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Nagamootoo’s self hate…

…and the Indian “N” word

Your Eyewitness was shocked – but not surprised – that Moses Nagamootoo, Vice President and Prime Minister of Guyana used the racially offensive term “Coolie” to describe former President BharratJagdeo. And of all places – the National Assembly of Guyana. But US President Barrack Obama did say, “you can put lipstick on a pig…but it’s still a pig”, no?

Nagamootoo always presented an image of crassness and crudeness and even as he hurled accusations of the same at Jagdeo, his Neanderthal intonations and hate-contorted face made it clear he was projecting his tortured inner demons. Here in the 21st century, with the charges of ethnic and racial discriminations flying furiously in our country – and the same beamed in from the U.S. daily, – what kind of man would descend into such despicable gutter language?

A man who could boast in the same hallowed halls of Parliament, that he yelled at his grandson, “shut yuh so-and-so mouth!!”. That’s who. A man who could gratuitously inform a New York audience that, honoured by the Global Organisation of People’s of Indian Origin, he told them, “I am not an Indian”. That’s who. A man who is so lacking in self esteem that he projects his self hate on the group he came out of. That’s who.

Nagamootoo tried to share blame for the use of the odious term “Coolie” by noting that it had been used by Joey Jagan, who was in the visitor’s gallery as he spewed his hatred at Jagdeo. It was true that DrJagan’s prodigal son had uttered the words “Coolie Bully” to Jagdeo during the last elections. But most folks dismiss Joey Jagan with a rueful shake of the head and a muttered “Da chap head na good”! What’s Nagamootoo’s excuse?

Well, he could always say he was singing for his supper! Guyanese know that with even neutral observers like Clairmont Lye condemning the ethnic discriminatory actions of the APNU/AFC government, it’s two Indians -Nagamootoo and Ramjattan who’ve been tasked to rebut. But it’s more than that. Nagamootoo (and Ramjattan) are so filled with self-hate that they hope their Uncle Tom’s behaviour will redeem their lost psyches.

Then there’s what Nietzsche described with the French term, “ressentiment”. “The man of ressentiment is neither upright nor naive nor honest and straightforward with himself. His soul squints; his spirit loves hiding places, secret paths and back doors…he understands how to keep silent, how not to forget, how to wait.”

The “Coolie” slur is only the beginning: the ressentiment of Nagamootoo will continue to boil over. Beware!!


…and obsessive comparison with others

For the man of low self-esteem and self hate like Nagamootoo, he’ll constantly be comparing himself with those around him…as he constantly looks for “slights and put downs” – which sadly are all mostly in his own fevered mind. Take his “explanation” as to why he insisted that he get a raise – which is not ACTUALLY a 100% raise so it’s OK!!

The man (OK…your Eyewitness knows he’s taking liberties with the term!!) actually had the temerity to announce that he just wanted $100 (doesn’t matter is its U.S. or GY) more than the AG!!!

Can you believe it? This is straight from the psychiatrist’s couch! Why does his salary have to be greater than the AG’s. Why does this irk him so? HE IS PM and VP!!

And for a man with no self esteem, the salary discrepancy eats away at his mental equilibrium like a canker.

Nagamootoo’s one sick dude!


…and pitiful self denial

And why was Nagamootoo so pi55ed at Jagdeo? Well that’s his default state since Jagdeo accepted to return to Parliament as Opposition Leader. How’s you feel, dear reader, to see the fella who bitched slapped you senseless for a decade right in front of you!!


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

He is the slave master, so can use this.  Its when others use it then PPP slaves PRETEND to be offended.


This is just more of the racist card played by the "coolie party".


We are waiting for proof that the APNU/AFC is allowing non Indian heads to keep their jobs, and only dismissing Indians.  The PPP obviously has this.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

You dont get it!!  I am not sure you will.

You got it so much you gat the runs.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

You dont get it!!  I am not sure you will.

You got it so much you gat the runs.

