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Former Member

Nagamootoo’s elaborate Secret Service entourage sparks outrage among NY-based Guyanese – protest, poor attendance at two of his three NY meetings

January 18, 2016 12:52 pm Category: Internet, latest news, Local News, Opinion, Other Stories, Politics,World A+ / A-

Protest and poor attendance marked two of the three meetings in New York over the weekend that were attended by Guyana’s Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, who turned up at the events with an elaborate entourage, escorted by the U.S. Secret Service in heavily-armoured bullet-proof Suburban vehicles.

This has sparked further outrage among New-York based Guyanese who raised concerns about the cost on the taxpayers in Guyana for the elaborate Secret Service escort to the events, in a manner similar to visiting Heads of State and Kings.

PM Moses Nagamootoo escorted by several black Secret Service vehicles during his New York trip over the weekend

PM Moses Nagamootoo was escorted by several black Secret Service vehicles during his New York trip over the weekend

Outraged members of the diaspora are of the view that these things are not without costs, and the Guyana Government will more than likely have to foot the expensive bill for Nagamootoo’s elaborate first-class treatment, no doubt at the expense of local taxpayers, many of whom are probably unaware of such a scenario.

At one of the events, more than 100 protesters braved the snow in the South Ozone area in Queens, New York to protest a meeting that was scheduled to be addressed yesterday afternoon by Guyana’s Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

The meeting was scheduled for 5 pm, but a supporter of the AFC (Plumer Paul) informed the protesters that Mr Nagamootoo will not be arriving until the number of protester decrease because there were only a handful of his supporters in the meeting hall.
INews understands that the New York City (NYC) police had to be called in for reinforcement because of the large number of protestors.
It is understood that Mr Nagamootoo subsequently arrived at 7:45 pm at which point the protestors started calling him names, including “a traitor” and “a rubber stamp for a PM”.

Meanwhile, Nagamootoo is reported to have turned up with an elaborate entourage, escorted by Secret Service limousines, at the Richie Rich Catering Hall in Richmond Hill, Queens for a breakfast symposium earlier in the day.

New York-based representatives of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU / AFC) sponsored the symposium, which reportedly failed to attract members from the Diaspora business community, with just a few trickling in for the event.

Scores of New York-based Guyanese braved the cold to protest Moses Nagamootoo yesterday

Scores of New York-based Guyanese braved the cold to protest Moses Nagamootoo yesterday

During the event, concerns were raised about the deteriorating economic situation in Guyana, along with the number of persons who were fired following the change of Government.

Additionally, the businessmen expressed apprehension about returning to Guyana, citing the high level of crime, which serves as a deterrent not only to the Diaspora but tourists.

Notably at the meeting, concerns were also raised about the cost on the taxpayers in Guyana for the Secret Service escort to the event.
Meanwhile, the disappointing turnout at the above-mentioned two events was not replicated at the other event that the Prime Minister attended in Jamaica Avenue, New York yesterday.

At this event, the Prime Minister spoke to a sizeable gathering at the launch of Guyana’s Golden Jubilee celebrations at the Jamaica Performing Arts Centre in Queens, New York which comprised a gathering of largely U.S.-based Guyanese.
Mr Nagamootoo urged Guyanese who gathered at the forum to work together and to enter the next 50 years with conviction that Guyana comes first.

NY protest 1

Replies sorted oldest to newest

At this event, the Prime Minister spoke to a sizeable gathering at the launch of Guyana’s Golden Jubilee celebrations at the Jamaica Performing Arts Centre in Queens, New York which comprised a gathering of largely U.S.-based Guyanese.


Every day there is another blatant lie by the PPP. These people are shameless. Don't these fools know that the cost of providing Secret Service protection is borne by the US government?

Dear Editor,

“Notably at the meeting, concerns were also raised about the cost on the taxpayers in Guyana for the Secret Service escort to the event.”

The foregoing is taken from an article on the visit to New York of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo published in a recent issue of the Guyana Times. As far as I am aware the costs of Secret Service security for visiting government leaders are borne by the host government ‒the United States government.

Why would the Guyana Times publish such inaccurate and misleading information which a reporter could easily have checked either through a call to the US embassy or by visiting the google web site?

This article, as well as another recent misleading one about the stripping of responsibilities from the Prime Minister are a clear demonstration of poor journalism and the ethics of the profession. These two articles suggest an attempt by the Guyana Times to mislead and confuse in support of a political agenda. How unfortunate for a publication that dubs itself ‘the beacon of truth.’

Yours faithfully,

Wesley Kirton

Amral posted:

I thought at one time I heard that Jagdeo is a partner owner of Guyana Times??

He is allegedly a silent partner. I heard this from one of my lower-level PPP contacts in Guyana.

RiffRaff posted:

If that is the case, should the Guyana times be used as a credible news source?

It depends on who answers your question.

A PPP supporter will say "Sure."

A non-PPP supporter will say "Perhaps, perhaps not."

