Subsidies to GPL” (KN, September 15, 2013), Bisram himself wrote the following: β€œThe poll interviewed voters to determine support on various government initiated projects as well as popular support for the parties should a snap election be called.” Yet, Bisram published ONLY the β€˜results’ on support for various government projects. He deliberately DID NOT publish the results on the support for the political parties if an election is called. Bisram thinks he could swindle the Guyanese public. By cherry-picking and selectively publishing results when most nefariously omitting the most important poll question on who will win what support if an election is called, Bisram is exhibiting his usual intellectually shady tendencies. He wants us to believe his findings on Amaila Falls, etc. but deliberately and most disgustingly fails to publish all his so-called findings.
That Bisram tries to use unverified polls to vaunt the PPP and to improve its political standing is now common knowledge. He is a man who has historically used these β€˜polls’ to prostitute the PPP. A common tactic is to inflate his sample. He uses the sample of 44% Indians, 30% Africans, 16% Mixed, 9% Amerindians, and 1% other races when even the smallest child knows the Indian population is nowhere near 44% of the general population today. That child knows the Mixed and Amerindian populations are larger than Bisram’s sample sizes. Bisram also engages in a nasty tactic in negatively framing the survey questions to dovetail a response. For instance, he asks β€œDo you approve the Opposition’s rejection of the Amaila Hydropower project?” This is an atrocious and absurd question for any pollster to ask no matter how biased and prejudiced this individual is! It frames the question as fact that the Opposition rejects the project when in fact, the Opposition has stated quite clearly it supports the project and hydropower in general but not in its current runaway cost and corrupt form.
In a letter titled β€œMembers Should Choose Leadership of Parties” (KN, September 11, 2013), Bisram continues his charade, calling me pretentious for querying whether the PPP 2013 Congress elections were manipulated, fixed or fraudulent.
Bisram defends the PPP, stating there is no confirmation but only allegations. Yet Bisram goes on to confirm the PNC had manipulated their last internal congress election. Bisram would not admit to the very evident shenanigans of the PPP 2013 congress elections but readily tarred and feathered the AFC and PNC for their democratic failures. Bisram ignores the fact that there were 1,097 delegates eligible to cast ballots while there were 1,599 ballots! That is just an allegation of electoral fraud, democratic destruction and autocratic usurpation to the inner charlatan in Vishnu Bisram! This is found in the Demerara Waves article titled β€œPPP to declare election results Sunday; Nokta didn’t seek office” (August 3, 2013). That article states the voter list was effectively created minutes before the election when special cards were handed out to only some of the delegates and those persons were the only ones allowed to vote. Only persons bearing those cards were allowed to vote and others with party members’ cards were denied the right to vote. Again, to the intellectual rogue in Vishnu Bisram, this is just mere allegation and most definitely not evidence of a corrupt, unfair and despicable voting practice! And this is not even to mention the statistically shocking vote tallies obtained by Ramotar and Jagdeo or the fact that Kwame McKoy could be sitting on the Central Committee on equal status as Anil Nandlall, who was the fourth highest vote getter but was denied β€˜selection’ to the CC Executive Committee.
Vishnu Bisram will remain a stranger to the truth and allergic to what is right but that is not the real terror of his antics. The real horror of his antics is his suspect polls could be used as a cover for electoral rigging, fraud and manipulation by a vanishing PPP in the future. Just before the 2011 election, Bisram was adamant the PPP would win 52% and could win up to 60% of the vote, effectively giving the PPP a range of 52% to 60% with a median of 56%. The PPP got 48.6% in 2011 in an election tainted with allegations of vote-buying. The PPP continues to fall since 2011. When individuals like Bisram openly support anti-democratic practices within the PPP elections, they will have little credence when condemning those who use these practices against them. When the PPP loses power, and it will within the next eight years, this hypocrisy will return to haunt Bisram and those who subscribe to his mindset. Democracy cannot be convenient only to ethnic aggrandizement or confined only to national elections and forcefully abandoned when those considerations are not in play. If dictatorship is practised and embraced by you, others looking on will genuinely believe it is fine to practise it against you.
M. Maxwell

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC are approaching the twilight of their years, their major financial backers are history, the Hughes are allegedly involved in deep conflict of interest, their constituencies have evaporated.... the end are in sight..


