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Former Member


Objectionable” no confidence motion too serious to push on just guess work – PM

Addressing the No-Confidence Motion slated for today, in a Facebook live broadcast, Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, yesterday warned the opposition to withdraw the motion, out of concern for the wellbeing of the country. He said that elections will come 2020, and that there’s no need for there to be a general election three years after the coalition took office.
The Prime Minister said that the Opposition’s justification for raising the motion was because of their victories in the recent local government elections, where the PPP/C secured over 60% of the votes. He said that the results of the LGE are of no consequence because the proportion of seats for each party in the national assembly remains as it was before election.
“Their numbers in the parliament didn’t change. They still have 32 seats.”

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo during his live broadcast

He also stated that the LGE results are inconsequential because of the low voter turnout during the election.
He said that the opposition is trying to capitalize on illusory insecurity in the ranks of the coalition, hoping and guessing that someone will cross the table to vote with the opposition.
He further said that the opposition is immorally using the President’s illness as a tactic to feign a lack of confidence by members of the APNU/AFC coalition in its leadership.
He expressed his confidence in the ranks of the coalition, and said that the motion is objectionable, and is indicative of contempt by the opposition for the social cohesion of the country, especially during the Christmas season.
Addressing the leader of the Opposition, the Prime Minister said that “The Grinch” is irresponsibly disrupting the security of the country, in a bid to “spread doom and gloom” and “kill Christmas” so that it could be blamed on the government.
As for the opposition’s expression of interest in delaying the no-confidence vote to next year, the Prime Minister said that they should not defer the motion, that it should either be withdrawn or carried quickly, so that it could be defeated, for the country to run as normal.
“There will be no shutdown of Guyana, or of the government,” declared Nagamootoo.
The last time a no-confidence motion was slated to be carried by parliament in late 2014, the then President Donald Ramotar prorogued and subsequently dissolved the national assembly to prevent the vote from occurring, since he feared that the majority of seats held by the joint opposition at the time would cause the vote to succeed.
This had led to a snap general election in 2015, which resulted in the end of the PPP/C’s 23-year governance of Guyana.
This time around, the PPP/C has the same number of seats it had in 2014. It is, however, attempting to capitalize on the insecurity of opposition members, which follows the recent LGE results and the illness of President David Granger, as well as the current controversy over whether the Prime Minister should be allowed to serve in the National Assembly while acting as President of Guyana.


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“Not a scintilla of doubt! No govt MP would vote for this motion” – PM Nagamootoo

─ “no-confidence motion against the government will be defeated”

─ ‘govt MPs will not vote for this’

─ ‘opposition wants to hurt the people… destabilise the season’

─ recently held LGE is not a basis to call a no-confidence motion

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo is confident that the motion of no-confidence which was brought against the government by the Parliamentary Opposition will be defeated.

As he appeared on the National Communications Network programme, Budget in Focus tonight, the Prime Minister assured the nation that not only will the motion be defeated, but the opposition may likely withdraw the motion altogether.

“Not a scintilla of doubt! No government MP would vote for this motion… The motion will be defeated,” PM Nagamootoo remarked.

The Prime Minister suggested that the reason for Opposition Leader Bharat Jagdeo wanting the motion deferred is so that it can be brought to the House at a time when President David Granger is in Cuba receiving medical treatment and the issue of the Prime Minister being in Parliament can be raised again.

However, Prime Minister Nagamootoo explained that he is the Leader of the Government’s Business in the National Assembly and the constitution could not have contemplated him being removed when acting as President.

“The truth is they don’t want Old Naga in Parliament to speak to this motion,” he said.

The Prime Minister emphatically stated that the government will not run away from a no-confidence motion, as it stands strong and prepared for any such matter. He also cautioned the opposition, however, not to be carried away with the recently held Local Government Elections (LGE), as this is not a basis to call a no-confidence motion.

Responding to the no-confidence motion in an earlier statement, the Prime Minister said the opposition was misguided.

“They believe the recent local government Elections has passed a judgement on the government, that it was some referendum on the government which is, of course, not only trying to falsify the notion of Local Government Elections but to use it in an opportunistic way to gain an advantage that it could, in fact, move a motion against the government.”

This Prime Minister noted that the government has given the nation every reason to celebrate this season, but the opposition is bent on hurting the people of Guyana. According to Prime Minister Nagamootoo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge and himself met with the Private Sector Commission after they raised concerns about possible major disruptions.

“The government has done nothing to excite the public, or show that we intend to disturb the peace of the city. Instead, the opposition cunningly set out to destabilise the Christmas and the country. And when this motion is defeated many will question the motive of the opposition leader and his obsession with removing the government. This motion is stillborn doesn’t have the numbers.”

Prime Minister Nagamootoo said he advised the PSC, as a responsible organisation, that it is their duty to request that the opposition leader withdraw the motion.

