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The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has dismissed as reckless and irresponsible threats by Alliance (AFC) for Change Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo, of moving a no-confidence motion against the PPP Administration.

At a recent press conference Nagamootoo while accusing the PPP Administration – of which he was once a member- of engaging in a dangerous and anti-nationalistic, racist campaign under the guise of celebrating its anniversary had warned the Government to be wary of its actions least a vote of no-confidence is brought against the administration

The PPP in a statement on Wednesday October 9 said, “In what can be seen as a desperate and most impulsive utterance, the AFC Member of Parliament clearly has forgotten that his party only has seven seats in the National Assembly, and it is therefore constitutionally impossible for them to bring down this government on their own,” adding that Nagamootoo is now speaking for David Granger – Opposition Leader – and by extension a Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

Further, the party has deemed it ‘too’ coincidental that while Nagamootoo has made such a statement, APNU’s Joseph Harmon on the other hand is making similar statements, suggesting that the PPP is on its way out.

In this regard, the PPP has concluded that the two political parties are having back-room talks and planning strategies together.

“Unwittingly, Nagamootoo let the cat out of the bag,” the statement added. The PPP has also rejected claims by Nagamootoo that it has embarked on a racist campaign.

“The PPP is amazed and astonished that a recent flyer depicting AFC’s Chairman Nigel Hughes with a gun in one hand behind his back, and tapping a youth on his shoulder with the other hand saying, go ahead! Create havoc… I’m here to defend you. could be seen as racist.”

The statement added that the party has always rejected all forms of racism and has worked hard over the years to build unity among Guyanese.

“Our proud track record dating back to the 50s will vindicate the Party of such allegations.”

The PPP is now accusing Nagamootoo of being guilty of racially profiling young Afro-Guyanese.

The party has described these utterances as a deliberate attempt to willfully and cunningly open up old wounds and to create racial divisions among Guyanese and has called for the condemnation of such statements and a complete withdrawal a public apology from Nagamootoo.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

David Granger said that AFC and APNU engage in private consultation on common interest, while he insisted that they are independent of each other and only advanced on the interest of their respective constituents.


I think Moses feels confident he could topple the government on a no confidence motion by a one seat majority. Three years from today is frustrating them, which means their confidence is also displaced by seeking to remove the government without an election.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

David Granger said that AFC and APNU engage in private consultation on common interest, ....

It was stated clearly after the 2011 elections that, succinctly ...


... PNC and AFC have integrated as one with their executives working on strategies against the government.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I think Moses feels confident he could topple the government on a no confidence motion by a one seat majority. Three years from today is frustrating them, which means their confidence is also displaced by seeking to remove the government without an election.

An approved non-confidence motion simply means that an election must be held within 90 days.


The non-confidence motion does not automatically replace the governing party with the opposition party(ies).


Despite the constrains the PPP/C government is trying their best to manage the affairs of the state, the Guyanese populace are pleased with the progress thus far, and are cognizant of the sinister motives of the joint opposition..


An election can be held ...


1. In 2016 as per the regulations; or,


2. Earlier, if the opposition party(ies) successfully pass a non-confidence motion against the government.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

It's up to Ramotar to call the election. He would only do this if he thinks the PPP/C can win.

Why are you pushing an agenda for an early election? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

It's up to Ramotar to call the election. He would only do this if he thinks the PPP/C can win.

Why are you pushing an agenda for an early election? 

I am not. Ramotar has started the campaign. I wonder why? The PPP bought up all the TV time.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Astute political organizations would take a rest after an election and then focus on the next election.

It does not matter because your party will get 40% max. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has dismissed as reckless and irresponsible threats by Alliance (AFC) for Change Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo, of moving a no-confidence motion against the PPP Administration.

At a recent press conference Nagamootoo while accusing the PPP Administration – of which he was once a member- of engaging in a dangerous and anti-nationalistic, racist campaign under the guise of celebrating its anniversary had warned the Government to be wary of its actions least a vote of no-confidence is brought against the administration

The PPP in a statement on Wednesday October 9 said, “In what can be seen as a desperate and most impulsive utterance, the AFC Member of Parliament clearly has forgotten that his party only has seven seats in the National Assembly, and it is therefore constitutionally impossible for them to bring down this government on their own,” adding that Nagamootoo is now speaking for David Granger – Opposition Leader – and by extension a Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

Further, the party has deemed it ‘too’ coincidental that while Nagamootoo has made such a statement, APNU’s Joseph Harmon on the other hand is making similar statements, suggesting that the PPP is on its way out.

In this regard, the PPP has concluded that the two political parties are having back-room talks and planning strategies together.

“Unwittingly, Nagamootoo let the cat out of the bag,” the statement added. The PPP has also rejected claims by Nagamootoo that it has embarked on a racist campaign.

“The PPP is amazed and astonished that a recent flyer depicting AFC’s Chairman Nigel Hughes with a gun in one hand behind his back, and tapping a youth on his shoulder with the other hand saying, go ahead! Create havoc… I’m here to defend you. could be seen as racist.”

The statement added that the party has always rejected all forms of racism and has worked hard over the years to build unity among Guyanese.

“Our proud track record dating back to the 50s will vindicate the Party of such allegations.”

The PPP is now accusing Nagamootoo of being guilty of racially profiling young Afro-Guyanese.

The party has described these utterances as a deliberate attempt to willfully and cunningly open up old wounds and to create racial divisions among Guyanese and has called for the condemnation of such statements and a complete withdrawal a public apology from Nagamootoo.

The PPP has no character; that is for sure. They rely on race baiting, moral relativism, and straight up lying as their means to an end. They have no other option because they are corrupt. No one expects thieves to be other than facimilies of upright citizens and anything to maintain that state is a lie. That is the PPP.


I would be surprised if the tact the opposition takes is to bring a no confidence vote. That would be silly. It is the default condition one has no confidence in crooks. The opposition needs to pepper the PPP with bills that seeks sound practices and let the consiglieri of the PPP delay them, hide them and the president Pretend he did not get them so they pile up on his desk. They cannot reject sound bills out of hand. The opposition has done so to a certain extent but we need more. We need them to bring up every policy decision they intend in the future to the floor of the legislative assembly so the reality of who the PPP are is revealed.


They depend of propagandists like you with easy slogans and rotten accusations to obfuscate. They cannot dodge an opposition bills that are directed at problems from local elections to accountability from people like that crook brazzington. That he wears so many hats is simply to have all the crookedness in one head.


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