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Undoubtedly, in politics, a mind is a terrible thing to change and politicians do have a tendency to flip- flop on issues depending on whether or not it would favor them at election. This does not mean I would approve of a politician that retained the same mindset over a long period of time. As we mature, as our knowledge of life increases, as the world in which we live in changes, as new research surfaces, as war raises its ugly head or peace comes to the fore, and so forth, most of us change in attitudes, behavior, and beliefs. Vice-Chairman of the Alliance for Change(AFC), Moses Nagamootoo recently proved to Guyanese that he is one big, fat, opportunistic politician, duplicitous by nature. This brings me to the Former Presidents’ (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill that is being vindictively targeted by Nagamootoo and his AFC clique even though he supported it back in 2009 when it was made into law.



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Originally Posted by warrior:

what the hell you talking about oldman,stay on before the night is out you will get heart attackin the mean time write a check and send it to guysuco tell them you sorry you steal the money,they will understand after all you is a lowcaste collie

Hey you illerate jack ass! Do you know the difference between a collie and "******"? Back to lil infunt class.

Originally Posted by warrior:

what the singing and dancing about who care what he vote for then the most inportant thing is the president benfit have to be cut and the guyanese people is in full support of this and this include the ppp supporters in guyana and the estates.the ppp is losing power daily

Here is the article..go get claim your sister's in law body. Another one of your drug family died in prison.


A female foreign national, who was serving a three-year sentence for drug trafficking, succumbed at the New Amsterdam Hospital on Monday after a brief illness.
The woman, Aneisha Joseph, was admitted to the hospital earlier this month and despite the efforts of doctors, she breathed her last.
Joseph was arrested in 2010, while she was an outgoing passenger at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri, with a quantity of cocaine concealed in a tin of powdered milk.
At the time of her arrest she was travelling with her baby to the United States of America.
She subsequently pleaded guilty and was jailed for three years.
Joseph would have completed her sentence in May.
Officials of the Guyana Prison Service confirmed her death. They are now awaiting word from relatives with respect to the handing over of her body


Opposition Leader, David Granger is assured of a range of benefits along with his salary and a pension, following the passage in 2010 of the Leader of the Opposition (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill 2009
According to the legislation, the holder of the office shall be entitled at government expense to rent-free furnished office accommodation; medical attention, including medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for himself and the dependent members of his family; full-time security service at his official place of residence and at his office to be provided by the Guyana Police Force; the services of a research assistant, an executive assistant/secretary, a clerical/office assistant, a chauffeur, a personal security officer, a gardener and two domestic servants; and salary, vacation allowance and parliamentary benefits equivalent to those of a Cabinet minister.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Opposition Leader, David Granger is assured of a range of benefits along with his salary and a pension, following the passage in 2010 of the Leader of the Opposition (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill 2009
According to the legislation, the holder of the office shall be entitled at government expense to rent-free furnished office accommodation; medical attention, including medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for himself and the dependent members of his family; full-time security service at his official place of residence and at his office to be provided by the Guyana Police Force; the services of a research assistant, an executive assistant/secretary, a clerical/office assistant, a chauffeur, a personal security officer, a gardener and two domestic servants; and salary, vacation allowance and parliamentary benefits equivalent to those of a Cabinet minister.

Conscience it's called elite accommodation. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Months before the 2011, general elections Nagamootoo was fighting feverishly to be the Presidential Candidate for the PPP/C, after the results were announced he now bad mouth the very party he fought to be the President candidate Ironic

AWWWW SHUTUP AREADY!!! This is so f-in old who give s a flyin frick?