Mr.T posted:

At this event, the Prime Minister spoke to a sizeable gathering at the launch of Guyana’s Golden Jubilee celebrations at the Jamaica Performing Arts Centre in Queens, New York which comprised a gathering of largely U.S.-based Guyanese.

Most attendees are from Brooklyn that get free ticket to Guyana last year. I hardly witness Queens based residents.

RiffRaff posted:

If that is the case, should the Guyana times be used as a credible news source?

Guyana Times has replaced the GINA and the Chronicle for disseminating PPP lies.

In the mean time KN and SN remain independent, with BOTH criticizing the APNU/AFC when they see that it is merited.

Clearly we can see which media in Guyana is credible, and which isn't.

Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:

At this event, the Prime Minister spoke to a sizeable gathering at the launch of Guyana’s Golden Jubilee celebrations at the Jamaica Performing Arts Centre in Queens, New York which comprised a gathering of largely U.S.-based Guyanese.

Most attendees are from Brooklyn that get free ticket to Guyana last year. I hardly witness Queens based residents.

If course the Indo KKK thinks that every Afro Guyanese lives on Church Ave, Brooklyn, so they THINK that they know who came from Brooklyn.

NOTE:  LOADS of Guyanese blacks live in Queens, as well as Long Island and NJ!

If you remain in your Indo KKK cave, you remain ignorant.


BTW I note your usual racist implication that blacks cannot afford anything, so they must get stuff "free".  THOUSANDS are going down in May. NONE are getting anything free!

Last edited by Former Member

Folks, when the truth is exposed, people jump on Guyana Times. Guyana Times cannot be muzzled by the government or tow the govt line. They report fair and square. Yall continue to read KNews and dance to their tunes.

For those of you who to wish focus away from the main topic, the issue still remains unanswered as to why Moses grand security details have to burden the taxpayers when Guyanese are jobless, crime and suicide are out of control. 

For once I stand firm with my fellow New Yorkers who were waiting by hundreds to send shock waves down Moses spine on his arrival. His people had to beg the protesters to pull back. The angry protesters is what cause Moses to arrived more than two hours late because of shame and humiliation that awaits him. 

Lastly. It was confirmed that the majority of the attendees are from Brooklyn. This event at the performance Arts Center was pre-planned that Moses don't look like a fool. I have video to prove that the auditorium was fill with Afro Guyanese and just a few Indians. I was there and so are many of my colleagues who were there as spectators. Take it or leave it. That's how it was.





caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:

At this event, the Prime Minister spoke to a sizeable gathering at the launch of Guyana’s Golden Jubilee celebrations at the Jamaica Performing Arts Centre in Queens, New York which comprised a gathering of largely U.S.-based Guyanese.

Most attendees are from Brooklyn that get free ticket to Guyana last year. I hardly witness Queens based residents.

If course the Indo KKK thinks that every Afro Guyanese lives on Church Ave, Brooklyn, so they THINK that they know who came from Brooklyn.

NOTE:  LOADS of Guyanese blacks live in Queens, as well as Long Island and NJ!

If you remain in your Indo KKK cave, you remain ignorant.


BTW I note your usual racist implication that blacks cannot afford anything, so they must get stuff "free".  THOUSANDS are going down in May. NONE are getting anything free!

I may be going down in May too. I can do with a free ticket. 

Cobra posted:


Lastly. It was confirmed that the majority of the attendees are from Brooklyn. This event at the performance Arts Center was pre-planned that Moses don't look like a fool. I have video to prove that the auditorium was fill with Afro Guyanese and just a few Indians. I was there and so are many of my colleagues who were there as spectators. Take it or leave it. That's how it was.





1.  Do you know that not every Afro Guyanese lives in Brooklyn?

2.  Do you know that not every Indo Guyanese lives in RH and South Ozone?

3.  So what if the majority of the crowd were blacks. If Indians hate Guyana, and cannot celebrate its 50th anniversary, unless Indians are in charge, too bad. 

I will say this for Jamaicans.  They may engage in far more political violence against each other than do Guyanese.  But when the 50th anniversary of Jamaica's independence occurred, even though the PNP was in power, no JLP was going to allow the PNP from preventing them from attending events to celebrate being JAMAICAN!

One day Guyanese will truly embrace being Guyanese, but we have yet to reach that point.   One thing that I can tell you is if the PPP was in power Afro Guyanese would ensure that they would be involved in this celebration. In fact it is likely that they would have Spearheaded the NYC events.   

Pity most Indians don't really see themselves as "Guyanese" and lambaste those who do see themselves that way!

VishMahabir posted:

I may be going down in May too. I can do with a free ticket. 

Well you will stay right here because none of the airlines is flying any one free.

It is understood that many Indians cannot truly be patriotic to Guyana, unless they 100% dominate that country. I wonder how long they will start pretending to be Trinidadians, as so many did, prior to 1992.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Mr.T posted:

At this event, the Prime Minister spoke to a sizeable gathering at the launch of Guyana’s Golden Jubilee celebrations at the Jamaica Performing Arts Centre in Queens, New York which comprised a gathering of largely U.S.-based Guyanese.

