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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

David Hinds has been known to make broad based statements rejected by even his own party the WPA.


Is David Hinds also upset because he feels the WPA has been diminished in importance by the AFC?


The WPA feels they are a jilted lover? could it be?

 David Hinds doesn't care a rat's ass about what others think of him as he has his job in the USA.


I suggest that the AFC looks at what happened to the UF (which formed alliances with both the PNC and the PPP in different eras) and the WPA.


The track record of 3rd parties which join either major party isn't pretty.


But I know that you all think that you are anointed by God so are different.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:


David Hinds opines on an APNU/AFC coalition.  Note his commentary that in order to allay Indian fears Nagamootoo will have to show that he can "control" the PNC.


Now how can he show that when Granger is the big dog and has final say on just about every thing that the AFC is allowed to do?

i respect David Hinds, but his recommendations are conservative and ill-suited to the PPP situation we face today

And of course most rural Indo Guyanese are conservative with their politics too, so you can ignore Hinds as you wish.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:


David Hinds opines on an APNU/AFC coalition.  Note his commentary that in order to allay Indian fears Nagamootoo will have to show that he can "control" the PNC.


Now how can he show that when Granger is the big dog and has final say on just about every thing that the AFC is allowed to do?

i respect David Hinds, but his recommendations are conservative and ill-suited to the PPP situation we face today

And of course most rural Indo Guyanese are conservative with their politics too, so you can ignore Hinds as you wish.

ahmmm . . . not the same type of "conservative"


my use is in the tactical sense

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

are you going mad . . . where did i say "people don't have a right to that information"?


read my 2nd paragraph (previous) . . . smh

So why this decision and don't say that people will find out because once folks make up their minds its too late.  In this day of electronic media it should have already been up, on TV and quick forums organized in PPP strongholds.

the negotiations have been front page news these past couple of weeks


the Sunday papers and television will carry extensive coverage and interviews with the principals; this will continuie at least all week long, i suspect


and i am sure that the AFC will have something up on their website in labba time


how much more wrong on this issue do you need to be?

  I see cannot move away from the Janet Jagan, Forbes Burnham, and Bharat Jagdeo thinking.


Peopele aren't interested in being told what the politicians are doing.  They want to know WHY.


The PNC was bad in November and so the AFC promised to stay away.  Now it BREAKS its promise to its supporters by joining with the PNC.


Why are they doing this, and what changed since then, and why should these supporters believe that Nagamootoo will protect them against a PNC regime which they have been taught to fear.


And don't think that it is in the long distant past either given that most Indians connect Fineman and the Buxton violence to the PNC. Indeed some even believing that the PNC masterminded it.


And how many people in Guyana have the literacy to digest all the political commentary which is aimed at the intelligentsia?  So if you are relying on SN and KN it is preaching to the choir.


David Hinds is saying that Nagamootoo will have to convince Indians that he will keep the PNC under control.  He might have been able to spin this as the presidential candidate.  How can he do this when he will be the # 2 man, and the Guyana constitution gives all power to the # 1 man?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

are you going mad . . . where did i say "people don't have a right to that information"?


read my 2nd paragraph (previous) . . . smh

So why this decision and don't say that people will find out because once folks make up their minds its too late.  In this day of electronic media it should have already been up, on TV and quick forums organized in PPP strongholds.

the negotiations have been front page news these past couple of weeks


the Sunday papers and television will carry extensive coverage and interviews with the principals; this will continuie at least all week long, i suspect


and i am sure that the AFC will have something up on their website in labba time


how much more wrong on this issue do you need to be?

  I see cannot move away from the Janet Jagan, Forbes Burnham, and Bharat Jagdeo thinking.


Peopele aren't interested in being told what the politicians are doing.  They want to know WHY.


The PNC was bad in November and so the AFC promised to stay away.  Now it BREAKS its promise to its supporters by joining with the PNC.


Why are they doing this, and what changed since then, and why should these supporters believe that Nagamootoo will protect them against a PNC regime which they have been taught to fear.