HAs it ever occured to you had Nagamoto given that position he would have turned things around? This is the reason for wanting to take back the party that was once a party with a bit more morals than the Jags/Ramotar party.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That crook Nagamootoo raised his hand and voted for the president's benefit package because he thought he was going to be the next presidential nominee in the PPP party and would be a beneficiary of said package. When the membership chose Ramotar, he suddenly changed his mind. ahahha

The man is a self proclaim neemakaram and he belong to a neemakaram party. What he did to the PPP he can do worst to the AFC. A man who can be bought can also be sold.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That crook Nagamootoo raised his hand and voted for the president's benefit package because he thought he was going to be the next presidential nominee in the PPP party and would be a beneficiary of said package. When the membership chose Ramotar, he suddenly changed his mind. ahahha


That's Moses Mahandra Nagamootoo


Well said Bgurd! Moses is a big traitor and a sell out. This loser(Moses) still believe he has a shot at being president---talk about being severely delusional.




Nagamootoo resigned from the PPP  after he was sidelined in the fixed process to select the PPP presidential candidate. Ramkarran was also a victim of this rigged selection process. Moses made it quite clear that if the process was transparent he would have participated and if he lost would have supported the candidate selected. We must not forget that the whole process was rigged and thats one of the reasons there was no congress as the members would have had to debate and vote on the possible choices.


For those who are bad mouthing Moses for his departure and non cooperation with the corrupt Jagdeo/Ramouthar cabal you all have more surprises coming as more of the members of the party are seeing the fraud which was conducted in their names.


God has spoke. He has declared:


1) Vice-Chairman of the Alliance for Change(AFC), Moses Nagamootoo recently proved to Guyanese that he is one big, fat, opportunistic politician, duplicitous by nature.


2) No amount of damage control done by the AFC goons, could convinced the Guyanese Populace otherwise, its a widespread believe, that Nagamootoo is super ego-centric and does anything to attract a ray of limelight, even if it entails blatantly  lying to the Nation, through the National Assembly


3) The electorate in Berbice are no fools, and would not embrace Nagamootoo in the masses, he got a lot of sympathy votes in the 2011 elections


Hey Gadahaaa......tell can I hustle $$$. You know everything and will tell me the truth about getting some free dough....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The electorate in Berbice are no fools, and would not embrace Nagamootoo in the masses, he got a lot of sympathy votes in the 2011 elections, to the electorates horror, he took their votes and made alliance with the P.N.C lead A.P.N.U, to cut the  national budget and frustrate the programs of the government

This is a lie . I live in region 6 and the people here love Moses. His popularity is growing daily. The people here know the truth and that Moses is not aligning himself with the PNC. Even Joey Jagan has apologised to the people of Berbice for allowing himself to be used to misinform and mislead the people.

Originally Posted by Kari:

God has spoke. He has declared:


1) Vice-Chairman of the Alliance for Change(AFC), Moses Nagamootoo recently proved to Guyanese that he is one big, fat, opportunistic politician, duplicitous by nature.


2) No amount of damage control done by the AFC goons, could convinced the Guyanese Populace otherwise, its a widespread believe, that Nagamootoo is super ego-centric and does anything to attract a ray of limelight, even if it entails blatantly  lying to the Nation, through the National Assembly


3) The electorate in Berbice are no fools, and would not embrace Nagamootoo in the masses, he got a lot of sympathy votes in the 2011 elections


Hey Gadahaaa......tell can I hustle $$$. You know everything and will tell me the truth about getting some free dough....

Mr. Kari don't hold your breath here. The free dough and milk are reserved for members of the Jagdeo/Ramouthar cabal. If you know Mani or Khawme they might be able to help you.

Originally Posted by comrade:

Nagamootoo resigned from the PPP  after he was sidelined in the fixed process to select the PPP presidential candidate. Ramkarran was also a victim of this rigged selection process. Moses made it quite clear that if the process was transparent he would have participated and if he lost would have supported the candidate selected. We must not forget that the whole process was rigged and thats one of the reasons there was no congress as the members would have had to debate and vote on the possible choices.


For those who are bad mouthing Moses for his departure and non cooperation with the corrupt Jagdeo/Ramouthar cabal you all have more surprises coming as more of the members of the party are seeing the fraud which was conducted in their names.

