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Nagamootoo-Hughes ticket best for AFC in general election, says Ramjattan

Posted By Gaulbert Sutherland On September 7, 2014 @ 5:25 am In Local News | No Comments

Vice-Chairman of the AFC Moses Nagamootoo is the front-runner to be the party’s presidential candidate in the next general elections and he has gained the support of party leader Khemraj Ramjattan who has also endorsed AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes as the prime ministerial candidate.

“Those two candidates will be hugely popular,” Ramjattan told Stabroek News yesterday. He said that he “absolutely” supports the duo even as he emphasised that he was speaking in his personal capacity. However, he added that he also feels that this is the view of the majority of the party and pointed out that as leader of the party, he strongly feels that he can influence the party in that direction.

The AFC has filed a motion of no-confidence against the Donald Ramotar-led administration, which, if passed, would trigger early general elections. APNU has indicated its support for the motion and the two parties combined hold a one-seat majority in the National Assembly – enough to pass the motion. The motion is likely to be considered in October when the National Assembly reconvenes. However, analysts have said that the Ramotar administration would likely want to pre-empt the opposition’s vote of no-confidence against it and call general elections before the motion is considered.

On October 24, the AFC will elect its leaders who will lead the party into the next elections and also elect the executive of the party. Based on the sentiments expressed by Ramjattan, the elections would likely formalize the Nagamootoo/Hughes ticket. “I am not going to run for either of these two positions,” Ramjattan told Stabroek News. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Katty is rotten and corrupt. She should the ashamed of the Amalia Falls Project disgrace.


This is no surprise since the AFC is rotten and corrupt at it's very core.


Shame on the AFC for running a very corrupt politician as a leadership candidate.


AFC is forced to play the race card by dumping Afro Nigel for an Indo Moses in fear of losing Indo votes. AFC is racist at it's very core.


AFC is afraid and ashamed to run an Afro as it's leadership candidate.


AFC throws out a little scrap at the Afros by giving corrupt Katty a lil position to save face and hide it's racist nature.



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Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHAHAHA Ramjhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan knows it gun be licks like Peas so he she Moses you tek am Boy.


Cockeye is one smart man. He wants to get rid of Neeamkharam Moses by letting Neemakharam Moses fall on his own sword.


Bhai, the AFC is full of cut throats.


AFC is doomed. They are broke and their their support base has diminished.


Licks like peas for the AFC. They are like a bunch of scared rats.


I fully support Khemraj Ramjattan's endorsement of Moses Nagamootoo as the AFC Presidential Candidate and Nigel Highes as Prime Ministerial Candidate. This is a powerful and dynamic combination.

The AFC Thunderball is on the move! Onward to a stunning upset in coming elections!

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I reject your comments Nehru since there will be money coming to the AFC from all direction.


Moses is a cash and vote puller.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The AFC website has a gold-colored DONATE button on the top right-hand side of its home page. Supporters are encouraged to donate to the AFC PayPal account. Gilbakka is donating part of his working-class pension every month until elections day. I will honor my pledge.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I reject your comments Nehru since there will be money coming to the AFC from all direction.


Moses is a cash and vote puller.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The AFC website has a gold-colored DONATE button on the top right-hand side of its home page. Supporters are encouraged to donate to the AFC PayPal account. Gilbakka is donating part of his working-class pension every month until elections day. I will honor my pledge.

Me too will start from the date of the passage of the no confidence vote until elections.


I really think all them US$100 will add up.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC Thunderball is on the move! Onward to a stunning upset in coming elections!

Indeed a stunning upset with the AFC probably securing one or two seats at the next election.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC Thunderball is on the move! Onward to a stunning upset in coming elections!

Indeed a stunning upset with the AFC probably securing one or two seats at the next election.

You know you talking   Mr. dem Guys.


For the ordinary man, the only kind of democracy in Guyana is one in which the rich in the PPP pretends to arrange everything with their money while the poor continue to punish perpetually under the PPP.


Look the PPP had a dinner the other day for 20 men who each paid US$5,000 per plate to sit at the table for a dinner hosted by BJ.  (Ramu was a side show).


What was discussed at that meeting was how Guyana will be cut up and given away, while the poor starve.


In attendance from the PPP were Bharat, Irfaan, Robert, Rohee and Ramu.


These men are criminals.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I reject your comments Nehru since there will be money coming to the AFC from all direction.


Moses is a cash and vote puller.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The AFC website has a gold-colored DONATE button on the top right-hand side of its home page. Supporters are encouraged to donate to the AFC PayPal account. Gilbakka is donating part of his working-class pension every month until elections day. I will honor my pledge.




Don't waste your money behind the corrupt AFC. It will be wasted and may disappear.


Save it for your retirement.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC Thunderball is on the move! Onward to a stunning upset in coming elections!

Indeed a stunning upset with the AFC probably securing one or two seats at the next election.


Two at the most.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

For the ordinary man, the only kind of democracy in Guyana is one in which the rich in the PPP pretends to arrange everything with their money while the poor continue to punish perpetually under the PPP.


Look the PPP had a dinner the other day for 20 men who each paid US$5,000 per plate to sit at the table for a dinner hosted by BJ.  (Ramu was a side show).


What was discussed at that meeting was how Guyana will be cut up and given away, while the poor starve.


In attendance from the PPP were Bharat, Irfaan, Robert, Rohee and Ramu.


