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Alliance for Change(AFC) Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo thinks the Government shouldn’t go to the Courts to contest the Opposition using its one-seat majority to illegally chop the budget. And this fella said Cheddi wanted him to be President!!! If the Courts are the arbiter of the Constitution and the Constitution delineated the prerogatives of all institutions of the state including the Executive and the Legislature, where in the world do you go to settle disputes?



A smoke-filled back room inside some seedy hotel. Well, that’s what the man has to have in mind when he said rather than going to the Courts, the PPP/C should “negotiate” – read “cut a deal” – with the Opposition. What Nagamootoo’s suggesting is the very antithesis of democracy and in fact, this backroom dealing between politicians even has a notorious name in the US – Tammany Hall politics.


Nobody ever said the wheels of democracy, according to the rule of law, didn’t grind slowly – but they do grind transparently. Nagamootoo wants to get a piece of the action in the back rooms. Like the contract he got from NICIL to “relocate” persons affected by the Berbice Bridge. $7 million?

Replies sorted oldest to newest



Nandalall mother-in-law

allowed to leave Guyana as VIP

and caught twice entering USA

with "Coke-in-de-Poke"


Is this de same Nandalall

yuh talking about???




"De Attorney General"

mother-in-law caught in US

Smuggling Guyanese Back-Track

with fake passport.


Is this de same Nandalall

yuh talking about???


Anil mother-in-law

caught Crossing Demerara Harbor Bridge

with 100 New Guyana Passports

(stolen from Ministry of Foreign Affairs)...

She was on her way to meet

with Ahmad Associates at West Coast Demerara.


Is this de same Nandalall

yuh talking about???




De Honorable Attorney General,

took De Honorable Narco and Backtrack Smuggler

to the GDF & Police Headquarters

to Meet, Greet, Party

& Celebrate a Successful year with.....


De Honorable President,

De Honorable Prime Minister,

De Honorable Minister Of Home Affairs,

De Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs,

De Honorable Chief Justice,

De Honorable Controller of Customs',

De Honorable Head of CANU,

De Honorable Head of the Presidential Secretarial,

De Honorable General Secretary of PPP,

De Honorable Leader of the PNC,

De Honorable Commissioner of Police,

De Honorable Chief-of-Staff of the Army....

and to continue working together

in the New Year...






Is this de same Nandalall


yuh talking about???


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Alliance for Change(AFC) Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo thinks the Government shouldn’t go to the Courts to contest the Opposition using its one-seat majority to illegally chop the budget. And this fella said Cheddi wanted him to be President!!! If the Courts are the arbiter of the Constitution and the Constitution delineated the prerogatives of all institutions of the state including the Executive and the Legislature, where in the world do you go to settle disputes?


Nobody ever said the wheels of democracy, according to the rule of law, didn’t grind slowly – but they do grind transparently. Nagamootoo wants to get a piece of the action in the back rooms. Like the contract he got from NICIL to “relocate” persons affected by the Berbice Bridge. $7 million?

How about the truth that all of this accusation is to mask the fact the PPP are the uber thieves and their rise from piss poor status to the elite rich in the society is all on account they stole it. Maybe you can inform us in the broadest scenario how jagdeo can own so much in 12 years when he started out not even owning a bicycle. Maybe Rohee knows Hollywood math so he can help you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Uncle Nehru made a promise and so far he is keeping that promise.

Pandit would like to "blow" yopu two away.... Do not take this opportunity away from him....

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Uncle Nehru made a promise and so far he is keeping that promise.

In defence of Comrade Nehru....

In some ways....

Nehru is a Principled person

unlike Councie, EweGee, Skeldon and Kwame.


I cannot recall Nehru

promoting, Defending or Practicing

Beggery in De Jagdeo or Ramotar Govt.


Talk is cheap....

But I have not seen Nehru...

freely, happily, willingly and automatically

Bending Over to accommodate and Please

De Black House of Isreal lo-low everytime...

like EweGee, Councie & Skeldon.


Call Nehru any Name,

Drunk, Sagiwang, Garmont Citizen by Birth,

La-goo-bha-goo, Funny Fella, Crab Louse,

Parasite, Pimp, Prostitute or Coo-rum-chore....

Nehru like the De Old PPP Majority Following....

cannot imagine and support

what Dr Jagan party.... has turned into today....

How Kwame and not Anil.... 

became a Executive member of PPP.

Lamumba is A Black House of Israel thug....

Not a PPP Black Hindu.




Originally Posted by Conscience:

Alliance for Change(AFC) Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo thinks the Government shouldn’t go to the Courts to contest the Opposition using its one-seat majority to illegally chop the budget. And this fella said Cheddi wanted him to be President!!! If the Courts are the arbiter of the Constitution and the Constitution delineated the prerogatives of all institutions of the state including the Executive and the Legislature, where in the world do you go to settle disputes?



A smoke-filled back room inside some seedy hotel. Well, that’s what the man has to have in mind when he said rather than going to the Courts, the PPP/C should “negotiate” – read “cut a deal” – with the Opposition. What Nagamootoo’s suggesting is the very antithesis of democracy and in fact, this backroom dealing between politicians even has a notorious name in the US – Tammany Hall politics.


Nobody ever said the wheels of democracy, according to the rule of law, didn’t grind slowly – but they do grind transparently. Nagamootoo wants to get a piece of the action in the back rooms. Like the contract he got from NICIL to “relocate” persons affected by the Berbice Bridge. $7 million?

All you jokers in the opposition just do not get it.  The PPP wanted $170 billion for 2014 and they got $170 billion.


So haul you all arse, FOOL!


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