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Former Member

Executive member of the small Alliance for Change (AFC) and PPP deflect Moses Nagamootoo was taken by surprise in Parliament Friday night after he was found lying to the house about whether or not he voted in favour of the Former President’s Pension and other Benefits Act back in 2009, while a member of the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).
Nagamootoo during the debate on a bill to repeal the former president’s benefits said while an executive of the incumbent PPP, he had rejected the bill which he said was extravagant.
Nagamootoo also claimed that when the bill was debated and voted on in the Parliament on April 30, 2009, he did not vote in favour.
But attorney General Anil Nandlall, who was a PPP/C back-bencher at that time challenged Nagamootoo and said he had evidence the now AFC executive voted for the bill.
Nandlall presenting the Hansard (Transcript of the sitting of the National Assembly) of April 30, 2009 read the voting pattern which showed that Nagamootoo indeed voted for the 2009 Former President’s Benefits and Other Facilities Bill.
Nagamootoo was taken by surprise and could not explain why he lied to the house.
He was laughed at by both members of the government and opposition, even as he denied the details of the hansard.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The man Moses Nagamootoo said at the Parliamentary Caucus at Freedom House in 2009 he asked for a Conscience VOTE and they denied him that right since his personal preference was this benefits package was not right in a donkey kart economy.


His barometer on whether he wanted to vote for it was, would Dr. Cheddi Jagan want this?





AGAINST his personal wishes AND his consciousness he was FORCE to vote along party line in keeping with the desire of the majority who sat at the meeting.


He said the vote for that scandalous PRESIDENTIAL BENEFITS PACKAGE        






How does that constitute untruth?


Nandlall presenting the Hansard (Transcript of the sitting of the National Assembly) of April 30, 2009 read the voting pattern which showed that Nagamootoo indeed voted for the 2009 Former President’s Benefits and Other Facilities Bill.
Nagamootoo was taken by surprise and could not explain why he lied to the house.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nandlall presenting the Hansard (Transcript of the sitting of the National Assembly) of April 30, 2009 read the voting pattern which showed that Nagamootoo indeed voted for the 2009 Former President’s Benefits and Other Facilities Bill.
Nagamootoo was taken by surprise and could not explain why he lied to the house.

It is clear you chose not to read my comments above.



Did I say that Cde Moses Nagamootoo did not vote for the BILL in 2009?


But as usually you are programmed to say the same thing over and over.


I humbly advise SIR:


Sit a few minutes, read my comments, understand what I am say and if you do not understand, seek clarification.


If you do not agree please present an alternative position.


Isn't that the way it ought to be on any blog?


Is whay counsie appear from....


Like eee still in the nineteenth century

Now.....Jagdeo tell the Entire Central Committee that.....

they are all a bunch of loosers....

and all of them together.....

cannot come anyway close to Moses.....


Bharat sey......

"Aya seh Moses na Important....

eee cant deliver like aya hay.....

Look at all aya.....a bunch of loosers...

All aya would still be struggleing if wasn't fuh Jagdeo...

Jagdeo give aya....

Job, Good Pay, Perks,Benefits, House and overseas trips...

and aya thief too.....

and all aya now want blame Jagdeo.....

and aya want run de country

all aya got skeleton hiding....

Gail Sleeping with anyone including PNC,

Nandalall Lieing,Wasting De Parliament & Court Time,

De Duck forget I give eee Daughter and Son

Jobs with nuff pay that them never qualify for...

the only thing aya deliver....

is Defeat .....A 48% minority in Parliament....

and de writing on the wall"

 "and....dont blame Bharat for the position the PPP  in Today"
In Freedom House.....
Moses stand up and object to any........
Increase in the Presidential Package .......
Jagdeo wont lie to cover for alyuh now....
All Aya is a Bunch of Councie


January 26, 2013

Dem had big argument in Parliament de other day. De opposition seh that Jagdeo pension and benefits too big. Dem in de government seh that it just right.

Jagdeo got unlimited security guards, but de opposition seh that dem must have a limit.