And don't think that it is in the long distant past either given that most Indians connect Fineman and the Buxton violence to the PNC.

i answered your relevant question twice . . . but u seem to enjoy watching your word count rise in posts supporting 'arguments' you are having [with yourself] only in your head

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

David Hinds has been known to make broad based statements rejected by even his own party the WPA.


Is David Hinds also upset because he feels the WPA has been diminished in importance by the AFC?


The WPA feels they are a jilted lover? could it be?

 David Hinds doesn't care a rat's ass about what others think of him as he has his job in the USA.


I suggest that the AFC looks at what happened to the UF (which formed alliances with both the PNC and the PPP in different eras) and the WPA.


The track record of 3rd parties which join either major party isn't pretty.


But I know that you all think that you are anointed by God so are different.

Did you get wuk wid de PPP?

Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . not the same type of "conservative"


my use is in the tactical sense

The rural Indo voter is conservative how ever you define it. 


Young people don't vote in full numbers any where in the world and in a political environment as damaged as Guyana, this will be even more true.  One need only look at the steep drop in voter turn out from 1997 and 2001 compared to 2011, with 2006 being even worse.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Did you get wuk wid de PPP?

Did you ever stop to consider that the PPP will never hire the type of black man who will quickly expose how racist against blacks they are.


No the PPP is like you. Blacks must suffer in silence, and should they protest they must be damned as being racist.  Like you they love black Uncle Toms who reassure them that " we negroes is OK, we love massa".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . not the same type of "conservative"


my use is in the tactical sense

The rural Indo voter is conservative how ever you define it. 


Young people don't vote in full numbers any where in the world and in a political environment as damaged as Guyana, this will be even more true.  One need only look at the steep drop in voter turn out from 1997 and 2001 compared to 2011, with 2006 being even worse.

DUDE . . . stop it!


your inane digression about Indo voters is not relevant to anything i said


my post simply referenced a feeling that David Hinds was being risk-averse in rejecting a coalition at this time


that's all

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . not the same type of "conservative"


my use is in the tactical sense

The rural Indo voter is conservative how ever you define it. 


Young people don't vote in full numbers any where in the world and in a political environment as damaged as Guyana, this will be even more true.  One need only look at the steep drop in voter turn out from 1997 and 2001 compared to 2011, with 2006 being even worse.

DUDE . . . stop it!


your inane digression about Indo voters is not relevant to anything i said


my post simply referenced a feeling that David Hinds was being risk-averse in rejecting a coalition at this time


that's all

David Hinds based his analysis on his assessment of the rural Indian voter, so how can you claim that he is  conservative without addressing the political behavior of this very population?


This is an example of you getting stuck in the mud, and then losing sight of the larger issue.


By tomorrow you will be one of the few left cheering this move as the Indians hear from other Indians and then realize how impossible a job Nagamootoo will have.  He is going to be seen as useless as Sam Hinds is seen by blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
By tomorrow you will be one of the few left cheering this move as the Indians hear from other Indians and then realize how impossible a job Nagamootoo will have.  He is going to be seen as useless as Sam Hinds is seen by blacks.


The worse of it is that the AFC cannot pull out of this "accord" and save it's theoretical vote.


This really is the "kiss of death."


Even if the AFC decides to pull out, the PPP already has enough ammo from this public embrace to bury them.


The AFC is finished as a parliamentary party among the Indos.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The AFC is finished as a parliamentary party among the Indos.

Well its is now good for 3-4 seats, which means that it is over by 2020.  All because the AFC founders have lost interest and handed the keys over to the PPP refugees.  I said so and again I am RIGHT!


I can't wait to hear the AFC strategy behind this blunder. Aside from vague jingoistic nonsense about "unity" and "coalition" or what not.


I really wanna know their principal assumptions in how they get to 51% in 2015 aside from 40 +11 = 51.


The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home. They have already laid the groundwork for this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before this MONC nonsense. Ministers have personally fanned out to bottom house meetings throughout the country. The PPP have laid the groundwork for victory in 2015 a while ago, They just needed a way to handle dem Coolie Bright Bais and Nagamootoo. Now they have it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahmmm . . . not the same type of "conservative"


my use is in the tactical sense

The rural Indo voter is conservative how ever you define it. 