These men are criminals.


Money talks and BS walks.


The AFC is all about BS.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did Nagamootoo officially declare himself as president of the AFC?




De Leader of the AFC is running as Prime Minister because he is black and the AFC is afraid of loosing Indo Votes and the Vice Chairman Moses is running to be defeated.


The AFC is doomed and a very racist party afraid of running an Afro Candidate as Presidential Candidate.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did Nagamootoo officially declare himself as president of the AFC?




De Leader of the AFC is running as Prime Minister because he is black and the AFC is afraid of loosing Indo Votes and the Vice Chairman Moses is running to be defeated.


The AFC is doomed and a very racist party afraid of running an Afro Candidate as Presidential Candidate.

same reason PPP never ran Sam Hinds I assume

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I would Donate some money to the AFC as well. It is a worthwhile cause.


PNC will get more money from me but AFC will get lil bit too.

You guys must learn to be silent givers and not say what you will do on GNI.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC is forced to play the race card by dumping Afro Nigel for an Indo Moses in fear of losing Indo votes. AFC is racist at it's very core.


AFC is afraid and ashamed to run an Afro as it's leadership candidate.


AFC throws out a little scrap at the Afros by giving corrupt Katty a lil position to save face and hide it's racist nature.


Nigel Hughes seems to be the pivk for PM.  He is vastly more popular among black grass roots supporters than is Sam Hinds.


For a party which will NEVER have an African at the head why are you pretending to care.  One can NEVER accuse Hughes of being a toothless poodle that most people consider Sam Hinds to be.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


The AFC is doomed and a very racist party afraid of running an Afro Candidate as Presidential Candidate.

Thanks for confirming that the PPP is racist.  Indeed Sam Hinds was PRESIDENT, based on the constitution.  They fired the man from that position because the notion of a black man being President is something that freaks out the PPP.  Even if it is a PPP black.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did Nagamootoo officially declare himself as president of the AFC?

It doesn't really make a difference who is at the head of the ticket. When you are desperate, you scrape the bottom of the barrel. AFC will secure less than 5 seats in the next election. Any higher expectation will lead to disappointment and could result in consuming "Jim Jones" type kool aid.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I would Donate some money to the AFC as well. It is a worthwhile cause.


PNC will get more money from me but AFC will get lil bit too.

You guys must learn to be silent givers and not say what you will do on GNI.

We're only saying because your political compadre yuji22 is shamelessly boasting how much money the PPP has, how little the AFC has, how money talks and BS walks, etc.

We want to show that ordinary folks will gather up our funds for the AFC and are proud contributors to the AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The AFC is doomed and a very racist party afraid of running an Afro Candidate as Presidential Candidate.

Thanks for confirming that the PPP is racist.  Indeed Sam Hinds was PRESIDENT, based on the constitution.  They fired the man from that position because the notion of a black man being President is something that freaks out the PPP.  Even if it is a PPP black.

Carib, isn't it time we ignore yuji22's racist posts? He is racially wired from big head to small toes. His eyes see only race, not substance, not ideas, not reasoning.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

YUJI like stupidity got you blind.  Is not Kathy.



Ramjattan said "Chairman Nigel Hughes as the prime ministerial candidate."

you talking to something that rohee ride around 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I would Donate some money to the AFC as well. It is a worthwhile cause.


PNC will get more money from me but AFC will get lil bit too.

De Professor has spoken de truth.

Although we are on different camps....

He is clearing up claims...

that he Jumped Ship from the was expected


As of now he is still supporting PNC...

although the attacks from Ravi & Clarissa....


When TK said he left AFC....

We did not attack him.....

We Listened to his story....

and said we have to wait until the dust settles....

Now....after the dust has setteled....

We found out Dr Rose Never Joined PNC....

So that report was not the Truth.....

and Rob is not interested in the PNC...

Because the did not live up to the Promises made....

Whatever I still wish TK well.....

and he can continue to hide as Jumbies if he chose to.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:

MOSE will make the taxpayers spend more money on charting planes,more diarrheal for them bais 

Kwame tell

Donald, Bharat, Rohee

Gail, Roger & Robert

all aya ah Jackass

Everytime there was an election in the PPP Congress

Moses Lik aya upside down

all dem years....

Moses is Thorughbred

Thats the record ....

aya cant change da

Let us know all about your own favourite beaches on the Yorkshire ...


To follow it up.  Ac1 1, scene 2.  todays Stabroek.




Hughes endorses Nagamootoo

Posted By Gaulbert Sutherland On September 8, 2014 @ 5:20 am In Local News | No Comments

AFC chairman Nigel Hughes has endorsed the party’s vice-chairman Moses Nagamootoo to be the Presidential candidate for the next general elections and says that he is willing to serve in any position to which he is elected by the membership.

“I fully support (AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan’s) nomination for Nagamootoo to be the presidential candidate,” Hughes told Stabroek News yesterday. On Saturday, Ramjattan told Stabroek News that he supports a Nagamootoo/Hughes ticket for general elections and said that he believes that they are a team capable of running the party and they can gain countrywide support. Noting that he was speaking in his personal capacity, he endorsed Nagamootoo for the position of Presidential candidate and Hughes to be the Prime Ministerial candidate.

The AFC will formally identify and elect its team during its congress next month as it prepares for elections.

Last edited by Former Member

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