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Nagamoottoo, Hughes ticket surprising:
September 8, 2014


THE proposed Moses Nagamootoo -Nigel Hughes ticket for the Alliance For Change (AFC) in the next general elections seems to be baffling not only to the general public, but even to supporters of the AFC.


I spoke to several of them in Berbice on Sunday and they were surprised at the statement made by the party’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, who hails from No. 47 Village on the Corentyne.


I note with concern that the movement was formed by former executive member of the PNC, Raphael Trotman and Ramjattan, who was a top brass and central executive member of the PPP/C. What is the reason why these two founders are no longer at the helm?


Nagamootoo who grew up with the PPP said time and time again that the party founder leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, had identified him to take over the party after his demise, but Jagan’s widow, Janet, thought otherwise and handpicked Bharrat Jagdeo, a young man who was not in the trenches like Moses, Navin Chandrapaul, and others.


From reports, the top brass of the AFC is considering whether to merge with APNU to oppose the PPP/C at the next general elections. They have to make a decision as soon as possible because this has to be done before elections. A large number of their supporters prefer them to join ranks with the governing PPP/C party, and a few intend to make representation to the party leadership in this regard.


A large number of persons in Region Six are dissatisfied with the AFC and there is an indication that the party will not secure as many votes as they did at the last general elections. The PPP/C will have to work hard to get the support of these voters because some of them have expressed the view that they will not exercise their franchise.


Some AFC supporters referred to Raphael Trotman, the first leader, who refused to make way for Ramjattan as agreed, and asked why should they follow a party where the leaders do not stick to principles. They also make comments about Nagamootoo who they said is a very hard worker, but feel he has “an axe to grind” against the PPP/C leadership.


The Nagamootoo-Hughes ticket has raised serious discussions in Berbice and no doubt the entire country and one wonders what is the next move of the third party.


by Oscar Ramjeet

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo who grew up with the PPP said time and time again that the party founder leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, had identified him to take over the party after his demise, but Jagan’s widow, Janet, thought otherwise and handpicked Bharrat Jagdeo, a young man who was not in the trenches like Moses, Navin Chandrapaul, and others.


Nagamoottoo, Hughes ticket surprising:
September 8, 2014, by Oscar Ramjeet

Simply his claim on what he believed Dr. Cheddi Jagan promised him relative to the specific realities of the issues and situation.


Moses and Nigel ticket is a sure failure, this will be the demise of the AFC. The PPP don't need to join with another party, APNU and AFC are falling apart, Where is Errol Persaud {Charrandas}???


Oscar is a mindless PPP quack writing the usual bilge about suspicious and dubious persons when the have the entire cabal of PPP crooks to be worried about than invent fiction.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo who grew up with the PPP said time and time again that the party founder leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, had identified him to take over the party after his demise, but Jagan’s widow, Janet, thought otherwise and handpicked Bharrat Jagdeo, a young man who was not in the trenches like Moses, Navin Chandrapaul, and others.


Nagamoottoo, Hughes ticket surprising:
September 8, 2014, by Oscar Ramjeet

Simply his claim on what he believed Dr. Cheddi Jagan promised him relative to the specific realities of the issues and situation.

That is good. Because I suspected CBJ was a devious person. And look how it turned out. He gave crooks the power.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Oscar is a mindless PPP quack writing the usual bilge about suspicious and dubious persons when the have the entire cabal of PPP crooks to be worried about than invent fiction.

Wrong choices. However, they need a third person with charisma to carry the Nagamoottoo/ Hughes ticket. Just like how Janet carried the Jagdeo/Hinds ticket.

The AFC has alot of work to do, otherwise they finished. Nagamootoo has killed this movement. He should have played an active role and not the PC.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Lil swan wid all due respect you are talking pure bullshit.

Tell me wah i said so wrong? Maybe from our discussion the AFC could change a few things.


I doan think Moses and Hughes is all it takes to win an election. For the PPP and PNC they doan care to look attractive. Dey gat their core group.


The AFC needs alot more tahn just name those two men.

Last edited by seignet

Your entire assertions about Moses / Hughes ticket lacks substance and attempts to over simplify the issues. Your arguments are not credible.


In the entire landscape in GY, Naga is probably the best leader and I am no AFC supporter.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo who grew up with the PPP said time and time again that the party founder leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, had identified him to take over the party after his demise, but Jagan’s widow, Janet, thought otherwise and handpicked Bharrat Jagdeo, a young man who was not in the trenches like Moses, Navin Chandrapaul, and others.


Nagamoottoo, Hughes ticket surprising:
September 8, 2014, by Oscar Ramjeet

Simply his claim on what he believed Dr. Cheddi Jagan promised him relative to the specific realities of the issues and situation.

 if guyanese was not so divide on the race issue the AFC will win on a landslide 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Your entire assertions about Moses / Hughes ticket lacks substance and attempts to over simplify the issues. Your arguments are not credible.