Young people don't vote in full numbers any where in the world and in a political environment as damaged as Guyana, this will be even more true.  One need only look at the steep drop in voter turn out from 1997 and 2001 compared to 2011, with 2006 being even worse.

DUDE . . . stop it!


your inane digression about Indo voters is not relevant to anything i said


my post simply referenced a feeling that David Hinds was being risk-averse in rejecting a coalition at this time


that's all

David Hinds based his analysis on his assessment of the rural Indian voter, so how can you claim that he is  conservative without addressing the political behavior of this very population? . . .

that's an assessment based on my take on the facts; we can disagree . . . what are u trying to salvage in all this?





Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The AFC is finished as a parliamentary party among the Indos.

Well its is now good for 3-4 seats, which means that it is over by 2020.  All because the AFC founders have lost interest and handed the keys over to the PPP refugees.  I said so and again I am RIGHT!


I can't wait to hear the AFC strategy behind this blunder. Aside from vague jingoistic nonsense about "unity" and "coalition" or what not.


I really wanna know their principal assumptions in how they get to 51% in 2015 aside from 40 +11 = 51.


The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home. They have already laid the groundwork for this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before this MONC nonsense. Ministers have personally fanned out to bottom house meetings throughout the country. The PPP have laid the groundwork for victory in 2015 a while ago, They just needed a way to handle dem Coolie Bright Bais and Nagamootoo. Now they have it.

The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home.


I've been saying this in private conversations before the merger announcement

Originally Posted by Kari:


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The AFC is finished as a parliamentary party among the Indos.

Well its is now good for 3-4 seats, which means that it is over by 2020.  All because the AFC founders have lost interest and handed the keys over to the PPP refugees.  I said so and again I am RIGHT!


I can't wait to hear the AFC strategy behind this blunder. Aside from vague jingoistic nonsense about "unity" and "coalition" or what not.


I really wanna know their principal assumptions in how they get to 51% in 2015 aside from 40 +11 = 51.


The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home. They have already laid the groundwork for this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before this MONC nonsense. Ministers have personally fanned out to bottom house meetings throughout the country. The PPP have laid the groundwork for victory in 2015 a while ago, They just needed a way to handle dem Coolie Bright Bais and Nagamootoo. Now they have it.

The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home.


I've been saying this in private conversations before the merger announcement


And what did the hung parliament achieve? The constitution makes parliament a joke. If there is no coalition the PPP would get back their 48% and rule exactly as they do. The coalition is a risk that has to be taken. We are all well aware of the risks. But at this 11th hr I prefer to focus on messages. I think the APNU-AFC team can win. My cursory sample of Indos living Guyana (I only sample the educated because the base of both parties will stay base) and all of them are voting Granger-Nagamootoo.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Kari:


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The AFC is finished as a parliamentary party among the Indos.

Well its is now good for 3-4 seats, which means that it is over by 2020.  All because the AFC founders have lost interest and handed the keys over to the PPP refugees.  I said so and again I am RIGHT!


I can't wait to hear the AFC strategy behind this blunder. Aside from vague jingoistic nonsense about "unity" and "coalition" or what not.


I really wanna know their principal assumptions in how they get to 51% in 2015 aside from 40 +11 = 51.


The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home. They have already laid the groundwork for this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before this MONC nonsense. Ministers have personally fanned out to bottom house meetings throughout the country. The PPP have laid the groundwork for victory in 2015 a while ago, They just needed a way to handle dem Coolie Bright Bais and Nagamootoo. Now they have it.

The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home.


I've been saying this in private conversations before the merger announcement


And what did the hung parliament achieve? The constitution makes parliament a joke. If there is no coalition the PPP would get back their 48% and rule exactly as they do. The coalition is a risk that has to be taken. We are all well aware of the risks. But at this 11th hr I prefer to focus on messages. I think the APNU-AFC team can win. My cursory sample of Indos living Guyana (I only sample the educated because the base of both parties will stay base) and all of them are voting Granger-Nagamootoo.


I couldn't agree more. All of us Coolie Bright Bais are not enough to make 1 single seat in Parliament. One seat in Parliament is approximately 5,300 votes.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Kari:


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The AFC is finished as a parliamentary party among the Indos.

