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Nagamootoo admits to demanding pay hike

Ministerial Salary increases…

– insists on earning more than AG As the National Assembly wrapped up the 2015 Budget Debates, Prime Minister and First Vice President under A Partnership for

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition Government, Moses Nagamootoo, in his presentation admitted that he proposed an increase in salary for Government Ministers but clarified that he did not ask for a 100 per cent hike. Nagamootoo’s contribution to the debates on Friday came after that of Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo but preceded Finance Minister Winston Jordan’s presentation. He insisted on the arrangement even though it was a flagrant violation of Parliamentary norms and conventions. These discarded that the Opposition leader, who would summarise his parties positions and present as a coherent critique of the Budget. Nagamootoo was at the time insisting that the ruling administration had promised in its Elections Manifesto to deliver on a 21-points plan within its first 100 days in Office and has manage to fulfill many of these promises while in the process of implementing the others, and this was done with (three) days to spare. According to the First Vice President, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) opposition has commented about his perks including the number of guards he has, when the former Prime Minister under its administration had some 18 body guards. Additionally, Nagamootoo underscored that he is not getting a greater salary than what was being paid to the former Attorney General Anil Nandlall. Nagamootoo did not make it clear as to why his salary ought to be higher than the AG/Minister of Legal Affairs. He disclosed that in addition to Nandlall’s salary as AG being higher than the Prime Minister, it was also tax-free. “I’m a lawyer and if the Attorney General could have tax free, I didn’t demand tax-free… All I asked for was $100 increase more on the Prime Minister’s salary…not a 100 per cent. So what you hear the allegation trying to throw aspirations to this side of the House, it was a total untruth that we were trying to perk our salaries,” he told the Legislature. He did not mention that in demanding greater than parity with the Ag’s salary, he would be increasing his salary by over $200,000. On August 4, the Prime Minister had denied having any knowledge about Cabinet’s plans to dish out a 100 per cent pay hike for some government officialsGovernment Ministers and other Members of Parliament (MPs), failing miserably in the process to justify any increase ahead of the presentation of the National Budget. Nagamootoo’s pronouncement on the issue came at a time when public outrage was growing after the Guyana Times broke a story last week which exposed a plan by the David Granger Government to approve a significant increase in the salaries and benefits of its serving Government Ministers and MPs even though it has only been in power for three months now. When contacted by the Guyana Times about the issue, Nagamootoo was upset that this newspaper succeeded in breaking the story. Asked for a justifiable reason for this increase, the Prime Minister feebly stated, “I think the Guyana Times needs to give an explanation to the Guyanese people why they would want to say that the PM will be paid some … increase in salary. I am not aware of 100 per cent increase…” He would not counter with what might be an alternative percentage increase. All efforts to get a reason as to why Government wanted to give it an increase in pay – given that on its campaign the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition spoke vigorously against the wastage of taxpayers’ monies and exuberance associated with occupying Executive Officer, proved futile as the Vice President kept avoiding the question. “All I can tell you is that I am not getting 100 per cent increase…don’t ask me to speculate, I am not going to get 100 per cent increase…I cannot respond to you,” he said, just before referring the reporter to the Finance Minister. Efforts to contact other key Government officials on the matter proved futile. However, President David Granger was quoted in other sections of the media as saying that the salary increases are being done to basically differentiate between the payments received by the various levels of officials. Finance Minister Winston Jordan confirmed that Cabinet was actively considering a salary increase for not only Ministers of Government but advisers as well as MPs. He would not confirm nor deny the figures that have been floated in the public over the past two days. The proposed pay hike would see Nagamootoo earning approximately $2.2 million monthly, inclusive of benefits, while the three other Vice Presidents will earn a total of $5.4 million altogether monthly. Although, the Prime Minister has since denied these figures, he has failed to mention the percentage of increase being considered. Nagamootoo was responding to a request by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo for the Finance Minister to give the public assurance that the new Government would not increase the salaries of its Ministers, members of Parliament and other advisory above what was been given to public servants.