De Jagdeo Bill mean that he could got how much car he want, and dem didn’t have any limit to he light bill, he water bill, he phone bill and all dem things that poor people got to pay.


But what really get de government people vex was when de parliament seh that if a president getting all that money and if he continue to wuk then de money must cut.


Well Donald seh that he ain’t signing de new Bill. Dem boys want know if he suh greedy because dem never see he as a man like that.

But Jagdeo didn’t have dem scruples. De same parliament send other Bills to he fuh sign and he refuse or he tek he own sweet time.

But as soon as de Pension Bill fuh he benefits reach he desk he sign. In fact, de boys seh that he sign even before de office assistant lef de office.


He was planning a benefits bill fuh Brazzy too and one fuh Bar Bee but Ah Kneel tek too long fuh do de draft. If he did wuk fast all de Bees woulda enjoy a benefits Bill and poor people woulda stay poor.

None of dem don’t need a pension. Dem got more money than dem can spend in five lifetime and dem same people don’t even pay people what li’l pension dem deserve.

Imagine dem other people in parliament does only get $20 fuh pay all dem Bills. But as dem old people seh “Moon does run till day ketch it.”

Imagine a sports reporter from de Waterfalls paper run and lef a writ that de Demerara Cricket Board was sending to de paper. De man claim how dem want serve a writ. Well dem boys seh that he had a chance to run, even if it was fuh nutten. Dem got people who ain’t suh lucky. Talk half and wait fuh de backlash.


Nandlall presenting the Hansard (Transcript of the sitting of the National Assembly) of April 30, 2009 read the voting pattern which showed that Nagamootoo indeed voted for the 2009 Former President’s Benefits and Other Facilities Bill.




So he conveniently forgot that he had voted in 2009 for the bill.      


On the other hand the benefits are indeed too extravagant for a former president of a poor nation. 


I see:


India claimed that soldiers from Pakistan crossed the line of control in Kashmir and killed two Indian soldiers, beheading one. Pakistan denied the allegation. The region has been a flashpoint between the two countries since independence in 1947.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Nandlall presenting the Hansard (Transcript of the sitting of the National Assembly) of April 30, 2009 read the voting pattern which showed that Nagamootoo indeed voted for the 2009 Former President’s Benefits and Other Facilities Bill.




So he conveniently forgot that he had voted in 2009 for the bill.      


On the other hand the benefits are indeed too extravagant for a former president of a poor nation. 

I agree Alena but the Hoodlums in the Opposition are behaving like Al Queda. They way to do such thing is to sit down and renegotiate the Benefits NOT go ahead and pull the plug so to speak. The Opposition would do good in Afghanistan, Bihar and such places.


All Guyanese politicians are crooks, especially the lawyers. Liars, thieves and all around scoundrels. Ramjattan and Gerhard, both soupies under the PPP only found a conscience when their supply of soup was cut off. Nagamootoo is pretty much the same. 


It's simply amazing. Just because a man stepped away from a crooked party he's labelled scum, hahahahahaaa. Go ahead, if that's what it takes to be a scum,then I'm proud to say that I am also one and so are many.

Gov’t MPs deem Former Presidents Bill as vindictive : …seeks to strip former presidents of dignity, constitutional and natural rightsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Nadine Sanchara   
Friday, 25 January 2013 23:23

