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Former Member

DEMERARA WAVES, JAN 10 --- Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is now responsible for governance, a portfolio that had been previously held by Raphael Trotman until he was recently appointed Minister of Natural Resources.

For the first time in decades, the President has given up the vital portfolio of petroleum (oil and gas) and has instead assigned it to a minister, in this case Trotman.

In keeping with the February 14, 2015 Cummingsburg Accord between President David Granger’s A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change,  constitutional reform is now a gazetted responsibility of the Prime Minister.

Also gazetted as his responsibilities for the first time since the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections are parliamentary affairs, constitutional reforms and public information.

The opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) had previously mocked Nagamootoo, saying that his responsibility largely for the State Media had been virtually on par with then Media Liaison at the Office of the President, Kwame Mc Coy.

While Nagamootoo retains responsibility for the National Communications Network, Guyana National Newspapers Limited, Guyana Information Agency and the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority, he is no longer responsible for the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) which allocates all television, radio, satellite and other communication frequencies.

In her new role as Minister of Public Telecommunications,  Catherine Hughes has taken over responsibility for the NFMU from Nagamootoo and Postal and Telegraph Services from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. Prior to the ministerial shuffle, Junior Minister of Public Infrastructure Annette Ferguson had been in charge of Postal Services.

In keeping with the Information Communication Technology thrust of the eight month old coalition government, the Public Telecommunications Ministry was established and the responsibilities for  the National Data Management Authority and E-Government have been also handed to Hughes.

Trotman is also responsible for natural resources, wildlife protection, protected areas, forestry and forest policy, and environmental protection. Agencies coming under his purview are the Guyana Forestry Commission, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission and the Guyana Gold Board.

When Trotman was Minister of Governance, he was responsible for the Ministry of the Presidency’s Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, now a separate ministry.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) had previously mocked Nagamootoo, saying that his responsibility largely for the State Media had been virtually on par with then Media Liaison at the Office of the President, Kwame Mc Coy.

You see how the PPP finally admitting that Kwame was a useless so and so. Is only him they talk down, a black man.


You don't just give a man responsibilities without first making sure he can handle what he already has. Granger is not stupid. he knows that both he and Naga are not young anymore. Whatever the accord says, reality on the ground dictates amendments. That's what successful economies are built on.


Still a broken promise which means that they lied to the people  who  voted for them. Also, if he was unable to do the job, he should not have lied to the people that he can do the job. Further, after nine months, and Granger cannot determine if he can do the job as prime minister, then either Moses or/and Granger are not fit the job. The responsibilities gazetted does not goes not give him substantial power, nothing near what a 'real' prime minister will normally have. 


Politicians are there to break promises and do what is good for the country. What you are focusing on is what other parties have agreed between themselves in terms of power sharing. Those things were not on the ballot paper. Nor were they part of any political rallies. The PPP has no say in the matter.


I was in a hurry when I started this thread. Here is the foto Demerara Waves used for its report. As you can see, our hard-working Prime Minister's shoulders indicate a heavy load he is fetching, and his eyes indicate sleepless nights working overtime for the whole nation. Baap ray baap. May the Lord energize him in New York next week.


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Gilbakka posted:

I was in a hurry when I started this thread. Here is the foto Demerara Waves used for its report. As you can see, our hard-working Prime Minister's shoulders indicate a heavy load he is fetching, and his eyes indicate sleepless nights working overtime for the whole nation. Baap ray baap. May the Lord energize him in New York next week.

He look lost and bewildered.


Mr. T, how many rallies have you attended in Guyana? Did you attend the one where he promised the rice farmers in Essequibo $9000 for a bag of paddy, all the others where he promised people he will be a check on the excesses of the PNC because he will be the prime minister with responsibility for internal affairs. The statement that the agreement was not on the ballots is laughable if it were not so tragic. Additionally, your statement that all politicians lie is tragic and points to you being part of the problem. I guess that your close association with your coalition friends have severely coloured your views about politicians.

baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I was in a hurry when I started this thread. Here is the foto Demerara Waves used for its report. As you can see, our hard-working Prime Minister's shoulders indicate a heavy load he is fetching, and his eyes indicate sleepless nights working overtime for the whole nation. Baap ray baap. May the Lord energize him in New York next week.

He look lost and bewildered.

The man looks like he just received some very bad news and is stressed.


You all laugh all you want.  This man will be eating a nice $250 breakfast in New York on Saturday marning while the country just recorded nine murders in nine days.  Aunty Chinoo son is a high flying Maharaja now!

Bibi Haniffa

Gil is grasping at straws to justify the continued AFC participation in the coalition and fails to realize that like straw, they have sunk. Moses look like a deer in the headlights. I am wondering why they feel that they needed to dust him off now. Maybe to get some money or to divert attention in the diaspora from the spy scandal in Guyana. 


Zed - when they want to beg for money where else you think they would go?  They can't send Granger wid him calabash in his hand to beg in Brooklyn.  Those guys over there live paycheck to paycheck. 

