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Nagamootoo blasts gov’t over drug connections at Albion meeting
-says Jagdeo wanted third term
By Gaulbert Sutherland.
Monday, November 7, 2011.

The AFC took the Bharrat Jagdeo administration to task over its track record on crime and corruption last evening with member, Moses Nagamootoo alleging that PPP officials did not want to reform the police force because their friends were involved in the narco-trade.

In an over an hour-long speech to several hundred supporters at Albion last evening, Nagamootoo, who recently joined the AFC, recalled that before being expelled from the PPP, AFC Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan had called for the professionalization of the police force to weed out corrupt people, including top ranks.

“They didn’t want that because many of their friends were involved in the trade, the narco-criminal trade. I told them in the party”, he declared.

He also said “I put it in writing they should investigate (former Home Affairs minister Ronald) Gajraj, they should not only investigate him, he should be sacked as a minister. They refused at the early period,” said Nagamootoo. Gajraj was eventually subject to a commission of inquiry in relation to allegations of connections to a death squad. He was eventually cleared at a limited inquiry and later resigned.

Nagamootoo referred to criminal activities that were occurring at the time. “The people wanted action but these men were in bed with the people who were part and parcel of the criminal enterprise,” he said alluding to the members of the police force. “That is why they didn’t want me in the party that is why they didn’t want me in the leadership,” Nagamootoo said. He said that the administration did not listen to ideas on how to solve crime.

Nagamootoo responded to several attacks that were levelled against him by members of the PPP as well as discredited several of their policies. He said that it was President Bharrat Jagdeo and the “Robb Street gang” who “betrayed” the legacy of the PPP leader, the late President Dr. Cheddi Jagan and this started with the rigging of internal elections of the PPP. “Jagdeo wanted to weaken the party so he could control… the party,” Nagamootoo charged. “He betrayed Jagan because he wanted a third term,” he said. Jagdeo has always denied that he wanted a third term. Nagamootoo also said that Donald Ramotar was identified as the next presidential candidate since last year and noted that he was being taken on trips by the President.

The former PPP executive also spoke on several other events that occurred at the party level including the threat to derecognize the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union. “They wanted to break the back of the sugar workers,” he said. He said that Prime Minister Samuel Hinds was chosen as
the prime ministerial candidate again as a
compromise because there were members including Gail Teixeira, who wanted that position. The PPP is being divided, Nagamootoo said.

He said that with respect to events including the export of the endangered bottlenose dolphin scandal, he had called for investigations but this was shot down by Jagdeo. Jagdeo also did not want a public procurement commission, Nagamootoo charged. He said that it was only because of public pressure that the One Laptop Per Family project was put to tender.

Jagdeo’s controversial pension also came under attack while AFC speakers also promised that should the party be elected there would be investigations into several areas. “This party (the PPP) is heartless,” said Erwin Abdulla. “They have a buddy-buddy,” system.

AFC leader and Prime Ministerial Candidate, Raphael Trotman said that PPP presidential candidate should be asked about the “tradition of success” that he has been touting. He pointed out that the only place he knows that Ramotar has been is on the Guysuco board. “Has Donald Ramotar done a good job on the Guysuco board,” he asked the crowd. “No,” they shouted.

The AFC rolled out several speakers including youths. They urged the crowd to vote for the party and end race voting and embrace national unity. Ramjattan was not present as he was holding a rally in Linden.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Who expected so much mud-slinging from a respected party veteran?

Singing the song of the opposition and dancing to their tune is not the way to pull support away from the PPP.

Little parties have a history of making a foul start when running against the PPP.

Little parties hoping to replace the PPP always shoot themselves in the foot by painting the party with Stalinist or Hitlerite image. Nigel Hughes is trying hard to convince himself that the PPP has turned Guyana into state dominated by one group. Lies!I said Lies!
Billy Ram Balgobin
If true what is being written here, I am very surprise of Brother Moses action. It would seem as if he is being trained to be an attack "DOG" and all the brother is going to do is follow a bunch of Snakeoil Salesmen to NOWHERE but Destruction. That would be very SAD for such a talented brother. May God walk with you brother Moses.
everyday bucket ah goh well one day it bottom gon fall off.Moses got more stories to tell and they are all FACTS. PPP days are numbered,gone are the days of Bhar-Wha-Rat Dictatorship.God do not come he sends MOSES MOSES MOSES,here we are finally with the last lap to a landslide VICTORY.Vote Changes Vote AFC.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Who expected so much mud-slinging from a respected party veteran?

Singing the song of the opposition and dancing to their tune is not the way to pull support away from the PPP.

Little parties have a history of making a foul start when running against the PPP.

Little parties hoping to replace the PPP always shoot themselves in the foot by painting the party with Stalinist or Hitlerite image. Nigel Hughes is trying hard to convince himself that the PPP has turned Guyana into state dominated by one group. Lies!I said Lies!

That 'saintly man' Jagdeo, is he walking on water yet ?
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Uncle Churchill I heard the Albion rally was very successful. What did you hear?

I haven't heard anything yet.....thats my area of the Corentyne and I know Moses has solid support there....will post as soon as I hear.....
Yuh sounding like Baghdad Bob Dadeee. yippie yippie
Originally posted by creative:
everyday bucket ah goh well one day it bottom gon fall off.Moses got more stories to tell and they are all FACTS. PPP days are numbered,gone are the days of Bhar-Wha-Rat Dictatorship.God do not come he sends MOSES MOSES MOSES,here we are finally with the last lap to a landslide VICTORY.Vote Changes Vote AFC.
Thank you Lord God that You have sent your servant Raphael Trotman to the stronghold of the East Indians. His words were powerful.

Keep on blessing him Lord. Empower his speeches.

Glory be to God.

Moses said that they did not want him in the party. But it was he who resigned. And all that stuff he is talking about he has to bear responsibility for as well, if they are true.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses said that they did not want him in the party. But it was he who resigned. And all that stuff he is talking about he has to bear responsibility for as well, if they are true.

Had he been given a position all that stuff would have been okay by him.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses said that they did not want him in the party. But it was he who resigned. And all that stuff he is talking about he has to bear responsibility for as well, if they are true.

Had he been given a position all that stuff would have been okay by him.

FYI....Moses was offered positions by the champion but he refused !
Give the man some credit as he does have a lot of principles.....
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses said that they did not want him in the party. But it was he who resigned. And all that stuff he is talking about he has to bear responsibility for as well, if they are true.

Had he been given a position all that stuff would have been okay by him.

FYI....Moses was offered positions by the champion but he refused !
Give the man some credit as he does have a lot of principles.....

For one, HE TOOK WAY TOO LONG to come clean with the Guyanese ppl. I think the AFC needs to say more of the future and less of the past. The past should be weaved into their speeches but not a whole speech on the faults of Jagdeo/ Ramotar. I know they are corrupted through and through. But that does not give hope to impoverished in Guyana.

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