Well its is now good for 3-4 seats, which means that it is over by 2020.  All because the AFC founders have lost interest and handed the keys over to the PPP refugees.  I said so and again I am RIGHT!


I can't wait to hear the AFC strategy behind this blunder. Aside from vague jingoistic nonsense about "unity" and "coalition" or what not.


I really wanna know their principal assumptions in how they get to 51% in 2015 aside from 40 +11 = 51.


The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home. They have already laid the groundwork for this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before this MONC nonsense. Ministers have personally fanned out to bottom house meetings throughout the country. The PPP have laid the groundwork for victory in 2015 a while ago, They just needed a way to handle dem Coolie Bright Bais and Nagamootoo. Now they have it.

The winner of 2015 will be a Majoritarian Government. There is next to no realistic possibility of a hung parliament now. The PPP will hold and recapture it's 2011 vote and now can recover a good chunk of what it lost to the AFC or who stayed home.


I've been saying this in private conversations before the merger announcement


And what did the hung parliament achieve? The constitution makes parliament a joke. If there is no coalition the PPP would get back their 48% and rule exactly as they do. The coalition is a risk that has to be taken. We are all well aware of the risks. But at this 11th hr I prefer to focus on messages. I think the APNU-AFC team can win. My cursory sample of Indos living Guyana (I only sample the educated because the base of both parties will stay base) and all of them are voting Granger-Nagamootoo.

Agree,risk have to be taken, this election

will be decided by the voters mindset,my

hopes is very high for a change of gov't.



Originally Posted by TK:


And what did the hung parliament achieve?

It bought one election cycle and with a minority government. Guyana needed one more cycle to get the necessary dynamics aligned - emigration of more Indos, a growing mixed-race electorate and a younger electorate more removed from their parents' biases and hold-over from a bygone era, as well as more PPP thievery - to get rid of this incarnation of the PPP.


Being a junior partner with a still-feared PNC takes away the AFC's strength, that is, peeling away votes from the PPP in Regions 5 and 6. Now this will be blunted.


A hung Parliament is unprecedented in Guyana - they've had it for one cycle. Let it ripen for goodness sake. This is just a plain dumb move by the AFC. The PNC gains any which way and the Freedom House occupants are getting their cigars and champagne ready.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

That was then, this is now.  CUT the bULL CRAP.


Let the new Government be allowed to 

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to β€˜gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.


Since the results of the 2011 general elections, the combined political Opposition, who controlled a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, have worked hand in hand against the interests of the elected Government and people of Guyana.


The combined Opposition have successfully cut billions of dollars from budgetary allocations for every year since they held a one seat majority in the National Assembly.
Projects which have fallen jeopardy to this informal coalition include the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project which would have seen Guyana making significant strides in the energy and manufacturing sectors respectively.


Similarly, the combined Opposition have blocked funding for a number of Government programmes including the $1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) and $450M for loan subventions to University of Guyana students.
The most recent actions by the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh in restoring sections of the budget from the contingency fund had incurred the wrath of the combined Opposition.


Although the move by Dr. Singh is provided for in the Guyana Constitution as well as the 2003 Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, the combined Opposition have threatened to put him before the Privileges Committee and have since threatened to pass a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government.


This move would see the end of the 10th Parliament and throwing the nation into early general elections. President Donald Ramotar, operating within his powers, has since suspended the National Assembly in hope that the APNU-AFC combined Opposition will engage the Government in talks on the way forward.


Those talks have since been abandoned by the combined Opposition who are adamant that no talks would commence without the lifting of the suspension of the 10th Parliament.



I guess he hedging as he now needs to deal with the wrath of his "constituency" who now realize, the have resurrected the PNC, thanks to however puny number of votes they handed the AFC.


Since back in 2011 baseman saw the AFC as the "skid ramp" for the PNC hop to power.  Time may prove me wrong, but thus far, it is going the way baseman predicted. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yes we have a new Government. Uncle Mose went from Opposition MP with the power to topple a Government to being Granger's part-time Secretary.


Me certain sure there is a kitchen Cabinet now from which he is specifically excluded.

You have a right to your opinion.  Does not mean it is facts.