Dope head, this Topic is not for SHIT HEADS.  Come back later.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

I will not beat around the bush, I felt that if Jagdeo used that word then, he was wrong, but that does not give Nagamootoo the right to use the word, yes he can use the word, but he is wrong to do so, as another word could have sufficed.

Indo Guyanese are appalled at being referred to, with that word, in this age and time, using that word shows the immaturity of persons using it.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

I will not beat around the bush, I felt that if Jagdeo used that word then, he was wrong, but that does not give Nagamootoo the right to use the word, yes he can use the word, but he is wrong to do so, as another word could have sufficed.

Indo Guyanese are appalled at being referred to, with that word, in this age and time, using that word shows the immaturity of persons using it.

stop acting like a collie 

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

I will not beat around the bush, I felt that if Jagdeo used that word then, he was wrong, but that does not give Nagamootoo the right to use the word, yes he can use the word, but he is wrong to do so, as another word could have sufficed.

Indo Guyanese are appalled at being referred to, with that word, in this age and time, using that word shows the immaturity of persons using it.

Correct. Using the C word to address an Indo Guyanese is the same as using a N word to address an Afro Guyanese.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

I will not beat around the bush, I felt that if Jagdeo used that word then, he was wrong, but that does not give Nagamootoo the right to use the word, yes he can use the word, but he is wrong to do so, as another word could have sufficed.

Indo Guyanese are appalled at being referred to, with that word, in this age and time, using that word shows the immaturity of persons using it.

Correct. Using the C word to address an Indo Guyanese is the same as using a N word to address an Afro Guyanese.

shut up collie i hope this insult you


to all you stupid collie out these there is a guyanese boxer they call the collie bully he is in the USA training right now for a big fight i wonder how insult he feel by the way he give himself this name


Nagamootoo always presented an image of crassness and crudeness and even as he hurled accusations of the same at Jagdeo, his Neanderthal intonations and hate-contorted face made it clear he was projecting his tortured inner demons. Here in the 21st century, with the charges of ethnic and racial discriminations flying furiously in our country – and the same beamed in from the U.S. daily, – what kind of man would descend into such despicable gutter language? (Nagamotoo?)

Moses and Ramjattan join the ranks of the PNC and suddenly refused the recognize that they are Indians. Granger is a Guyanese who never claimed to be Indian, but he wasn't ashamed to wear African garb on emancipation day.

Coolies like riffraff and gang want us to follow the trends like them two shameless neemakarams.

If y'all like the jackass riding, be my guest.

Quote 'A man who could boast in the same hallowed halls of Parliament, that he yelled at his grandson, “shut yuh so-and-so mouth!!”. That’s who. A man who could gratuitously inform a New York audience that, honored by the Global Organization of People’s of Indian Origin, he told them, “I am not an Indian”.unquote


quote "And for a man with no self esteem, the salary discrepancy eats away at his mental equilibrium like a canker."unquote

Nagamootoo’s one sick dude! and anyone who thinks like him, is in his category.

Originally Posted by asj:

quote "And for a man with no self esteem, the salary discrepancy eats away at his mental equilibrium like a canker."unquote

Nagamootoo’s one sick dude! and anyone who thinks like him, is in his category.

what happen bro you did not get that job they promise u 

Moses and Ramjattan are ading the PNC to abused Indian and say that our own people are against us. No wonder they're afraid to call themselves Indian. They have to think and act black to retain their jobs.
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by asj:

quote "And for a man with no self esteem, the salary discrepancy eats away at his mental equilibrium like a canker."unquote

Nagamootoo’s one sick dude! and anyone who thinks like him, is in his category.

what happen bro you did not get that job they promise u 

Not looking for any job Bro, I am happy where I am, and no one promise me any job........In a few years will be back in Guyana, after retiring so have to put the pressure on these guys so that they can perform, in order to make Guyana a better place.

Originally Posted by asj:

Indo Guyanese are appalled at being referred to, with that word, in this age and time, using that word shows the immaturity of persons using it.

You are a hypocrite and a liar.  If Indians objected to the term, then why did  they vote for Jagdeo who referred to their party as a "coolie party"?


