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Show proof,do not go by hear say and speculations,bunch of nut heads rattling their empty skull as usual.AFC did not join forces with APNU and would never join forces with them,we would stand strong and support a Great cause for the better progress of our Guyana.It may look suspicious to the shallow minds,because of poor comprehension-go get your GED.


I don't believe this hospital should be subsidized by govt as it is a private venture for profit and the target market is overseas people as opposed to locals. However the infrastructure, drainage, electrical supply and water is the responsibility of govt. You can not encourage investors when you don't give them any incentives, states in the US do this all the time to attract businesses. I believe the aFC/PNC are indeed  engaging in destructive politics. Remember if there is no progress then they both gain political points. What is bad for Guyana is good for AFC/PNC.


Specialty Hospital Fiasco — $29 million for "Dirty Dozen" Heaps

Read by Moses Nagamootoo

The Alliance for Change (AFC) is calling on the Minority PPP Government to come clean with the Guyanese taxpayers on the total cost and all other expenditures for the proposed Specialty Hospital Project.

In the 2011 Budget, an initial sum of $150,000,000.00 was provided for works that included a design of the hospital, whilst financing for the project by the Government of India was being pursued. It was with shock and awe that on the 16th February, 2012, the Parliament of Guyana was told that not a cent of the original $150M was spent, and that no design has been done when Finance Minister Ashni Singh was being grilled about the whooping $29,100,000.00 extra moneys for the project.

The additional $29M was sought as payment made from the Contingencies Fund sometime between October and December, 2011 (after Parliament was dissolved) for land preparation at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara for the hospital. The moneys were ALREADY spent. The remarks in the supplementary estimates were that the $29M represented “provision for mobilization payment on infrastructural works”.

AFC leaders Messrs. Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo and David Patterson recently visited the proposed site at Turkeyen. They saw what appear to be 12 heaps of dirt, apparently deposited on the land after it was graded. At a far corner, there were a roller, tractor-trailer and a single heap of white sand. It would appear that the $29M was spent on those “Dirty Dozen” heaps! The AFC demands a forensic audit of how the $29M was spent, as the land preparation was clumsily executed, incomplete, and the land remains inundated.

On 16th February, 2012 when the minority government asked Parliament to approve the expenditure, the AFC demanded reasonable explanations, which were not given, and so it voted against the approval. Immediately after the sitting, PPP and Government leaders in a propaganda blitz on state television/radio and newspapers, attacked the AFC specifically and the Opposition in general for allegedly sabotaging government’s developmental agenda. We were accused with voting against an “Indian” hospital in a frenzied and desperate campaign to whip up racism among the Indo-Guyanese population. 

Apart from the usual suspects in the propaganda pantomime, PPP Executive Ralph Ramkarran and Pollster, Vishnu Bisram, joined the race-baiting gang. On March 9, 2012 Bisram, one of the PPP’s ideologues and apologists, crudely held out the “African jumbee” to drive fears into Indians and exploit ethnic insecurity in Guyana. Bisram is towing the PPP line that the AFC has teamed up with the PNC to punish Indians, saying that “if the AFC does not address Indian concerns, then the Indians will return home”. Bisram gave unsolicited advice that “the AFC has to show that it has the interests of Indians at heartâ€Ķand the AFC’s opposition to fund the infrastructure work of the proposed specialty Indian hospital will not help its case”.

AFC regrets that in the Month of the Jagans, Bisram’s views were the most depraved, idiotic and obscene defilement of Cheddi’s multi-racial politics. The AFC wishes to make it clear that it has never opposed the proposed Specialty hospital. AFC voted for the initial $150M in last year’s budget for the project, whilst it was still in gestation. Further, the AFC is on record in Parliament recently assuring the minority government that it would vote for any project, including the specialty hospital (Indian or otherwise), once reasonable explanations were given for moneys spent, or to be spent.

In violation of the Constitution and applicable laws, no sensible or reasonable explanations were given for the $29M requested. And, as it turns out, the “infrastructural works” on the ground at Turkeyen have raised new concerns as to how the moneys were spent. What the AFC is opposed to is lack of accountability and transparency, squandermania, poor or no planning, waste of moneys from Donors’ Community, projects tainted with perception of corruption — all of which could be raised with good reasons as we look at the “Dirty Dozen” heaps at the Turkeyen Site.

The AFC reiterates that as a significant political player, it will support any and all initiatives, plans and projects that are in the national interest and that will bring short-term and long-term relief to the Guyanese people, irrespective of their race, religion or creed. The PPP minority government has been caught with its pants down on the hospital project, and no amount of race-baiting and bottom-house, spit propaganda can hide its shame!






Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear the see....the A.F.C takes instructions from APNU.....whatever APNU says.....he AFC blindly follows....

