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Former Member

Nagamootoo’s calls for unity talks

Dear Editor,
You may be too young to remember the days of the PPP in the ’60s or 70s when all this talk of unity was mooted by Burnham after the 1964 elections.
Nagamootoo was perhaps just a teenager at the time and maybe his memory does not serve him well so I will accept if he forgot that Burnham in his desperation to retain his dominance of Guyana attempted on several occasions to cajole the PPP into joining his government to form in effect a one-party state. This amorous seduction of the PPP by Burnham failed and instead Burnham and his PNC set about enticing individual members of the PPP to cross the floor and join him. One recalls the names of Vincent Teekah, Ranji Chandisingh, Edgar Ambrose who all fell for Burnham’s offer of positions in the PNC. Of course those men later found out the folly of their ways.
It is exactly what Granger has done to Nagamootoo and Ramjattan. We see how easy it was for the PNC to seduce those two by just simply providing material comforts they seemed to be lacking. Nagamootoo blames the PPP for not offering to make him the Presidential candidate so he left the PPP. He is now the Prime Minister with hardly a job description that befits the title. He is now using the abundance of time on his hands to look for something to talk about.
Nagamootoo needs to be reminded that allegiance to the PPP means that its members will not tolerate any unity discussion with him and his new-found concubine. I will also suggest that his PNC colleagues will not give him the time of day if he were to approach them with this fairy tale of national unity.
So move on with your life, Nagamootoo.

Faoud Khan

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This amorous seduction of the PPP by Burnham failed and instead Burnham and his PNC set about enticing individual members of the PPP to cross the floor and join him. One recalls the names of Vincent Teekah, Ranji Chandisingh, Edgar Ambrose and Harilall among a few more who all fell for Burnham’s offer of positions in the PNC. Of course those men later found out the folly of their ways.
It is exactly what Granger has done to Nagamootoo and Ramjattan. We see how easy it was for the PNC to seduce those two by just simply providing material comforts they seemed to be lacking.

asj posted:

This amorous seduction of the PPP by Burnham failed and instead Burnham and his PNC set about enticing individual members of the PPP to cross the floor and join him. One recalls the names of Vincent Teekah, Ranji Chandisingh, Edgar Ambrose and Harilall among a few more who all fell for Burnham’s offer of positions in the PNC. Of course those men later found out the folly of their ways.
It is exactly what Granger has done to Nagamootoo and Ramjattan. We see how easy it was for the PNC to seduce those two by just simply providing material comforts they seemed to be lacking.

Some were paid by the CIA to cross the floor.  Others suffered a terrible fate called death.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
asj posted:

This amorous seduction of the PPP by Burnham failed and instead Burnham and his PNC set about enticing individual members of the PPP to cross the floor and join him. One recalls the names of Vincent Teekah, Ranji Chandisingh, Edgar Ambrose and Harilall among a few more who all fell for Burnham’s offer of positions in the PNC. Of course those men later found out the folly of their ways.
It is exactly what Granger has done to Nagamootoo and Ramjattan. We see how easy it was for the PNC to seduce those two by just simply providing material comforts they seemed to be lacking.

Some were paid by the CIA to cross the floor.  Others suffered a terrible fate called death.

Are you re-writing history??while you are it can provide the number of persons that was killed for not joining forces with Forbes Burnham,inquiring minds want to know.


I am not re-writing history.  I am merely repeating what many already know.  So please do tell us, how many were killed for not joining forces with LFS.  Actually, I am not aware of that, so spill the beans.  Enquiring minds want to know.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not re-writing history.  I am merely repeating what many already know.  So please do tell us, how many were killed for not joining forces with LFS.  Actually, I am not aware of that, so spill the beans.  Enquiring minds want to know.

"Some were paid by the CIA to cross the floor.  Others suffered a terrible fate called death."

The above is what your response to asj post of individuals crossing the floor.Who are the others killed ?? you said that give the answers.


You don't kill your concubine if he/she is producing. However, that said, if efficiency and production are lacking, then the concubine might find his/her demise. Sit, relax and enjoy the comedy.


Moses Mugtu has become the Crier for the PNC, him and Rumjaat are now ministers without portfolio , they are floaters. What is the real visit of Moses to USA, election is over, only the blacks will welcome him and a few DUTTY INDIANS, maybe is on one of those medical check up like the last time.


How do you unite a nation while at the same time you are busy dividing it? How do you build a nation when you are busy destroying democracy and erecting a military dictatorship?How do you build a nation when many are hungry, helpless, homeless, and living in fear when their leaders are filling their pockets, living an exhorbitant lifestyle, and have no idea how to solve crimes? How do you unite a nation when you lie to the citizens of the country by breaking election promises and releasing criminals from prisons? 


No bias here. How the previous regime fared on these issues you listed?  You all in a deep state of grief since losing the elections.  

Last edited by Former Member
FC posted:

No bias here. How the previous regime fared on these issues you listed?  You all in a deep state of grief since losing the elections.  

Lions don't lose sleep over the opinion of a sheep. 


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