Most attendees are from Brooklyn that get free ticket to Guyana last year. I hardly witness Queens based residents.

If course the Indo KKK thinks that every Afro Guyanese lives on Church Ave, Brooklyn, so they THINK that they know who came from Brooklyn.

NOTE:  LOADS of Guyanese blacks live in Queens, as well as Long Island and NJ!

If you remain in your Indo KKK cave, you remain ignorant.


BTW I note your usual racist implication that blacks cannot afford anything, so they must get stuff "free".  THOUSANDS are going down in May. NONE are getting anything free!

I may be going down in May too. I can do with a free ticket. 

If you are Indian and holds a PNC card, you may be in luck. If not, you're not applicable for job or any thing free from the dictator government. 

Cobra posted:

If you are Indian and holds a PNC card, you may be in luck. If not, you're not applicable for job or any thing free from the dictator government. 

Guess what. If the PPP wasn't the Indo KKK, and Jagdeo wasn't the Grand Wizard, then more blacks and mixed people would have voted PPP, and then you wouldn't be so hysterical.

But you all ran a campaign screaming "black man bad", riled up those people, who were tired of 23 years of Indo oppression, and now the PPP LOST.

Get rid of the current leadership. Find a credible multi ethnic leadership, and then you might win in 2020.

Continue this way and APNU (with or without the AFC) will keep their black and mixed support, and buy more Amerindian support, and ensure that you all drink the same medicine which Jagdeo dished out to PNC supporters.


The event at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center had a capacity crowd of over 400 persons. Three hundred in the main auditorium and one hundred in the balcony.

The Guyana Times is owned by Bobby Ramroop ( Jagdeo's " best friend " ).

There were 14 demonstrators in front of the Nareesa Palace on Sunday afternoon. Inside the crowd was around 150 persons. Several of the security men surrounding the PM were professionals who volunteered their time to the visit.

I was happy to be there as I was able to see many old friends.

comrade posted:

The event at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center had a capacity crowd of over 400 persons. Three hundred in the main auditorium and one hundred in the balcony.

The Guyana Times is owned by Bobby Ramroop ( Jagdeo's " best friend " ).

There were 14 demonstrators in front of the Nareesa Palace on Sunday afternoon. Inside the crowd was around 150 persons. Several of the security men surrounding the PM were professionals who volunteered their time to the visit.

I was happy to be there as I was able to see many old friends.

We'd never see an article stating this in Guyana Times nor posted by the likes of Cobra and crew.

comrade posted:

The event at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center had a capacity crowd of over 400 persons. Three hundred in the main auditorium and one hundred in the balcony.

The Guyana Times is owned by Bobby Ramroop ( Jagdeo's " best friend " ).

There were 14 demonstrators in front of the Nareesa Palace on Sunday afternoon. Inside the crowd was around 150 persons. Several of the security men surrounding the PM were professionals who volunteered their time to the visit.

I was happy to be there as I was able to see many old friends.

Comrade, you must speak without the political sweetness you enjoyed so much and tell the board members how many Indians attended vs Afros-Guyanese from Brooklyn, if you possessed the honesty to speak like a gentleman, or you may forever be a hypocrite. 


Cobra I am not in the habit of responding to an uninformed person parading as a Mr. Know It All but in this case I have to respond.

The majority of the folks at the Performing Arts Center were Afros, that is about 75% of them. I was in the security detail at the door. At Nareesa Palace the majority of the folks were Indos , about 75% of them.

One cannot tell if the Afros were mostly from Brooklyn or if the Indos were mostly from Queens. At both venues the crowds were GUYANESE and nothing else mattered. Moses was well received inspite of the PAID demonstrators at Nareesa Palace.

comrade posted:

Cobra I am not in the habit of responding to an uninformed person parading as a Mr. Know It All but in this case I have to respond.

The majority of the folks at the Performing Arts Center were Afros, that is about 75% of them. I was in the security detail at the door. At Nareesa Palace the majority of the folks were Indos , about 75% of them.

One cannot tell if the Afros were mostly from Brooklyn or if the Indos were mostly from Queens. At both venues the crowds were GUYANESE and nothing else mattered. Moses was well received inspite of the PAID demonstrators at Nareesa Palace.

Good post! Watch these apologists say you lie. Don't bother with them they're still burning up inside because


RiffRaff posted:

Thanks comrade...

Guyana times indeed is  biased toilet paper

This is sad because there is a need for proper reporting to keep the government on its toes working for the people but when we see the nonsense being printed which always shows to be lies just about every day, how can anyone believe when it is real?

Cobra posted:

Comrade, you must speak without the political sweetness you enjoyed so much and tell the board members how many Indians attended vs Afros-Guyanese from Brooklyn, if you possessed the honesty to speak like a gentleman, or you may forever be a hypocrite. 

Many Indians showed up at Nareesa Palace.  At the JPAC it was mainly blacks.

Your point? Was the celebration at JPAC any less because few Indians were there?

Your Indo KKK panty is showing.



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