Budget presentation Meanwhile, some of those promises that the APNU+AFC has claimed to have  “fulfilled” includes: the reduction of the Berbice River Bridge toll; salary increase for government workers; measures to ease the impact of VAT, significant increase in old age pensions and public disability assistance, reduction of Presidents’ pension benefits, while noting that the establishment of passports and birth certificates licensing offices in Berbice, Essequibo and Linden is currently being executed. In almost every instance, the promises were diluted to such an extent that the promises were fulfilled more in the breach that in reality. The Prime Minister mentioned that much criticism have been directed towards Government for an enormous Budget of $221 billion to cover only the four remaining months of the year, however he explained that the budget was structured to roll over and cover the excessive spending by the PPP/C administration over the past eight months. Nagamootoo went on to debunk “scandalous destablisation” allegations against the APNU+AFC administration, accusing them of practicing “ethnic cleansing”. He underscored that such antics are not only painful and odious, but seeks to destroy the country’s ethnic fabric. He further pointed out that the coalition has retained many of the employees hired under the PPP/C regime and has not discriminated against any particular race or gender, as they are being accused of. He illustrated his incredible assertion by pointing to a few low level employees such a s cleaners and secretaries being retained. “Just to show how mischievous and malicious is this charge of ethnic cleansing… I wish to place on the record, my condemnation of this politics of intimidation, this politics of ethnic and racial incitement, this politics of national treachery that we have seen rearing its ugly head in our beloved land,” he outlined. Adding also, the Prime Minister stressed that the previous administration never intended into kept the 1,900 plus Amerindian youths beyond the elections period as they had only allocated monies to pay them up to April, a decision that was taken by the PPP/C Cabinet. On a separate note, the First Vice President stated that his heart bleeds knowing that everyone is watching the front of budget document but is not looking at the back, which portrays all of “beautiful Guyana”. The Prime Minister further noted that in spite of reference being made twice in the 2015 Budget Speech on the spurious claims of Venezuela to Guyana’s territory, none of Members on the opposition side of the House sought to extend their support of the country’s sovereignty except for the Opposition Leader. “It saddens me that those who claim to love this country, could come here and criticise our government and our President for saying that this is an unjust claim, for saying that there is no legality to the claim, for saying that we refused to talk when the record is clear that we have said we want bi-lateral talks with the government of Venezuela on matters of mutual interests but we are not talking about the border because our border has been settled by law, by Treaty in 1899, which has been deemed final on the Treaty. If those who claim our territory wish to question the validity of that treaty, they must go to a court of Law to reverse it but we are not discussing it because it does not exist as a claim; it is a controversy which they have raised,” he declared. Nagamootoo further stated that that he was expecting Jagdeo to condemn the aggression by the Spanish-speaking neighbour against Guyana’s economy, but instead “he speciously tells the House that this Government’s diplomacy is flawed”.  The Prime Minister said that with he was hoping with the support of the Opposition, together they would have been the “Magnificent Seven” but it appears as though the PPP/C is unwilling to engage in that level of cohesion and unity, adopting a “sledge hammer” approach.

Hide original message Moreover, touching on the very heated topic of crime in Guyana, the First Vice President questioned the premise upon which the former ruling administration is lecturing the APNU+AFC regime in tackling crime. He pointed out that all the Opposition has to show in their efforts of fighting crime is the association with a number of people who are in jail or are about to be jailed.

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PPP hijacked Red House

August 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– staff being paid from state funds – New Govt.

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre [Red House)

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House)


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) hijacked the originally state-owned historical building previously called Red House. Disclosure of this development caused a ruckus yesterday in the National Assembly as the government’s side became incensed, while those on the opposition benches sat in total shock. PPP’s “deceitful” action that sought to rob the nation of its resources was revealed when Minister of State Joseph Harmon took the floor yesterday to add his bit to the 2015 Budget debate.


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Poised to speak about the issue, Harmon introduced it as one that remains like “a bone stuck across my throat”. The Minister told the House that the PPP/C administration spent tens of millions of dollars over the years to renovate the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012.

 Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

During that year a company was established named ‘Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’ and the building was leased by the PPP to that company. The lease agreement has duration of 99 years at a cost of only $1000 monthly. This will add up to $12,000 per year and $1,188,000 over the 99-year period. This will not be even a quarter of what was spent to build, renovate and maintain the building over the years. Apart from this, Harmon said that the entity’s staff remained on the job and were still being paid by the State. Harmon told the House that he had the names of those who formed the Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’s Board of Directors. His colleagues shouted “name them man, name them, shameful thieves.”

PPP/C Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee

Harmon said it is clear the direction of the transaction since the Board involved top executives of the PPP including Geoffrey Da Silva,  the late Janet Jagan, the then President Donald Ramotar, James Rose, Michael Khan, Hydar Ally and Ralph Ramkarran, among others.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

This information he said was not made accessible through forensic audit or a Commission of Inquiry, but a mere visit to the Deeds Registry and the Lands and Survey Commission. As Harmon continued his revelations, the once silenced PPP members did not refute his findings.

Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

In fact, former Minister, Irfaan Ali essentially admitted it as he shouted, “tell them who did the transactions, tell them.” Ali continued, “the PM (Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo) was the one who did the document.”

To this Harmon responded “that doesn’t make it right.”

Moses....left the PPP in 2011

Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012. 

How could the Honorable Prime Minister

do this Transfer after 2012

when he was in the AFC????

PPP/C Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee

Minister of Social Cohesion, Amna Ally, was perhaps the loudest heckler during this time shouting things like “thief, shame, barefaced thieves and bam bam.” On the issue of the workers at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre still being paid by the state, opposition member Clement Rohee yelled to the government, “Knock them off.” To this Harmon responded: “Knock them off?

Opposition Leader Bharrat JagdeoThat is the level of contempt for the people I am talking about. This is not all, but I will leave the rest for the state asset recovery unit to deal with…” The late Dr. Cheddi Jagan is the founder of the Red House, members of the government said yesterday that the PPP’s “theft” of the site is a dishonour to the late President.


Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech


every day more corruption under the ppp is being expose and yet these indians on this forum can still defend these thieves  make me wonder what kind of human being there are and the way they raise their family the value they instill in their children   

National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition Government, Moses Nagamootoo, in his presentation admitted that he proposed an increase in salary for Government Ministers but clarified that he did not ask for a 100 per cent hike.
Nagamootoo admits to demanding pay hike, August 23, 2015  By GuyanaTimes 

Perhaps, these individuals are focused on filling their pockets, bank accounts and other sources rather than focusing on their tasks.


Also, they failed to understand that a person may obtain a raise in salary based on the results of their work which must be beyond what is generally expected of their employment requirements.


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