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Originally Posted by yuji22:


No amount of "mombo jumbo" will change the fact. You have really bad association and are defending crooks like Moses and Ram. 

 What facts, the one that percolates up from the sewer that you call a brain? I do not know the above gentlemen but the PPP saw them as valuable contributors to their party most of their lives so I am quite certain they possessed value to them I am sure that value is not being a part of a conspiracy to pillage the state. That alas is the PPP's own doing.

Originally Posted by albert:

Storm Born/D2's defense of his AFC colleagues whilst chastizing and accusing others without providing any evidence is mind-boggling. When it comes to the AFC he wants proof when it comes to the PPP he needs none  

 What evidence do you have sir? The checks you posted are from an authority you defend as clean so does your logical processes function in a linear way to see that if those checks represent fraud then you are indicting the whole of the PPP cabal?


Further, why be pedantic with a few thousand US when the matter in dispute and what apparently has fallen off the table accrue to millions of US and it is still to be accounted for?


I do not think your handlers are being very astute in informing you how to defray the allegation of corruption leveled against the party. Were that the case they would not be stupid as this in trying to sully the character of the two gentlemen. It only make them an iron hearted soldiers prepared for an enduring battle with you.


Tell Brassingrton that he is toast. I know he had to provide you with those checks. Tell him, forensic auditors will tear apart any accounting he comes up with and if as is 99 percent certain he was fiddling for the party he better prepared to be reamed in a prison cell.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Hey slimeBall,


Your best friend was was sent to jail. Now you choose to defend Moses and Ram who collected millions from NICIL. How come you are now silent when it comes down to jailing them ?


You continue to defend crooks. Your are a shameless poster who is full of lies just like you posting that you are of different races depending on the day of the week.


You are the biggest scumbag here. You will be better off beside your buddy.

Hey patacake boy I see you carryin on like a bad man, feels good eh patacake boy?



Bhai .....Al-Battee and Ugee-Battee now behaving like Brassington sharing de loot with de opposition.


Al-Battee how come yuh na telling abee about de two PNC Thugs from congress place who were baptised and by Jagabat and De Duck and made Senior PYO members.

Come on All-Battee let us get the news about de two PNC/PYO Hamilton Boys.



Parl.Secretary's sons among several on leave for 'One Laptop' probePDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Friday, 31 August 2012 22:59
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laptopTwo sons of Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Joseph Hamilton are among six persons sent on leave in connection with the disappearance of 150 laptops from the One Laptop Per Family Project (OLPF).

OLPF Project said in a statement that the sextet was sent hone but did not provide any details about their status.

Hamilton, however, said his sons- one of whom is the Warehouse Manager- were sent on leave with pay to facilitate the probe. He opined that the warehouse manager was asked to go on leave because of his position and the other one because he is the brother.

β€œThere is always the thing that (whenever) there is an investigation (and) people who are close should remove themselves at least temporarily while you have an investigation so I have no difficulty with the procedure adopted and I have indicated that to my sons and they understand the position,” Hamiltontold Demerara Waves Online News (


The youngerHamiltonsare members of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), the youth arm of the governing Peoples Progressive Party (PPP).


Before the seniorHamiltonwas appointed Parliamentary Secretary, he re-entered the political arena in the run-up to the 2011 General and Regional Elections and endorsed the PPP-Civic. Several years before, he had been an executive member of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR), now the major partner in the opposition parliamentary coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

Reacting to suggestions in some quarters that his sons are possibly being unfairly targeted to be used as scapegoats while the real offenders are exonerated,Hamiltonsaid he would defend his sons’ integrity if required.

β€œYou would know that I am very capable of representing my family and my family’s interest and any time I feel that way, I would be able to represent that situation but I am saying to you, at this moment I have no such feeling,” saidHamilton.

The laptops went missing from the OLPF’s warehouse situated onForshaw Street, Queenstown,Georgetown.

Police are conducting the probe to determine how and who stole the laptops. The OLPF was the brainchild of former president, Bharrat Jagdeo to help bridge the digital divide and create a knowledge-based society.



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