You are a PPP stooge.  At least be decent and admit this.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Correct. Using the C word to address an Indo Guyanese is the same as using a N word to address an Afro Guyanese.

And when Jagdeo and Rohee used this same word to describe the party which well over 90% of the Indians voters supported you said NOTHING!


Chris Ram took offense and you called him self hating for hauling Jagdeo in front of the courts.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

You dont get it!!  I am not sure you will.

When are you going to comment on Riff's observation of Jagdeo using the said term?


Everyone is entitled to his opinion and I am entitled to mine too. Some people indeed regard coolie as a pejorative term. It is my prerogative to state unambiguously that I am a coolie and I love to be called a coolie. The dictionary defines coolie as an unskilled labourer hired for low or subsistence wages. That definition fits my Indian immigrant great grandparents perfectly, as well as my aja and my father. There is dignity in labour and, though unskilled, they earned an honest livelihood. As a tribute to them I wear my coolie badge with pride.

Let me point out in comparison that when I was growing up in the 1950s the Afro-Guyanese in my community resented being called blacks. They preferred the word negro. Then, in the 1960s someone in the USA [Stokely Carmichael?] started the BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL movement and Afro-Guyanese abandoned negro for black.

I am saying that COOLIE IS COOL for me. I admire that brilliant young lady Gauitra Bahadur who wrote a wonderful book titled COOLIE WOMAN.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

YOU ARE  A HYPOCRITE.   So do you think it's OK for a Prime Minister to be so crude and rude?  You should be embarrassed by that remarks as you are one stupid coolie.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Didn't Jagdeo use Coolie in one of his speeches?

Guyana full of pretentious people

YOU ARE  A HYPOCRITE.   So do you think it's OK for a Prime Minister to be so crude and rude?  You should be embarrassed by that remarks as you are one stupid coolie.

no one is questioning Moses being "crude and rude"


but y'all are bawling about something else!  . . . nah suh bai?


which brings me to the word "HYPOCRITE"


don't use it if u doan understand what it means . . . try Google, arite?

Originally Posted by asj:

Nagamootoo’s self hate…

…and the Indian “N” word

Your Eyewitness was shocked – but not surprised – that Moses Nagamootoo, Vice President and Prime Minister of Guyana used the racially offensive term “Coolie” to describe former President BharratJagdeo. And of all places – the National Assembly of Guyana. But US President Barrack Obama did say, “you can put lipstick on a pig…but it’s still a pig”, no?

Nagamootoo always presented an image of crassness and crudeness and even as he hurled accusations of the same at Jagdeo, his Neanderthal intonations and hate-contorted face made it clear he was projecting his tortured inner demons. Here in the 21st century, with the charges of ethnic and racial discriminations flying furiously in our country – and the same beamed in from the U.S. daily, – what kind of man would descend into such despicable gutter language?

A man who could boast in the same hallowed halls of Parliament, that he yelled at his grandson, “shut yuh so-and-so mouth!!”. That’s who. A man who could gratuitously inform a New York audience that, honoured by the Global Organisation of People’s of Indian Origin, he told them, “I am not an Indian”. That’s who. A man who is so lacking in self esteem that he projects his self hate on the group he came out of. That’s who.

Nagamootoo tried to share blame for the use of the odious term “Coolie” by noting that it had been used by Joey Jagan, who was in the visitor’s gallery as he spewed his hatred at Jagdeo. It was true that DrJagan’s prodigal son had uttered the words “Coolie Bully” to Jagdeo during the last elections. But most folks dismiss Joey Jagan with a rueful shake of the head and a muttered “Da chap head na good”! What’s Nagamootoo’s excuse?

Well, he could always say he was singing for his supper! Guyanese know that with even neutral observers like Clairmont Lye condemning the ethnic discriminatory actions of the APNU/AFC government, it’s two Indians -Nagamootoo and Ramjattan who’ve been tasked to rebut. But it’s more than that. Nagamootoo (and Ramjattan) are so filled with self-hate that they hope their Uncle Tom’s behaviour will redeem their lost psyches.

