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Nagamatooโ€™s โ€˜olive branchโ€™ is laced with desperation

Dear Editor,

I do not usually bother to read anything that Moses Nagamootoo writes. I do not think anybody does, but l decided for a lark to see what he was up to in his July 26 โ€œMy Turnโ€ column.
Nagamoottoo did not fail to live up to my expectations. Predictable as always, he has the uncanny ability to take things out of context to support his agenda, and, within a short time, he can do a complete somersault with the same information and go in the opposite direction.
Ever opportunistic, he pulled random statements from no less than Dr. Cheddi Jagan, President Carter and the Carter Center to support his governmentโ€™s non-existent โ€œolive branchโ€ offer to the โ€œOppositionโ€ in the context of an ethnic conflagration.
This was nothing but a transparent effort by him to make himself relevant, to remind people that he is still important. In this, he failed abysmally. Everyone knows that the PPP/C is no longer the Opposition but the โ€˜government in waitingโ€™. David Grangerโ€™s locum standi is merely to hand over the government to the legitimately elected President and government.
Nagamootooโ€™s โ€œolive branchโ€ is laced with desperation; he too has no locum standi, even if the APNU+AFC Coalition had won, he would have been cast aside. In fact, he is desperately โ€˜singing for his supperโ€™ as soon he may have no US visa. He, like others in Grangerโ€™s band of brigands, is responsible for undermining democracy and putting the Guyanese people through this tortuous path created solely by Granger and APNU+AFC leaders to subvert the will of the Guyanese people and steal the election of March 2, 2020.
Nagamootoo lost any relevance in Guyana when he became the right hand man to Granger and the PNC, an ever willing participant and apologist for their corruption, incompetence and anti-people policies. Now Nagamootoo is trying to dress up their hijacking of the elections and attempted electoral coup with offers of an โ€œolive branch.โ€
Again, like most things Nagamootoo says, it is all vacuous; like standing in quick sand (โ€œsucking sandโ€), it all vanishes.
Yours truly,
Gail Teixeira


Not that I support Granger and his antic, when I examine the PPP corrupt and assinine behavior as a government, holding up the transference of power is one more day of not having these visionless fools as mini-gods again.

Emancipation Day is soon to come. This year should be extra special, Black ppl have broken the yoke of the PPP. All deh gat to do now is run dem out of the country, each wan muss already have a USA visa. PPP politicians on priviliges. Two visionless group, for 65 years dey kant improve the Standard of Living for the poor but dey having a Good Life. 

@Former Member posted:

Nagamatooโ€™s โ€˜olive branchโ€™ is laced with desperation

Dear Editor,

I do not usually bother to read anything that Moses Nagamootoo writes. I do not think anybody does, but l decided for a lark to see what he was up to in his July 26 โ€œMy Turnโ€ column.
Nagamoottoo did not fail to live up to my expectations. Predictable as always, he has the uncanny ability to take things out of context to support his agenda, and, within a short time, he can do a complete somersault with the same information and go in the opposite direction.
Ever opportunistic, he pulled random statements from no less than Dr. Cheddi Jagan, President Carter and the Carter Center to support his governmentโ€™s non-existent โ€œolive branchโ€ offer to the โ€œOppositionโ€ in the context of an ethnic conflagration.
This was nothing but a transparent effort by him to make himself relevant, to remind people that he is still important. In this, he failed abysmally. Everyone knows that the PPP/C is no longer the Opposition but the โ€˜government in waitingโ€™. David Grangerโ€™s locum standi is merely to hand over the government to the legitimately elected President and government.
Nagamootooโ€™s โ€œolive branchโ€ is laced with desperation; he too has no locum standi, even if the APNU+AFC Coalition had won, he would have been cast aside. In fact, he is desperately โ€˜singing for his supperโ€™ as soon he may have no US visa. He, like others in Grangerโ€™s band of brigands, is responsible for undermining democracy and putting the Guyanese people through this tortuous path created solely by Granger and APNU+AFC leaders to subvert the will of the Guyanese people and steal the election of March 2, 2020.
Nagamootoo lost any relevance in Guyana when he became the right hand man to Granger and the PNC, an ever willing participant and apologist for their corruption, incompetence and anti-people policies. Now Nagamootoo is trying to dress up their hijacking of the elections and attempted electoral coup with offers of an โ€œolive branch.โ€
Again, like most things Nagamootoo says, it is all vacuous; like standing in quick sand (โ€œsucking sandโ€), it all vanishes.
Yours truly,
Gail Teixeira

Person of no humility.


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