Bibi Haniffa
Zed posted:

Gil is grasping at straws to justify the continued AFC participation in the coalition and fails to realize that like straw, they have sunk. Moses look like a deer in the headlights. I am wondering why they feel that they needed to dust him off now. Maybe to get some money or to divert attention in the diaspora from the spy scandal in Guyana. 

Zed, for some of your posts I had pressed the "Like" button; you know that. However, for this post I regret GNI isn't equipped with a "Dislike" button.

I shall still pay attention to your posts because you're on the ground in Guyana and you have the benefit of my doubt, if any.

Seriously, it's premature to dismiss the AFC. The 2015 election gave the AFC the mandate to stay in the coalition until 2020 and the party will decide whether it wants to go to that limit, beyond that limit, or short of that limit. The AFC has internal decision-making mechanisms to resolve the issue. Mind you, Gilbakka is a strong AFC supporter, not a card-carrying member.

Gilbakka posted:
Zed posted:

Gil is grasping at straws to justify the continued AFC participation in the coalition and fails to realize that like straw, they have sunk. Moses look like a deer in the headlights. I am wondering why they feel that they needed to dust him off now. Maybe to get some money or to divert attention in the diaspora from the spy scandal in Guyana. 

Zed, for some of your posts I had pressed the "Like" button; you know that. However, for this post I regret GNI isn't equipped with a "Dislike" button.

I shall still pay attention to your posts because you're on the ground in Guyana and you have the benefit of my doubt, if any.

Seriously, it's premature to dismiss the AFC. The 2015 election gave the AFC the mandate to stay in the coalition until 2020 and the party will decide whether it wants to go to that limit, beyond that limit, or short of that limit. The AFC has internal decision-making mechanisms to resolve the issue. Mind you, Gilbakka is a strong AFC supporter, not a card-carrying member.

The 2015 elections had given the AFC the mandate to be a balancing force within the coalition to right the APNU whenever it was moving in the wrong direction.  

What has the AFC done so far other than pay themselves some fat raises and living large on the backs of the people of Guyana?  Nagamootoo and Ramjattan prove themselves to be the worst soup-lickers.

Only MAINLY those wanting to partake in the rape of Guyana will be their friends. I am disappointed you are sticking with a dead horse Gilbakka.   THE AFC is DONE. 

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Zed posted:

Gil is grasping at straws to justify the continued AFC participation in the coalition and fails to realize that like straw, they have sunk. Moses look like a deer in the headlights. I am wondering why they feel that they needed to dust him off now. Maybe to get some money or to divert attention in the diaspora from the spy scandal in Guyana. 

Zed, for some of your posts I had pressed the "Like" button; you know that. However, for this post I regret GNI isn't equipped with a "Dislike" button.

I shall still pay attention to your posts because you're on the ground in Guyana and you have the benefit of my doubt, if any.

Seriously, it's premature to dismiss the AFC. The 2015 election gave the AFC the mandate to stay in the coalition until 2020 and the party will decide whether it wants to go to that limit, beyond that limit, or short of that limit. The AFC has internal decision-making mechanisms to resolve the issue. Mind you, Gilbakka is a strong AFC supporter, not a card-carrying member.

The 2015 elections had given the AFC the mandate to be a balancing force within the coalition to right the APNU whenever it was moving in the wrong direction.  

What has the AFC done so far other than pay themselves some fat raises and living large on the backs of the people of Guyana?  Nagamootoo and Ramjattan prove themselves to be the worst soup-lickers.

Only MAINLY those wanting to partake in the rape of Guyana will be their friends. I am disappointed you are sticking with a dead horse Gilbakka.  THE AFC is DONE

VJ...not so fast who decides their fate,the Indian vote they got  in 2015

Django posted:
VVP posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Zed posted:

Gil is grasping at straws to justify the continued AFC participation in the coalition and fails to realize that like straw, they have sunk. Moses look like a deer in the headlights. I am wondering why they feel that they needed to dust him off now. Maybe to get some money or to divert attention in the diaspora from the spy scandal in Guyana. 

Zed, for some of your posts I had pressed the "Like" button; you know that. However, for this post I regret GNI isn't equipped with a "Dislike" button.

I shall still pay attention to your posts because you're on the ground in Guyana and you have the benefit of my doubt, if any.

Seriously, it's premature to dismiss the AFC. The 2015 election gave the AFC the mandate to stay in the coalition until 2020 and the party will decide whether it wants to go to that limit, beyond that limit, or short of that limit. The AFC has internal decision-making mechanisms to resolve the issue. Mind you, Gilbakka is a strong AFC supporter, not a card-carrying member.

The 2015 elections had given the AFC the mandate to be a balancing force within the coalition to right the APNU whenever it was moving in the wrong direction.  

What has the AFC done so far other than pay themselves some fat raises and living large on the backs of the people of Guyana?  Nagamootoo and Ramjattan prove themselves to be the worst soup-lickers.