Then there’s what Nietzsche described with the French term, “ressentiment”. “The man of ressentiment is neither upright nor naive nor honest and straightforward with himself. His soul squints; his spirit loves hiding places, secret paths and back doors…he understands how to keep silent, how not to forget, how to wait.”

The “Coolie” slur is only the beginning: the ressentiment of Nagamootoo will continue to boil over. Beware!!


…and obsessive comparison with others

For the man of low self-esteem and self hate like Nagamootoo, he’ll constantly be comparing himself with those around him…as he constantly looks for “slights and put downs” – which sadly are all mostly in his own fevered mind. Take his “explanation” as to why he insisted that he get a raise – which is not ACTUALLY a 100% raise so it’s OK!!

The man (OK…your Eyewitness knows he’s taking liberties with the term!!) actually had the temerity to announce that he just wanted $100 (doesn’t matter is its U.S. or GY) more than the AG!!!

Can you believe it? This is straight from the psychiatrist’s couch! Why does his salary have to be greater than the AG’s. Why does this irk him so? HE IS PM and VP!!

And for a man with no self esteem, the salary discrepancy eats away at his mental equilibrium like a canker.

Nagamootoo’s one sick dude!


…and pitiful self denial

And why was Nagamootoo so pi55ed at Jagdeo? Well that’s his default state since Jagdeo accepted to return to Parliament as Opposition Leader. How’s you feel, dear reader, to see the fella who bitched slapped you senseless for a decade right in front of you!!


Absolute rubbish.  If I was black man I can use the N word.  So if I am Indian why can't I use the C word?


Moses was correct.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nagamootoo’s self hate…

…and the Indian “N” word

Your Eyewitness was shocked – but not surprised – that Moses Nagamootoo, Vice President and Prime Minister of Guyana used the racially offensive term “Coolie” to describe former President BharratJagdeo. And of all places – the National Assembly of Guyana. But US President Barrack Obama did say, “you can put lipstick on a pig…but it’s still a pig”, no?

Nagamootoo always presented an image of crassness and crudeness and even as he hurled accusations of the same at Jagdeo, his Neanderthal intonations and hate-contorted face made it clear he was projecting his tortured inner demons. Here in the 21st century, with the charges of ethnic and racial discriminations flying furiously in our country – and the same beamed in from the U.S. daily, – what kind of man would descend into such despicable gutter language?

A man who could boast in the same hallowed halls of Parliament, that he yelled at his grandson, “shut yuh so-and-so mouth!!”. That’s who. A man who could gratuitously inform a New York audience that, honoured by the Global Organisation of People’s of Indian Origin, he told them, “I am not an Indian”. That’s who. A man who is so lacking in self esteem that he projects his self hate on the group he came out of. That’s who.

Nagamootoo tried to share blame for the use of the odious term “Coolie” by noting that it had been used by Joey Jagan, who was in the visitor’s gallery as he spewed his hatred at Jagdeo. It was true that DrJagan’s prodigal son had uttered the words “Coolie Bully” to Jagdeo during the last elections. But most folks dismiss Joey Jagan with a rueful shake of the head and a muttered “Da chap head na good”! What’s Nagamootoo’s excuse?

Well, he could always say he was singing for his supper! Guyanese know that with even neutral observers like Clairmont Lye condemning the ethnic discriminatory actions of the APNU/AFC government, it’s two Indians -Nagamootoo and Ramjattan who’ve been tasked to rebut. But it’s more than that. Nagamootoo (and Ramjattan) are so filled with self-hate that they hope their Uncle Tom’s behaviour will redeem their lost psyches.

Then there’s what Nietzsche described with the French term, “ressentiment”. “The man of ressentiment is neither upright nor naive nor honest and straightforward with himself. His soul squints; his spirit loves hiding places, secret paths and back doors…he understands how to keep silent, how not to forget, how to wait.”

The “Coolie” slur is only the beginning: the ressentiment of Nagamootoo will continue to boil over. Beware!!


