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Former Member

ONE would have thought that a man who claims to be an uncompromising believer in Cheddi Jagan’s legacy and also one who claims to love this country dearly, would have pledged to help developing this country and move it along the path of peace, progress and prosperity. But instead he has pledged to work with APNU against the PPP. However, he did not have to make such a pledge because ever since he has lost out on becoming the PPP’s presidential candidate, he has been doing this because of the bitterness and a thwarted ego. And since that time his every political action and behaviour have been guided by that bitterness and thwarted ego-a strange reaction for man who claims to be an uncompromising believer in Cheddi Jagan’s legacy because Dr. Jagan never had bitterness against anyone, nor was he guided by an ego and lust for power.Despite the horrible things that were done by his political opponents (both local and foreign) he never exhibited bitterness and hatred, as most truly great people never do. He had always put the people and his country first and although he led the struggle for independence and should have been the first Prime Minister of an independent Guyana, he demonstrated utmost magnanimity when he welcomed independence under another party. But this gentleman’s thirst for power began with his spurious claim that Dr. Jagan had anointed him to be the next president. Strangely, Dr. Jagan seemed to have told no other one in the party’s leadership. The gentleman at his party’s recent press conference said: “We have decided to work with APNU and all other patriotic, political, business, labour, religious, human rights, women, youth…in a broad fight against the PPP minority regime.”


So the cards have been laid bare and it is clear now that the sole intention of this gentleman is the removal of the PPP-led government-even it means collaborating with those who had imposed a dictatorial government through rigged elections and intimidation, which resulted in the destruction of this country. At that time, this gentleman had vehemently condemned and opposed those very people which he is now in bed with-further reinforcing the old adage: “Politics makes strange bedfellows.”

In the past the Guyanese people have made the right choice and they will do so again when they get that opportunity, which does not seem to be long from now(Guyana Chronicle).

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Thats right APNU and AFC's alliance will ensure the removal of the rotten thiefin PPP.

So why Moses and Ramjhaaaaaaatan hiding the TRUTH.  Deceitful socalled Leaders????


The P.P.P has weathered the storm of 28 years of P.N.C dictatorship, weathered the storm of 1957 after the party split, and has weathered the storm since November 28, 2011.


The P.P.P shall overcome its political adversaries and be victorious at the upcoming elections in 2016, if not before.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Thats right APNU and AFC's alliance will ensure the removal of the rotten thiefin PPP.

So why Moses and Ramjhaaaaaaatan hiding the TRUTH.  Deceitful socalled Leaders????

Nobady ain't hiding the truth, The AFC has been in parliament since 2011 working together with APNU. Like yawl blind or what?


AFC accuses PPP of racial campaigning – urges GECOM to investigate


“This can undermine the social fabric of our nation, and excite racial insecurity and fear throughout Guyana” – Nagamootoo

Alliance For Change Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo has suggested that the government is engaged in yet another illegal activity. But this one, he said, has the power to destroy “the social fabric” of Guyana.

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

Nagamootoo, who has been nominated to be AFC’s presidential candidate, stated at a recent press conference that his Party is alarmed at the “shameless and illegal campaigns of the (President Donald) Ramotar-led PPP (People’s Progressive Party) to create ethnic and geographical apartheid in Guyana.” Nagamootoo said that the PPP is in a frenzy to re-capture at least two Regional seats, and has chosen Region Six and Region Eight as “hunting grounds.” He stated however, that Berbice, from where he hails, is “no longer the fiefdom of the PPP.” Nagamootoo told the media that when Berbicians voted AFC in 2011, they declared their freedom from racist domination and have given no indications that they will retreat. The long time politician, who is also an Attorney-at-Law, said that the law specifies that any person or organization that stirs up racial hatred is guilty of a criminal offence. “We call on the Guyana Elections Commission and the Guyana Police Force to mount an investigation into our claims of the PPP’s resort to racism and racial hatred in Berbice.” Nagamootoo warned that the “racist campaign of the PPP would further undermine the social fabric of our nation and excite racial insecurity and fear throughout Guyana.” He said that Guyana is at the “crossroad of definition, whether we are only formally democratic, or descending swiftly into a racist, autocratic, authoritarian state.” Nagamootoo added that, according to the “self-anointed beacon of truth”, both President Ramotar and the Prime Minister Samuel Hinds have been involved in partisan activities to re-capture lost votes in Berbice, “in much the same way as serfs were sought after in Nikolai Gogol’s epic novel, “Dead Souls”.” He said that the PPP administration is also utilizing state resources in an attempt to bribe potential voters, “but their bottom house meetings in Essequibo and Berbice have shown that the PPP is despised and rejected, and no amount of bribe, cajoling and ‘co-choring’ would stop the PPP ship from sinking at coming elections.”

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C would manufacture and sensational rumors to grasp a ray of limelight from the opposition aligned media houses.


The AFC is Guyana's laughing stock. Guyanese no longer want to listen to snake oil sold by the AFC.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

THE NIMAKARAM swore that he will never work with the PNC.

He will never be more than a mushroom party member.


Neemakharan has to settle in the with a bunch of losers as Vice Chairman.


The yard Dawg Moses will never become a leader.

Last edited by Former Member

AFC is collaberating with the APNU to get the dictatorial PPP OUT.


Collaberation is not equal to coalition.


It take common sense to understand the difference, but unschooled DUFUSes like YUJI and NEHRU and Skeldon Man cannot comprehend.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

THE NIMAKARAM swore that he will never work with the PNC.

He will never be more than a mushroom party member.


Neemakharan has to settle in the with a bunch of losers as Vice Chairman.


The yard Dawg Moses will never become a leader.

No who will become leader? an unschooled gold smith?


When Moses said he will join with PNC to destroy the PPP, he actually meant to destroy the country's prosperity and the voters heard that loud and clear. You have to leave them to talk and get them into bigger trouble. Big trouble in Little Guyana.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

THE NIMAKARAM swore that he will never work with the PNC.

He will never be more than a mushroom party member.

the ppp swore they will not steal the people money

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P has weathered the storm of 28 years of P.N.C dictatorship, weathered the storm of 1957 after the party split, and has weathered the storm since November 28, 2011.


The P.P.P shall overcome its political adversaries and be victorious at the upcoming elections in 2016, if not before.

Your grand pappy PPP is not he Present PPP. These are unrelenting crooks. Corruption has a finite shelf life. Ask Markos, Suharto, Bird, Gaddafi et al.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P has weathered the storm of 28 years of P.N.C dictatorship, weathered the storm of 1957 after the party split, and has weathered the storm since November 28, 2011.


The P.P.P shall overcome its political adversaries and be victorious at the upcoming elections in 2016, if not before.

Your grand pappy PPP is not he Present PPP. These are unrelenting crooks. Corruption has a finite shelf life. Ask Markos, Suharto, Bird, Gaddafi et al.

You got their cell phone numbers? I will call them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P has weathered the storm of 28 years of P.N.C dictatorship, weathered the storm of 1957 after the party split, and has weathered the storm since November 28, 2011.


The P.P.P shall overcome its political adversaries and be victorious at the upcoming elections in 2016, if not before.

Your grand pappy PPP is not he Present PPP. These are unrelenting crooks. Corruption has a finite shelf life. Ask Markos, Suharto, Bird, Gaddafi et al.

You got their cell phone numbers? I will call them.

Ask dem dictators in freedom house they have them on speed dial.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Calling Moses names is pointless and not constructive.


The PPP and thief man jagdeo has to go.

Jagdeo has already been gone..  The PPP will stay as they are likely to win the next election, maybe...


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