If NACTA is right the PPP will get 46%. I feel APNU will win next time around. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC are approaching the twilight of their years, their major financial backers are history, the Hughes are allegedly involved in deep conflict of interest, their constituencies have evaporated.... the end are in sight..


If NACTA is right the PPP will get 46%. I feel APNU will win next time around. 

YUh does feel when yuh Doo Doo pun yuhself???????

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC are approaching the twilight of their years, their major financial backers are history, the Hughes are allegedly involved in deep conflict of interest, their constituencies have evaporated.... the end are in sight..


If NACTA is right the PPP will get 46%. I feel APNU will win next time around. 

Guessing leads to failure, confidence leads to success. Where do you stand on your feeling?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC are approaching the twilight of their years, their major financial backers are history, the Hughes are allegedly involved in deep conflict of interest, their constituencies have evaporated.... the end are in sight..


If NACTA is right the PPP will get 46%. I feel APNU will win next time around. 

YUh does feel when yuh Doo Doo pun yuhself???????


What an uneducated comment! 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Despite the constraints, the PPP/C is trying their best to manage the affairs of the state...


I agree. Because of the AFC we now have some transparency and accountability. APNU may win next time around.

Beg God fuh lil mercy while you are at it, Mitwahji. AFC need to show accountability for its own inner circle corruption starting with the Hughes.


BTW, not our resident God. Look for a real one  

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Despite the constraints, the PPP/C is trying their best to manage the affairs of the state...

I agree. Because of the AFC we now have some transparency and accountability. APNU may win next time around.

The AFC played a great role in that struggle for accountability. Unfortunately 3rd parties are hard to gain roots globally. But there will be a role for AFC in the coming years. It has to be willing to put Guyana first as it has done for its entire life. My gut feeling is the APNU will win next time. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Despite the constraints, the PPP/C is trying their best to manage the affairs of the state...


I agree. Because of the AFC we now have some transparency and accountability. APNU may win next time around.

Beg God fuh lil mercy while you are at it, Mitwahji. AFC need to show accountability for its own inner circle corruption starting with the Hughes.


BTW, not our resident God. Look for a real one  

Vishnu Bisram will remain a stranger to the truth and allergic to what is right but that is not the real terror of his antics. The real horror of his antics is his suspect polls could be used as a cover for electoral rigging, fraud and manipulation by a vanishing PPP in the future. Just before the 2011 election, Bisram was adamant the PPP would win 52% and could win up to 60% of the vote, effectively giving the PPP a range of 52% to 60% with a median of 56%. The PPP got 48.6% in 2011 in an election tainted with allegations of vote-buying. The PPP continues to fall since 2011. When individuals like Bisram openly support anti-democratic practices within the PPP elections, they will have little credence when condemning those who use these practices against them. When the PPP loses power, and it will within the next eight years, this hypocrisy will return to haunt Bisram and those who subscribe to his mindset.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Despite the constraints, the PPP/C is trying their best to manage the affairs of the state...


I agree. Because of the AFC we now have some transparency and accountability. APNU may win next time around.

Beg God fuh lil mercy while you are at it, Mitwahji. AFC need to show accountability for its own inner circle corruption starting with the Hughes.