…and obsessive comparison with others

For the man of low self-esteem and self hate like Nagamootoo, he’ll constantly be comparing himself with those around him…as he constantly looks for “slights and put downs” – which sadly are all mostly in his own fevered mind. Take his “explanation” as to why he insisted that he get a raise – which is not ACTUALLY a 100% raise so it’s OK!!

The man (OK…your Eyewitness knows he’s taking liberties with the term!!) actually had the temerity to announce that he just wanted $100 (doesn’t matter is its U.S. or GY) more than the AG!!!

Can you believe it? This is straight from the psychiatrist’s couch! Why does his salary have to be greater than the AG’s. Why does this irk him so? HE IS PM and VP!!

And for a man with no self esteem, the salary discrepancy eats away at his mental equilibrium like a canker.

Nagamootoo’s one sick dude!


…and pitiful self denial

And why was Nagamootoo so pi55ed at Jagdeo? Well that’s his default state since Jagdeo accepted to return to Parliament as Opposition Leader. How’s you feel, dear reader, to see the fella who bitched slapped you senseless for a decade right in front of you!!


Absolute rubbish.  If I was black man I can use the N word.  So if I am Indian why can't I use the C word?


Moses was correct.

I agree. I don't feel offended. Jagdeo used it. Big deal. Alyo coolee raas come a merica and turn white man ova night.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Correct. Using the C word to address an Indo Guyanese is the same as using a N word to address an Afro Guyanese.

And when Jagdeo and Rohee used this same word to describe the party which well over 90% of the Indians voters supported you said NOTHING!


Chris Ram took offense and you called him self hating for hauling Jagdeo in front of the courts.

To you, Indian is a dirty word.  You never cease to attack them any where in the world.    Tell me that you are not a racist.  It doesn't who I am. tell me who you are..


Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Says Afro Guyanese should welcome statement


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, yesterday supported the statements made by his comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, to the effect that the incumbent party is a “coolie people” party.


PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee


As he hosted the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House Robb Street, Georgetown, Rohee said that he saw nothing wrong with former President Jagdeo’s allusion to the PPP as a coolie people party.

Jagdeo made this statement on Sunday when he spoke at the memorial service held in honour of former President and founder member of the PPP, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice. Jagdeo, who is known to speak rashly at this yearly forum, told thousands who gathered at the event that the “opposition” whispers to its supporters, “Let us throw out the coolie people.”

Jagdeo added that the opposition “consistently shouts about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote.”

Yesterday Rohee was questioned as to whether he supported the statements made by his comrade and he responded in the affirmative. Rohee said that PPP is indeed a “coolie people” party as it is “overwhelmingly supported by Indians.”

Asked if he considered the impact such a statement can have on PPP supporters who are of another race, Rohee said that he doesn’t see that any harm can be caused.

He even told media operatives that PPP supporters who are Afro-Guyanese should welcome the statement as it is forthright.

Last edited by Mitwah

Chedi once once said that the PPP is not an Indian Party, if you want an Indian Party then find another one.   The PPP is the closest thing to an Indian Party with 48% being non Indian.  As opposed to the PNC with 5% being non black and the AFC with 90% being non Indian.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Chedi once once said that the PPP is not an Indian Party, if you want an Indian Party then find another one.   The PPP is the closest thing to an Indian Party with 48% being non Indian.  As opposed to the PNC with 5% being non black and the AFC with 90% being non Indian.

Cheddi is not around to verify what you are saying.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Chedi once once said that the PPP is not an Indian Party, if you want an Indian Party then find another one.   The PPP is the closest thing to an Indian Party with 48% being non Indian.  As opposed to the PNC with 5% being non black and the AFC with 90% being non Indian.

Cheddi is not around to verify what you are saying.

You lie!  Chedi is alive in the minds of Moses and Sase and Nadira Jagan. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Chedi once once said that the PPP is not an Indian Party, if you want an Indian Party then find another one.   The PPP is the closest thing to an Indian Party with 48% being non Indian.  As opposed to the PNC with 5% being non black and the AFC with 90% being non Indian.

Cheddi is not around to verify what you are saying.