How is it that most of us here know this while others don't. You think they know but they're all morally bankrupt? I do.

Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The electorate in Berbice are no fools, and would not embrace Nagamootoo in the masses, he got a lot of sympathy votes in the 2011 elections, to the electorates horror, he took their votes and made alliance with the P.N.C lead A.P.N.U, to cut the  national budget and frustrate the programs of the government

This is a lie . I live in region 6 and the people here love Moses. His popularity is growing daily. The people here know the truth and that Moses is not aligning himself with the PNC. Even Joey Jagan has apologised to the people of Berbice for allowing himself to be used to misinform and mislead the people.

Doan worry with Councie, he does talk sheer crap all day long, the banna is a lie rass.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by comrade:

Nagamootoo resigned from the PPP  after he was sidelined in the fixed process to select the PPP presidential candidate. Ramkarran was also a victim of this rigged selection process. Moses made it quite clear that if the process was transparent he would have participated and if he lost would have supported the candidate selected. We must not forget that the whole process was rigged and thats one of the reasons there was no congress as the members would have had to debate and vote on the possible choices.


For those who are bad mouthing Moses for his departure and non cooperation with the corrupt Jagdeo/Ramouthar cabal you all have more surprises coming as more of the members of the party are seeing the fraud which was conducted in their names.

How is it that most of us here know this while others don't. You think they know but they're all morally bankrupt? I do.

Cain they also know the truth but are being paid to say lies to smear a good man. The people of Guyana are not fools. I go to the market in Williamsburg every Saturday and speak with the people. They want Moses to continue his fight against corruption and racism. These people who are saying good things about Moses are not paid political fraudsters but are ordinary working people of different ethnic persuasions.

Originally Posted by warrior:

ralph will be in the AFC camp soon

I was in NY recently and met some of Ralph's supporters, the ones who financed his ads in the NY newspapers. Many of them are already on board with the AFC. Just a matter of time before Ralph and some others follow.  ( The comrades at GAWU are viewing  the corruption from a ringside seat.)

Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The electorate in Berbice are no fools, and would not embrace Nagamootoo in the masses, he got a lot of sympathy votes in the 2011 elections, to the electorates horror, he took their votes and made alliance with the P.N.C lead A.P.N.U, to cut the  national budget and frustrate the programs of the government

This is a lie . I live in region 6 and the people here love Moses. His popularity is growing daily. The people here know the truth and that Moses is not aligning himself with the PNC. Even Joey Jagan has apologised to the people of Berbice for allowing himself to be used to misinform and mislead the people.

The next President of Guyana Dr Joey Jagan?.  It would be good to see Dr Joey and Comrade Moses come together in unity.

Originally Posted by comrade:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The electorate in Berbice are no fools, and would not embrace Nagamootoo in the masses, he got a lot of sympathy votes in the 2011 elections, to the electorates horror, he took their votes and made alliance with the P.N.C lead A.P.N.U, to cut the  national budget and frustrate the programs of the government

This is a lie . I live in region 6 and the people here love Moses. His popularity is growing daily. The people here know the truth and that Moses is not aligning himself with the PNC. Even Joey Jagan has apologised to the people of Berbice for allowing himself to be used to misinform and mislead the people.

Come next Election Moses will be pelted with rotten eggs and doo Do if he tries to enter his Village of Birth.. Guyanese nah STUPID. Dem seh Berbice gat bright People.

          January 30, 2013 6:28 PM
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Nehru.....yuh still want we replace De Duck......with Nandababa


Enjoy the Music......

Bibi Rahaman Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums Political ... (3)Stolen Govt Passports beeing Distributed by Bibi Rahaman.Nandaall's Mother-In-Law. ... [ ]


Ramotar, Nandalal & "The Lady in Red" GDF Old Years Nite Party.

Serious got fools who thinking like that.....I think this gon be them choice

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