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Bills on anti-money laundering, slashing former presidents benefits for Parliamentnational-assembly

1 hour ago

Thursday’s second sitting of the 11th Parliament will see two pieces of legislation which were at the centre of a titanic standoff between the government and the opposition in 2012: the anti-money laundering bill and another to slash the benefits of former presidents.


Bills on anti-money laundering,

slashing former presidents benefits

for Parliament


Thursday’s second sitting of the 11th Parliament will see two pieces of legislation which were at the centre of a titanic standoff between the government and the opposition in 2012:

the anti-money laundering bill

and another to slash the benefits of former presidents.



The now opposition PPP/C

is unlikely to be in the house

when the APNU+AFC versions

of the Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Bill 2015


the Anti-Money Laundering

and Countering the Financing of Terrorism

(Amendment) Bill 2015 are tabled.


These bills are likely to be similar

to the ones circulated by the opposition

in the 10th Parliament.


President Donald Ramotar had refused

to assent to the bill tapering the former presidents benefits

which had been passed by APNU and AFC

which together had a one-seat majority in the 10th parliament.


The PPP/C’s version of the anti-money laundering bill

failed to gain the support of APNU and the AFC

because both of those groups wanted

more robust legislation and arrangements

to ensure the prosecution

of those engaged in money-laundering.


At the committee level,

APNU and the AFC had circulated

their own version of the bill

which did not find favour with the PPP/C



Other matters for Thursday’s sitting

include the laying of

the Report of the Auditor General

on the Public Accounts of Guyana

and the Accounts of Ministries/Departments/Regions

for the year ended December 31st, 2013.


Also for tabling are the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2015

which will amend the Third Schedule relating to Article 222A of the Constitution to provide financial autonomy to certain entities.

This had been another bill

that the opposition had sought

to have the Donald Ramotar administration pass

to no avail.


Down also for first reading are

the Fiscal Management and Accountability (Amendment) Bill


and the Local Government (Amendment) Bill 2015

which aims to amend the Local Government Act.


In the 10th parliament, the then opposition APNU and AFC

had been attempting to have the Local Government Ministry

divested of certain powers as it relates to local government.


Thursday’s sitting will also see

the customary motion for the approval of government’s policy

in the President’s address

at the first sitting of the assembly on June 10th.



The PPP/C has not yet decided

when it will take up its 32 seats in parliament.

Analysts say that the party

also needs to work out

what its hierarchy will be in the House.


This would require

the settlement of leadership arrangements

within the party first.


De Jihaji Crab Louse Ravi Dev

and Kwame McCoy

now wants to be

the leaders of the PPP..


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Moses is ill served by his supporters colorful usage of such intellectually inspiring terms as "crab louse" and "goat shit."


I can't say I've seen President Granger's supporters engage in such low class behavior and such low class gutter language.


Then again President Granger has some intelligent articulate Black supporters.


What does Moses have? Goat shit and crab louse.


"De Jihaji Crab Louse Ravi Dev and Kwame McCoy now wants to be the leaders of the PPP.."




As a Guyanese, and I assume you are one also, though you are hiding behind a pen name, where are you getting your information from...regarding Donald and Ravi?. I do not think Ravi will join the PPP. For people like you the PPP and Ravi are demons.


I recently worked with a Queens College student who is taking a political science class. He has introduced me to some of Ravi's writings...I think he is brilliant,not that i agree with everything he says.  You should do the same and stop doing the coalition's dirty work. Stop bashing the PPP, they are not the problem anymnore. You should come up with meaningful suggestions to help create a democracy with a strong opposition.

Vishnu Mahabir

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Moses is ill served by his supporters colorful usage of such intellectually inspiring terms as "crab louse" and "goat shit."


I can't say I've seen President Granger's supporters engage in such low class behavior and such low class gutter language.


Then again President Granger has some intelligent articulate Black supporters.


What does Moses have? Goat shit and crab louse.

Regardless of how we try to twist

or spin the facts....


PPP got where they are today

(Out of Power)

because of the Crab Louse Supporters.


Ravi & Roar got where they are today....

(Dreaming of Power)

because of the Goat Shit Supporters.



Moses supporters got him where he is today....

(Leading the Govt in Parliament

& Cleaning up the PPP Mess)

because of his true supporters....