GOVERNMENT Members of Parliament at yesterday’s sitting of the National Assembly deemed the Former Presidents (Benefit and Other Facilities) Bill as being vindictive. The Bill No. 29 of 2012, which was read for the second time by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) MP, Carl Greenidge, seeks to repeal the former bill of 2009.
Greenidge stated that the Bill seeks to remedy the deficiencies of the previous bill and is based on an assumption that the Constitution itself provides a pension for the president. He said that the former president’s pension is generous enough to require no supplementary benefits.
However, according to Minister of Housing and Water and acting Minister of Tourism, Irfaan Ali, the Bill seeks to strip any former president of his/her dignity, constitutional rights and natural rights.
“The honourable member has ulterior motives. The honourable member was vindictively drafting this Bill. The honourable member was seeking to remove the dignity and pride associated with the Office of the President when he drafted this Bill,” Ali stated.
In addition, he said the bill acts as a de-motivation to young, qualified, substantial members of society who may aim at becoming president.
“We have to be very careful that when we draft bills and when we draft legislation it does not work as a disincentive and it does not trample upon the constitutional rights of any individual, more so, former presidents,” Minister Ali asserted.
The minister went on to point out various deficiencies of the Bill.  He questioned how the opposition arrived at the amount of $5,000 provided for in Section 3 (a) of the Bill for expenses incurred for water, electricity and telephone services.
In addition, Section 3 (c) of the Bill states that the former president is entitled to the services of clerical and technical staff for state-related tasks which may be officially assigned but does not extend to include any political assignments.
“I believe that the former president has equal rights as any Guyanese to have a political view and I want the honourable member to explain to me, how does he define the political task and how is it different from a state task,” he questioned.
Moreover, Section 3 (d) of the Bill states that medical benefits for the family members of the former president  applies only to “natural” children.
According to Ali, the inherent, silent intention of this Bill is not only to strip the former president but to disgrace him.
He stressed that to restrict benefits to only natural children of the former president and spouse is tantamount to outright discrimination and blatant disregard for the provisions, the intention and focus of the Adoption of Children Act, which he said makes provision under section 17 for the rights, duties, obligations and responsibilities of the natural parents or guardians of the child to be vested in-exclusively as if the child had been born in lawful wedlock.
“It is this government that sought to create modern legislation to protect the rights of every child and we cannot allow the rights to be taken away,” he said.
Ali also emphasised that the provision is not in conformity with the Status of Children Act 2010, which makes provision for very child to be regarded as equal.
The minister further pointed to Section 3 (e) of the Bill which provides full-time personal security services for the former president not exceeding two persons.
He remarked that this is vindictive, since former presidents Desmond Hoyte and Arthur Chung and their spouses enjoyed security at varied degrees and levels provided by the State and issued on the advice of the Commissioner of Police.
“We cannot determine in this House a security matter; we cannot determine the extent of threat in terms of the former president’s security. We cannot determine what level of intervention is required for his/her security. That is a matter exclusively in the hands of the competent personnel of the Guyana Police Force,” Ali asserted.
Minister Ali further pointed out that the Leader of the Opposition is provided for under the Leader of the Opposition Benefits and Other Facilities Bill 2010, which includes rent-free furnished office accommodation; medical attention, including medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for himself and dependent members of his family.
Furthermore, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh said that the Bill is designed to feed a manufactured political controversy. 
He noted that during the course of the last elections, members of the opposition, as part of their political campaign, deliberately distorted the facts as they relate to the former president’s pension.
According to him, the opposition members ascribed arbitrary and inflated values solely for the purposes of scoring cheap political points.
“That is the reality of this matter, so this Bill is intended to perpetrate this political controversy. It is intended to feed this controversy,” he posited.
However, Dr. Singh related that the formula for setting the pension of a former president was not done one or two years prior to the election, but rather it was written into the law by the Presidents Pension Act dating back to 2004.
He also mentioned that the government decided that they would codify into the law, the benefits of the leader of the opposition, the benefits and the entitlements of the office of the spouse of the president, and the benefits of a former president.
Meanwhile, APNU MP, Dr. Rupert Roopnarine, though a member of the opposition and a supporter of the Former Presidents Bill No. 29/2012, said that there are some sections of the bill on which he would agree with the government’s side, particularly as it relates to Section 3 (d) which deals with the medical benefits for children of the former president.
In an invited comment by this newspaper,  Dr. Roopnarine advised that he was not a part of the committee which drafted the bill, and stated that some of his colleagues were not as careful as they should have been in drafting it.


And now we getting the truth.....

dem patacake been lieing...........



Speaker to probe “lying” report by online news outfit

January 27, 2013 | By | Filed Under News



Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, is probing reports of  unfair reporting by an online news outfit on Friday night, during a sitting of the National Assembly. Moses Nagamootoo, Parliamentarian for the Alliance For Change (AFC), accused, an anonymous online news site reportedly with close links to government, of breaching the privileges of the House. He complained to the Speaker. The report accused him of lying during the debate on an opposition-tabled Bill to slash the benefits of former Presidents.

Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman

Inews said that Nagamootoo lied when he said that he did not vote in 2009 when the Bill allowing the benefits was passed in the previous Parliament. Nagamootoo said that he admitted that he had voted for the Bill in 2009, but this is a far cry from lying as Inews was saying.

He said that according to the privileges of the House, the reporting must be fair, balanced and contemporaneous.

It was neither fair nor balanced and the media outfit may have lost its immunity.

It is not known who the operators of Inews are although sources are indicating that the website is managed by a team from the state owned news agencies and a number of others closely aligned to government.


Minister of Legal Affairs, Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, during the session on Friday produced Parliamentary records that Nagamootoo did vote. The Parliamentarian had said during his presentation that even if he did back the Bill in 2009, that situation has changed now.


According to the Speaker, he has seen the report and was concerned; it did not reflect what went on in the National Assembly.


 It was the same “outfit”, the Speaker said, that sought to “malign” him two weeks ago. “I have ideas…to the origins of the outfit.”


The Speaker said he will be raising the issue with the Clerk of the Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs. “I will not permit anyone to make such a ridiculous, lying statement of any member. I will be speaking to the Clerk about a possible course of action.” The Speaker said that he has spoken about the issue just a few days ago.

AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo

The original report by Inews was sent out but was later corrected with the word “lying” being taken out. The Opposition, which controls the National Assembly by a one-seat majority, has been complaining about biased reporting from the state media. APNU has presented a report where the Government Information Agency (GINA) consistently was slanted towards government. Last year, the Opposition voted to slash GINA and NCN’s budget.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

And now we getting the truth.....

dem patacake been lieing...........all along



Speaker to probe “lying” report by online news outfit

January 27, 2013 | By | Filed Under News







January 27, 2013 12:49 AM


And now we getting the truth.....

dem patacake been lieing...........



Speaker to probe “lying” report by online news outfit

January 27, 2013 | By | Filed Under News



Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, is probing reports of  unfair reporting by an online news outfit on Friday night, during a sitting of the National Assembly. Moses Nagamootoo, Parliamentarian for the Alliance For Change (AFC), accused, an anonymous online news site reportedly with close links to government, of breaching the privileges of the House. He complained to the Speaker. The report accused him of lying during the debate on an opposition-tabled Bill to slash the benefits of former Presidents.

Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman

Inews said that Nagamootoo lied when he said that he did not vote in 2009 when the Bill allowing the benefits was passed in the previous Parliament. Nagamootoo said that he admitted that he had voted for the Bill in 2009, but this is a far cry from lying as Inews was saying.

He said that according to the privileges of the House, the reporting must be fair, balanced and contemporaneous.

It was neither fair nor balanced and the media outfit may have lost its immunity.

It is not known who the operators of Inews are although sources are indicating that the website is managed by a team from the state owned news agencies and a number of others closely aligned to government.


Minister of Legal Affairs, Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, during the session on Friday produced Parliamentary records that Nagamootoo did vote. The Parliamentarian had said during his presentation that even if he did back the Bill in 2009, that situation has changed now.


According to the Speaker, he has seen the report and was concerned; it did not reflect what went on in the National Assembly.


It was the same “outfit”, the Speaker said, that sought to “malign” him two weeks ago. “I have ideas…to the origins of the outfit.”


The Speaker said he will be raising the issue with the Clerk of the Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs. “I will not permit anyone to make such a ridiculous, lying statement of any member. I will be speaking to the Clerk about a possible course of action.” The Speaker said that he has spoken about the issue just a few days ago.

AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo

The original report by Inews was sent out but was later corrected with the word “lying” being taken out. The Opposition, which controls the National Assembly by a one-seat majority, has been complaining about biased reporting from the state media. APNU has presented a report where the Government Information Agency (GINA) consistently was slanted towards government. Last year, the Opposition voted to slash GINA and NCN’s budget.


          Last edited by Jalil January 27, 2013 12:58 AM
Barron singing aboutDem Poom Poom Liars....
Enjoy the Music

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