He also opined that he would not be surprised if the PPP attempts to plant troublemakers to disrupt the Parliament tomorrow. However, he warned:

“They should not try to gain a shortcut to power. Maybe the smell of oil is titillating the opposition MPs to grab power by any means necessary.”

The Prime Minister asserted, “The coalition still remains the majority in the House” and urged the citizens not to be scared away, to go shopping in town tomorrow and have a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas



Destabilizing the season?  Wasn’t it Bart Simpson who decided the timing?  BJ asked for a deferment into January.  

On the smell of oil, what does that have to do with how people in the coalition vote.  It will take defectors from their ranks.   Don’t they smell oil being in the coalition?

Short cut to power?  This is within the laws and constitutional framework.   This is not unleashing buxton terrorists to go kill innocent people of a specified race to topple a government!

So just cut the crap and abide by the constitution!



skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:


The man looks really stressed. I hope the EMS are around when he goes to parliament today.

A Neemakaram Crabdaag Parasite like that is worried about hie FREE SUV and House, nothing else!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:



Perhaps, he may have to secure much more for cleaning to keep his head a bit over water.  


Well we will know when the NC vote is cast.

I expect that tomorrow the Indo KKK and their PPP colleagues will be screaming "PNC rig de NC vote!"

Its sad that Jagdeo waited for Granger to get sick to pull this stunt.  If he cared about Guyana he would have been assembling credible black intellectuals to advise him about how the PPP wouldn't be seen as the racist demons that most blacks perceive them to being.

Jagdeo should know that with the two blocs (Indians vs. black/mixed) being roughly equal in size that if governance remains a policy of ethnic domination and if elections remain an ethnic census than a tribal war is not unlikely. 

Jagdeo is too young to know how deadly the 60s was so he plays with the fire of a tribal war.

caribny posted:

Well we will know when the NC vote is cast.

I expect that tomorrow the Indo KKK and their PPP colleagues will be screaming "PNC rig de NC vote!"

Its sad that Jagdeo waited for Granger to get sick to pull this stunt.  If he cared about Guyana he would have been assembling credible black intellectuals to advise him about how the PPP wouldn't be seen as the racist demons that most blacks perceive them to being.

Jagdeo should know that with the two blocs (Indians vs. black/mixed) being roughly equal in size that if governance remains a policy of ethnic domination and if elections remain an ethnic census than a tribal war is not unlikely. 

Jagdeo is too young to know how deadly the 60s was so he plays with the fire of a tribal war.

Stop with you hypocrisy.  You said here granger being Ill should not impact running the zoo.  Now all Alyuh jumping on his illness.   How does that impact anything. He cannot vote. So stop with your convenient connections.

 You lie!!

Baseman posted:

Stop with you hypocrisy.  You said here granger being Ill should not impact running the zoo.  Now all Alyuh jumping on his illness.   How does that impact anything. He cannot vote. So stop with your convenient connections.

 You lie!!

Jagdeo smells blood with Granger's illness as he sees and hears about the PNC infighting.  You know fully well that this predator smells a kill and he is moving in to try to get it.  With the PNC in disarray he is running his own mischief with MPs from the smaller parties.  Will he look silly if none of them jump.

Where is Africo Selman these days?  Probably crying that the PPP doesn't give her any soup.

Jagdeo seems quite happy that the last LGE proves that Guyana remains as tribal as ever and that each election, or attempt to bring down a gov't is fraught with the potential for ethnic tension.

Now one would think that he would try to move Guyana beyond this but now that he is being mentored by Ravi Dev, a proud racist he no longer even tries.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Stop with you hypocrisy.  You said here granger being Ill should not impact running the zoo.  Now all Alyuh jumping on his illness.   How does that impact anything. He cannot vote. So stop with your convenient connections.

 You lie!!

Jagdeo smells blood with Granger's illness as he sees and hears about the PNC infighting.  You know fully well that this predator smells a kill and he is moving in to try to get it.  With the PNC in disarray he is running his own mischief with MPs from the smaller parties.  Will he look silly if none of them jump.

Where is Africo Selman these days?  Probably crying that the PPP doesn't give her any soup.

Jagdeo seems quite happy that the last LGE proves that Guyana remains as tribal as ever and that each election, or attempt to bring down a gov't is fraught with the potential for ethnic tension.

Now one would think that he would try to move Guyana beyond this but now that he is being mentored by Ravi Dev, a proud racist he no longer even tries.

Yall rass get a taste of your own medicine and now you don't like it. Tek yuh dhall like a man.  But all is not lost, if PNC/AFC can convince the Guyanese public that they are better for the country with oil in the pipeline, who is to say that they can't retain power and get back to robbing the nations coffers while enjoying the high life with Naga et al driving around in fancy SUV etc. 


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