PPP - Tried & Fail

Ravi & Roar - Tried & Fail

Moses & AFC - Record Success


Looking forward to 2020

Racism Dead


PPP & Ravi

cannot get 20 Seats Total

in 2020 Elections.


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Moses is ill served by his supporters colorful usage of such intellectually inspiring terms as "crab louse" and "goat shit."


I can't say I've seen President Granger's supporters engage in such low class behavior and such low class gutter language.


Then again President Granger has some intelligent articulate Black supporters.


What does Moses have? Goat shit and crab louse.

Regardless of how we try to twist

or spin the facts....


PPP got where they are today

(Out of Power)

because of the Crab Louse Supporters.


Ravi & Roar got where they are today....

(Dreaming of Power)

because of the Goat Shit Supporters.



Moses supporters got him where he is today....

(Leading the Govt in Parliament

& Cleaning up the PPP Mess)

because of his true supporters....



PPP - Tried & Fail

Ravi & Roar - Tried & Fail

Moses & AFC - Record Success


Looking forward to 2020

Racism Dead


PPP & Ravi

cannot get 20 Seats Total

in 2020 Elections.



Classy! I see you left out references to Sperm and Kwame McCoy and Buggery. I think you need to edit this post. It isn't low class coolie enough. You need to embarrass yourself some more.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

"De Jihaji Crab Louse Ravi Dev and Kwame McCoy now wants to be the leaders of the PPP.."



Vishnu cut all De the Small Talk about

Racist, Instigator & Inflammatory ....

Goat Shit & Bull Shit.

RU telling us Shaitan is lieing

about Ravi Dev visit to the NY Mandir...

Vishnu is saying Shaitan is a liar when he say

"Ravi told everyone to continue the public debate for the reform of the PPP."


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Ravi Dev wants the leadership of the PPP.  He was told that he has to become a member of the central committee first, before he can run.


Here's a radical idea.

Why not let ordinary Indians

elect the leadership of the PPP directly

in free and fair elections?



As a Guyanese, and I assume you are one also, though you are hiding behind a pen name, where are you getting your information from...regarding Donald and Ravi?.

I do not think Ravi will join the PPP.

For people like you the PPP and Ravi are demons.


Any Jackass will know Ravi is Homeless.

He  now works for Jagdeo & Ramroop

and his Job is to try to keep them out of Jail

for the Thiefing & Corruption that is being Exposed

since May 11th - New Govt.


So if Ravi is working for them

tell us how can he do that

without joining them?


I recently worked with a Queens College student who is taking a political science class. He has introduced me to some of Ravi's writings...I think he is brilliant,not that i agree with everything he says.  You should do the same and stop doing the coalition's dirty work. Stop bashing the PPP, they are not the problem anymnore. You should come up with meaningful suggestions to help create a democracy with a strong opposition.

Vishnu Mahabir

Shaitan told us Ravi is Brilliant...

But we know Both Ravi & Jagdeo are losers

when they come up against Moses....


So you calling him a Brilliant Looser

does not mean much.....


Look.....Ravi ran the First Race and Moses Won.


Ravi Ran the Second Race and Moses Won.


Ravi Ran the third Race

and Moses is the Prime Minister

Moses is The

Tripple Crown Winner....


Ravi, Jagdeo & Co

are the Big Tripple Crown Losers

who come in last place everytime

they ran against Nagamootoo.



Now in 2020 yuh want put up

Ravi & Kwame...

any Kangalang will beat them...




I see you left out references to

Sperm and Kwame McCoy and Buggery.

I think you need to edit this post.

It isn't low class coolie enough.

You need to embarrass yourself some more.



I am not attacking you

Examine the Records

You Believe in Ravi, Roar & Jihaji Goat Shit hold on to tha fuh Tea, Breakfast & Dinner

No Problem......But....


Show me any Election in Guyana

at PPP Congress

or at National & Regional Elections

where Ravi, Roar or De Jihaji Goat Shit

defeat Moses


So why are you

attacking the winner




PPP - Tried & Fail

Ravi & Roar - Tried & Fail

Moses & AFC - Record Success


Looking forward to 2020

Racism Dead


PPP & Ravi

cannot get 20 Seats Total

in 2020 Elections.


Coalition will do a lot of good but there can be cases where they screw up too, as in the national awards, lack of diverse MPs and Cabinets, rolling heads, etc.


So it will be a mixed bag.


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