BTW, not our resident God. Look for a real one  

Vishnu Bisram will remain a stranger to the truth and allergic to what is right but that is not the real terror of his antics. The real horror of his antics is his suspect polls could be used as a cover for electoral rigging, fraud and manipulation by a vanishing PPP in the future. Just before the 2011 election, Bisram was adamant the PPP would win 52% and could win up to 60% of the vote, effectively giving the PPP a range of 52% to 60% with a median of 56%. The PPP got 48.6% in 2011 in an election tainted with allegations of vote-buying. The PPP continues to fall since 2011. When individuals like Bisram openly support anti-democratic practices within the PPP elections, they will have little credence when condemning those who use these practices against them. When the PPP loses power, and it will within the next eight years, this hypocrisy will return to haunt Bisram and those who subscribe to his mindset.


Very eloquent! This person Bisram is a racist.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Vishnu Bisram as pollster used to be good for a laugh. These days he is good for a sigh of contempt in anything. He is completely irrelevant for any purpose requiring a reasoned opinion. He is a ppp water boy...

the ppp is using him to try and fool the indian people maybe he did fool gburd the snake and the pandit bandit


Vishnu Bisram's numbers were off in the last election in Guyana---but he was right about the PPP forming the government.


Regarding the next general election in Guyana---unless the PNC(apnu) and AFC enter into a coalition prior to the election---Donald Ramotar will be re-elected president.




That's the big question!


As of today---the Rev says NO----the PPP will remain a minority government.







Originally Posted by Cobra:

The AFC may not join APNU coalition before the next election. They're playing house together, but they don't trust each other. They are too many power struggle members in both parties.

Moses Nagamootoo has made it crystal clear that he will never support a coalition between the AFC and the PNC. He prefers the AFC to remain independent.


Folks like Nigel and Kathy Hughes and Raphael Trotman---they are very open to a coalition.


Bottom line:





Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is cripple, the exposure of the Hughes was the final nail in its coffin, the letters A.F.C leaves a bitter taste in one's thoughts....

 The PPP just did a reverse contract with the chinese for the airport construction and you have the nerve to come here and accuse Nigil of what? Did he fabricate the plan for Amalia? Is it a corrupt deal? If so I wonder when the PPP was going to tell us?


Did not Jabba the Hutt ramorat squat on OMAI board when over 20 years of digging monumental holes in the ground, dumping toxic chemicals in our streams, and leaving multi square miles of dead moonscape of our home world and yet they supposedly  earned nothing? Did he not implant his kids in cushy leech jobs? Get real punk.


Squealing tall tales into the  in the wind will not get you anything except a larger defection of your people. 



This is what happened to our mother earth on Ramorat's watch. While he leeched off this gold mining company we the people got a hole in the ground.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The AFC may not join APNU coalition before the next election. They're playing house together, but they don't trust each other. They are too many power struggle members in both parties.

Moses Nagamootoo has made it crystal clear that he will never support a coalition between the AFC and the PNC. He prefers the AFC to remain independent.


Folks like Nigel and Kathy Hughes and Raphael Trotman---they are very open to a coalition.


Bottom line:






Why? Do you think it's because Mr Nagamootoo is a racist like you?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC are approaching the twilight of their years, their major financial backers are history, the Hughes are allegedly involved in deep conflict of interest, their constituencies have evaporated.... the end are in sight..


If NACTA is right the PPP will get 46%. I feel APNU will win next time around. 

If APNU wins the election next time around, then a baseball hitter should be able to hit a grand slam with the bases empty.

It ain't gonna happen!!!!!! Dig it??

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

APNU will win and the AFC will still hold the balance of power. Long live the AFC.


That is exactly what will happen. I still believe AFC should form an alliance with APNU for the next election. Mr Granger Presi and Mr Nagamootoo PM. 

And the Speaker?

i do not know about the speaker but conman can be the village fool

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

APNU will win and the AFC will still hold the balance of power. Long live the AFC.


That is exactly what will happen. I still believe AFC should form an alliance with APNU for the next election. Mr Granger Presi and Mr Nagamootoo PM. 

And the Speaker?

i do not know about the speaker but conman can be the village fool

I thought you are happy with the title of "the village fool"? Why do you want to give it up?


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