The closest aid to HE President Granger are Cde Moses, Cde Harmon and Cde Ramjattan and Cde Jordan.  That is your Kitchen Cabinet right there.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yes we have a new Government. Uncle Mose went from Opposition MP with the power to topple a Government to being Granger's part-time Secretary.


Me certain sure there is a kitchen Cabinet now from which he is specifically excluded.

You have a right to your opinion.  Does not mean it is facts.


The closest aid to HE President Granger are Cde Moses, Cde Harmon and Cde Ramjattan and Cde Jordan.  That is your Kitchen Cabinet right there.


Whah is Comradess Moses and Comradess Ramjattan gonna do? Clap de aile roti in dis Kitchen and serve am to H.E. President Granger and Cde Prime Minister Harmon and Cde Minister of Finance Jordan as they run the country?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yes we have a new Government. Uncle Mose went from Opposition MP with the power to topple a Government to being Granger's part-time Secretary.


Me certain sure there is a kitchen Cabinet now from which he is specifically excluded.

You have a right to your opinion.  Does not mean it is facts.


The closest aid to HE President Granger are Cde Moses, Cde Harmon and Cde Ramjattan and Cde Jordan.  That is your Kitchen Cabinet right there.


Whah is Comradess Moses and Comradess Ramjattan gonna do? Clap de aile roti in dis Kitchen and serve am to H.E. President Granger and Cde Prime Minister Harmon and Cde Minister of Finance Jordan as they run the country?

You in top form this morning.  You got be laughing here.


Thank you.  You started this day for me on the right foot.


Satire is a good this sometimes.


I would humbly advise you add all these comments and do a link show at the Culture Center.  You will get a sold out audience with these jokes of yours.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yes we have a new Government. Uncle Mose went from Opposition MP with the power to topple a Government to being Granger's part-time Secretary.


Me certain sure there is a kitchen Cabinet now from which he is specifically excluded.

You have a right to your opinion.  Does not mean it is facts.


The closest aid to HE President Granger are Cde Moses, Cde Harmon and Cde Ramjattan and Cde Jordan.  That is your Kitchen Cabinet right there.


Whah is Comradess Moses and Comradess Ramjattan gonna do? Clap de aile roti in dis Kitchen and serve am to H.E. President Granger and Cde Prime Minister Harmon and Cde Minister of Finance Jordan as they run the country?

They are all Uncle Toms to Granja. Watch how this plantation owner demand these boys call him massa.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yes we have a new Government. Uncle Mose went from Opposition MP with the power to topple a Government to being Granger's part-time Secretary.


Me certain sure there is a kitchen Cabinet now from which he is specifically excluded.

You have a right to your opinion.  Does not mean it is facts.


The closest aid to HE President Granger are Cde Moses, Cde Harmon and Cde Ramjattan and Cde Jordan.  That is your Kitchen Cabinet right there.


Whah is Comradess Moses and Comradess Ramjattan gonna do? Clap de aile roti in dis Kitchen and serve am to H.E. President Granger and Cde Prime Minister Harmon and Cde Minister of Finance Jordan as they run the country?

They are all Uncle Toms to Granja. Watch how this plantation owner demand these boys call him massa.

Nuff aile roti, nuff nuff flour fuh putz around with.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yes we have a new Government. Uncle Mose went from Opposition MP with the power to topple a Government to being Granger's part-time Secretary.


Me certain sure there is a kitchen Cabinet now from which he is specifically excluded.

You have a right to your opinion.  Does not mean it is facts.


The closest aid to HE President Granger are Cde Moses, Cde Harmon and Cde Ramjattan and Cde Jordan.  That is your Kitchen Cabinet right there.


Whah is Comradess Moses and Comradess Ramjattan gonna do? Clap de aile roti in dis Kitchen and serve am to H.E. President Granger and Cde Prime Minister Harmon and Cde Minister of Finance Jordan as they run the country?

They are all Uncle Toms to Granja. Watch how this plantation owner demand these boys call him massa.

Nuff aile roti, nuff nuff flour fuh putz around with.

They might say 'forget de hile pun de roti..leh abbie use de hile fuh abie self'.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yes we have a new Government. Uncle Mose went from Opposition MP with the power to topple a Government to being Granger's part-time Secretary.