Why don't you re-read your stupid posts to see whether they make sense or not. The sheets of paper you've been copying off to make your posts must be lil crumpled up and you does miss some words nuh.


Abie nah like wah dem blacks do elekshun time wenn dem trik abie, bu' ah good da PPP nah geh free pass wid dem corruption.  Naga and Ramjattan geh bak stab but seh dem goa support good budget.  Fack datt dem seh noo tell abie datt da PPP aint being straight wid tings.  Nuff coolie kno Naga natt gon sell out di country an' abie believe di man ah taak truth.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Abie nah like wah dem blacks do elekshun time wenn dem trik abie, bu' ah good da PPP nah geh free pass wid dem corruption. 





The Rev sees you are a man of exquisite taste.





It's good to see Moses and the AFC expose their thievery and corruption-- PPP crooks must be publicly shamed and humiliated.






 It would appear that the $29M was spent on those “Dirty Dozen” heaps! The AFC demands a forensic audit of how the $29M was spent, as the land preparation was clumsily executed, incomplete, and the land


GR, I am aware that you  are in the Snakeoil Business. However, you are NOT dealing with your Snakeoil buying friends!!! Al YUh are Stinking Political Prostitutes who are willing to sacrifice the health and progress of the GUYANESE People. Moses seems to sleep quite well these days.!!! He has become you and Ramjat and Trotty, Snakeoil Salesmen.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Abie nah like wah dem blacks do elekshun time wenn dem trik abie, bu' ah good da PPP nah geh free pass wid dem corruption. 





The Rev sees you are a man of exquisite taste.





It's good to see Moses and the AFC expose their thievery and corruption-- PPP crooks must be publicly shamed and humiliated.





Inspecteur Rev, I don't know if you are  old enough to remember the Del Conte Road scandal (the PPP seems to like road projects), where millions were spent on a road never built.




Opposition satisfied with briefing on Amaila Falls

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Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Wednesday, 14 March 2012 21:33
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Amaila-FallsGuyana's two opposition parties Wednesday night expressed satisfaction with government’s explanation about plans to build the US$840 million Amaila Falls Hydropower plant but at least one party says the talks do not amount to a rubber-stamp.

Using its one-seat majority in the National Assembly, the combined opposition has been flexing its muscles in demanding details from government about several major projects. The decision to provide as much information as possible was made at tripartite meetings among the government and the oppossition during the past several weeks.

Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive member, Gerhard Ramsaroop and A Partnership for National Unity's (APNU) Vice Chairman, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine both welcomed the openness during the presentation on the 165 megawatt facility. The briefing was done mainly by Head of the Privatisation Unit, Winston Brassington.

“It went very well. We were provided with a lot of information that we did not have before and we agreed that we would study it and come back with questions,” Roopnaraine told Demerara Waves Online News (  Both sides agreed that the questions would be posed in two weeks.

Demerara Waves was told that among APNU’s concerns was the likely impact on residents in the area- a concern that was knocked down by government officials who said the area is uninhabited. Government officials have also assured that the project would have a minimum impact of the environment.

Also attending the meeting were the AFC’s  Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan and Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop.

Ramsaroop noted that he could not divulge sensitive details because of the importance of confidentiality in the on-going negotiations between the Guyana government, China Railway and Sithe Global.

“Mr Brassington was very frank and forthcoming with all the details notwithstanding the fact that the negotiations are on-going,” he said.

Ramsaroop, noting that the documentation could not be delivered in one presentation, said the opposition was keen on finding out how the project would affect the cost of electricity, the scope of the project and previous, current and prodjected cost.

Amaila Falls Hydropower Project is expected to begin delivering electricity to the grid at Guyana Power and Light’s  Sophia station in late 2015/ early 2016.

On the issue of cost, Ramsaroop said the opposition delegations were told that provision has been made for an escalation of costs due to interest rate, exchange rate and the prices of equipment. The opposition was told that the cost of the project has risen from US$705 million to US$840 million due to rising interest rates and the recent recession.

“They were open and they weren’t trying to hide anything. We are pleased, at this level at the amount of information sharing. It does not mean automatic approval but it certainly means a better working relationship,” he said.

Mention was also made of agreements between the builders of thee hydropower plant and the Guyana Government and Guyana Power and Light Inc.

Government officials attending the three-hour meeting included Public Works Minister, Robeson Benn; Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds; Finance Minister, Ashni Singh and Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Albert, all you are doing here, is showing the AFC's maturity and ability to be reasonable.  Can the same be said of you and your ilk?

Not surprised that you didn't see the part where your penchant for making uninformed and outlandish statements in respect to these projects were exposed.


Not surprised that you didn't see the part where it becomes evident that you guys just oppose for the sake of it


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