In the entire landscape in GY, Naga is probably the best leader and I am no AFC supporter.

Probably is not a sure thing. Have u given thought that the country needs a leader rather than an old boy politician. If u review the scenerio at the PNC congress-there seems to be a block of voters out there that needs to align themselves with the AFC. I have not heard any of those candidates comments. They trying with the Amerinds and the Indians. Caribj did say that was their mistake in the last election. Afro voters must know there are other choices than the PNC for them. They are gambling on the Amerinds and have not said a word of meaningful improvements in their lives. The voters want specifics-the AFC din sey anything on that sas yet.  

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Oscar is a mindless PPP quack writing the usual bilge about suspicious and dubious persons when the have the entire cabal of PPP crooks to be worried about than invent fiction.

You shouldn't be so quick to jump on Oscar Ramjeet. If you hear something of the same nature on the PPP, you will sure to entertain it at length. It is wise to listen to the people for once over politicians, since they have the power to decide who will be the next leader of Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Oscar is a mindless PPP quack writing the usual bilge about suspicious and dubious persons when the have the entire cabal of PPP crooks to be worried about than invent fiction.

You shouldn't be so quick to jump on Oscar Ramjeet. If you hear something of the same nature on the PPP, you will sure to entertain it at length. It is wise to listen to the people for once over politicians, since they have the power to decide who will be the next leader of Guyana.

HEHEHE  Bhai , Ah Stormy yuh talkin to, remember?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Oscar is a mindless PPP quack writing the usual bilge about suspicious and dubious persons when the have the entire cabal of PPP crooks to be worried about than invent fiction.

You shouldn't be so quick to jump on Oscar Ramjeet. If you hear something of the same nature on the PPP, you will sure to entertain it at length. It is wise to listen to the people for once over politicians, since they have the power to decide who will be the next leader of Guyana.

HEHEHE  Bhai , Ah Stormy yuh talkin to, remember?

Doe you presumption of cutting edge smarts make you so? Definitely not. Yo do yourself further discredit by snickering at a response when you failed to look at the hapless ignoramus who wrote it.


For starters they follow the usual tradition of ignoramuses with the casual fallacious argumentation of some, everybody, it is known etc to initiate their opinion making. That is Argumentum ad populum ie  appealing to some nebulous public as source as his authority.


The majority of his paragraph begins that way. It is sloganeering and rumor mongering rather than making logical argument about some real ground swell in the streets against Nagamottoo et al.


Additionally, I know the ignoramus personally. He is a long time PPP grunt and is as objective as any soup slurper would be. That his kind of   intellect is the standard bearer of the PPP still is a measure of how far behind real relevant activism they are and it is the reason they will lose.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Oscar is a mindless PPP quack writing the usual bilge about suspicious and dubious persons when the have the entire cabal of PPP crooks to be worried about than invent fiction.

Storm, Oscar is not mindless and he is not a PPP quack.


He does not write usual bilge.


As much as you see me pot here favorably about the AFC one has to see why he places importance on the Founders of the AFC being not on the Presidential/Prime Ministerial ticket. Let's say he's wrong and that political parties evolve. That's fair. I myself do not subscribe to his thesis about Berbicians being disgruntled over that development, but that does not make him mindless and a PPP quack.



Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Oscar is a mindless PPP quack writing the usual bilge about suspicious and dubious persons when the have the entire cabal of PPP crooks to be worried about than invent fiction.

Storm, Oscar is not mindless and he is not a PPP quack.


He does not write usual bilge.


As much as you see me pot here favorably about the AFC one has to see why he places importance on the Founders of the AFC being not on the Presidential/Prime Ministerial ticket. Let's say he's wrong and that political parties evolve. That's fair. I myself do not subscribe to his thesis about Berbicians being disgruntled over that development, but that does not make him mindless and a PPP quack.



You may like him but I grew up around him. He may be a nice PPP man but anyone who wrote with parenthetical phrases introducing his arguments  of the kind above is a quack and a shill and not one intent on dispensing information. Maybe that is a style of writing of these old folks but someone need to tell him in the real world of developing an argument it fallacious.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:




Maybe that is a style of writing of these old folks but someone need to tell him in the real world of developing an argument it fallacious.


Stormy made a Freudian slip - fallacious. You're engaging in Felatio Stormy?

Last edited by Kari
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:




Maybe that is a style of writing of these old folks but someone need to tell him in the real world of developing an argument it fallacious.


Stormy made a Freudian slip - fallacious. You're engaging in Felatio Stormy?

I leave the error checking to you...the other presumed ends you hope to glean is also your own inclination. I leave you to it.


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