Me certain sure there is a kitchen Cabinet now from which he is specifically excluded.

You have a right to your opinion.  Does not mean it is facts.


The closest aid to HE President Granger are Cde Moses, Cde Harmon and Cde Ramjattan and Cde Jordan.  That is your Kitchen Cabinet right there.


Whah is Comradess Moses and Comradess Ramjattan gonna do? Clap de aile roti in dis Kitchen and serve am to H.E. President Granger and Cde Prime Minister Harmon and Cde Minister of Finance Jordan as they run the country?

They are all Uncle Toms to Granja. Watch how this plantation owner demand these boys call him massa.

Uncle Tom are those negros who on the plantation sold out to the White Massa.


Are you saying Uncle Moses is now an Uncle Tom?


Clarify Please.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Further, whom did Uncle Moses sold out?


Only himself so far. No intelligent person really thought he cared about Indians.


Now he's Sam Hinds without the electricity portfolio.

Why would you say he sold himself out Shaitaan?


Moses the politician should be in absolute command of his 12 MPs and Ministers and should not have let a "Minister of State" be appointed. Even that trifle of "constitutional reform" got taken away promptly and given to Nigel Hughes and Trotman.


He got capooned real good from Day 1 chap.


On a serious note, if any Indian ever asks me if they should support Moses or Granger or where to go to give the bribe money...I'd send them to the Ministry of the Presidency and say ignore Moses. Moses is of zero consequence. Just as we all expected.


Moses is not in control of anything.  He was given 12 seats in Parliament as promised by Granger for his support in defeating the PPP at the general Elections on may 11th 2015.  There are eight former PNC members among the twelve mps'.  Moses has been conned real good.  he is being searched every time he goes into the PNC head quarters to meet his boss.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses is not in control of anything.  He was given 12 seats in Parliament as promised by Granger for his support in defeating the PPP at the general Elections on may 11th 2015.  There are eight former PNC members among the twelve mps'.  Moses has been conned real good.  he is being searched every time he goes into the PNC head quarters to meet his boss.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses is not in control of anything.  He was given 12 seats in Parliament as promised by Granger for his support in defeating the PPP at the general Elections on may 11th 2015.  There are eight former PNC members among the twelve mps'.  Moses has been conned real good.  he is being searched every time he goes into the PNC head quarters to meet his boss.

As a matter of fact, all Indians are being searched at PNC head quarters when entering the compound.   

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by TK:


And what did the hung parliament achieve?

It bought one election cycle and with a minority government. Guyana needed one more cycle to get the necessary dynamics aligned - emigration of more Indos, a growing mixed-race electorate and a younger electorate more removed from their parents' biases and hold-over from a bygone era, as well as more PPP thievery - to get rid of this incarnation of the PPP.


Being a junior partner with a still-feared PNC takes away the AFC's strength, that is, peeling away votes from the PPP in Regions 5 and 6. Now this will be blunted.


A hung Parliament is unprecedented in Guyana - they've had it for one cycle. Let it ripen for goodness sake. This is just a plain dumb move by the AFC. The PNC gains any which way and the Freedom House occupants are getting their cigars and champagne ready.

Kari, you sound surprised! You mean a man of your stature and vision did not see this coming?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses is not in control of anything.  He was given 12 seats in Parliament as promised by Granger for his support in defeating the PPP at the general Elections on may 11th 2015.  There are eight former PNC members among the twelve mps'.  Moses has been conned real good.  he is being searched every time he goes into the PNC head quarters to meet his boss.

As a matter of fact, all Indians are being searched at PNC head quarters when entering the compound.   


You're an idiot. I know Indos (including myself) that this never happens to. Maybe they search the coolie low lifes like you?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses is not in control of anything.  He was given 12 seats in Parliament as promised by Granger for his support in defeating the PPP at the general Elections on may 11th 2015.  There are eight former PNC members among the twelve mps'.  Moses has been conned real good.  he is being searched every time he goes into the PNC head quarters to meet his boss.

As a matter of fact, all Indians are being searched at PNC head quarters when entering the compound.   


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