Only MAINLY those wanting to partake in the rape of Guyana will be their friends. I am disappointed you are sticking with a dead horse Gilbakka.  THE AFC is DONE

VJ...not so fast who decides their fate,the Indian vote they got  in 2015

AFC got the moderates (all races,  but mainly indians) votes and they have failed them miserably.

Crimes, suicides, poverty, corruption and race mongering are still very prevalent. 

VVP posted:

I am disappointed you are sticking with a dead horse Gilbakka.   THE AFC is DONE. 

VP, way back in 1969, when as an 18-year-old lad I joined the PPP, some of my own people in Uitvlugt had told me: "Jagan flogging a dead horse. He should retire." At that time Jagan was only 51 years old. I stayed with the PPP up to May 1992, during which time your brother joined me in the PYO and then left to work directly with Burnham. I never told your brother that I was disappointed with him. In fact, we maintained friendly relations and when we met by chance for the last time at Broadcasting House in 1995, we wished each other well because I was on my way out of Guyana. 

Gilbakka posted:
VVP posted:

I am disappointed you are sticking with a dead horse Gilbakka.   THE AFC is DONE. 

VP, way back in 1969, when as an 18-year-old lad I joined the PPP, some of my own people in Uitvlugt had told me: "Jagan flogging a dead horse. He should retire." At that time Jagan was only 51 years old. I stayed with the PPP up to May 1992, during which time your brother joined me in the PYO and then left to work directly with Burnham. I never told your brother that I was disappointed with him. In fact, we maintained friendly relations and when we met by chance for the last time at Broadcasting House in 1995, we wished each other well because I was on my way out of Guyana. 

Don't worry I told him myself   My brother like Ranji Chandisingh thought he could change the PNC for the good from the inside.  It did not happen of course.  

It made me sad to see my brother use his brilliant mind for the wrong things.  I loved him to death as a brother though.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
Gilbakka posted:
VVP posted:

I am disappointed you are sticking with a dead horse Gilbakka.   THE AFC is DONE. 

VP, way back in 1969, when as an 18-year-old lad I joined the PPP, some of my own people in Uitvlugt had told me: "Jagan flogging a dead horse. He should retire." At that time Jagan was only 51 years old. I stayed with the PPP up to May 1992, during which time your brother joined me in the PYO and then left to work directly with Burnham. I never told your brother that I was disappointed with him. In fact, we maintained friendly relations and when we met by chance for the last time at Broadcasting House in 1995, we wished each other well because I was on my way out of Guyana. 

Don't worry I told him myself   My brother like Ranji Chandisingh thought he could change the PNC for the good from the inside.  It did not happen of course.  

It made me sad to see my brother use his brilliant mind for the wrong things.  I loved him to death as a brother though.

I liked him too. In fact I maintained my cordial relations with Ranji, Vincent, Halim, Harry Lall and Lalbachan. From a very young age, I was mature enough not to let party politics affect my conduct with people. Politics is not the only thing in life.

Cobra posted:

Gilbakka, Nagamootoo is still the prime minister of Guyana, or his position changed with his high profile responsibility? Curious Cobra wants to know.

Still the PM, son. He cyaant go farther up, even if Mista Granga die sudden suh. According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the President's post belongs to APNU and the Prime Minister's post belongs to the AFC. If Naga kick de bucket tomarra marning, President Granger will have to appoint AFC Leader Ramjattan as Prime Minister. 

Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

Gilbakka, Nagamootoo is still the prime minister of Guyana, or his position changed with his high profile responsibility? Curious Cobra wants to know.

Still the PM, son. He cyaant go farther up, even if Mista Granga die sudden suh. According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the President's post belongs to APNU and the Prime Minister's post belongs to the AFC. If Naga kick de bucket tomarra marning, President Granger will have to appoint AFC Leader Ramjattan as Prime Minister. 

Is that in the accord or can he appoint anyone he wants because PNC fulfilled their obligation to have Moses as the PM? 

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

Gilbakka, Nagamootoo is still the prime minister of Guyana, or his position changed with his high profile responsibility? Curious Cobra wants to know.

Still the PM, son. He cyaant go farther up, even if Mista Granga die sudden suh. According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the President's post belongs to APNU and the Prime Minister's post belongs to the AFC. If Naga kick de bucket tomarra marning, President Granger will have to appoint AFC Leader Ramjattan as Prime Minister. 

Is that in the accord or can he appoint anyone he wants because PNC fulfilled their obligation to have Moses as the PM? 

It is written clearly in the Cummingsburg Accord that in a coalition government arising from the 2015 elections, the AFC gets the Prime Ministerial post, 40% of Cabinet and 40% of parliamentary seats. So, if Moses crops out the AFC will have to name his replacement. Ramjattan is AFC leader and the party will most likely give him the blessing to replace Moses. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

go?  They can't send Granger wid him calabash in his hand to beg in Brooklyn.  Those guys over there live paycheck to paycheck. 

As do most of you all in RH.  Look at all the charity events that Vishnu is involved with.


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