You lie!  Chedi is alive in the minds of Moses and Sase and Nadira Jagan. 

%'ages are irrelevant. It's a matter of perception. Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Chedi once once said that the PPP is not an Indian Party, if you want an Indian Party then find another one.   The PPP is the closest thing to an Indian Party with 48% being non Indian.  As opposed to the PNC with 5% being non black and the AFC with 90% being non Indian.

Cheddi is not around to verify what you are saying.

You lie!  Chedi is alive in the minds of Moses and Sase and Nadira Jagan. 

%'ages are irrelevant. It's a matter of perception. Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

If Corbin can say that the PNC is for black  then Jagdeo should have the same right to say that. Rohee is mixed.  He gains nothing by endorsing Jagdeo. Caribj said that the PPP is for coolie only.  Nuff also said that.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
Much ado about nothing. The bigger issue is when the Government will figure out how to effectively govern. All this nonsense about Coolie, tiefman, corruption means little to the Guyanese dinner table or the protection of their lives and properties.
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Much ado about nothing. The bigger issue is when the Government will figure out how to effectively govern. All this nonsense about Coolie, tiefman, corruption means little to the Guyanese dinner table or the protection of their lives and properties.

How things are going, it seems that they are not going to be given a chance, if Moses and Ramjattan don't change their attitudes towards the PPP and Indians as a whole. These two are deliberately provoking the opposition Leader.  Both Moses and Ramjattan had wanted more from the PPP but got shafted, so in retaliation they joined the PNC. They accused the PPP of being what they were. I hope Lord Shiva can help Guyana.

Originally Posted by warrior:

to all you stupid collie out these there is a guyanese boxer they call the collie bully he is in the USA training right now for a big fight i wonder how insult he feel by the way he give himself this name

a song, Coolie Boy.


a book, Coolie Woman.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Much ado about nothing. The bigger issue is when the Government will figure out how to effectively govern. All this nonsense about Coolie, tiefman, corruption means little to the Guyanese dinner table or the protection of their lives and properties.

How things are going, it seems that they are not going to be given a chance, if Moses and Ramjattan don't change their attitudes towards the PPP and Indians as a whole. These two are deliberately provoking the opposition Leader.  Both Moses and Ramjattan had wanted more from the PPP but got shafted, so in retaliation they joined the PNC. They accused the PPP of being what they were. I hope Lord Shiva can help Guyana.

The truth is that Moses wanted be to become President. This will never happen while he is with the PNC. Moses will always play second fiddle to Granger.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Correct. Using the C word to address an Indo Guyanese is the same as using a N word to address an Afro Guyanese.

And when Jagdeo and Rohee used this same word to describe the party which well over 90% of the Indians voters supported you said NOTHING!


Chris Ram took offense and you called him self hating for hauling Jagdeo in front of the courts.

To you, Indian is a dirty word.  You never cease to attack them any where in the world.    Tell me that you are not a racist.  It doesn't who I am. tell me who you are..

Don't worry Rama, even other Indos here think that you are a racist.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

 The PPP is the closest thing to an Indian Party with 48% being non Indian.  .

And who are these 48%.  Oh you mean the ones who you all nominated as your list, and then  you abandoned most of them?


Rohee and Jagdeo say the PPP is a "coolie party". You think that they are Gods so don't question them.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by warrior:

to all you stupid collie out these there is a guyanese boxer they call the collie bully he is in the USA training right now for a big fight i wonder how insult he feel by the way he give himself this name

a song, Coolie Boy.


a book, Coolie Woman.

Another book, Coolie, by Mulk Raj Anand.

A Bollywood movie, Coolie starring Amitabh Bachchan who plays the role of Iqbal, a railway porter.

In India today, porters are called coolies by fellow Indians.

Neither the white man nor the black man invented the word coolie.

According to Wikipedia, "The origins of the word are uncertain but it is thought to have originated from the name of a Gujarati sect (the Kolī, who worked as day labourers) or perhaps from the Tamil word for a payment for work, kuli."



Last edited by Former Member

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